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I Love You One Day, I Hate You The Next

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Esther Perel
妻子:我们结婚三年,冲突不断,感情疏远,经常争吵,感觉缺乏信任和安全感,我的愤怒爆发,而丈夫则保持克制。我通过争吵学习和了解彼此,但丈夫不喜欢争吵,总是否定我的观点。在找保姆的例子中,我因丈夫的建议不负责任而生气,而他则认为我反应过度。争吵中,焦点从事情本身转移到双方身上,导致问题无法解决。我童年缺乏温柔,在争吵中展现出的强硬一面源于此。我渴望独立和自给自足,避免重蹈母亲的覆辙。我关注孩子的照顾问题,这与我童年经历有关。当感到不被倾听时,我会停止对话。拥抱和陪伴能让我感到安全和被爱。 丈夫:我们关系中存在挥发性,缺乏信任。我不喜欢争吵,认为妻子在争吵中总是否定我的观点。在找保姆的例子中,我试图解释我的想法,但妻子反应过度,导致争吵升级。我感到缺乏耐心和被理解,表达不同意见会输。我害怕妻子离开,并认为妻子离开的信号会破坏家庭稳定。我来自一个重视和谐的家庭,很少观察到父母之间的冲突。我询问妻子‘我做错了什么’的方式是一种被动攻击行为。我试图通过拥抱和陪伴来安慰妻子,但有时会感到自己像是在侵犯她的空间。 Esther Perel:夫妻冲突通常围绕三种模式:争吵、沉默和一方升级一方退让。夫妻双方都有良好的意图,但未能互相理解。争吵的根源不仅仅是彼此,还包括他们各自的家庭背景。妻子的强烈情绪源于她对独立和自给自足的渴望,以及童年缺乏父母关爱的经历。丈夫则害怕妻子离开,并试图通过避免冲突来维持家庭稳定。高冲突夫妻中,一方开始将另一方视为威胁。现代人缺乏处理冲突和保持联系的技巧。治疗师通过观察来访者的肢体语言来判断谈话是否有效,并帮助来访者理清混乱的情绪。

Deep Dive

A young couple discusses their volatile relationship, marked by frequent conflicts and emotional distance, seeking to understand how to maintain connection amidst their fights.

Shownotes Transcript

They are a young couple with a small child and they fight non-stop. And while they each have good intentions, they struggle to hear or see each other. What initially made them fall in love with each other, they now experience as a threat. Can they learn to fight but still stay connected to each other?

For the first time on the U.S. stage, Esther invites you to an evening unlike any other. Join her as she shines a light on the cultural shifts transforming relationships and helps us rethink how we connect, how we desire – and even how we love. To find a city near you, go to

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Coming to SXSW? You can see Esther live on the Vox Media Podcast Stage with guest Trevor Noah on March 8th, and with Brené Brown on March 10th. Learn more at

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