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How Many Times Can I Forgive You?

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
女方:在遭遇多次背叛后,女方感到极度羞辱、愤怒和迷茫,她质疑自身的判断力,并对这段关系的未来感到担忧和恐惧。她长期以来缺乏安全感,习惯隐藏自我,并担心这段关系的结束。她经历了巨大的情感冲击,感到自己像个傻瓜,被彻底蒙在鼓里。她既愤怒又悲伤,不知道未来该如何继续。她对男方的行为感到震惊和厌恶,甚至感到恶心。她不知道自己是否应该继续这段关系,也不知道自己是否应该原谅男方。她感到非常孤独,无处倾诉。她担心对孩子的负面影响,希望能够给孩子树立一个良好的榜样。 男方:男方在面对多次背叛的指控时,表现出冷漠和回避,难以承认错误并表达悔恨。他将生活分割成相互隔离的碎片,如同生活在自己创造的秘密世界中。他从小习惯独立处理问题,缺乏寻求帮助和表达需求的能力。他擅长将情绪和生活事件进行隔离,避免过度兴奋或沮丧。他承认自己对自己的行为感到后悔和自责,并试图理解其背后的原因。他试图解释自己与其他女性的关系,并反思原生家庭的影响。他童年时期经历的家庭变故和缺乏关注感,塑造了他处理问题的方式。他将与其他女性的关系视为一种弥补童年缺失情感需求的方式,但同时也承认这种方式的孤独感。他承认自己的行为伤害了妻子,并表达了内疚和自责。他试图解释自己与其他女性发生性关系的原因,认为性行为可以成为一种表达情感需求的方式,但同时也可能掩盖更深层次的问题。 咨询师:咨询师试图帮助这对伴侣处理背叛事件带来的不同感受和体验,为他们创造一个安全的空间,帮助他们处理复杂的情绪。咨询师引导女方表达感受,并试图在基本事实达成一致后,引导女方表达感受。咨询师试图引导男方体会自身的同情心,从而更好地理解伴侣的感受。咨询师分析男方与其他女性的关系,认为这与他童年时期的情感缺失有关。咨询师指出性行为在男方秘密关系中扮演的重要角色,并分析其背后的情感需求。咨询师提醒男方需要更深入地解释自己行为背后的原因,以帮助女方理解。咨询师建议男方寻找更健康的方式来满足情感需求,避免伤害家庭关系。咨询师帮助女方理清思绪,让她明白自己的感受是正常的,并鼓励她寻找自己的力量。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the woman receive multiple calls about her partner's infidelity and hidden son?

She received a call in May about her partner being in a relationship for two years and having a 14-year-old son she didn't know about. Four weeks before the session, she received another call revealing he had been in a sexual relationship with a friend.

Why does the man struggle with trust and vulnerability?

He grew up in a family where emotions were not expressed, and he learned to hide his feelings and needs. This has led him to compartmentalize his life and relationships, keeping different aspects of his life separate and secret.

Why does the woman feel a sense of disgust and betrayal?

She feels betrayed because her partner has repeatedly engaged in affairs and has been dishonest about his past and current relationships. She also feels humiliated and unsure about her own judgment and the reality of their relationship.

Why does the man continue to have multiple relationships and affairs?

He seeks emotional nurturance and a sense of being loved, which he did not receive in his childhood. The affairs provide him with a stage where he feels important and valued, and the sex is a way to turn his emotional needs into an adult experience.

Why does the woman still have a deep connection with her partner despite his actions?

She recognizes a golden heart in him and believes he is capable of change. She also feels a strong emotional and familial bond, and they have two children together. However, she is also conflicted about staying due to the potential for further betrayal and the impact on their children.

Why does the man have a hard time expressing remorse and acknowledging his actions?

He struggles with deep-seated anger and unresolved grief, particularly related to his father's death and his mother's illness. He also compartmentalizes his life to avoid feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed by his emotions.

Why does the woman feel responsible for the state of their relationship?

She feels a sense of shame and self-doubt, questioning whether she missed signs of her partner's infidelity and whether she could have prevented it. She also feels a responsibility to provide a stable home for their children.

Why does the man choose single mothers as his partners in his affairs?

He is seeking a motherly figure who can provide the emotional nurturing and love he did not receive in his childhood. The sex in these relationships is a way to turn this emotional need into an adult experience and to avoid feeling like a child looking for a mother.

Why does the man have a hard time integrating his past and present life?

He has a history of compartmentalizing his life, keeping different aspects separate to avoid emotional pain. This has led to a web of secrets and a veiled reality where no two pieces of his life have any contact with each other.

Why does the woman feel torn between staying and leaving the relationship?

She feels a deep connection and love for her partner, but she is also deeply hurt and uncertain about whether he can change. She is also concerned about the impact on their children and whether staying would be a sign of weakness or naivety.

A woman discovers her partner's two-year affair and the existence of a 14-year-old son he had never mentioned. She is devastated and humiliated, while he seems emotionally detached. The session explores the man's compartmentalized lifestyle and his inability to connect different aspects of his life.
  • Discovery of a two-year affair and a 14-year-old son
  • Partner's compartmentalized lifestyle
  • Woman's feelings of humiliation and betrayal

Shownotes Transcript

A year after explosive revelations of cheating and the existence of a 14 year old son her partner never told her about, a woman receives a call about a fresh round of betrayal. She is humiliated and in crisis, while her partner’s ability to compartmentalize has rendered him a ghost in his own life. They love each other and parent two boys but may not be able to find a shared reality in which to move forward.

If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to [email protected]. If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:

Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.

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