cover of episode Esther Calling - You Are So Not Invited to My Wedding

Esther Calling - You Are So Not Invited to My Wedding

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

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Esther Perel
女主人公:我与前任老板之间存在长达两年的怨恨和愤怒,即使现在工作环境良好,仍然难以释怀。前任老板对我的心理虐待给我带来了极大的伤害,我无法理解未婚夫为何对她如此忠诚,甚至坚持邀请她参加我们的婚礼。这让我感到愤怒和困惑,也让我质疑自己的理智和判断。我尝试放下过去,但一听到她的名字或遇到与她有关的人,我就会感到强烈的愤怒。我无法理解这种持续的愤怒,以及未婚夫对她的忠诚。我寻求帮助,希望能够理解自己为何无法释怀,以及如何与未婚夫沟通解决这个问题。我曾经非常自信,但前任老板的操控和威胁让我感觉像奴隶一样,我的自信被慢慢摧毁,我开始质疑自己的理智。她一会儿扮演慈母的角色,一会儿又利用我的个人信息进行操控和威胁,这种双重性让我感到困惑和痛苦。我怀疑自己身上存在某种特质,容易招致女性上司的苛刻对待,这让我感到沮丧和无奈。我生命中所有对我进行欺凌的人都是女性,这让我开始怀疑自己是否做错了什么,或者是否存在某种特质容易激怒女性上司。我后悔没有为自己辩护,没有及时表达自己的想法和感受。我感到愤怒、自责、困惑和无力感。我无法专注于眼前的事情,总是被前任老板的情绪所左右。我感到自己失败了,没有价值。我需要别人的认可,来证明我的经历是真实的,而不是我的想象。我需要未婚夫的认可,来证明我的痛苦是真实的。我寻求帮助,希望能够放下过去,不再被前任老板的情绪所影响。 Esther Perel:这是一个忠诚困境,而非单纯的雇佣关系问题。女主人公的伴侣更倾向于维护与前任老板的关系,而非支持她。这可能是因为女主人公的伴侣对情绪不稳定的人的容忍度较高,这与他的成长经历有关。女主人公的经历并非个例,她之前也曾与类似类型的女性有过类似的经历。前任老板的行为是一种常见的权力控制手段,通过间歇性强化来控制受害者。受害者常常会自我责备,而忽略了施暴者的行为。女主人公需要放下过去,才能让未婚夫说出自己的感受。女主人公的未婚夫可能承受着更大的压力,但他已经习惯了这种类型的关系,所以没有意识到压力有多大。女主人公需要意识到,她希望未婚夫承认她的经历,实际上也是希望未婚夫承认他自己的感受。女主人公和未婚夫对同一现实的不同体验,将是他们婚姻中面临的挑战之一。女主人公的经历可以作为未来处理类似情况的经验教训。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does the caller still feel intense anger and resentment towards her former boss, even two years after leaving the job?

The caller's anger and resentment stem from the psychological abuse and manipulation she endured for almost two years. The abuse included constant belittling, threats, and a breakdown of her confidence, leading to a loss of trust and a sense of personal betrayal. The trauma of the experience has left lasting emotional scars, making it difficult for her to let go.

Why is the caller's fiancé insisting on inviting her former abusive boss to their wedding?

The fiancé is loyal to his employer and business partner, who treated him differently from the caller. He sees the invitation as a courtesy and a way to maintain a professional relationship. However, this decision has created significant conflict in their relationship.

Why does the caller feel that her fiancé's loyalty to his employer is more important than her feelings?

The caller feels that her fiancé's loyalty to his employer overshadows his support for her. This stems from his inability to acknowledge the abuse she endured and his lack of empathy towards her experience. The caller perceives this as a loyalty dilemma, where her fiancé seems more invested in protecting his relationship with the employer than standing up for her.

Why does the caller have difficulty letting go of the resentment towards her former boss?

The caller's difficulty in letting go is rooted in the deep psychological impact of the abuse. She feels a lack of validation and acknowledgment of her experience, both from her former boss and her fiancé. The trauma has left her questioning her own sanity and self-worth, making it hard to move on without closure.

Why does the caller feel that she needs validation from her fiancé about her experience with the abusive boss?

The caller seeks validation from her fiancé to feel understood and supported. She wants him to acknowledge the severity of the abuse and the impact it had on her. Without this validation, she feels isolated and invalidated, which exacerbates her anger and resentment.

Why does the caller think her fiancé has a higher tolerance for emotionally unstable people?

The caller believes her fiancé has a higher tolerance for emotionally unstable people due to his upbringing. He is used to such behavior and sees it as less of an issue, which is why he can remain composed and unaffected by the boss's actions. This difference in coping styles has created a significant divide in their relationship.

Why does the caller feel that her fiancé's lack of acknowledgment of her experience is a major issue?

The caller feels that her fiancé's lack of acknowledgment is a major issue because it invalidates her experience and makes her feel unsupported. She wants him to recognize the abuse she endured and show empathy. This lack of acknowledgment is a significant barrier to resolving the conflict and moving forward in their relationship.

A woman seeks help understanding her persistent anger towards a former abusive boss, two years after leaving the job. Despite her current happiness, the anger resurfaces, and she questions why her fiancé remains loyal to the boss. The caller describes the psychological abuse she endured.
  • Lingering anger from past workplace abuse
  • Fiancé's loyalty to the abusive boss
  • Psychological abuse suffered by the caller

Shownotes Transcript

Imagine meeting the love of your life at work. And a few months in, you want to keep the guy but ditch the job. Which is fine—until your fiancé wants to invite your evil ex-boss to the wedding. In this Esther Calling a young woman seeks advice from Esther on how to handle the conflict arising with her fiancé and his decision to invite her former abusive boss to their wedding.

Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to [email protected].

Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.

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