Quinta Brunson
Ted Danson
Quinta Brunson: 我喜欢那些源于真实情感,例如人性弱点、悲伤和痛苦的喜剧。我认为喜剧在某种程度上是一种宗教体验,因为它能带来善良和反思,让不同背景的人们产生共鸣。我从小就对喜剧感兴趣,并从观看《Cheers》等节目中学习了很多。在《Abbott Elementary》中,我和演员们关系融洽,表演自然流畅。即兴表演的练习让我成为更好的人,并帮助我与他人建立联系。我尊重那些能够让很多人发笑的喜剧演员,例如小丑。我努力在喜剧创作中融入时代元素,同时保持自身的风格。我希望我的作品能够超越我的名气,让观众记住我的作品而不是我的名字。我珍惜与剧组成员的关系,并努力让《Abbott Elementary》成为一个温馨的大家庭。我选择伪纪录片的形式是因为它更适合《Abbott Elementary》的故事,并且能够更好地展现角色之间的关系。我努力让观众相信剧中角色是真实的,并通过选择合适的演员来实现这一点。我重视团队合作,并努力让每个演员都能充分发挥自己的才能。我热爱讲故事,并希望通过我的作品连接人们。我努力在工作中保持活力和创造力,并希望继续学习和成长。 Ted Danson: 我认为喜剧是一种能够连接人们的宗教体验,它能让人们产生共鸣,并带来善良和反思。我欣赏那些敢于冒险的喜剧演员,并认为喜剧比戏剧更难,因为它需要演员自己掌控幽默感。喜剧演员需要随着时代的变化而不断发展,并保持自身的特色。演员可以通过不同的方式运用肢体语言来适应时代变化的节奏。我欣赏那些能够在不同作品中展现不同风格的演员,例如Quinta Brunson。我分享了我对一些喜剧大师的敬仰,以及我个人对海洋保护和气候变化的关注。我回忆了《Cheers》播出期间的成名经历,并分享了我对成名的看法。我认为成名需要小心呵护,并建议将成名带来的关注转移到自己关心的事情上。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Quinta Brunson choose the mockumentary format for Abbott Elementary?

The story called for a curtain to pull, revealing the world we think we know versus the actual world.

How did Quinta Brunson's upbringing influence her approach to comedy?

She was raised on a steady diet of Cheers, which taught her the beauty of human grounded performances and genuine connection with castmates.

What does Quinta Brunson consider the most religious aspect of comedy?

Making someone laugh in a real, genuine way, reflecting humanity and things that need to be looked at or appreciated.

How does Quinta Brunson manage the balance between fame and her work?

She prioritizes her work and ensures her fame is used for causes she cares about, like climate change advocacy.

What is Quinta Brunson's goal for the next 10 years of her life?

To continue living, taking risks, and maintaining a childlike glee to stay creative and have fun.

Quinta Brunson discusses how watching Cheers with her family influenced her career and the creation of Abbott Elementary.
  • Cheers was a significant show in Quinta's household.
  • She learned acting and comedy from watching Cheers.
  • The show's grounded performances inspired her approach to comedy.

Shownotes Transcript

Abbott Elementary creator and star Quinta Brunson talks with Ted Danson about being raised on a steady diet of Cheers, why she avoids going anywhere if she can help it, the value of the mockumentary format, and much more. Bonus: Ted and Quinta team up to make a surprise phone call. 


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