Kelsey Grammer
Ted Danson
Ted Danson: 与Kelsey Grammer和Woody Harrelson多年未见,重聚后依然亲密无间,展现了《Cheers》剧组成员间的深厚情谊。他们回忆起共同工作的时光,分享彼此的喜怒哀乐,展现了深厚的友谊和共同经历。 Woody Harrelson: 虽然目前身在布达佩斯拍摄电影,但通过视频参与了节目录制,展现了对老友的重视和对《Cheers》的珍贵回忆。他与Ted Danson和Kelsey Grammer一起回忆了在《Cheers》剧组的时光,分享了彼此的经历和笑声,表达了对这段友谊的珍惜。 Kelsey Grammer: 回顾了自身在戏剧、电影、书籍等多个领域的职业生涯,以及与妻子Kate之间轻松幽默的相处模式,并分享了童年时期家庭变故(父母离异、祖父去世、父亲被杀)对他人生的影响,以及创作关于妹妹Karen的书籍的经历。他坦诚地分享了自己过去吸毒和酗酒的经历,以及如何克服这些困难,并最终找到属于自己的幸福和宁静。 Ted Danson: 对Kelsey Grammer在《Cheers》剧组中初次亮相的场景印象深刻,并回忆起他们之间打篮球的趣事,以及Kelsey Grammer骑摩托车上班的经历和由此发生的一些趣事。他还分享了与Kelsey Grammer多年来建立的深厚友谊,以及对Kelsey Grammer个人生活和职业成就的赞赏。 Woody Harrelson: 与Kelsey Grammer一起回忆了在爱达荷州的一次旅行,以及在伦敦一家夜总会发生的冲突,展现了他们之间轻松幽默的相处模式,以及对美国社会积极方面的肯定。他还分享了在拍摄过程中与Kelsey Grammer的合作经历,以及对Kelsey Grammer的个人魅力和职业成就的赞赏。 Kelsey Grammer: 分享了自己对美国社会和人性的看法,以及对信仰的理解。他讲述了在爱达荷州与Woody Harrelson一起度过的一段时光,以及与一位卡车司机因为超车发生冲突,并最终和平解决的经历。他还解释了自己即使在受到影响的情况下也能完美表演的记忆方法,以及对家庭和亲情的重视。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kelsey Grammer join the conversation with Woody Harrelson and Ted Danson?

To reminisce about their time on Cheers and discuss the making of Frasier season 2 on Paramount+.

What did Kelsey Grammer and Woody Harrelson bond over during their time on Cheers?

They shared many experiences and laughs, making their bond thick and easy to reconnect.

What did Kelsey Grammer and Woody Harrelson discuss about their careers?

They talked about the impact of Cheers on their careers and the joy of working together.

Why did Kelsey Grammer feel a connection with Kathy McGrath?

They had worked together in a Shakespeare production before she appeared on Cheers.

What did Kelsey Grammer share about his relationship with Kate during the filming of Frasier?

He invited her to see his sailboat, which was a significant part of his life during that time.

What was Kelsey Grammer's perspective on life and free will?

He believes in enjoying the ride of life and having the freedom to make choices, even if not all are wise.

How did Kelsey Grammer express his gratitude for Cheers?

He acknowledged that without Cheers, he wouldn't be where he is in his career.

Kelsey Grammer discusses overcoming personal tragedies, including the loss of family members and his journey through art and spirituality.
  • Grammer's mother and father were musicians.
  • He lost his grandfather, Gordon, when he was 12.
  • His father was killed in a political incident in the Virgin Islands.

Shownotes Transcript


You don't want to compromise on your vacation. In fact, you deserve more on vacation. Experience more with Norwegian Cruise Line. Find more amazing places to explore, more unique and longer itineraries, more time in port, and more entertainment and restaurant options on board NCL ships.

Enjoy perks like unlimited open bars, specialty dining, free airfare for second guests, and excursion credits too. There's more to a vacation with Norwegian. More to see, more to do, more to enjoy. Visit, call your travel advisor, or 1-888-NCL-CRUISE. Restrictions apply.

I certainly used to love partying with you. Oh, yeah. We had some fun. I was way too chicken. Welcome back to Where Everybody Knows Your Name. Today on the show, Woody and I had the joy of speaking with a beloved colleague.

Kelsey Grammer. Haven't sat down and talked to him for years. And Woody's in Budapest at the moment shooting a film, but he was able to zoom in. I mean, that's the amazing thing about Cheers. It was so much fun to do and it was...

You know, the beginning of our careers, basically all of us. And we shared so many experiences and so many laughs. The bond is so thick that as soon as you sit down, you know, it's like 40 years ago and like we hadn't missed a beat. So I've had the best day talking to them. Frasier fans, rejoice. Season two of the Frasier reboot is streaming now on Paramount+.

Here they are, Woody Harrelson and Kelsey Grammer. It's so strange. Here we are. The three of us spent, what, at least eight years together. Yeah, I was on the show for nine. Nine. Woody came in the third year, right? Right. Yeah, so yeah. And every day making each other giggle, laugh, sharing our lives. And...

I know squat about you, really. Well. I mean, no, I mean. But I know what you mean, yeah, yeah. Compared to the body of your work is just astounding. Thank you. Theater, films, the works. Yeah, all that, yeah. Books. Yeah, books, yeah. Anyway, we should reminisce first. Yeah, we should. I mean, I remember, well, you were a theater guy. No. Weren't you? I tried to be a theater guy. Yeah, wasn't.

Didn't Kathy McGrath do Cheers once? Weren't you in a production with her previously? I remember that because I'd done some Shakespeare with her. So we were old pals when she came and did Cheers. It was just so funny. We had a bit of a relationship on and off again. Just recently, we watched the rerun and Kate said, you know, how do you know her? Here we go again. Indictment. 35 years before. Yeah.

It just never goes away. And my go-to is to immediately get embarrassed and lie. Well, I realized that wasn't going to do me any good. You know, it just never does. Oh, I'm just riffing now. It's the same. It's a similar story. You know, I used to have a sailboat. I used to have it during Cheers and definitely during Frasier. It went sailing all the time. I'd go twice a week when we were in the beginning years of Frasier. And when I met Kate, I finally said, you got to come see the boat.

It's my pride and joy. And so I took her down to the marina and stepped aboard. And I said, come on, babe, you know, step on board. And I helped her up. I went and pulled the hatch open and slid it forward and went down the ladder, stepped into the cockpit or down below in the galley. And from behind me, I hear a voice that says, have you ever had sex on this boat? I just froze.

And I thought, what could I possibly say? I had the book for 25 years. So I just bit it and turned around and looked her in the eye and I said, yes. And she said, well, then I'm not going out on it.

Hey. So I sold the boat. But, you know, more power to her. Yeah. It was the right thing. You guys are together and having many kids for a good reason. Yes, exactly. She's nuts and boundaries. She's the sacred relationship I was looking for. No, it is great. I will say about Kate, it's like, it's like,

finding the Holy Grail, just like Teddy, just like Jimmy, like you guys, you know, you had some, uh, sometimes as well. And, uh, then you just hit the jackpots, you know, with Debbie and Mary. Thanks, buddy. Hey, let's throw Laura in there. And Laura, too. We watched, uh, we watched, um, Back to the Future 3 last night at home with the kids. Ah! Yeah. Saw Mary, of course. Yeah. You know, hanging off of a steam, steam engine.

She was so proud of that moment because she did all of the stunt right up until the transfer. Right. Smart. Yeah. Smart. That would have been foolish. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's good. She's lovely in it. She's so good in it. They're wonderful in that movie. You know, the two of them. The love is really something. It's really wonderful to see.

Yeah, and just because you didn't say his name, I just totally blanked on his name. Lloyd, Lloyd. Christopher Lloyd. Christopher Lloyd. Yeah, that's so funny. We should just talk about co-stars and see if all three of us have worked with them. Well, you know what? Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll bet we cross in quite a few places. But Christopher Lloyd and I are actually related.

Did you do a follow your roots? You know what? Kate punches in him once in a while, you know, people who are related to other people, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And because I did do, um, that show, um, who do you think you are? Right. With Lisa. Yeah. Yeah. Um, they got my 23, you know, they got them. So, uh, it, it keeps coming up. It goes all the way back. It was up. Christopher Lloyd's in there. Um, Megan Markle's in there. Uh,

Henry VIII is in there. It's pretty funny. It goes way back. Yeah. Once you connect into either church or royalty, the paper trail goes forever. Yeah, it's huge. That's our latest. If you're like Mary, she did Find Your Roots and her big thing wasn't

God, I hope we don't have slavery in our family, which was at that time was a people were ducking that like crazy, you know, and hers was, oh, dear God, don't let me be boring. And the first thing, first thing came out was, do you know what your great grandfather did? No, no. And you're on camera, so you have to get excited. No, what? He was a wood chopper.

Ah, that's about it. She's going, shoot me now. It got better. It got better. That's funny. Yeah. Woody, what are you eating, buddy? You're on camera, you know, we can see you. I'll stop right now. Stopping right now, Teddy. So do you enjoy paprikash over there? You enjoying the paprika? I mean, the Hungarians are really good at it. The paprika? Yeah.

You know, Hungarian paprikash is, you know, it's paprika. Yeah, but it's mostly on meat, right? Red pepper. Yeah, mostly on meat. Oh, that's right. He's doing the raw. Well, you should still use the spice, buddy.

you know, it's local spices. I can't wait to get some of that. Yeah, no, straight away. All right. Just for fun. I wish I was there, man. I wish you were too. Hey, can I, can I go back to, cause you know, he,

I didn't know until I was researching that you went to this preparatory school in Fort Lauderdale, and that's where you started singing and dancing. That's right. Pinecrest, yeah. Pinecrest Preparatory School. At age what? 14? Yeah, so tell me about it. What was it? How was it? I mean, was it like hard to get in and-

Well, I don't actually know. I was a smart kid when I was little, you know, when I was younger. I, you know, put that to rest after I reached adulthood. But my grades were always good. I was always in the honor roll when I was a boy. So it was easy for me to get into those kind of places. And I had a pretty good record. In fact, when I came from New Jersey, I went to sixth grade in New Jersey at a place called Rumson Country Day School. And...

That was a year ahead of Pinecrest. So when I got to seventh grade, I basically coasted for a year. And that may have been a mistake. But in eighth grade, a guy came to school named Richard Mitten was his name. Fabulous guy. He's no longer with us. But he walked into every classroom and he said, I want every boy in here to come and audition for a choir. So we all thought, well, what the hell? Okay. And went in and

Most of the boys sang, yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away. And we'd come out and he said, what's your voice? And he said, oh, you're a lyric tenor or you're this. And I was a bass baritone. So that was when I started singing. And we started a thing. There was a thing called the Singing Pines because of Pinecrest. So we wore tuxedos and roughly, you know, frilly little shirts and stuff. At one point they...

We rescinded the hair code because I was on the 10th grade student council and we got rid of the hair code. So we all grew our hair out. Then the next year, a new guy came in and said the hair code was reinstated. So I asked if they would mind if I wore a wig and they said, well, no, as long as the hair doesn't go over the collar.

So I bought, I went down and bought a Jane Fonda wig, which was basically the haircut from Barbarella. And I took it home and I cut off the back of it. And I wore it over my, over my hair. I put it in a ponytail and put it on top of my head, stick the wig on top of that. And they, they weren't embarrassed to have me walking around looking like that. So I wasn't embarrassed either. It was pretty awful. You came from,

music, right? I mean, your mom was a singer. My mom and dad were musicians, yeah. And your father was a musician? Yeah, yeah. So was that not foreign to you? Were you around that? Did you... Well, you know, my mom had us play, do some piano lessons when we were pretty young. Took us to tennis lessons, swimming. We used to swim a lot. Pinecrest was a big swimming school, and I started swimming there. I did the diving team for a while. But it was a huge school. It was a school where...

The coach of the women's Olympic team was the coach there. And he was a big deal, Jack Nelson. We had a kid there, Andy something, who was the first swimmer to prove that the butterfly was actually faster than the crawl.

which was amazing. And he set like state and world records for a while. So it was a school of overachievers. It was, it was a great place to go to school, honestly. And, um, and then I got, you know, I went to, I went to Juilliard out of there and they were, they were all very impressed at that. And of course I got thrown out and they were all very sad about that. Yeah. You got thrown, you got thrown out for a reason though. Can we, can we back up just a little bit? Yeah. Um,

I know you're writing a book about some of the tragedy in your life, in your family, which we can talk about or not later. But you had a lot going on as a kid in your family. Yeah.

Do you think there's any sense of finding harbor in creativity because of having to deal with divorce and death and all of that? What's great is, I mean, I did finish the book on my sister. It's just called Karen, and it'll be published pretty soon. We're working on the final draft and pictures now.

Well, do you want to talk about it now or is that all right? Yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So I stepped away from that right now. I just have to do some notes that they're going to try to give me. But, I mean, I'm pretty, you know, recalcitrant. I'm not going to really change the book a lot at this point. But it does cover most of the stuff that you're asking about. And so in the early days, my mom and dad divorced when I was two and a half, basically. I moved in with my grandfather, Gordon.

He was my light. I also, I've got in the book, I actually discover as I've never really quite, um, enumerated it. I've, I've never really said that I actually came here, I think for my grandfather to be his son. And, uh, I was, and that was great. But then of course he died when I was 12 and that was a, that was a big, big hit that took the air right out of us. And then, um,

A couple of years later, that was the year we actually started at Pinecrest. And then a couple of years later, my dad got shot and I didn't really know him very well. I'd gotten to know him a little bit. As a young adult or when you were a kid? When I was 12. When I was 12, just after Gordon died. Gordon's my granddad. Yeah.

My dad got... Was that political? That was a political... I always thought that... You know what it was, honestly? He was trying to gain stuff against government. Yeah, he was a bit of a loudmouth, I guess you could say. He had a radio show down in the Virgin Islands. And he taught a lot of fairly famous reggae guys and calypso music guys, gave them music lessons. But he was killed by a taxi cab driver

who, it was a couple of days after Martin Luther King was shot. And so there was a political overtone to it. Where are we? What city was that? St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. But I heard years later that they actually drew straws who was going to kill him. Wow. It was that sort of a strange, you know, grouping there. There's a, I don't know the full story of it. There's the Arawaks and the Caribs down in the Virgin Islands and in that area.

Caribbean area. Some are, one side apparently was always very violent and the other side was always very peaceful. But so once in a while, every few years, there's kind of like a surge in whatever it is. I mean, maybe it's bigger than us. Maybe it's some sort of rhythmic tide that comes into people's beings and then they go on a bit of a rampage and maybe he got swept up, some of that. My buddy John Miller's dad was shot in St. Croix.

one year on a golf course. It was a famous incident, but, you know, they took a machine gun and killed like three golfers. It was just, you know, it's just odd stuff. Right. Wow. So you were with your mom at that point? Mom and Gam and Karen. Yeah. Yeah. My three, the three women. And even though you had just kind of reunited with your dad? Yeah. It was really only the one meeting. We saw him for one dinner just about six months before he was killed. Can you think back to that 12-year-old, 13-year-old? I mean,

I put my adult brain and go, oh, my God, what a hit to my life, who I am, or what does this mean about life? Did you put weight other than the tragedy of losing your father? Did it start to inform you in some way? No, no. What did happen was I was a math student. I was really good at math. And then...

The death of Gordon and the subsequent loss of my dad and stuff like that. It just seemed like those were the turning points for me to start moving toward art. I do think that happened as a result of that. Let me turn that off. Is that another job?

Yeah. Oh, this is bad news. More bad news. Never thought. But it was, that turned me toward art. Shakespeare turned me toward art the first time I read. Julius Caesar turned me toward the idea that, you know, there's a way to sort of endure the whips and scorns of time, you know, and do it with dignity. And that was, you know, whatever dignity I've been able to muster. Yeah.

tons my friend thank you but um woods knows yeah no i mean it just seems like an unnatural amount of calamity you know yeah between yeah there was that are you you're half brothers yeah early death yeah my half brother's in a shark attack that was strange yeah that was in the virgin islands too and they they've

Of course, the city, they went and caught a bunch of sharks after that. And there was one of them they caught that actually fit the bite marks, fit the scarring on their diving equipment. And they didn't want to know about it, so they covered it up. You know, because it's tourism. Right. You know.

But I've got a letter about that. And were you close with them? No. No. I hardly knew them. I got to know them a little bit when Gordon died afterward, during that visit. And then they came up and visited once after Dad was gone. Right. And I was the oldest child, so I sort of filled in a little bit of a male presence thing for them a little bit, but not really. And your sister was...

alive when you're right when you're karen was with us yeah she died just before she turned 19 and you were how i was 20 so you were a juilliard or i've been a juilliard just got thrown out now but all right before we get to karen if that's okay yeah that's fine um

And let's, you say that with a good laugh. So why did you get thrown out? Well, I'm still trying to figure it out. I think it was because I wasn't going to acting class. Being in acting school, that might do it. Maybe that's it.

Why? Well, I didn't really like the guy that was teaching the class because it seemed to me he was a lot more interested in the girls in the class than the boys. And I thought, well, you know what? Okay. I'm not going to cast aspersions past that. I've actually talked about this in the book some. He taught me a couple of things quite by chance that stayed with me, which is kind of fascinating. And I've written about that in the book. So the book about Karen is basically about me as well. Our time together.

Sort of our corresponding time together and in the same lane and in our different lanes. Right. Until, of course, she was taken. And how I have carried her ever since. And that's really what the book is about. I discovered a lot of things I didn't know about. What do you mean? Say more about carried her. Carried her with me. She's been with me in my heart ever since then. You know, always. All things were about Karen in a lot of ways. My ability to move on in life was hindered by the loss of her, but also my...

My sense of sticking with things was also colored by the fact that Karen had been taken and that I wasn't going to quit. That was due in large part to some of her, some of our story together. We were really close. We were a close brother and sister, maybe made closer by the fact that Gordon died so young. I didn't,

Half the things I got to discover in writing the book was, and it was a great, it's been two and a half years I wrote, I worked on it, was how connected she was to other people in the family. And I had actually had the, you know, the arrogance of my own story, you know, was always like, oh, I lost Gordon. And I realized for the first time, well, so did she. And that was a great discovery for me because they were closer than any two people I've ever seen in my life. And that was a beautiful thing to see.

And then it was also beautiful to understand that it must have really, really broken her too. And that was a hard time for both of us. What's the name of the book? Do you have one yet? Karen. Just Karen, yeah. And that's, I don't know, months before it came out. It's ready to publish, honestly. I don't know what they're waiting for.

Good for you for writing. It's like, it's really cool that you've taken this journey because I know for myself, I tend to anything that's

you know, too hot an issue, I'd just try to avoid it at all costs. Yeah. I admire you for just doing this, dude. It's amazing. Thanks, man. Thanks. It was a great experience for me. It was really wonderful. And my wife is really supportive of it. You know, I'd walk in and

I mean, for a while, I was like not available. I mean, through some of it. And she'd say, what are you doing? And I said, you know, and she'd say, okay, do what you got to do. But I could always pull myself out a couple hours a day was what I was doing. And then I'd be with the kids and working some. Well, you amaze me because not everybody gets hit in life with as many things.

really earth-shattering stuff that you have. And I know you went through a period where we all knew you where I guess it was...

You could say, or is it trite to say, self-medicating? Yeah, I think that's probably right. I think it's just a selfless, it was, it was engineering escape. That's really what it was. I mean, medicating, yeah, it was more, it was more radical than medicating. Yeah, it was rad. And listen, some of the stories are great stories. I mean, I had a wonderful time in the midst of it, which is kind of extraordinary because that sort of lust for life thing

is part of what drove it as well. But, you know, then you realize, well, there's only so many of these you can keep doing without, you know, without just finally just collapsing. And yeah, I got pretty close on it a couple of times. That's how we grew to know and love you. Partly during that period, which when you say it wasn't all bad or whatever, it was magnificent from my vantage point, you know, I,

Speaking, I certainly used to love partying with you. Oh, yeah. We had some fun. I was way too chicken. You know, I remember. Do you remember that time we went to Idaho? I was just thinking about it now because I was in I was in I relieved myself just before I came in. And honestly, as I was sitting there, I thought to myself, I remember that time.

in the men's room in McCall, Idaho with Woody. And I was talking about how beautiful America is and how wonderful Americans are and how they embrace the extraordinary. We are a group of people that love exceptional behavior. And that's who we are. I mean, I remember talking about Olga Corbett. This little kid from Romania, wherever she was from, comes in and blows people against the first 10 in the history of the Olympics in gymnastics. And America loved her. That was great.

What was her name? Nadia Comaneci. Oh, Comaneci. Oh, was it Comaneci was first? Yeah. Okay. But, uh, anyway, but it was just amazing, you know, and I, and I realized this, this, this sort of monologue that I delivered from, from the throne on this day with, with Woods. We were in some club somewhere and, uh,

It was just a magnificent memory for me. And then, you know, you, I mean, just the greatest time. It was so fun. We were actually gone, Teddy. I don't know if you remember because there was someone connected to Cheers. The sound guy. The sound guy on Cheers, yeah. And he was doing a radio station and he said, we come do an interview and blah, blah, blah. Of course, we come.

Guns blazing. Yeah, we barreled into Idaho.

We were going hard. And they know how to go hard in Idaho, I discovered. But I do remember that in the bathroom so well because I remember at the time I was so upset about America and all. I mean, you got to separate America, the people from America, the government, which the government's properties, they never cease to amaze me. But then, you know, when we were there,

You know, I was conflating everything and you were like, no, America, Americans, you know, and that speech had a huge impact on me. I still believe that about us, you know, I really do. Me too. I just, I follow the goodness. I've been doing this sort of, he's called an angel healer, this guy. And just recently in one of our sessions, he said, well, I asked the angels one time, I asked him, you know, what's the ratio?

and of really, really crappy people to really good people. And he said, honestly, it's about 70-30, which is, you know, 70's good. I thought, well, that sounds about right. And we both sort of laughed a little bit and said, I've spent a lot of time with the 30s. It's because, it's because,

30s are drawn to people of great passion and success. And, you know, we arguably have all sustained that, you know, or achieved that. And the 30s are around these areas. Yeah, you used to hang out. You used to hang out with some very questionable folks. I had a good batch. I remember. Yeah, I had a good batch. We were just about two steps ahead of the law. Yeah.

You, you, I'm listening to you and I feel like people can see that I'm actually wearing a nun's habit because I am so, I am so safe in my world. I go, Oh no, no, no, no, no. Thanks. I'll catch up with you later. I'll meet you in Idaho, but I won't actually get on the plane. Yeah.

I always thought you should have been on the plane once in a while. I know. I should have. I've heard some good things in the world, you know, some good stuff. Yeah. And met great people too. But that's, I always believed in the 70. I always thought the 70 were,

That's who we are. Because who you are is a flood comes through. No, you're having an argument about whether there's climate change or not. And then a flood comes through and everybody drops their point of view and rescues each other and has so human their beliefs

bounty of love and caring and nurturing and they pull people out of the water. Don't ask each other what your politics are, what your belief system is. Maybe we're getting there. Maybe we're getting to where, like, excuse me before I pull you out of there. Who'd you vote for? Oops, sorry. Let him go.

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You know, one of my first, going back a little bit to reminisce about Cheers, you showed up full blown as, you know, Frasier Crane. And you were just magnificent. Always were. But you walked in kind of like Woody. You both walked in and hit a home run the first time we saw you.

You know, first time in the audience. But my personal memory of that time, those first... We were basketball players or so we thought. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know, right. Perhaps Woody was, but...

But we all thought of ourselves, and we would play vicious basketball with each other right before we were supposed to run and start performing. But you, on this asphalt, plain basketball court, were barefoot. You played barefoot. I grew up in Florida. With the flattest feet I've ever seen in my life. I still have them, yeah. Dead flat. Suction on wet floors. Yeah.

How did you do that? I don't know. You know what? I was just a... It's your beachcomber days, right? That beachcomber thing, yeah. I mean, my feet were really tough back then. I mean, I'm still... I'm talking to a guy, like, on Monday about getting my feet fixed finally. Here's another example of you two renegades. Renegades is your motorcycles. Oh, yeah. Both of you. Woody, who I saved his life the other day, came in wounded from a very serious... I heard something about this. Yeah, very serious. I thought, what the hell? Yeah.

But you... The last vestige of... Oh, there it is. So did you land on your hand? Is that what happened? I landed on this hand, yeah. Sorry, man. That's tough. It would have been much worse. I tell you, I ended up very, very lucky. I got it. But speaking of luck, you used to jump on your motorcycle, if I remember correctly, in shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops. Absolutely. No helmet. And...

roar off to work where we were always about 15 minutes late. About 15, yeah. Yeah.

But didn't you get run off the road once by somebody who was pissed off? Oh, God, yeah. In New York City, that happened. It's happened a couple of times around the country. I mean, across country a couple of times. There was one trucker I was drafting off of him. He didn't like me doing that. So he would drive off into the shoulder a little bit and spray pebbles on my face. You know, 100 miles an hour. I thought, oh, this is fun. I actually saw him pull into a truck stop. I followed him.

I walked up to him at the counter where he was having breakfast. I said, excuse me, I understand that you have an issue about this. I said, honestly, I'm trying to make the next couple hundred miles in as little stress as possible. Drafting it off of you was really helping me. Would you mind if maybe we arranged this so we're both happy about it? And he said,

No. Okay. I'd be glad to help you. Damn. Yeah. That's that good part about Americans. That's what's in there. But by the way, yeah, that's the good part about Americans. You as an American, like, you know, me, I just would have walked up and shot the guy, you know, or worse. You know, like, I love how you can...

It's amazing how you can do that. Well, I love people a lot. And I love Americans. You know, this is the thing. I really do love you. That's the right way. I don't think maybe Woody's is the right way. And mine certainly isn't. I would have gone up and apologized for getting in the way of his gravel. One time, Woody and I were in London. We went to some club. What was it called? Was it called the Palladium?

No, it was the hippodrome. Hippodrome. Okay, so the hippodrome. So Woods and I are kind of trying to get in, and this girl says something about, I don't know what happened to sort of lit her off a little bit, but, you know, English people and Americans, we're still having trouble with that. But she looked at Woody and said, well, that's rude. And he said, oh, yeah? How's this for rude? And he grabs a handful of candies right in front of her and sort of throws them.

I said, oh, shit. And I saw these two huge Cockney guys start moving toward Woods. And I said, we're out of here. Let's go. We got to get to Hollywood. So they just decked them. What you didn't know is I was there and I came in after you guys and picked up all the candy and bought them some more. Made a man. Apologize profusely. It was lovely. I'm so fine. Well, we had fun there, too. I mean, that was...

All right. Here's another. This is all things Kels. Okay. Here's one of the things about you that I hope is not as incredible as it used to be because it would still piss me off. Your photographic memory of you would walk through rehearsals at Cheers with a script in your hand because you genuinely didn't know the lines. Right.

Up until then you would go have dinner and you'd come back and we'd start performing and it would be word comma perfect. And we all kind of marveled, how the fuck did you do that? And you would do it also when, if I might say, under the influence during that period. And you're

You look like you couldn't possibly get through a performance. You turn around and come back and be astoundingly brilliant. Thank you. What is that brain thing? Are you photographic memory? It's probably just a muscle that approximates photographic, but it's not. If I have to, I can get it in there. I still do it. I do it at Fraser now because...

You know, you play the same character for so long, like I have, and I just find it kind of more exciting to not be on book, to not know it, to sort of have a general idea. And because I played the role for so long now, I mean, I pick better words than most of the guys can. And I trust that the process is going to actually spill out the best result. If it's a really good joke and it's written really well, I'll remember it. If it's one that is...

I can trust to approximation and then sort of wait for, you know, the creative spirit to strike in the midst of it. I do that. So it's a kind of improvisational memorization, but it does unnerve people. Yeah. My definition of a well-written joke is one that I can totally fuck up and it's still funny. It's still funny. That's actually good. That's about it. Yeah.

That's a good definition. It was wild how, I mean, I guess it's okay. We broached the subject, but like you used to be under the influence of all these things and still, and, and, you know, you know how it would kind of get you in a high state of,

Yeah. And, and just nail it. Yeah. Yeah. Let's say energize. And then you nail it was like, that's what he just did was actually impossible. Like, I don't, I don't understand how he could do that. You know, because you didn't have this. We, Woody and I had the slow, dumb joke. We were the slow, dumb, funny joke.

Oh, yeah, that's true. Fraser had to have the, yeah. You were saying paragraphs of complicated shit and nailing it. You really were amazing. Well, I like language. That was always a strong point for me. Yeah, I guess, I mean, honestly,

I did cocaine and booze. Those are the two things I did. I never did anything else, really. I mean, I was never into marijuana or, you know, some of the other stuff. So cocaine with Jackie, I was boozing slow, you know. Somewhere in the middle is where I'd end up. But I always would go to bed. There were a couple of times when I stayed up all couple nights. But mostly I had, there was some sort of a governor that was saying, you got to go to bed now. You got to go to sleep. You got to catch up. You got to sleep. I was still working out most of the time.

So I stayed fairly robust, even during a time of great sort of, you know, self-destruction. I have to— But in fairness, in fairness, when you say you had this governor inside you saying go to bed, you'd go to bed at 6.30 in the morning, dude. Yeah, get a couple hours and go. Get a couple hours in and go to bed.

Yeah, it's funny. A lot of people who can get away with what you did have the constitution of an ox. Yeah. I mean, your body, I know you had a moment where your body went, yo. No more. Yeah, right, right, yeah. But by and large, how old are you now? 69. I mean, you're a magnificent beast. Thank you, sir. Thank you. You really are. Yeah.

Do you think it also had to do with, because I've always credited the way you would eat, like you would, it would take you, you know,

You'd still be on your first, you know, your first morsel when we were done with our food. Yeah, that's true. I do. I do. I always savored food. He used to eat so slow, no rush. And I just felt like that kind of helped your. It probably did. Institution as well.

It's a very good, very observant. I think that may actually be something. You may be onto something there. Yeah. I mean, I've gone up and down with weight a little bit. But I think mostly that was probably booze. Actually, I think that was probably, you know, when my weight would balloon a little bit, it was like during a...

I was on a traveling kind of spree. I was going to New York City a lot or whatever. I was in Manhattan. A little bit of debauchery, a little bit of food, maybe a little overindulgence in that kind of stuff as well. And then I picked up some weight and then I finally thought, no, I'm going to... So I weigh around 210 most of the time now. That's about where I like to be. So...

Whatever it is, it's working. Thanks, buddy. Yeah. I wish, you know, I make jokes and I swore to myself that I would not be the self-deprecating guy, which is a problem I have. And I notice it on podcasts. It's like they spend hours trying to cut it out. But this isn't self-deprecating. But I wish, I feel like I got stuck a little bit with you during the Cheers years.

I have a memory of getting angry at you once. You came and told me that one day. And it's stuck in both of our memories. But I feel like, fuck, I don't know. I feel like I missed out.

On the last 30 years of Kelsey Grammer, and I feel like it's my bad, my doing, and I almost feel like apologizing to you. No, I don't feel like. I apologize. Thank you. To you and me. I wish we'd spent some more time together. That I sat back, you know, and didn't. And I really do apologize. Yeah. You said something wonderful to me, though, too, that I've always, I quote to other people. When I turned 40.

He came up and he said, you know what it means, don't you? Now that you're 40. It means you're finally worth having a conversation with. That was fucking brilliant. I always loved that. And I've repeated it. And my love for you has always been as easy as the day. As easy as the sunrise. Mine too, you. Whatever. What an amazing thing that time we all spent together.

You can go off in different directions. You can have different lives. But that bond, that love of making something really funny and really good and cracking each other up and going through life and still showing up. You know, like Jimmy said, I don't care what you crazy people do during the week.

Just show up on shoot night and be funny. Yeah. You know, just once. That's all I need. He recently said, you know, we were doing an interview together and he said, I always had the, you got to have an oar in the water. I'd never heard him express this before. He said, yeah, as long as everybody's, as long as everybody's got their oar in the water and they're pulling, then I'm happy. I thought, yeah, makes a lot of sense. And that's, we're still working together. I mean, we,

He's done, you know, he does four shows of the last bunch and it's been, it's been great working with him. Yeah. Yeah. He's like my daddy in show business, really. Probably all of ours to some extent. Yeah. Yeah. Well, my God, what a man, what a fucking guy. Yeah. Amazing. Um,

Yeah, so how many... Have you started on your second season? We finished the second. So we've got 20 shows. I mean, it's so weird, this new sort of model of the streaming thing. 10 shows is all they kind of do. Oh, you already did... Yeah, we're finished. Second season, they're just 10 shows. Yeah, yeah. It's a little odd. So it's kind of like finishing the first season. So what's been fun about it is...

I've gotten to stand back and watch a little bit, and that cast is really coming together. They're really fun to watch. We've hit some stuff that I thought we might hit, but it happened faster than I anticipated, and the shows have been as good as anything I've ever done. What's that like? I mean, you have this template, two or three different templates for Frasier, and

Is it hard to let go of your expectations or memories of what it, you know, and compare it to others and let it be what it is? No, it's been easy for me. Oh, good. Yeah, because this one, you know, I was in the birthing room for this one. I was pulling the baby out of the, you know. So literally in the writer's room. Yeah. So it's been really good. It's been really, really fun. And I still leave the writers mostly alone, but in the very first draft of the pilot,

But we did a lot of back and forth for that. Speaking of kids. Yeah. Spencer. Spencer, yeah. We all met Spencer early on. 41 years old now. Kate. Do you remember my daughter Kate? Of course. She's 44. Same boat, right? Yeah, yeah. Fantastic. About to have a baby. Oh, good. Yeah. It's very cool. Oh, good for her. Is this the first one? Yeah. Oh, no kidding. Wow. Very exciting. Oh, that's great. Well, it's great that people can have babies, you know, a little bit further along now. Yeah, yeah. It's really lovely. Yeah. And we had...

I mean, honestly, Kate and I, we were pregnant three times before we had a baby. It was natural. And then we started to lose. We lost a couple of babies. And we thought, boy, this is tough. This is not good. But then God smiled on us. And we had a beautiful girl named Faith, which is what did it. And then the two boys came along. And the second...

The second boy came along. We were twins originally with Faith, and then we lost the boy when he was like 14 weeks. And we had to do some stuff that was not a good thing for us. But when Kate was pregnant the second time, you know, I was kind of proud. I kind of got her, you know. And, you know, I said, so what do you think we're having? And she said, if we're not having a boy, then everything I believe is bullshit.

We had a boy. Nice. So...

And that's Gabriel. You had seven kids, right? Seven total. So really lockdown was just like normal life. You had so many people around. Yeah, pretty much it was. Yeah, you know, some were coming and going. But yeah, our house is still full of kids. I mean, I got my second child. Greer is in the home with us. Jude's with us some of the time. He's 19. He's going off to Emerson College in a couple of weeks. I'm going to drive him up. Mason's now here. My 23-year-old. I think she's 23. Yeah.

I always add a year. They always get pissed off at me. But I think she's 23. And she's starting to work at the company now. So, you know, it's kind of like an apprentice kind of stuff doing, you know, doing production. I love that you said when you were describing your life, the ups and downs, but you're never happier.

than when you have all of your kids in the same room. And it's the truth. When we're surrounded by, we're 13 to table when you count spouses and grandkids and everything. It's the best. I don't do so well with the ex-spouse thing. We haven't really tried to curry that. Oh, we nailed it. You guys did great. Well, I remember your vows with Mary. I mean, we're like...

Everybody's involved. I was so impressed by that. Everybody loved it. You're our family, too. I thought, wow, that's great. Were you part of the chairlift that Jimmy Burrow started for us? Yeah. Both you guys were there. I remember it was one of the best moments, Mary said, in the entire wedding was when, I guess it's a Jewish tradition of lifting you up in a chair. But it was so tangibly...

being supported literally by people you love and who love you in that moment was so symbolic. Nice thing. Yeah, it's a wonderful thing. Yeah, it was a great event, Martha's Vineyard. It was a lovely, lovely event you guys put on. And it worked. Yeah, I know. That was fantastic.

We met on a movie. You can be rare. You get the president as your best man or whatever. Well, yeah, there was all that going on. It cut down on paparazzi. Yeah, it did, didn't it? Cruise missiles around. Yeah. Pretty amazing. Yeah, it was a good weekend. Are you guys living in Nashville? No. Used to have a place there. Because Mary's writing music. That's what I thought. Yeah, yeah. That's a great story. How'd you meet Kate? We met on a flight to...

to England. She was a flight crew for Virgin Atlantic. And of course, you make the move. Oh, yeah. Well, then what? Well, we were talking and we just ended up sort of chatting. I said, you know, what do you,

She made me a drink, you know, and I thought, boy, I'm in the mood for a B-52. Do you guys ever remember a B-52? Well, they didn't have those ingredients on the plane, but they did have Benedictine and brandy. And I thought, well, okay, that's a B&B, they call it. And I thought, yeah, put a little cream in that, a little bit of Kahlua. I think that's going to be a great drink. So we started with that, and then we started talking. I got up to the – went to the bar on the plane, and we talked through the night and arranged to, you know, have a coffee maybe a few days after I got there because I was going to –

see if I wanted to do La Caja Fall on Broadway, take the production from London to New York. And I had to rehearse a little bit. We were going to do kind of a weird little commercial thing that was, of course, I never saw. It just seemed like a very odd thing to do. But so I was busy for a couple of days and then I got a message at the hotel, give Kate a call. So I gave her a call. What year is this? This is...

2009? Wow. Yeah, I think so. I think I was 54. It was great. It was just great. And, you know, I was in my previous relationship had gone kind of,

belly up, you know, I mean, there were some issues, there was some stuff going on that wasn't really fun or good. And I knew that it was probably going to have to end. I'd had a heart attack. That was not a great experience, but it was actually a very positive experience in the end because it made me realize what I wanted. And I was doing a show called Hank at the time, not very funny, and I knew it. And so we'd finished shooting the, I think I even directed it, I think it was the ninth episode.

And it just wasn't funny. A terrific writer named Cawley had come from Everybody Loves Raymond. His rhythms and stuff like that were not mine. And there was just no way for us to gel. I couldn't make his stuff funny. He couldn't write funny for me. So that's what happened. And I called Peter over at Warner Brothers. We were at Warner Brothers at the time. And I said...

Peter, you got to put a bullet in this show. I mean, I'm sorry, man. It's not funny. We got to end this. He says, I have obligations. I got to shoot. I got to shoot at least the first 13 and then see what happens because I've got foreign. I've sold it to and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he says, I'm sorry. I wish I could help you out. Literally the next morning, the head of ABC at the time called and put a bullet in it. Wow. And one hour later, I got a call from Barry Weissler in New York City. He says, what are you doing? Are you busy? I said, as it turns out, I'm not busy.

And he said, I want you to fly to London and see this production for me. So in about eight hours, my whole life was going to change. And I knew it was. And I knew when I got on that plane that I was going to a new life. And I met Kate. Wow. Yeah. I love that. It was pretty cool. Yeah, it was pretty great. Oh, and I'll go even further. This is fantastic. So what happened was we go for this cup of coffee. And I'm in a bar. I'm at a hotel at the time. It used to be the...

It was the Mandarin Oriental. It had been the Hyde Park or something before that. And it used to have a great restaurant in it. That was gone. All that was over. It had been shifted into a kind of a new kind of Mandarin Oriental.

hipster kind of place. I walked in when I checked in, the concierge looks at me and there's about a six foot eight Russian girl with hardly any clothing on. And he looked at me and said, Mr. Kramer, you know, anything you'd like, anything at all.

I was like, oh, dear, this is not going to go well if I accept this guy's offer. So I said, thank you very much. That's very kind of you. No, thank you. And I just headed up to my little room. So as I came down to meet Kate for our drink, I looked in the bar and it was just loaded with what clearly was a professional group.

Hard working. Yeah. I thought there is no way I'm going to meet this girl here. Right. So I walked down to the street and I just waited for her. I knew she'd be getting out of the tube stop right below Harvey Nichols. So I'm sitting there or standing there rather in the little median between the hotel and

Harvey Nichols. And sure enough, she comes up and I see her and she stops and reapplies her lipstick. Then she's doing that. She notices I'm there standing there. And she's like, oh, shit. And I said, listen, I don't want to take you for a drink in there. Let's go take a walk. And it was just before Christmas. So they had the winter wonderland thing that they do in Hyde Park. And we started walking toward the park and the snow started to fall. I looked at her and I said, this is just, this is too perfect.

And we had our first kiss, and we got together a while later. I don't really know her, but she looks beautiful. I love her smile. She's a great girl. She's a great, great person. That's so cool. Well done. Thank you. And I love the stepping on the boat story. I know. Yeah. And you know what? It's nice to have your mate.

care that much about you. No, I don't want to lose you to, you know, so here are the rules. It was great. Yeah. Yeah. That was really great. Yeah. I ran into you then, uh, Kels, and, uh, you were just about ready to start that. I remember I was in London. Right. But I, I had a sense that I met Kate then. You might have, you might've said hello then. Yeah. I think, did we go have, we had a martini at the American bar, right?

Yeah. How am I going to remember this? Okay. I think we did. If not, we did it later at the same time. And I think she's with you. Yeah, she probably is. But I didn't know she... I didn't know you guys had just started that relationship. Well, we actually... That was the prologue. And then we actually waited about seven or eight months. Almost a full year before things really shifted. But by then, my previous...

had gone off to, you know, she was involved with somebody else. And that was fine. You know, that's what happened. That's okay. But I needed to make sure we did it as possibly, as best as I could, because as I said to Kate when I first met her, I said, you're too important to be somebody's secret. And I don't want to do that to you. So we're going to have to play this above board and take our time. So we did. It was a long time before we got, you know, actually...

I guess the best word is consummated. But when we did it, it was finally, that was a good thing. You know, it wasn't anything we had to like hang our heads about or even dodge. So you like, you had this discipline about this. You wanted to make sure. Yeah, the other head. The other head. A man of two minds. I never would have guessed that that would happen.

I mean, maybe you're just now telling it this way because you have to officially. I don't know. I think it was Robin Williams who said. You're dancing on the street and the snow is coming down. It was amazing. That was amazing. But that's where it ended that night. I think Robin Williams is the one that said a man doesn't have enough blood flow for two heads at the same time.

That's exactly right. The nun over here is blushing. Well, I remember some stories that weren't so nun-like. I'm trying to push the nun story. They're bad nuns. They're bad nuns. Nuns who go wrong. It's a bad habit. Yeah.

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not credit, but religion as part of what enabled you to put it all together or move on or heal yourself. Yeah. Is that anything to talk about? I always had an abiding sense of faith. It was an interesting thing. It was sort of a wrestling match, you know, that was like, oh, I still hear you over there. But I grew up in Christian science and...

As a little boy. As a little boy, yeah, Sunday school, and maintained it. And my grandmother or her aunt, my grandmother's aunt actually kind of knew Mary Baker Eddy, who was, you know, the progenitor of that discipline of examining, you know, the miracles of Jesus through this lens of science.

And faith at the same time, which is pretty fascinating and very metaphysical and the kind of stuff that appeals to my head anyway. And so I was brought up in that. I hung on to it. I mean, I read it every day, almost even through the bad times. Sin, disease, and death are not real. All is infinite mind and its infinite manifestations.

Stuff like that just kept me alive. You know, it kept me connected. It was very empowering. Yeah, it really was. And so I maintained that. Now, my active faith, my relationship with Jesus, if you will, was not something I was even comfortable declaring. It wasn't something we did. That's not the way we talk, basically, the Christian scientists. And so it always seemed a little odd to me. And then when I was writing the book about Karen, I had this feeling.

wild moment on a plane where Jesus is sitting down right next to me and talking to me. And it was undeniably true and real and reassuring and uplifting. And I got to surrender. I started, tears were just dripping down my face on a plane all by myself. Well, I mean, there's, you know, people aren't around, but it was an extraordinary moment. And it just was that thing, that thing that happens, you know, and suddenly it was revealed to me and there I was.

And I guess I was saved. But he'd been there all along. Right. And that was the real trick. Because I'd been fighting the fight of like, well, I've got this. I got this. And then, of course, he was basically saying, no, I got it because I cared. And that was great. It was fantastic. And at the same time, I did that movie, Jesus Revolution. Yeah.

which got a lot of response and a lot of good feedback. But I was having a kind of a meditative evening in my home one night in my living room about 3 a.m. And I thought to myself, I want to do something that's important, something important. I don't know what it is, but I just sort of just gave up and said, you know, guide me. This was before I had sort of the moment with Jesus on the plane. And the next morning, the Jesus Revolution script came to the door.

I sat down and read it and said, yeah, I'm doing it. And it was a big thing for me. Wow. I have to see that. It's good. It's a good movie. Yeah. And it's actually what's funny is that at the time in our lives that we would, you'd probably remember because it was 72. And I remember in Florida there was these girls that just came off the beach. I'm just standing there one night just watching the waves because I was surfing then. And these two magnificent women come out of the pool.

off the beats and say, hi, have you met Jesus? Well, I'd like to. I'm ready. Where are we going? Which one of you is she? Who's close here?

But what was funny was because I had that sort of ongoing relationship with Christian science at the time, and I was always still reading it. I said to them, well, honestly, I think I have. But they said, well, we're going to go to a service right now. We're going to, you know, just praise the Lord, blah, blah, blah. We're born again. And I thought, well, good for you. You know, that's great. But I said, honestly, I'm okay. I'm fine.

I sure was tempted. But that was what it was about, that whole movement. All those young people getting baptized and looking for meaning in a world where, you know, everything had sort of taken a spiral into hallucinogenics and stuff like that. You know, that was pretty popular then. I don't think I use the same words, you know, but who does as you?

But I have the same exact feeling. One of my moments that was really kind of quite lovely for me was being on a small aircraft. It was a twin prop Cape Air. And they were expanding into Indiana and we were campaigning and we were

We got the VIP treatment where the pilot came running out and said, we're going to beat the storm. Come on, Ted. Come on, Mary. And so, you know, the VIP treatment always sucks. A little questionable. Don't do it. Don't be making mistakes. And we got on the plane and it was a massive storm system that was sweeping the entire north-south of the United States. And we flew smack dab into it and it was...

You couldn't see out the airplane. It was pure white. It was thunderous from the rain. Mary cracked two ribs from the turbulence and the bouncing. You had to hold on as if you were riding a, you know, I've never ridden one, but a bull. You know, it was that kind of bouncy. And usually when you're with your...

"Mate, one of you will be in fear and maybe the other one isn't." So the one who isn't can go, "It's okay." - We're gonna make it. - That's right. We looked at each other and neither one of us could say, "We're gonna make it." And I remember, you know, it's not that I only pray in scary situations, but we tend to. Turbulence brings out. Jesus, very quickly. But I remember saying, you know,

putting myself in your hands, Lord. And, you know, and, and, you know, our please watch after and then our whatever, how I phrase it in my head. And then the next thought was, you've always been in his hands, her hands, whatever. Whatever you want to call it. Whatever you want to call it. Father, mother. And it relaxed me so much. It's brilliant. That it wasn't, you know, anyway.

Yeah. That thing again, you know, there it is. Mortality is not a bad thing. Yeah. Gravity is not a bad thing. If it weren't for gravity and mortality, we'd all be partying like crazy and we wouldn't have a spiritual thought in our head. But, yeah. Are we lucky? Are we lucky? Really? Yeah. You know, it's interesting because I grew up quite, you know, religious and I'm

Quite, quite, you know, I was Christian. And then... But you even trained. Sorry, Woody. I don't know if Kelsey knows this. You trained.

to be a priest. Is that not right? Or started it? I was thinking about becoming a minister. Yeah. Not a priest. We weren't Catholic. But, you know, I had given some, a couple of sermons up to when I was in my early 20s. But then just before I moved to New York,

I suddenly found a new religion, uh, hedonism. And, uh,

It was just right on time. Right. But anyway, I had a long time where I just wasn't sure. I don't know that I've ever talked with you guys about religion or Christianity, but I really had a long time where I was just like, I don't know what the situation is. So, you know, I'm just going to

Just I'm just going to say, I don't know. You know, and I'm going to back off from my whole rather religious mentality. And then I read, ironically, I read Autobiography of a Yogi. And I was like, OK, Paramahansa Yogananda is either a fraud and a total fake.

Or he's exactly what he appears to me, deeply spiritual man who is telling the truth, which means there is a God. Yeah. And so that's why I don't discount what you're saying. But to say you were sitting on a plane and then Jesus was next to you, I really need you to kind of dig deeper.

I mean, you felt like you physically saw him sitting in the seat next to you. No, I guess I could have, but no, that wasn't what I needed at the time. It was clearly in my head, but it was unmistakably the voice of something other than in my head or me. Right. So that was the energy. You're hearing the voice. Yeah. It was a conversation that was not being dictated by me. Right.

Yeah. Right. It was just there. Wow. To let me have it. That's incredible. Yeah. It was remarkable. And then, of course, I look back to all the other things that have happened in my life and, uh,

you know, recognize it. I see the footsteps, you know, the fingerprints. And they go, oh, okay. Because it is a miracle that all three of us are here. Absolutely. Truly. I mean, in a silly way, it's a miracle. I remember what... Especially Kels. Yeah, especially Kels. Thanks. Bless you. We're still working on you, Woody. My mother came home to...

She had a choice of going to the hospital. She had really bad pneumonia and she went, no, no. You know, wanted to come home. Good for her. And for two weeks, she had the most, she had the passing the last weeks of her life

you know, this is how she wanted to go. There were nuns that she knew from Colorado who came down and sang evening prayers every night with her and hung out with her. People hoping Navajo would come say goodbye to her who knew her. It was like the perfect passing for her. And I remember I had the night shift. My sister did the days and she lived next door and I

I would be there after she had really kind of could no longer be really present, but her body was still going. And I remember looking at her and realizing that that moment of, I don't know, all of my readings, my teachings, my philosophy, all the things that mentors have told me, all the things that I've used to heal over the years went flying out the window. And I went,

I don't know. She may, or she may be about to, but I don't. I really, truly don't know. And it boiled down for me to kind of try to do the best you can in every moment. Because you do know what the best choice is in every moment. Yeah, you do. You really do. And if you just slow down and listen and try to do the best thing, that's as much as I know.

Try to be a little better every day, you know. That's good. And that, to me, I can wrap my brain about. Yeah. Around. Oh, bless you. But I know there's... There's something. Yeah. I mean, even... You try to explain how this planet and this universe could possibly be if you didn't put something higher than ourselves. It's really funny. I mean, of course, I mean, bless your mom. I was just thinking about your mom. It's a beautiful story, actually. But...

Even the most advanced string theory guys that exist say, oh, no, there's something. Yeah. Yeah. Of course there is. Here's why I love that we're all kind of in the business of making people laugh, you know, or find something witty or, you know, ironic or something in life.

That we all, hearing that story, and then I walk out the door and I think, I'm in control of my day and I actually know. You know? So, no. Right, right. But I do think we're meant to enjoy the ride and we're supposed to have free will. We are definitely here for free will. And then so we get to make a choice. Yeah.

Some of us are maybe not going to choose wisely. And some of us are lucky to turn around. To be around long enough to get to make the right choice. Yeah. That's my story. What a great life you have, Kelsey Grammer. Really. Thank you. You too. Yeah. Yeah. Us too. What a wonderful thing to be, just to spend time with you, Kelsey. I don't get to see you enough, man. Every time I see you is great. I don't get it.

It's always a real occasion when we get together. I always love it. I love seeing you. You always got something going on. Your brain's always thinking some way that most people's don't. And it is a joy to know you. And it always has been. And the feeling is mutual. Yeah, you too, Kels. You too. I love you very much. I love you too. Yeah. I love you.

You know what? We should just do a little moment of thank you, Jimmy, Les, and Glenn. Yeah, absolutely. You know, we've all gone on and done many other amazing things in our life. Isn't only Cheers, but without Cheers, I would not be sitting here talking to you guys. I would not be pretty much doing anything in my career. It was such an amazing platform for us to jump off of. That's what the everybody knows your name thing. They burnt our careers. Yeah, they did. They did. Yeah.

Kelsey Grammer, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed it. I had the best hour and a half that I've had in weeks. It was just so sweet. Cheers gave us such a platform to jump off into life, and it was fun to reminisce. Anyway, that's it for this week's show. Special thanks to our friends at Team Coco. If you enjoyed this episode, please send it to a friend, subscribe, rate, and if you're in a good mood, review.

And you can always watch full episodes of this podcast on Team Coco's YouTube channel, if that's your thing. I'll be right back here next week, where everybody knows your name. You've been listening to Where Everybody Knows Your Name with Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson. Sometimes.

The show is produced by me, Nick Liao. Executive producers are Adam Sachs, Colin Anderson, Jeff Ross, and myself. Sarah Federovich is our supervising producer. Our senior producer is Matt Apodaca. Engineering and mixing by Joanna Samuel with support from Eduardo Perez. Research by Alyssa Grahl. Talent booking by Paula Davis and Gina Batista. Our theme music is by Woody Harrelson, Anthony Genn, Mary Steenburgen, and John Osborne. Special thanks to Willie Navarrete.

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