Every week on What’s Your Problem, entrepreneurs and engineers talk about the future they’re trying
Kai Marshland is the co-founder and chief product officer at WindBorne Systems. Kai's problem is thi
Jonathan Hurst is a professor at Oregon State University, and co-founder and chief robot officer at
What does sickness sound like? Sometimes it’s obvious, like a cough, sniffle, or stuffy nose. But so
Cement is, almost literally, everywhere. It is extraordinarily useful, which is why humanity makes 4
Sam D'Amico is the founder and CEO of Impulse Labs, a company that makes induction stoves, with a cl
Tim Ellis is the co-founder and CEO of Relativity Space, a company with a unique approach to manufac
Every year in the U.S., tens of thousands of hospital patients die of preventable causes. For many o
Gia Schneider is the co-founder and CEO of Natel Energy, a company that is trying to transform the w
Peter Chen is the co-founder and CEO of Covariant. Peter’s problem is this: How do you take the AI b
Fei-Fei Li is a Stanford computer scientist and the former chief scientist of artificial intelligenc
Tim Latimer is the CEO and co-founder of Fervo Energy, a company that is using a new approach to pro
Manolis Kellis is a professor of Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He w
After working as a chef for decades, Anthony Strong’s dream came true: He opened his own restaurant.
Selling hydrogen to make fertilizer is a huge business. It also drives tons of carbon emissions. Rob
Frances Frei and Anne Morriss are the co-founders of a training and consulting company called The Le
When a Dutch crime reporter makes an unbelievable discovery, a small-town murder case begins to look
A few weeks ago, Jacob Goldstein sat down with a writer and a composer on a stage in Chicago to talk
Jigar Shah is the director of the Loan Programs Office at the U.S. Department of Energy. Last year,
Pushmeet Kohli is vice president of research at DeepMind, an AI research group that is part of Googl
Forrest Meyen is the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Lunar Outpost, a company that builds m