We are shaped and molded by our experiences. Our worldview and outlook changes over time as we grow up and begin to form opinions of our own. The lens that we begin to then see the world through shapes our interactions as well. We have a closed understanding of what is possible and what isn’t the way the world is and the opportunities and obstacles that exist. This perspective is solely based on our experiences. The minute that we widen that lens and open ourselves up to new ideas and ways of thinking we change the lens through which we look.
The lens that we look through is based on our experiences and this can be comforting to most. We have a way of understanding the world and the way it works and for us as humans that is undeniably necessary. We cling to the idea that we KNOW what’s going on. Nobody likes to feel like they have been left out of the loop. Here’s the truth though, just like a camera lens when we widen our lens we let in more information, and thus are exposed. Our reality comes under fire, but what if our reality is only a product of the lens that we are looking through.
Today we are working on widening our lens, readjusting to what is possible and re upping on those expectations. Our experiences in the scope of the world are few…we have to continue to pull on new information and either affirm or recreate what we believe the world to be. By staying locked in our perspective we then can become inflexible or scared of new and radical ideologies which may only seem that way because we have never experienced them. Ask questions, be vulnerable and challenge what you believe to be true. You may see a whole new world, if your’re lucky.