Mandalas, an ancient work of art that has been used throughout religion, history, and even the most ancient of civilizations, but how can it apply even further in our everyday lives. Mandalas start with a point in the center, have two circles around them typically and then patterns that stretch and interweave to reach the outer circle. The tiny dot at the center is you and the other rings represent close friends and family. These building blocks for ourselves are necessary, and ultimately what keep us afloat just like in the self actualization pyramid of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The question is how do these two symbols differ and why is it important?
The importance of this circular pattern lies in the idea that we at the center of our own mandala touch everything in some way from the outer ring to our closest rings. The patterns that come within our circle represent us sharing ourselves with the community and the beauty that can be realized. Now, this can be scary and often times make us feel vulnerable to go out in the world and share more of ourselves than is required, but this is where the magic happens.
Look in your own life first at the way you view your unique self, the things you have to give to this beautiful world and recognize they are worth sharing. Then put that into action. Build a network that will take your unique stamp on this world to others, not only for them but also for yourself so you can have unexpected interactions that you may have never thought possible.Then as you do and spread your unique self always look to see how you can teach and mentor others in the same way that you found your own unique self.