There’s a big difference between being overwhelmed and being fulfilled. The feeling that we have can either breathe life into us or it can crush us under constant pressure. We hide behind this facade of being busy as a way of telling ourselves that objects in motion tend to stay in motion, which is totally true if we were all just objects. We have goals, aspirations and most importantly feelings that can dictate if the things that we are doing in our day to day are lifting us up or tearing us down.
The opposite exists as well, sometimes we can have a lot of free time and equally convince ourselves that we are content with just existing. It feels like it is such a fine line that we have to balance between working too little and working too much and if any of it all really matters. As you begin to look forward and see the schedule for your week, think about how many of those meetings, appointments, and nights out are filling you up and which ones are just exhausting you more.
We struggle constantly, knowing if we are doing the right thing, if we should be working harder or if we need to chill out and enjoy ourselves a little. The truth is that it is an extremely hard thing to balance, but a lot of it can come down to the way you feel at the end of the night when your head hits the pillow, and the next morning when your eyes first flash open. Are you satisfied with the work you’ve done today, and the direction and purpose of that work, or does it feel like you’re running in place and the gap from you to first is just getting further and further away. Take some time to think about your daily and weekly schedule and what things are breathing life into you and what others might be taking life out of you.