布莱克·麦克兰讲述了他父亲沉迷于一款名为《滑雪永不停歇》的90年代老游戏中,这款游戏以其难以战胜的雪怪而闻名。起初,父亲只是在游戏中与雪怪对抗,但随着时间的推移,游戏中的雪怪似乎突破了虚拟世界的界限,出现在了现实生活中。父亲在游戏中最终战胜雪怪后,现实世界中发生了怪异的事件:家里下起了雪,父亲被一个巨大的雪怪袭击,身受重伤。布莱克相信,这款游戏并非简单的电子游戏,而是一种高级数字现实技术的实验,并且他计划通过玩游戏并战胜雪怪来揭开真相,并向游戏开发者复仇。 布莱克的父亲起初只是怀旧地回忆起这款游戏,并沉迷于挑战这款他认为无法通关的游戏。在游戏中,他不断地与雪怪对抗,最终成功通关。然而,游戏通关后,现实世界中出现了超自然现象,他被游戏中的雪怪袭击,这表明游戏可能与现实世界产生了某种联系。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Blake's dad become obsessed with the game 'Ski Forever'?

Blake's dad, Drew, became obsessed with 'Ski Forever' because it was a game he struggled with in his youth, which he referred to as his 'White Whale'. The game's challenge and his inability to conquer it haunted him, leading to his obsession.

What was the main objective of the game 'Ski Forever'?

The main objective of 'Ski Forever' was to ski down a snowy mountain while avoiding obstacles like trees, stumps, rocks, and flags. The game would speed up as the player progressed, and a Yeti would eventually appear to end the game by eating the skier.

How did Drew's obsession with 'Ski Forever' affect his life?

Drew's obsession led him to spend countless hours trying to beat the game, using vacation and sick days from work, gaining weight, and talking incessantly about the game to friends, coworkers, and even his son's teacher.

What unusual event occurred after Drew finally beat 'Ski Forever'?

After Drew beat the game, a cold breeze entered the house, and the next day, the house became freezing cold with frost covering surfaces. That night, it began snowing indoors, covering the floors and waking the family.

What evidence did Blake find to support his dad's claim of a Yeti attack?

Blake found tufts of matted white hair in his dad's clenched hands, home security footage of the in-house snowstorm, and was able to fix the computer to make 'Ski Forever' work again, providing tangible evidence of the Yeti's existence.

What is Blake's plan after his dad's encounter with the Yeti?

Blake plans to play 'Ski Forever' himself, beat the game, and be ready for the Yeti. He intends to trap, film, and expose the Yeti to the world, then train it for revenge against the game's creator, Mr. Anderson.

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