cover of episode EP29: Cornell Blockchain: Empowering the Next Billion Users

EP29: Cornell Blockchain: Empowering the Next Billion Users

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AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Leah Valente
Leah Valente: 康奈尔大学区块链俱乐部自2017年成立以来,经历了从小型讲座式组织到拥有多个子团队(加速器项目、协议团队、管理团队、工程团队和教育团队)的成熟组织的转变。俱乐部致力于普及区块链知识,降低学习门槛,并通过各种活动(如黑客马拉松、会议等)促进学生参与和行业合作。俱乐部还开展了与外部组织(基金会、法律基金和教育部门)合作的项目,例如为期六周的区块链课程,面向高中生和大学生。 俱乐部面临的最大挑战是时间管理和人员更替,需要平衡学生学业、社团工作和领导层更替带来的知识传承问题。 Leah Valente: 2024年康奈尔大学区块链会议以“为数十亿人而建”为主题,重点关注如何让更多人使用Web3。会议的一个亮点是利用AI和区块链技术,让用户可以用自然语言进行交易,降低了Web3的使用门槛。会议还探讨了数据在Web3中的重要性以及中心化与去中心化社会的问题。 Leah Valente: 美国大学生对Web3的兴趣日益增长,从最初对加密货币的炒作关注转向对实际区块链项目和应用的关注。学生们主要通过俱乐部活动、课程和外部演讲者来学习Web3相关知识。Twitter作为信息来源,其价值取决于关注的对象,但它可以帮助了解加密货币文化。 Leah Valente: 美国加密货币监管环境不明朗,但随着比特币和以太坊ETF的通过以及监管机构的行动,未来监管方向会逐渐清晰。DeFi项目创始人对美国监管环境表示担忧。 Leah Valente: 康奈尔大学区块链俱乐部计划举办一个大型黑客马拉松,与其他大学的区块链俱乐部合作,促进交流与合作,并计划于2025年8月举办下一届区块链会议。 主持人: 本次访谈旨在了解康奈尔大学区块链俱乐部的背景、目标、发展变化以及面临的挑战,并探讨美国大学生对Web3的兴趣以及对美国监管环境的看法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the mission of the Cornell Blockchain Club?

The Cornell Blockchain Club was founded in 2017 with the mission to democratize Web3 education and foster real-world applications of blockchain technology. It aims to make blockchain knowledge accessible to everyone, moving from lecture-based teaching to hands-on projects.

What was the focus of the 2024 Cornell Blockchain Conference?

The 2024 Cornell Blockchain Conference, themed 'Building for Billions,' focused on onboarding the next billion users into Web3. Key topics included the integration of AI and blockchain, digital asset acquisition through everyday activities, and decentralized social media.

What are the main challenges faced by the Cornell Blockchain Club?

The main challenges include balancing academic responsibilities with club activities, managing leadership transitions, and ensuring smooth onboarding for new members. Additionally, the technical complexity of blockchain education requires significant effort to make it accessible to beginners.

How do American college students perceive Web3 and blockchain technology?

Many students initially join due to curiosity sparked by social media, but over time, they shift focus to practical blockchain projects and their real-world benefits. Topics like decentralized identity, IoT, and data storage are particularly engaging for students.

What is the future vision for the Cornell Blockchain Club?

The club plans to host a large hackathon in collaboration with other East Coast universities, aiming to foster innovation and collaboration in the blockchain space. Additionally, they will continue their annual conference, which grows larger each year, focusing on advancing blockchain education and applications.

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk! Get ready for an enlightening discussion with Leah Valente, the President of Cornell Blockchain Club, as she unveils the club's behind-the-scenes story, discusses its current focus and challenges, and shares insights into American college students' interest in Web3 and her views on the regulatory environment.

👉 )Transcript Entry)

00:15 Background and Mission Evolution

06:12 2024 Cornell Blockchain Conference

12:18 Current Focus

15:47 Biggest Challenge

21:57 Student Interest in Web3

26:31 Views on Twitter & Regulatory Environment

31:56 Future Vision

Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way. WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。 本期我们邀请到康奈尔区块链俱乐部的主席Leah Valente,她将为我们揭晓俱乐部背后的故事,探讨当前的工作重点和挑战,分享美国大学生对Web3的兴趣所在以及她对监管环境的看法。

👉 中文文字版)

