cover of episode What We Don’t Talk About: Raising Older Kids

What We Don’t Talk About: Raising Older Kids

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We Can Do Hard Things

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Abby Wambach
Amanda Doyle
Glennon Doyle
美国作家和女权活动家,著有多本畅销书,并创立了非营利组织Together Rising。
Glennon Doyle:抚养大孩子比想象中更难,因为孩子长大后,父母很难再像以前那样与他人分享孩子的事情,这会让父母感到孤独。孩子长大后,会以不同的眼光看待父母,从崇拜到看待父母为一个犯错的人。作者表达了对孩子的爱和担心,以及由此产生的焦虑和怀旧情绪。作者表达了对孩子未来安全的担忧,以及由此产生的焦虑和控制欲。作者表达了对将孩子带到这个世界上来的矛盾心理,以及由此产生的责任感和焦虑。作者认为,如果父母幸运地完成了自己的事业,孩子将不再需要他们,这是一种痛苦的悖论。作者认为,父母不应该依赖孩子,而应该让孩子有选择的余地。作者认为,父母应该将孩子视为独立的个体,并给予他们充分的信任和空间。作者表达了对未来生活的担忧,以及对自身价值的思考。作者表达了对孩子成长的惊叹和欣慰之情。作者分享了孩子选择居住地与自己居住地相反的经历,并认为这是代际差异的表现。作者认为,现代科技让即使孩子远在他乡,父母也能保持联系。 Abby Wambach:作者认为世界并非全是坏的,只是比她年轻时想象的要艰难得多。作者分享了自己在处理世界大事与家庭生活之间的平衡问题上的经验。作者认为父母对孩子的恐惧,一部分源于无法再像以前那样控制孩子的生活。作者认为,父母试图通过各种方式来塑造孩子对自己的看法,以维持自己在孩子生活中的重要性。作者认为,孩子的独立意味着他们将重新审视过去,并决定父母在他们生命中的角色。作者表达了对未来身份认同的迷茫。作者认为,除了身份认同的转变,她还面临着归属感的缺失。作者分享了自己对未来如何与孩子相处的一些想法。作者认为,抚养大孩子需要父母具备更多的智慧和关注。作者认为,父母和孩子都在共同成长,抚养孩子是一个复杂而充满挑战的过程。作者认为,在这个阶段,父母需要对孩子和自己都充满同情心,并避免因羞愧而封闭自己。作者认为,孩子在成长过程中会“杀死”父母在他们心目中的形象,这是个体化的重要阶段。作者希望自己能够保持内心的平静和力量,成为孩子可以依靠的资源。作者希望自己能够保持平静和力量,成为孩子可以依靠的资源。作者认为,在这个阶段,父母需要学会与孩子保持适当的距离,并信任孩子能够独立生活。作者认为,父母需要信任自己和孩子,并相信孩子会在需要的时候寻求帮助。 Amanda Doyle:作者以自己看待父亲的视角为例,说明孩子长大后会以不同的眼光看待父母,不再将父母视为完美无缺。作者认为,孩子长大后,会看到父母不完美的一面,例如焦虑、控制欲强等。作者分享了自己成长经历中缺失的部分,并解释了为什么她会过度关注孩子,并试图成为完美的母亲。作者反思自己过度关注孩子,以至于失去了自我。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is raising older kids more challenging than raising younger ones?

Older kids have their own lives and personalities, making it harder to discuss their issues without revealing too much. It becomes lonely as parents can't openly share their experiences.

Why do older kids start viewing their parents differently?

As kids grow, they encounter different families and learn about the world, leading them to see their parents as fallible humans rather than perfect figures.

Why does Glennon feel the need to constantly explain her parenting decisions to her older kids?

She fears losing her identity as a parent and wants to ensure her kids see her as a good mother with good judgment, maintaining her role in their lives.

Why does Glennon feel scared and panicked about her kids' independence?

She feels responsible for their safety and well-being in a world she views as dangerous, leading to overprotective behavior and constant worry.

Why is it important for parents to avoid needing their kids' validation?

Needing validation can make kids feel suffocated and prevent them from wanting a relationship with their parents. It's healthier for parents to be a steady, non-needy resource.

Why does Glennon feel a mix of emotions as her kids grow up?

She is amazed by their growth and beauty but also feels a loss of control and a need to redefine her identity beyond being a parent.

Why might kids choose to live on the opposite coast from their parents?

They might seek different environments or cultures that align more with their identity and interests, reflecting the generational shift in lifestyle choices.

Why is it important for parents to recognize their own growth alongside their kids' growth?

Recognizing personal growth helps parents understand that they too were evolving while raising their kids, fostering self-compassion and reducing the pressure to be perfect.

Glennon, Abby, and Amanda discuss the challenges of transitioning from parenting young kids to older kids, emphasizing the loneliness and difficulty in finding a community for support.
  • Parenting older kids is lonely as their lives become their own and parents can't openly discuss their experiences.
  • Parents feel the need to stay in their own experience to respect their children's privacy.

Shownotes Transcript

What We Don’t Talk About: Raising Older Kids

Glennon, Abby and Amanda discuss the nuances and complexities of being parents to older children. 


  • Glennon’s experience losing herself in parenting 

  • Amanda recalls the moment she saw her Dad as a human being 

  • How to support your kid’s individuation

  • Finding belonging outside of the parental role

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