WDW Prep To Go - a Disney World planning podcast

***Voted "Most Informative Podcast" in the Disney Podcast Awards*** A Disney Wor


Total: 126

Kiley spent the Fourth of July holiday week at Disneyland with her husband, three children, friends

Beginning at Hard Rock Hotel at Universal Orlando and finishing at the Beach Club at Walt Disney Wo

Travel is expensive! But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to save money and still have a gr

Heather and Felicia just returned from a busy trip to Disney World. They chat about preparing for t

Bethany, her husband, and their four kids ranging in age from 14 to 2, joined her brother-in-law’s

We traveled to Walt Disney World over Memorial Day weekend. Here are 10 things we learned on this t

Sam traveled to Disney World to meet up with her sister and nephew for a week-long vacation they’ve

Elizabeth flew from the East coast to the West coast for a whirlwind three-day solo trip to Disneyl

Liz shares her hot takes, tips, and details of traveling to Disney World with her husband, mother,

Maria and her husband honeymooned in France, split between several days at Disneyland Paris and a f

Kelly, her husband, and their 2-year-old son spent two weeks in Central Florida. They split their t

Daydreaming of a Disney Cruise Line voyage or have one planned? Listen as we help you navigate all

From culinary student to magazine food editor to Next Level Chef contestant, Disney enthusiast and

Mary Lanier drove from South Carolina to Central Florida with her husband, 14-year-old son, 11-year

Casey, her husband, their two young children, and her mom recently returned from a Spring Break tri

Heading to Disney World this summer? Listen for what is new, what is changing, and tips to help you

Nicole traveled with 15 people in her family to Walt Disney World - that includes nine children ran

Matt’s late February trip to Disney World that included Princess weekend for runDisney was “amazin

Our favorite festival is back at Epcot and we were there for the opening days! Listen for our favor

Erin and her husband surprised their two children with a 7-night Western Caribbean cruise departing