cover of episode Update: Madalina Cojocari

Update: Madalina Cojocari

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Voices for Justice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本播客详细讲述了11岁女孩Madalena Kojikari失踪案的来龙去脉。案件中,Madalena失踪数周后才被父母报警,引发广泛关注。调查过程中,警方搜查了Madalena的住所和周边地区,发现了可疑的财务记录和证词矛盾。随着调查深入,新的证人证言和证据浮出水面,包括目击者声称在Madalena失踪后看到Diana Kojikari的汽车出现在山区,以及录音显示Diana计划在Christopher不知情的情况下藏匿Madalena。最终,Diana被正式指认为嫌疑人,而Christopher因未及时报案被判有罪。本播客呼吁公众关注此案,并提供任何相关线索。 Diana Kojikari: Diana Kojikari在调查中关于最后一次见到Madalena的时间说法前后矛盾,并且没有及时报警,声称害怕与丈夫发生冲突。她还被指控妨碍调查,并被发现与她的表亲Octavian Sibanu有广泛的沟通,Octavian也牵涉到毒品交易调查。 Christopher Pomatter: Christopher Pomatter在调查中也对最后一次见到Madalena的时间说法含糊不清,并承认Diana在感恩节期间烧掉了Madalena的大部分物品。他的辩护律师强调了他与Diana的关系以及Diana的异常行为,并认为Christopher受到了Diana的操纵。他最终因未及时报案被判有罪。

Deep Dive

Sarah Turney discusses the initial shock of discovering Madalina Cojocari's case and the lack of attention it received. She outlines the family background and the circumstances leading up to Madalina's disappearance.

Shownotes Transcript

11-year-old Madalina Cojocari was reported missing by her mother, Diana Cojocari, and her stepfather, Cristopher Palmiter, after Madalina missed several weeks of school without explanation. They were arrested for failing to report her missing shortly after. While it was initially believed that Madalina was last seen on November 21, 2022, when video surveillance captured her leaving her school bus, police now believe she was last seen in December 2022, weeks after her parents claim to have last seen her. The Cornelius, North Carolina Police Department also named their first suspect in Madalina’s case in June 2024.


Anyone with information about Madalina is asked to contact the Cornelius Police Department at 704-892-7773.

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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