cover of episode Rilya Wilson

Rilya Wilson

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Voices for Justice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本期节目讲述了四岁女孩Rilya Wilson失踪案,该案暴露出佛罗里达州儿童和家庭部(DCF)的严重失职,以及寄养系统中存在的诸多问题。Rilya Wilson于2000年和姐姐以及养父母Pamela和Gerilyn Graham一起生活在迈阿密。2002年4月,新的社工发现Rilya失踪近两年,DCF对此毫无记录。此案引发了佛罗里达州寄养制度的改革,但至今Rilya的下落不明。节目中详细讲述了Rilya的家庭背景、被寄养的过程、社工的失职、Grahams的嫌疑以及后续的调查和审判过程。最终Gerilyn Graham被判犯有虐待儿童和绑架罪,但Rilya的遗体至今未被找到。 Gerilyn Graham: Gerilyn Graham始终否认杀害Rilya,并声称DCF带走了Rilya进行精神健康评估,但从未归还。她还指责DCF和社工Muskelly的失职,并声称自己曾多次联系DCF询问Rilya的情况,但未得到回应。在狱中,她接受采访时表示Rilya还活着,并称自己被冤枉。她承认曾对Rilya进行体罚,但否认谋杀。 Pamela Graham: Pamela Graham起初与Gerilyn Graham串供,声称DCF带走了Rilya。但在Gerilyn Graham被捕后,她最终承认没有人从DCF来接走Rilya,并表示Gerilyn Graham曾威胁她。她还承认自己忽视和虐待了Rilya,但否认造成额外的伤害。她作证指控Gerilyn Graham对Rilya进行严重虐待,包括将其锁在狗笼里、手铐铐在床上以及锁在黑暗的洗衣房里。 Deborah Muskelley: Deborah Muskelley是Rilya Wilson最初的社工,她被发现多年来伪造记录,谎报探访情况,对Rilya的失踪负有不可推卸的责任。她最终认罪一项官方不当行为罪。 Kathleen Kearney: Kathleen Kearney是DCF的秘书和最高官员,她在Rilya失踪案中受到严厉批评,她试图将责任推卸给Muskelly,并声称这是一起孤立事件。 Jeb Bush: 佛罗里达州州长Jeb Bush致力于修改法律,追究社工伪造文件的责任,并推动了寄养系统改革。 Fred Grimm: 媒体评论员Fred Grimm批评佛罗里达州政府对Rilya失踪案的漠视。 Robin Lunsford: 狱友Robin Lunsford作证说Gerilyn Graham承认杀害了Rilya,并描述了Gerilyn Graham如何杀害和埋葬Rilya的细节。

Deep Dive

The podcast introduces the case of Rilya Wilson, a four-year-old who disappeared while in foster care in Miami, Florida, leading to significant changes in the Florida foster care system.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2000, 4-year-old Rilya Wilson was living with her sister and foster parents, Pamela Graham and Geralyn Graham, in the Miami, Florida area. During this time, Rilya was still under the care of The Florida Department of Children and Families.

In April 2002, a new caseworker was assigned to oversee her care, but when they visited the home, her foster parents claimed that DCF had removed Rilya from their custody nearly two years prior. Unable to locate any record of this, Rilya was reported missing.

However, it wasn’t long before the truth about the Grahams and DCF came to light, exposing the many failures in Rilya’s case.

If you have any information about Rilya Wilson, contact the Florida Department of Law Enforcement at (850) 410-8161.

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Voices for Justice is hosted by Sarah Turney

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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