cover of episode Oakley Carlson Re-release

Oakley Carlson Re-release

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Voices for Justice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jamie Jo Hiles
Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本期节目讨论了奥克利·卡尔森的失踪案。奥克利在不到一岁时被送往寄养家庭,两年后被送回亲生父母,之后失踪。她的寄养父母非常爱她,并给予她良好的成长环境。然而,在奥克利被送回亲生父母后,社会服务机构接到过多次关于她的举报,但奥克利仍然留在亲生父母的监护下。最终,在2021年底,人们注意到奥克利失踪了。警方调查发现,奥克利的亲生父母在接受调查时不合作,家中发现血迹,但奥克利失踪。奥克利的生父曾因不实陈述被解雇警务工作,生父也曾因袭击生母而被捕,并被要求参加家暴治疗计划,但未遵守。在奥克利失踪前,她的寄养父母曾多次向儿童保护机构报告他们的担忧,包括奥克利在探望亲生父母后身上出现可疑抓痕,以及他们对奥克利亲生父母抚养能力的担忧。然而,儿童保护机构似乎没有采取足够的行动来保护奥克利。奥克利的监护权案件在2020年6月结束。奥克利失踪后,警方搜查了她的家,发现了一些可疑的证据,包括血迹和只有一张儿童安全座椅。奥克利的父母因涉嫌妨碍司法公正和一级过失杀人被捕,但过失杀人的指控后来被撤销。奥克利的兄弟姐妹体内检测出大量甲基苯丙胺,奥克利的父母因此被指控危害儿童。奥克利的兄弟姐妹提供了一些关于奥克利失踪的线索。对奥克利父母家中的搜查结束。奥克利的父母对指控表示不认罪,后来对危害儿童罪认罪,并被判刑。奥克利的父亲被禁止与未成年人单独接触。奥克利的案子目前没有新的进展,她的父母即将获释。奥克利最后一次被证实出现是在2021年2月10日。对儿童保护机构的调查没有发现任何不当行为。奥克利失踪案的许多细节仍然未知。警方认为奥克利可能被杀害。 Jamie Jo Hiles: 作为奥克利的寄养母亲,我写信表达了我对奥克利的思念和自责。我爱奥克利,像她是我亲生孩子一样。我永远不会忘记与她在一起的时光,以及她带给我们的快乐。我自责没有在她回到亲生父母身边时更好地保护她,尽管我曾多次向儿童保护机构报告我的担忧。我知道奥克利会很有影响力,但我希望这不是以破碎我们大家的心为代价。我们会尽一切努力为她伸张正义,保护她的兄弟姐妹。

Deep Dive

Oakley Carlson was taken from her foster parents and returned to her biological parents, despite concerns. She was later reported missing after not being seen for a year.

Shownotes Transcript

Before Oakley Carlson turned one, she was taken out of the care of her biological parents Jordan Bowers and Andrew Carlson, and placed with foster parents, Jamie Jo and Erik Hiles. They instantly fell in love with her, and over the next two years or so, they are overjoyed to care for her and watch her grow. They see her first steps, hear her first words, and watch her develop into a happy, confident, well-adjusted toddler.

The plan for Oakley from The Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families, or DCYF, was adoption, presumably with Jamie Jo and Erik. But their dreams of legally becoming a family with Oakley were crushed when they were notified that the plan changed again, and Oakley would be returning to her biological parents at the end of 2019.

After she was returned, there were several calls made to social services about Oakley, including a call from Andrew Carlson’s own mother. But Oakley remained in her biological parent’s care.

Eventually, around the end of 2021, people noticed that Oakley wasn’t with the rest of her family. Due to some quick thinking by Oakley’s sister’s school principal, she ultimately led authorities to uncover that there had been no verified sightings of Oakley for almost a year.

When authorities questioned Jordan Bowers and Andrew Carlson, they shut down and became uncooperative. When they search the family home that had recently been on fire for several hours, they find blood but no Oakley. She remains missing to this day.

Anyone with information about Oakley is urged to contact the Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office at 360-533-8765 or the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST.

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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