cover of episode Kyron Horman Re-Release

Kyron Horman Re-Release

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Voices for Justice

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Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本集播客详细讲述了7岁男孩Kyron Horman于2010年6月4日在俄勒冈州波特兰市失踪的案件。播客回顾了Kyron的童年生活,他与父母的关系,以及他失踪当天发生的事情。重点关注了Kyron的继母Terri Horman,因为她是最后见到Kyron的人,并且她的说法前后矛盾。播客还讨论了警方对该案的调查,包括对Terri Horman的测谎测试,以及对其他人的采访。此外,播客还探讨了该案对Kyron的家人,特别是他的生母Desiree Horman的影响,以及他们为寻找Kyron所做的努力。最后,播客讨论了该案的调查成本以及公众对该成本的质疑。 Desiree Horman: 作为Kyron的生母,Desiree Horman在播客中表达了她对Kyron失踪的痛苦和焦虑。她始终相信Terri Horman与Kyron的失踪有关,并为此付出了巨大的努力,包括在媒体上公开呼吁,并对Terri Horman提起民事诉讼。她强调了寻找Kyron的重要性,以及她对正义的渴望。她还谈到了年龄模拟照片带来的复杂感受,既带来了希望,也带来了痛苦的回忆。 Kane Horman: 作为Kyron的父亲,Kane Horman在播客中展现了他对Kyron的深切思念和寻找儿子的决心。他积极配合警方的调查,并参与了各种寻找Kyron的活动。他与Terri Horman的关系复杂且充满争议,在得知Terri Horman曾试图雇佣杀手杀害自己后,他与Terri Horman分居,并获得了女儿的抚养权。 Terri Horman: 作为Kyron的继母,Terri Horman是该案中的关键人物。她的说法前后矛盾,并且在测谎测试中多次失败。她否认了所有指控,并声称自己与Kyron的失踪无关。她对警方的调查表示不满,并试图改变自己的名字以逃避媒体的关注。 Tony: 作为Desiree Horman的丈夫,Tony在播客中表达了对Kyron失踪的担忧,并支持Desiree Horman寻找Kyron的努力。 Dee Dee Spicer: 作为Terri Horman的朋友,Dee Dee Spicer在民事诉讼中出庭作证,但她多次行使宪法第五修正案权利,拒绝回答与案件相关的问题。这引发了Desiree Horman的不满,因为她认为Dee Dee Spicer可能掌握着关键信息。

Deep Dive

Kyron Horman, a 7-year-old boy, disappeared from Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, on June 4, 2010, during a science fair. Despite numerous witnesses, he remains missing, and his parents are desperate for answers.

Shownotes Transcript

7-year-old Kyron Horman went missing from Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, on June 4, 2010. Several witnesses state they saw him leaving with his stepmother, Terri Horman. He remains missing to this day.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Multnomah County Sheriff's Department at 503-988-0560.

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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