cover of episode Jenny Lin
Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本集讲述了1994年14岁女孩Jenny Lin在家中遇害的案件,至今未破案。案件发生在加州Castro Valley一个偏僻的高档住宅区,凶手手段残忍,Jenny被发现时赤身裸体,四肢被胶带捆绑,身中数刀。案发现场没有财物丢失,Jenny也没有遭受性侵犯,但警方推测凶手可能意图性侵。警方调查了多名嫌疑人,包括Jenny的邻居Joe和连环杀手Sebastian Shaw,但最终均未找到确凿证据。警方推测凶手对Jenny的家庭情况和作息时间非常了解,可能在Jenny回家前就潜入了家中。尽管案件悬而未决,但Jenny的家人和警方仍在积极寻找线索,希望能够早日破案,为Jenny讨回公道。 John Lin: 作为Jenny的父亲,我始终相信凶手会受到法律的制裁。我写信给Sebastian Shaw,希望他能交代罪行,但他的态度冷漠,拒不承认。尽管警方最终排除Shaw的嫌疑,但我仍然希望能够找到真正的凶手,为Jenny伸张正义。 Mei-Lin Lin: 失去女儿的痛苦难以言喻,但我们不会放弃寻找真相。我们成立了Jenny Lin基金会,为其他受类似事件影响的家庭提供支持,同时也在努力传承Jenny对音乐的热爱。 Patrick Smith: 根据案发现场的证据,我们相信凶手在Jenny回家前就潜入了家中,并精心策划了这场谋杀。我们调查了多名嫌疑人,但目前还没有找到确凿的证据。 Ted Nelson: Jenny身上的伤痕显示凶手作案手法非常专业,这表明凶手可能曾犯下其他类似的罪行。 Sebastian Shaw: 我从未承认杀害Jenny Lin,警方也没有找到任何能够证明我犯下此案的证据。 Joe: 我愿意配合警方的调查,并接受了测谎仪测试。但警方没有找到任何能够证明我与Jenny案有关的证据。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with the tragic story of Jenny Lin, a 14-year-old girl who was murdered in her home in Castro Valley, California, in 1994. Her case remains unsolved, and the details of her final moments are recounted.

Shownotes Transcript

Tuesday, May 27, 1994, is just two days after Jenny Lin’s 14th birthday. She comes home from school to an empty house in Castro Valley, California. Like a lot of kids, both of her parents work, and Jenny is expected to get her chores and homework done before they get home. But also, like a lot of kids, especially a lot of teenagers, Jenny decides that before she gets to work on those tasks, she will talk to some friends on the phone. Jenny’s last call ends just after 5 pm. About 30 minutes later, her father, John Lin, calls home to check on her, but there’s no answer. He doesn’t immediately panic; Jenny is a very responsible kid, and she’s used to this routine. She’s probably just doing something and didn’t hear the phone.


Around 7 pm, John walks into a quiet house. He doesn’t see Jenny anywhere. But it’s clear that Jenny had been there. The back door is unlocked, the TV is on, and Jenny’s microwave dinner is sitting on the kitchen counter. After John doesn’t see Jenny on the first floor of the house, he then walks upstairs and notices that the bathroom door in his room is closed.


When he opens the door, the scene John walks into is inconceivable. Jenny is lying face down, covered in blood. Nearly 30 years later, the case is still unsolved, and the Lin family and investigators struggle to make sense of why Jenny was targeted.


If you have any information about her case, please contact the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office at 510-667-3636.

For more information about the Jenny Lin foundation, visit

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Voices for Justice is a podcast that uses adult language and discusses sensitive and

potentially triggering topics including violence, abuse, and murder. This

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until proven guilty in a court of law. Some names have been changed or omitted

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