Learning English programs use a limited vocabulary and short sentences. They are read at a slower pa
On today’s podcast, the Goodyear Blimp is America’s most famous airship; South Korea reports a welco
On today’s podcast, learn about the president who is known as ‘the father of the U.S. Constitution;
On today’s podcast, the story of the Golden Gate Bridge; experts say physical therapists can keep yo
On this podcast, Philadelphia is one of America’s most historic cities; hear how scientists have lin
On this podcast, hear the answer to a listener’s question about terms for coastal areas; learn a lot
On today’s podcast, learn about America’s national bird, the bald eagle; hear how a private spaceshi
On today’s podcast, hear about Virginia Hall, an honored spy during World War II; grow your vocabula
On today’s podcast, what was the first skyscraper? Learn more about the condition known as ADHD; gar
On this podcast, find out some of the meanings of the common term ‘dish;’ scientists say they might
On this podcast, explore the term "appeal;" learn how to express birthday wishes; hear about the dis
On today’s podcast, hear about the huge celebration in New Orleans, Louisiana, known as Mardi Gras;
On today’s podcast, hear about the first American woman to win a Nobel Prize for Literature, Pearl B
On today’s podcast, learn about Robert Goddard, America’s first rocket scientist; France says it has
On this podcast, learn about the history of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor; find out what
On this podcast, we answer a Chinese listener’s question about the words ‘extend,’ ‘expand,’ ‘stretc