Upgrade looks at how technology shapes our lives, from the devices in our hands and pockets to the s
Myke and Jason ring in the new year with discussions about CES, Twitter, awards, mailbags, and last
With a little help from their Relay FM co-hosts, Myke and Jason present awards to the best (and wors
This week Myke and Jason talk about Amazon drones, Christmas traditions, and Apple’s product-release
This week Jason and Myke discover who’s using LaunchPad, dissect Jason’s purchase of an iPad Pro, di
Myke returns from his trip to New York to the bad news that Dropbox has killed Mailbox and that Sket
Special guest host Merlin Mann joins Jason to talk about the holidays, Apple TV, iPad Pro, and how t
This week Serenity Caldwell re-joins Myke so that they can talk about their first Apple Pencil exper
The iPad Pro has arrived, and Myke and Jason are joined by special guest Serenity Caldwell to discus
This week we extoll the virtues of emoji and how it could be better, and Myke finds his perfect emoj
Special guest Joe Rosensteel joins Jason and Myke to talk about our first weekend with the new Apple
It’s an exciting week: Myke gets a new Retina iMac and all the Magic peripherals, and both Jason and
Revisiting some of the design decisions in Apple’s new “Magic” peripherals, why 3D Touch soars while
Apple announces a bunch of new iMacs, including a 21.5-inch 4K model, and Jason’s got his full revie
This week Jason and Myke discuss OS X El Capitan, and Amazon's curious practice of removing Appl
This week Jason and Myke share their iPhone 6S/6S Plus upgrade experiences, and give their first imp
This week we’ve put on the cranky pants, as Myke works out his frustrations with his iPhone and futi
Live from Portland, Myke, Jason, and special guest Stephen Hackett go deep with more thought about t
Just hours after Apple's September event, Jason is joined by Stephen Hackett to talk about updat
This week we look forward to the Sept. 9 Apple media event, which Jason will be attending. What will
This week we break down what adding Force Touch to iOS might mean, highlighting the difficult design