cover of episode Sudan's 'Forgotten War'

Sudan's 'Forgotten War'

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Andrew Mambo
Emmanuel Akinwotu
No comprehensive information available on Emmanuel Akinwotu.
Jamal Mohamed
Andrew Mambo:报道了苏丹战争造成的严重后果,包括大量人员伤亡、流离失所和饥荒,并指出国际社会对此关注不足。Emmanuel Akinwotu:详细描述了苏丹战争的起因、经过和现状,包括军方和准军事组织之间的权力斗争,以及战争对平民生活造成的巨大影响。他亲身经历了战争的残酷现实,并采访了多个受战争影响的家庭和医护人员。Jamal Mohamed:作为奥姆杜尔曼一家医院的院长,他讲述了医院在战争中面临的困境,包括医疗资源匮乏、医护人员缺乏薪水以及持续的炮击。他表达了对国际社会缺乏关注的失望,认为苏丹战争被遗忘了。Usama, Auzube, Musa Atfara, Mohamed:这些苏丹平民讲述了他们在战争中亲身经历的苦难,包括躲藏、饥饿、逃亡和家园被毁。他们的故事生动地展现了战争对平民生活的摧毁性影响。 Andrew Mambo:对苏丹战争的概述,强调了其严重性和国际社会关注的不足。Emmanuel Akinwotu:对苏丹战争的详细报道,包括战争的起因、冲突双方的责任、战争对平民生活的影响,以及医疗系统面临的困境。他采访了多个受战争影响的家庭和医护人员,并亲身经历了战争的残酷现实。Jamal Mohamed:表达了对国际社会缺乏关注的失望,认为苏丹战争被遗忘。他描述了医院在战争中面临的困境,包括医疗资源匮乏、医护人员缺乏薪水以及持续的炮击。Usama, Auzube, Musa Atfara, Mohamed:这些苏丹平民讲述了他们在战争中亲身经历的苦难,包括躲藏、饥饿、逃亡和家园被毁。他们的故事生动地展现了战争对平民生活的摧毁性影响。

Deep Dive

Sudan's journey from a hopeful revolution in 2019 to a devastating civil war, marked by the ousting of dictator Omar al-Bashir and the subsequent coup by the army and RSF.
  • Over 12 million people are internally displaced or have become refugees.
  • An estimated 150,000 people have been killed.
  • Half of the country faces starvation.

Shownotes Transcript

12 million displaced. As many as 150,000 dead. Half the country facing starvation. The simple truth? War is tearing apart Sudan. NPR's West Africa correspondent Emmanuel Akinwotu recently reported near the heart of that fighting. Along the way, he met a young man who, with his family, survived for months on flour and water while hiding under a bed. He found doctors caring for the sick and dying even as shells exploded nearby. The current humanitarian crisis in Sudan is seen as one of the worst in the world, but has little global attention. "They forget about us," one exhausted doctor said. "It's a forgotten war."Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)