cover of episode North Gaza Aid, VP Harris Courts Black Voters, Zillow Climate Score

North Gaza Aid, VP Harris Courts Black Voters, Zillow Climate Score

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NPR记者Daniel Estrin
联合国救济工程处官员Jonathan Fowler表示,加沙北部局势严峻,如同灾难叠加灾难,平民面临挨饿或逃离的困境。他强调,以色列的军事行动导致平民无处可逃,面临饥饿威胁。 NPR记者Daniel Estrin报道了以色列在加沙北部发动的军事行动,导致大量平民伤亡,并封锁了该地区的粮食供应。他援引目击者证词,描述了当地居民在炮火和空袭下的逃亡经历以及食物和饮用水短缺的困境。他还提到,虽然以色列否认,但其提出的‘离开或挨饿’策略引发国际社会和人权组织的担忧。 加沙北部居民Mohamed El-Baalawi讲述了其逃离家园的经历,描述了逃亡途中人员伤亡的惨状以及亲属面临食物和饮用水短缺的困境。 前以色列军官Michael Milstein认为,以色列曾试图部分实施‘离开或挨饿’策略,但由于效果不佳且可能危及人质而放弃。他指出,以色列在加沙北部的军事行动缺乏明确目标和结束策略,平民持续为此付出代价。 NPR记者Daniel Estrin分析了以色列在加沙北部军事行动的背景、影响和国际社会的反应。他指出,以色列的行动导致平民伤亡和粮食短缺,引发了国际社会的担忧和谴责。他分析了国际社会施压可能促使以色列改变策略的可能性,并指出,以色列缺乏明确的战争目标和结束策略,平民持续为此付出代价。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

A new Israeli military offensive in north Gaza has humanitarian organizations raising the alarm over the threat of starvation. Vice President Kamala Harris is on a push to shore up support among Black men. And a new feature on the real estate website Zillow will show potential property buyers climate risks on listings. *Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter).Today's episode of Up First was edited by Hannah Bloch, Roberta Rampton, Janaya Williams, Lisa Thomson and Alice Woelfle. It was produced by Paige Waterhouse, Nia Dumas and Kaity Kline. We get engineering support from Arthur Laurent. And our technical director is Zac Coleman. *A previous version of this episode incorrectly said that Vice President Harris is proposing loans for Black entrepreneurs. In fact, the proposed loans would go to Black entrepreneurs and others.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)