cover of episode Final Campaign Push, Israel Cuts Ties With UNRWA

Final Campaign Push, Israel Cuts Ties With UNRWA

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Daniella コラボ
Deepa Shivaram
John Holds
特朗普在最后一场竞选集会上呼吁支持者们"完成工作",确保他的胜利。他仍然关注大规模驱逐出境、军队和经济修复等问题,并散布了关于宾夕法尼亚州选举系统的不实信息。如果他输掉选举,共和党将面临重新定义自身认同的挑战。 哈里斯在宾夕法尼亚州进行了最后一天的竞选活动,重点关注拉丁裔选民,并试图与他们建立联系。她没有过多提及特朗普,而是强调了自己的个人经历和竞选理念。宾夕法尼亚州是一个关键的战场州,对选举结果至关重要。 超过8200万人已经投票,但与2020年相比,邮寄投票人数较少,而亲自提前投票人数较多。共和党选民的提前投票率较高,但这并不一定意味着什么。 由于邮寄选票需要时间验证,因此一些地区的计票速度可能会比2020年更快,但最终结果取决于计票的精确度和选票的细微差距。 以色列停止与联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济工程处合作,这将对加沙地带的民众造成严重的人道主义影响,因为该机构是向加沙提供人道主义援助的主要渠道之一,而以色列方面尚未提出替代方案。 波音公司员工投票通过了一份新的合同提案,结束了长达八周的罢工,为公司带来了积极的影响。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Israel decide to cut ties with UNRWA?

Israel claims that UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, has been infiltrated by Hamas, the Palestinian militant group. Israel alleges that UNRWA promotes terrorism against them, leading to the decision to cease cooperation.

What impact will Israel's decision to cut ties with UNRWA have on Gaza?

The decision is expected to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where there is already severe hunger and starvation. UNRWA is crucial for distributing aid and coordinating with Israeli forces to bring in essential supplies like fuel, which keeps hospitals, bakeries, and water desalination plants running.

How did former President Trump and Vice President Harris conclude their final campaign events?

Trump held a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the early hours of the morning, expressing sentimentality about the end of his campaign rallies. Harris concluded her campaign in Philadelphia, at the iconic Rocky Steps, emphasizing her personal story and the importance of voting without directly mentioning Trump.

What was the focus of Vice President Harris's final campaign day in Pennsylvania?

Harris focused heavily on Pennsylvania, visiting multiple cities and emphasizing the importance of Latino voters, particularly those with ties to Puerto Rico, after Trump's campaign drew controversy with comments about Puerto Rico.

What was the outcome of the Boeing strike?

Boeing workers voted to accept a new contract proposal, ending the nearly eight-week strike. The deal includes significant raises of 38% over four years, aiming to resolve the company's ongoing issues with work stoppages and safety concerns.

How has the war in Gaza affected rescue operations?

Rescue operations in Gaza have been severely hampered, particularly in the northern part of the region, which has been under a full Israeli siege for a month. Rescue crews have reported being under attack, arrested, and unable to operate, leaving many families and children trapped under rubble without aid.

Former President Trump concluded his campaign with a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, employing sentimental reflections on his political journey. He reiterated familiar promises like mass deportations and economic solutions, while also engaging in the spread of election misinformation. Trump's closing remarks marked the potential end of a transformative era in Republican politics.
  • Trump held his final campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Trump's rally had smaller crowds than his past rallies.
  • Trump spread election misinformation during his final rallies.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, Stephen skip and .

Michelle marin, its election day. Before we dive into the show, do I need to remind you of how exciting and exhAusting this election has?

Well, you get one more night of IT. Maybe a few you can tune for special coverage about this night on the N P R APP in your local station. And we will be back here tomorrow and the next day in the next day of necessary guiding you through IT, all with updates, reporting and analysis.

And as you continue to follow things here on up first, we want you to know that there are two other ways to make sure you don't miss the development .

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hours later and consider this is the podcast where N P R covers one big story in debt. Every weekday evening, they will all be all over the selection. And I said the day after and the day after, if necessary, you've got up first .

in the morning. Consider this in the evening, the npr politics podcast. And should we mention we're on the radio a lot as things develop, any time big stuff happens around the clock? Election news survival kit from P. R. new.

okay. Thank you for listening.

And now here's our show. Former .

president trump gave what he called his al rally this morning.

and grand raps finished up fiering to one the other guy on this .

election day. I Mitchell Martin, with Steve and scape. And this is up first from in the r news. Trump told his supporters they just have to finish the job.

All we were doing is putting ourselves in a position to win, which we can do tomorrow easily if we show up.

Both candidates made stops in pencil IT, and all of harasses events were there.

Oh, is good to be back in the city of rather ly low.

We'll take you there also.

Israel formally and the agreement with the united nations palestinian relief agency. What's the effect on ordinary people stay with? To get the news, you need to start your day.

Arguments happen, and our body's automatic response to conflict doesn't always help. We may start to feel anxious or angry, making IT even more difficult for us .

to see I to I over time. That becomes contempt. And contempt is a very destructive interpersonal process here.

how science can help us reframe and make the most of our conversations on the short wave podcast from M P. R.

This week on our podcast here and now anytime have you had a frustrating conversation about politics with someone you disagree with lately. Most americans have according to a new survey from before the election. So i'm going guess that has only gone up.

We're kicking off a series on finding common ground called conversations across the divide. This is now on here. And now anytime you.

What's good to is gene debby from cold switch on codes, which we are deeply curious about, race, dentist and the way that shows up in the news headlines or inner personal lives. With the wide range of voices in front of and behind the mike, we see how race shows up all over the place. So come back up with us on the coast, which part cast only from M. P. R.

Last month in phildee, fia, I went for a run, ended up going up the rocky steps. The one's silvestre to loans character runs up in triumph during the movie rocky generations.

After the movie came out, IT is still an iconic potter, Steve just told you. And that is where if my president Harris chose to end her presidential .

campaign late last night and here at these famous steps attribute to those .

who start .

as the underdog and climb the Victory.

Harris was speaking just before midnight. Former president trump was in another swing state, michigan, where he spoke in the early hours of the morning in grand rapids, the same place he finished his last two campaigns.

It's unbelievable. Think of IT. This is IT. This is the last one that we're going have to do.

We've reach two N, P, R. Correspondents who been following the campaigns all this time will begin with political correspondent Daniel collab and Daniel, good morning. Hey, good morning. okay. So how to trump close IT out?

Well, as we just heard of that clip that you just played, truman doing this thing lately, where he's been getting kind of sentimental during his speech about all all of this being over all of this being the campaign, but especially his campaign ralles. He's done this a few times in recent weeks. He had a bit more to add d and grand rapids late last night.

But here's the good news. All we were doing is putting ourselves in a position to win, which we can do tomorrow are easily. If we show up now .

at these .

recent events, I will say he's been getting smaller crowds and he's gone in the past. He didn't quite fill the fight ser forum in downtown the rocky friday night yesterday at a at an arena in reading pensylvania. IT was about half of that arrivals.

He also didn't fill his arena in rally yesterday either. Now you can read that a couple ways. One is that enthusiasm is waning. Maybe that's true, but also it's also possible that he's just bended these states a lot and his supporters just don't feel the need to see him for the fifty six seventh .

time and ultimately, elections are decided by who votes, not who shows up at the rallies. But how did the substance of these raley sound?

While he's still saying a lot of the same stuff, he's promising mass deportations. He's saying troops are grand economic fix, though there are some real doubts about that. He also, though the last couple of days has been spreading election disinformation preemptively.

He's been spreading false stories about the pensylvania ia system. He's been in that state, which lays the groundwork for him and his supporters to deny the results, if they so choose. Now beyond that, a couple other points about this final day of campaigning.

At least one of his stops, you can see us very intentionally chosen because reading is two third latino, and a lot of those latinos are powered to weaken specifically. So that is a way you can see him maybe extending an all of branch to the those voters who might have been offended by some recent comments. But to sum out, if this is his last campaign, this is the end of an era.

It's the end of the trump ally. He has been the singular personality in politics. He has reshaped the republican party. And if he loses, they're really enough to figure out its identity after trump.

Okay, I want to hang on to something that you mention there because you said the trump went to a heavily latta o city reading pensylvania. Our colleague deepa shiver um joins this next deepa. Good morning. Hey, good morning. And I bring you in now because if i'm not mistaken, mila Harris also stopped in reading yesterday this right?

Yes, he did so after a comedian at last weekend trump event called porter rego a quote, floating island of garbage that just has been mobilizing portal y and voters and democrat have really been seizing on that. And that's been a real focus for the Harris campaign. SHE had celebrities like rap or fat joe with her yesterday. Here's what he said in Allentown.

Now I started this was telling you with the old guy with the pride, where's you're pride? If you still out there is talking about, you might be voting for somebody or you're not decided whether you're pride as a ladino.

And as Daniel pointed out, I mean, there are more than five hundred thousand latino voters in the state of pencil ia, most of them with ties to porter rego. So people at this Allentown rally had huge potto week and flags. And then after that, you know, Harris jove, for an hour to make IT to this stop at a cafe called old sanha cafe.

And reading, like you mentioned, and know on the last day of her campaign, you're running up against the clock. The fact that he drove me an hour to get there. That says a lot.

So, you know, zoom ing out a little bit here. It's definitely notable that here is spent her final day campaigning just in pensylvania. This is a state that has sixteen electoral votes. A majority of voters there don't vote until election day itself. So this is a huge battle ground state and one where the vote is going to be regally really close, right? And because of that, every voter group is critical to turn out.

And that nineteen is a critical number. IT is hard to find another swing state. You can find another single swinging state to replace IT if you lose IT. That's what makes IT so essential. So what was that final day like for Harris?

Yeah, I would describe IT as the event sort of building in size and scale over the course of the day. Here is started at a canvas kick off and scanner that had about two hundred supporters. There is a big home made banner there to help get out the vote.

Then he went to that all in town event, then that stopped in reading and ended the day with these really big rally in pitzer g and phildee fia. That one of the rocky, just like you mentioned, had thirty thousand people. And here is capture her message to voters.

Pretty brief. SHE wants them to vote. He wants them to tell people that they know to go out and vote.

But I will say one thing that was different here was that SHE didn't really talk about trump at all at any of her events. SHE mentioned him brief ly sort of referring to him as the other guy. But that was really IT really for her. IT was emphasizing this final message about who SHE is, her story growing up going to civil rights protest. And she's been wrapping up her ali, saying that her campaign is not just about being against something and that SHE wants to be a president for all americans.

Well, we're talking here about getting the last few people out to vote. But Daniel, what's known about people who have already voted?

Well, we know that more than eighty two million people have cast baLance thus far. Now there hasn't been as much male voting IT as in twenty twenty during the pandemic, but the in person early voting has been really big. I mean, we've seen those record states like georgia, north CarOlina.

Now one thing that's interesting though is that republican messaging for their voters to turn out earlier has gotten through because in the past, they had cast out on some of these methods and those republican voters are turning out. But it's hard to say if that means anything. I could just be the people who would have voted on election day are .

now voting early. I really appreciate that note. Twenty twenty was so different, it's hard to draw comparisons now and it's hard to take any clue and really know who's winning or who's gonna win. But deepa, when will we know something for real?

That that is the question. Still, if you find out, let me know. As we know, male ballots are taking longer to count.

They have to be verified. So no less male voting means that we may see faster results in some places compared to twenty twenty. But the key thing here to remember is that this raised is about the margins. We've been saying that for so long, so a state can count ballots ts relatively quickly. But if the margins in the race are so tight, outlets like the associated press, which n pr here, and many other outlets rely on to call these races, places like the p won't be able to make these quick calls. So election officials have been urging a lot of patience.

And we'll use all the patients we can and get to the best information we can. And piers, deeper shiver ARM and Daniel courts live. And thanks to you both, hope you get some rest.

And let's go overseas now to hear the sound of a rescue from the .

rubber video from gaza shows people in orange vest digging through the remnant s of a building, believing someone under the wreckage is alive after an israeli airstrike.

At the end of the video, the rescue is bring up a little girl and pig tails. You can hear them calling her merum. SHE was alive a rare bright spot in her war that has claimed so many lives.

One of the latest moves in that war comes from israel, which says IT will stop CoOperating with the united nations agency. N, P, S, international. Correspond to is with this egg morning.

Hi Steve.

Why does israel say i'll stop working with the U. N. Relief agency?

So israel says on a which employees around thirteen thousand people in gaza has been infiltrated by hamas, here's israeli government spokesman David manser.

The state of israel will continue to CoOperate with humAnitarian organizations, but not with organisations that promote terrorism against us.

So unless chief phillippa la ti says israel has not provided the agency with evidence to address these allegations, and he notes that israel has killed at least two hundred and thirty seven unrest staffers in gaza in this war, now the agency did let nine people go out of its staff of thirteen thousand, and the U. S.

Investigative body says those nine may have been involved in attacking israel, but that they could not authenticated the information used by israel in their allegations. And to be clear, the us. Says IT is concerned about the implications of these israeli laws that were passed last week, banning contact between israel and the U.

N. Agency and banning IT from Operating in israel, which would impact the west bank as well. And so whoever wins this White house will also have an impact on how this moves forward.

I'm trying to understand what this israeli move means on the ground for people in gaza will ensure people .

are going to suffer because there's already hunger and starvation across gaza. Oh says that last months in october, israel permitted just thirty trucks of humAnitarian an aid into gaza on average per day. If you look at markets and shelves anywhere in gaza, from the south to the north, they are bear.

Now oona is seen as a key element to saving of famine because they're the main agency distributing whatever little aid is trickling in and coordinating with israeli forces over how and when to pick up that aid that's entering gaza, including fuel supplies from egypt, keep hospitals running, Bakeries, water desAlination plants. Now owner, a senior emergency officer, goes that Louise water bridge told me a future problem. Now is what comes next. There's less than ninety days for this legislation to come into effect.

We're talking about people's lives. You know, this is so there are systems in places, mechanisms in places that, you know, thirteen months kind of got arrive in a river, m going. And if you change everything now, if you pull the cord now, it's gonna take a while to find other ways of doing IT.

So what is the alternative to on? All right? Well, israel hasn't offered a plan.

Some in israel say israel soldiers should take the lead on. Others say that eight agencies could fill the gap at every u. An agency and goes that saying, they cannot replace on.

I want to come back to that image. We began with the image of a little girl being pulled from the rubber. A bit of good news, regardless of what side iron in this war humAnitary arian news. Our rescue workers able to Operate that way all across gaza.

actually, they're not save because the northern part of gaza, just north of where he is in gaza city, has been under a full siege for a month now. Now israel says it's Operating against hamas in response to the group's october seven attack on israel last year that killed twelve hundred people and took hostages, some of which are still being held in gaza. But by israel own account, the military has already dismantled all of hamas brigades.

And so it's going after with their calling, scattered and shattered brigades trying to regroup. But to do this, the military has launched a punishing assault and siege that's drawn criticism, including from the White house. But israel was doubling down on this assault.

They just deployed another brigade to the area. Now palestinians there fear the aim is permanent expulsion. You already have tens of thousands forcibly fleeing the north this past month, the us.

Says are still a one hundred thousand people in north gaza. They do not have access to food, ambuLances and rescue services. These rescue crews have said they've been under attack, they've been arrested and they cannot Operate. So what we know is that there are families and their children, just like her, dying under the rubble in pa.

But how we think so much.

Thank you.

Here's an update on one more news story.

Boeing ing workers have voted to accept a new proposed contract, ending a track that lasted .

nearly eight weeks. Wow deal provides thirty eight percent raises over four years and will help the company turn the page on billions of dollars in losses over the workshop ges and safety issues. Here's union district president john holds and announcing the results.

You stood strong and you start talking you one. This is a Victory. Thank you, everyone.

Stay tuned to N, P, R for the latest updates.

And that's at first for this tuesday election day in november fifth. I'm Steve scape .

and i'm a shoe Martin for your next listen tune to consider this from npr a bit of counter programing for those who need a break from the election. Just one man has worked with Michael Jackson, Frank sina and ray Charles. Of course, we're talking about quinsy delight Jones junior Jones passed away this week at ninety one.

You can't tell the history of popular music without telling the stories of his legendary career. Listen to consider this from M. P. R.

I did not know his middle. Me with delight, that is, do you? Do you? Thank you. Thank you very much.

Todays is first was ended by Megan pratts, Roberta rampton, Russell Lewis, Olivia hampton, analyst wolly IT was produced by sea butch, near demos and linsey tody. We get engineering support from carly strange. And our technical director once again in this election is that coleman john .

is tomorrow on short wave. We know the human body is this amazing, singular thing, capable of facing down all kinds of infection and disease, from managing U, T, I, S to cancer to long cover. Our show is dedicated to destigmatize ing.

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