cover of episode BONUS: "We, The Voters" Swing State Debrief

BONUS: "We, The Voters" Swing State Debrief

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A. Martinez
Leila Fadel
Michelle Martin
Steve Inskeep
A. Martinez:内华达州选民普遍感到疲惫和焦虑,希望大选尽快结束。他们对候选人的承诺持怀疑态度,担心承诺无法兑现或被其他因素抵消。许多人表示,他们最关心的是如何赚钱以及如何尽可能多地把钱留在自己口袋里。 Steve Inskeep:在宾夕法尼亚州,许多选民不愿谈论政治,这与以往的采访经历大相径庭。人们似乎不愿意卷入政治争论,或者担心在社交媒体上受到负面评价。 Michelle Martin:宾夕法尼亚州选民的经济状况与其世界观之间存在关联。除了经济因素外,候选人给选民带来的感觉也很重要。候选人的信息传递方式可能会适得其反,影响选民的投票意向。即使在同一个家庭中,人们的政治观点也可能存在差异。虽然媒体关注少数族裔选民,但在摇摆州,白人选民最终将决定选举结果。一些少数族裔选民对候选人的承诺持怀疑态度,感到失望。宾夕法尼亚州的一些大学生更关注国内议题,例如堕胎权,而非中东战争。 Leila Fadel:密歇根州的阿拉伯裔美国人选民,由于自身经历和对中东政策的担忧,对选举抱有强烈的生死攸关感,他们的投票选择受到多种复杂因素的影响。他们面临在支持哈里斯和谴责特朗普之间做出艰难抉择的困境。公开支持哈里斯的阿拉伯裔美国人面临来自同族的批评和指责。密歇根州部分共和党人对2020年大选结果的质疑以及对选举舞弊的担忧,引发了对选举结果接受度的担忧。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why were voters in swing states reluctant to talk about the election?

Voters were tired, anxious, and didn't want to argue with family or friends.

Why did some voters in Michigan feel the election was life or death?

They were concerned about foreign policy, particularly the impact on their Middle Eastern family members.

Why did some voters in Nevada doubt the candidates' promises?

They were skeptical about the candidates' ability to deliver on promises and feared negative consequences.

Why did some voters in Pennsylvania focus on the candidates' messaging?

They felt the candidates' messaging affected how they perceived the candidates personally.

Why did some voters in Michigan consider voting for Trump despite opposing his policies?

They saw it as a way to open political doors for themselves, believing it could lead to local political opportunities.

Why is there concern about election fraud in some parts of America?

Some voters believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, despite evidence to the contrary.

Why did some voters in Nevada wear campaign gear in support of their candidate?

They wanted to be visible and encourage others to express their opinions without fear.

The co-hosts discuss their methods for interviewing voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada, highlighting the challenges of getting people to talk about the election due to fatigue and anxiety.
  • Voters in Nevada expressed a universal desire for the election to be over due to fatigue and anxiety.
  • Interviews in Pennsylvania and Michigan also faced reluctance from voters, with some feeling afraid to express their opinions publicly.

Shownotes Transcript

This bonus episode features Up First co-hosts Steve Inskeep, Michel Martin, Leila Fadel and A Martinez. In the closing days of the election they get together to talk about their biggest takeaways from the voters they spoke with in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada – swing states that could decide the election. *Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter).**This episode was edited by Lisa Thomson, HJ Mai, Jan Johnson, Arezou Rezvani and Alice Woelfle. It was produced by Lindsay Totty, Julie Depenbrock, Barry Gordemer, Ziad Buchh, Chad Campbell, Claire Murashima, Milton Guevara and Destinee Adams. We get engineering support from Andie Huether.*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)