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Jeff Foxworthy talks Up and Vanished

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Up and Vanished

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Jeff Foxworthy
Payne: 本期节目讨论了Tara Grinstead案,Payne认为此案可能是两个醉酒男子一时冲动做出的错误决定,并像滚雪球一样不断升级。在调查过程中,他经历了从最初的恐惧和犹豫,到后来在嫌犯被捕后依然坚持调查,并为此承担了更大的风险,即使这可能会与执法部门产生冲突。他认为执法部门在嫌犯被捕后没有做更多工作来定罪,并且固守旧有的说法,而Payne的播客中的一些细节被辩方用来质疑指控,最终Ryan Duke被判无罪。Payne的调查也让他意识到自己可能激怒相关人员并招致报复,但他当时感到人生失败,所以愿意承担调查的风险。 Jeff Foxworthy: 作为一名说书人,Jeff Foxworthy分享了他对故事结局的掌控感,以及在创作过程中面对结局不确定性的感受。他认为无法掌控故事结局令人抓狂,但也促使他去寻找结局。他表示,通过多方途径调查,力求找到一个至少令人满意的结局,如果确信某人犯案,就会尽力证明。他还将自己的创作过程与Payne的调查进行了比较,认为喜剧演员对故事结局的掌控力比调查记者强。 Jeff Foxworthy: 作为一名喜剧演员,他分享了自己对故事创作和结局掌控的看法,并与Payne的调查经历进行对比,表达了对调查过程中不确定性和风险的理解。他认为,虽然两者都热爱故事,但喜剧演员对故事结局的掌控力比调查记者强,因为喜剧演员可以引导故事走向,而调查记者则更多地被故事引导。

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Hey, it's Payne here. A brand new season of Up and Vanished is on its way. The new season premieres this January, and I can assure you this is by far the most intense case I've ever been a part of.

In the meantime, between now and January, I'd love for you to check out my new weekly podcast. It's called Talking to Death, where I interview different friends, peers, celebrities, and plenty of other true crime podcasters. I wanted to share a clip with you from the latest episode. I interviewed the hilarious and super talented comedian Jeff Foxworthy, who, believe it or not, is a huge Up and Vanish fan.

We talk about the podcast itself, the cases, what he thinks happened. And you can go listen to the whole thing right now by searching for Talking To Death in your podcast app. I know everyone says this all the time and it's super annoying. It would be super helpful if you could go subscribe, rate and review my new weekly show. And to make it worth your while, I'm going to give something cool away to entice you.

I'm giving away a brand new podcasting setup that includes pretty much everything I use to record. A brand new RE-20 microphone, my favorite Sony Studio headphones, a brand new Zoom H6 recorder, a CloudLift for preamp. You'll have everything. Please go listen to the rest of my new weekly show called Talking to Death, rate it on your podcast app, leave a review for it, and somewhere in your review put UAV sent me for Up and Vanish. Just UAV sent me. Anywhere in there.

All right. That was a lot. Thank you for real for all your support. Stay tuned for an all new season of up and vanish this January. And here's a clip from my interview with the amazing Jeff Foxworthy from my new weekly podcast called talking to death. I mean, so the Tara Grinstead thing, that's just probably two guys in a drunken moment, making a one, a bad decision. A hundred percent that escalates like a snowball down a hill. Yep.

Now, so let me ask you this. So from your side of it, when you start pulling that thread, you have no idea if there's going to be a satisfactory end at the end of it. Not at all.

Does that, as you're going through it, do you think, oh, crap, this may end up being nothing? I mean, you definitely have those moments of, I mean, it's maddening. I'll put it that way. As a storyteller, innately, that is maddening to not be in control of the ending in that way. Yeah. But it also propels me to get that ending. It's like a joke without a punchline. Yeah, exactly. You're doing the whole setup, but...

Yeah. Yeah. I've learned over the years that if I can get enough things lined up and avenues to go down, I can see some sort of ending that will be satisfactory at the bare minimum. If I've become convinced that these individuals did this, then I can do as much as I can to prove that. Well...

You know, I mean, I think what you accomplished in that story probably propelled podcasts so far because then people that were listening were like,

hell, I might be able to be part of the solution to this. Yeah. But did you ever have trepidation as, hey, I'm poking a hornet's nest here and this might backfire on me? Oh, 100%. I mean, when I first started, I was like, this is pretty scary. I shouldn't be doing this. Why am I poking around sometimes? Yeah, the people that did this may just drive by and shoot me going down the road. Yeah, but in the headspace I was in, though, I felt like I had nothing to lose in my life at that point.

My mom would probably be like, "Yeah, your life." I'm like, "Yeah, mom, but my life's not going so well right now." I felt like a failed artist or something. And so I really was willing to take that risk. It got the most serious once the arrests were made because I had a choice then to either hang it up and just let it happen or keep investigating this now that I have two prime suspects to look into.

And I decided to keep going and I doubled down again. And we learned a lot more about what really happened. And that was a conscious decision that was probably the scariest because now law enforcement was, stay out of my way. Right? Thanks, but go away now. Stay out of my way, even though the work you were doing kind of...

Got them to the point of being able to make the arrest. Yeah, like we'll take it from here Yeah, I was like, okay, and I you know, I really I said there's a few places but all the years later when they finally had the trial Ryan Duke was found not guilty and I was really just blown away that in the five years after these arrests they did really no other work to convict this guy

they really just kept the same exact narrative. Like they were too stubborn about it. And every like every detail that we brought up in the podcast and up and vanished that kind of poked a hole in it. Yeah. So, Hey, that was for you guys to, to, to look at and consider and run with it. I'm not trying to, you know, damage your case, but that's exactly what the defense did was use that kind of information. That was that they could find on their own too. Right. It was just the truth. Yeah. I mean, it's,

Yours is a little bit, at least as a comic, I have a little more control of how something ends. Totally. You know, while we both love a story, I get to lead mine more than yours kind of leads you. Please go listen to the rest of my new weekly show called Talking to Death. Rate it on your podcast app. Leave a review for it. And somewhere in your review, put UAV sent me.

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