cover of episode 17 | Bad Blood

17 | Bad Blood

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Up and Vanished

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节目主持人总结了Jake对州警关于其在Josef失踪当晚行踪的说法多次撒谎,并对与Lia初次见面的夜晚的解释含糊其辞,可能隐瞒了信息。同时,节目主持人还介绍了Lia的证词,详细回忆了与Jake在派对上相遇并互换联系方式的经过,并提供了照片和视频证据。Lia还对Jake在派对后给她发短信的行为感到困惑,并质疑Jake是否隐瞒了更多信息。此外,Lia强调了她日记的可靠性,并再次确认了与Jake在派对上相遇的时间,以及Jake在警方介入之前就告诉Lia他的枪支失踪了,这可能意味着Jake的叔叔Kevin拿走了枪支。最后,Lia还讲述了Jake从Joseph的房间拿枕头给派对客人睡觉的奇怪行为。 Lia详细描述了她与Jake在2016年夏天的短暂关系,以及她在事后收听了Up and Vanished播客后,对Josef案感到不安,并主动联系节目主持人提供相关信息。她提供了关于案发当晚以及之后几天与Jake互动的详细描述,包括他们相遇的派对、互换联系方式、以及Jake事后发来的短信。她强调了她日记的可靠性,并提供了照片和视频证据支持她的说法。她还表达了她对Jake行为的困惑和质疑,认为Jake可能隐瞒了更多信息。 节目主持人对Jake和Lia的证词进行了总结和分析,并提出了疑问,例如Jake为什么撒谎,以及他是否隐瞒了更多信息。节目主持人还强调了Lia日记的可靠性,并指出Lia提供的证据对案件调查具有重要意义。

Deep Dive

Jake lied to the state troopers about his whereabouts on the weekend Josef went missing. Lia, a former summer girlfriend, provides detailed accounts of their interactions, including a party where Jake was seen until early morning.
  • Jake lied about staying home playing video games all night.
  • Lia met Jake at a party and has detailed memories of their interactions.
  • Lia's journal entries provide a timeline of events that summer.

Shownotes Transcript


On november tenth in england, a georgia i'll be hosting and up and vanished live event. I'll be sharing exclusive video interviews from the season tape that has not yet been released and give you a complete behind the scenes look of our investigation. You're in lana or you wanted make the drive or flight there.

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But vanished in the midnight night. Sun is intended for mature audiences and may include topics that can be upsetting, such as emotional, physical in sexual violence, rape and murder. The names of survivors have been changed for anonymity purposes. Testimony shared by guest of the show is their own and does not reflect the views of tender for T, V or auto sy. Thank you so much listening.

Jake lied to the state troopers on multiple occasions about his whether outs. On the weekend, josef went missing, inserted Tyler, his friend jack told the police. He stayed in his house playing video games all night when in fact, he was at a party at a bonfire until at least four or five A M.

We have video proof of that. But why would jake lie about that? Uh, I don't remember. Excuse gets a lot flims here when he's being asked to a call the night he first met his summer girlfriend, lia, the first time I chester, and exchange numbers somehow that's either all a blurr to him or is withholding information for a reason.

I talked to his two thousand sixteen somewhere girlfriend lia for several hours, and SHE were called to the best of her memory. What happened that summer SHE left known in August two thousand sixteen, and went back home to florida. This is when the very first episode of up vanish came out about to reinstall.

And I kid you not, SHE started listening to the podcast. And he has been over sense when Joseph case emerged into the picture of this season, SHE reached out to me a little freaked doubt. Will you already listen up, Venus?

And yes, I was obsessed with terrible stead season. I went to alaska and twenty sixteen. So then when you put out the snow season, I was like, you've got to be kidding me.

World's collide. I've got this great message with for the girls I spent the summer with. We were just outsiders. And there's a lot more that you're putting out now that we had no idea when we were there.

Sometimes they hit a little close to home, and I might take a step back and kind of process we met, join twenty fifth at that party, and then J I. Cupboard off pretty quickly. We had, just like a little summer flame. IT was nothing serious. You didn't talk after I left that summer.

but him and I were involved. Saturday morning twenty five, what did you do that day? And then when were you with jake? For how long? And what did job do?

I'm so thankful I wrote what I did every single out summer in a journal. Otherwise I would have no idea. We were out a party of the night before.

So I think we went to a house party. There's a bulldog, but I had, and then everyone to the bars, and I went home saturday morning. We were all kind of uncover. We went bridge jumping earlier that day. I have pictures from that on june twenty, twenty fifth, but we did not go with jake because I met him that .

night at the party.

So I meet jake at this party. Everyone's drunk. All the girls that in turns I ve lived with, we all left together, and all six of us were there.

We went to the party. The picture, I said he was from one I am. And I know there was at least thirty more minutes after that that I would have talked to jack.

So lia meets jackie this party on saturday night. They kiss and exchange numbers. SHE took several pictures and videos from the party, but you can clearly see jake himself in the background around two a so he leaves the party and goes back home with her girlfriends. SHE goes asleep, and when you wake up the next morning, he sees a text message from jake that he sent to her while he was sleeping.

and he texted me and was asking me to come over. He didn't come over because I was drunk. I literally was completely asleep. And I was like, the next morning I saw that he had texted me and trying to come over over IT had to have been like, three, four, five and a friend name.

Cam remembers dropping jake off at lear's house around five A M. Did he just knock on her door, then turn around a walk home?

So many people saw you at this party. Where are you not coming out and saying that you were there and also you did? I really have a hard time believing that he did anything leading up to the point when he met me and kiss me because is just so Normal.

It's like, why would you why would you do that and then go to this big open party? But then on the other hand, even if you were black out drunk and don't remember being at that party and people are asking you your alibi, why not just say you're there? Okay, so for my journal, I am so thankful I wrote what I did every same day that summer in a journal.

Others SE. I would have no idea. So we met the saturday party due twenty fifth .

twenty five.

We met gin twenty fifth at that man camp party. The first time that I saw him a few days later, when we were sober during the week, he had told me at some point, my remit, a missing person. And I like.

that's weird. First.

he told me they took all my guns. They searched the house. There's caution tape on the door.

My remains missing. IT was very non al lion. They took all my guns.

Took all guns. What you name?

He told me that during the week, using like yet my room makes a missing person, the cops took my guns.

Do you like specifically saying that that they took his guns?

Yes, he said the cops, they took my guns. He used that time. That is clearing my head. But I don't know if he meant multiple, but that is what he said, yeah.

did you make a sound like to my guns? I don't have back at yeah. IT is interesting.

I know for a fact that jay had told me out before july fers.

When did the cops first go there? Not july first. He made that.

Statement to me before I first told .

lia that the cops took his guns purl before the cops had even been to his house in sea gun in the first place. They didn't even notice the rifle in the house until july third.

They took IT before. Then by the first was the house party. So he had already told me that we had the missing person conversation before. Then I was when he told me his roommate was missing, he said, yeah, no, like they are interviewing me. They took my guys.

Maybe someone did take the gun, but I just wasn't the police.

Monday was the twenty seven I saw him for the first time super on monday day.

So we hung out on .

the twenty nine for the first time like longer and that could have been when he told me he was either IT was probably the twenty nine eight he told that, but he was between in twenty seven and july first.

IT seems pretty early for jack to be saying that, who knows? It's weird though.

Jane had a party. He had a party that we all went over to the house for the first time. He gave us a house to her that the house party, he's like, sea, I told you there's the room.

I feel kind of stupid in a hindsight, when someone tells you the remains missing, you would start to question and pick up on the fact that, oh, you're not involved in the search. You don't ever talk about IT that enough of itself as weird. But at the time we were just naive. Everyone just said it's alaska. People go missing.

Happens a long time.

I do have to tell you this later on in the night, IT did freak me out in the moment, but i'd continued to hang out with him and not think anything of IT. But during that house party, people didn't have anywhere to sleep. And he went into Joseph stream and got a pillow from those this room, four people.

I remember always just being like, did he just go into the crime scene and take a pillow? And some people started laughing to us. We were just like, that's really weird. He went into that room and got a pillow for someone to sleep on.

Lea sent me her journal entries for that summer. SHE wrote down what he did nearly every single day. And from her perspective, it's likely the most authentic .

time line we have. He never .

wanted to talk .

about IT back then. Did you try? He didn't, my god, bring that up happening that summer.

You know, I would just say, like god told, just can't say they haven't sound that guy like I would make that comment. I would just be saying that out loud. And then at one point, we were on a high ones and we were off on.

And I know if you asked me, I think someone had bad blood, somebody had bad blood. And I was like, what? what? What do you mean by that? That's the first time i'd ever heard anyone in senu that IT was not a bear.

And he just completely change subject. After that, he's like nothing and out. And you just said that you think someone had bad blood with this missing person, that means you think that could been a murder. I told .

lia that bonne j. Mom had first brought name up to the P. I. Andy camer with .

bonny said that to jake oni.

rought you what fuck?

I never met her. That is why that's really weird to me. Wait, so what your time me is bony gave jake the heads up at the investigator knew about me.

That makes absolutely zero since to me. Thank paye literally. Thank you so much for playing that. For me, you don't know how much that means as a lot of process.

The fact that the only people that have seen Joseph or have communication of Joseph are all related pasting point. It's frequent weird that I met him that saturday night. I have to take light, probably us to the night. And we the process that .

lea and I have continued to stay in communication, and slowly but surely more details about that summer have come to light SHE left, known in August twenty sixteen back to florida, and she's never talked to jack or been back to name sense. But the group of girls SHE was with that summer have collectively pulled together all the information, phone data, photos, video, and it's building a much clear picture. do.

that. Do do.

From tender for TV in atlantic this is up and vanished in the midnight sun. Chapter two, i'm your host pin lenzing. In two thousand and eight, two years after job, what missing his family petition with the state of alaska to officially declare him deceased, a presumption of of death hearing was held in the known courthouse in several people precipitated to testify under oath. One of them was Christine.

My full name is Christine antha C H R I S T A N N T I S T Y A. You just began by generally introducing yourself just your age, where you lead the age communities. You kind of just explain how you met Joseph, generally the mature relationship.

Um I personate justice when he started his first steer of as a, you know, working here. That's when I first met him. And then as the time went on, we started talking more and just becoming more friends, just talking.

I did started to invite him over to my grandmother's place for press for traditional escort to see if he would like IT. And he did so he he wouldn't go all the time, but he when occasionally I think so, we just as time, but not we just talked more and hung out more and bad stuff. This sounds like josef spent some time with viewing of, on a somewhat regular basis.

Step there, you, when I just explain if you know what Joseph hobbies are really like to do with the same time he was an abbot runner, he ran a lot. And I think almost every day he said they need the running or bike because he had a bike broke, I guess, but he would run. He liked to be in the outdoors.

He liked going for hikes. He likes no fishing and being in the outdoors overall. So how would you describe to this personality? No, he is to thinking was funny.

But IT came out more of a lawyer type of funny, I guess, to explain, we did Baker, but IT was like a sibling in bigger and went to, I wouldn't be marry you because I want you but and we always found something to disagree on and agree that we disagree. So overall, he just was a very generous person, you know, friendly. So I believe that he was crazy or that he was, I don't know, you know, he was Normal.

Would you never see both fruit periods of depression or anxiety or anything that think the only thing is is like he was here for two years and he was going until a new venture. And I don't know if I just was. So we knew that I haven't done in the last two years.

I and probably to say would be a slight anxious, but nothing to give me a red flight that he was depressed or anything. I'd didn't get that. So i've been questioned by pleased to investigators, attorneys, private investigators.

And we've all asked me, what do I think happened to him? Could this have happened? I said at the time, because I think the last interview I did was with a private investigator, but they had all last me.

What do I think happened, or what do I feel like happened? I said at the time, I said, once I start to believe that something happened to him that might lose hope, that we mind them and they were like, both these is murdered. This thing he left, I said, I don't know.

I can say, I think I know. I don't know where he's that. But the second I don't believing in something happened in then that's when I was home. And so they understood I don't. I know he's somebody missing night. I I don't know, so I can't say what happened to him because like, I don't know what, I don't want to start to believe in something that I don't know what happened that are on my.

Question clearly, something happened to Joseph. The state of alaska officially declared red Joseph dais as deceased in a death certificate was issued to to his family. There was a weapon involved when the trooper went in to the room.

He didn't seen anything. And then then we back into the room right inside Joseph room. Are you solid on that? Which officer smith? They found a rifle in his room.

No, no, this is not a real case, is all public information. They have to turn IT all over the just investigators. And I SAT down, and they were focusing in on the right.

And IT showed up. Jaks uncle put IT there, Kevin, the disappearing and reappearing rifle in jail house. IT was said that jack's uncle Kevin was moving around vin s on the surf.

What's uncle name? P I C O Y A former police also got fired. You said that Kevin guy is a former officer that was fired. His brother is a state trooper, and and he was heavily involved in search, probably four days.

What area was he searching? Is that a record? Is a record of where he went? No, because using various groups, why would he place a gun in somebody else's room? After the guy went missing, compensated a gun out of that room, the other two tubes came in from the, and they told you not to tell anybody.

Why would they tell you not to tell anyone? Did you guys go to school with Kevin? He was in in, not in our class, but he was a little, tell me a little bit about him. I get a little drink problem, rough around the edge.

Arc, you may recall all from earlier that during the search, IT was reported that Kevin pascoe was driving as A T, V over footprints and tracks in the woods, obstructing the path of the canine search dogs. Jack told lia his guns were missing before the police even knew there was a gun in the first place. And maybe jack told the truth about that. Maybe Kevin did take IT and then place IT back there. Here's a recording of an old acquaintance .

of Kevin poca to come out. The old cups x cops, given, given was a, he was a police man too. I was was goods of mine. I talking about people, people think so much with that drinking, but I know a lot. I know a lot. When selena was here, sir, good friend with him, when they come to of, and there are about the case and I knew was going to, was gonna en to Kevin and those days and keep Kevin told me one day I went there with, but there is mom and dad and traces joes mom and sitting on the table and he can go stand and see me sitting with them and you look at me. But I was very accountable that I would like people say, look like, you know, the next weekend the Kevin went to.

Me to his know. He always high five. Me, he had five. We never have him.

I was watching him all the time, you know, seems happy for a reason. The way he died. He was weird. He was weird.

October third, twenty one, Kevin was missing. Then later that day, he was found the case, and his vehicle around mile thirty seven of council road, not too far from where they found josette truck.

He left the bar there. They were home at more drunk and get in the car, took a battle card with him. So he's that he's dead somewhere.

So he was pulling him, joe. You don't believe that you can, you, you can take months, days, months. We are here, whatever. One day, his spirit still lie. They never say what happened because I look.

I did.

No, Kevin's cause of death .

remains a mystery. Nothing about IT in his a bitch ewy. But what is known is that the first to arrive at the scene where his family members, not the paramedics, plenty of rumors footing round out there about this.

Nothing concrete, but the story is always the same bombers of a crown liquor bottle pills in some sort of suicide note. Again, oldest rumors. But what I can say is that I heard from a parameter who is at the scene hours after the family had been there, the one thing they were called was the smell.

And sorry to be graphic, but they felt the smell indicated to them that he had been deceased for much longer than he was reported missing for almost like he was put there. Just someone's observation, but IT all feels erly close and similar of balderas. I was a biologist .

up there known for sixteen years, from nineteen and ninety eight until two thousand and fifteen. I think there's a lot of good cops, but there's also some bad ones. And they seem to be in a position of powered.

And there's so many problems up there is so easy for people to get away with stuff. People escaping, people running away from stuff. Come to know because it's so far removed, you often bad people, or be with bad intentions, they can come up into norm and they can get away with stuff.

Drugs, drugs are big out there. Would you can sell a pill of oxy content on the street in in saint Lawrence island? Gambler semana q jin algol makes a lot of money in these small isolated communities with drugs even more.

It's big business. The nome is a hub for fifteen surrounding villages over an area of class ble hio. Be with bad intentions.

They can come up into norm, and they can get away with stuff. People just don't want to speak. Take lived.

People share stuff with me, then I get back with them to follow up like maybe should I said this, it's a lot of good people at thereby just a dark side. The corruption there goes goes over up to the mayor. Back in the early ninety, he was famous for his coke parties, cocaine. Oh, that everybody knows that .

cocaine is illegal.

So that means he had to be getting IT from drug dealers, which means he get the connections, a retired state of alaska medicated fraud investigator said. If the mayor was ever fully investigated, ordered, there will be enough financial fraud to put him behind bars for a long time. That something were on, I am suspicious, and other people I ve talked to are that he knows what's going on in that town.

I personally would not be surprised if he knows what happened, FLorence, and what happened about theirs. There's a good old boy network up there. They rubb each other's back and to all kinds of stuff.

And the corruption is at the very top, exploits vulnerable people. You can get in the power rot there. And you just realize that you can get away with so much because the people that you can control, people that grew up there, they live there. And on their family, their job is their kids. They can go anywhere.

they can speak up against .

these power structures. And that's what the hospital there is so corrupt. I was the radiologist at the hospital in home basic.

The only medical specialist in town, the CEO at the time, was a sexual pretor. First person I found that he group was my radiology director, reaching under the blouse, grab the breath. And two other women in radiology were also group rests and crushes.

I brought all three of these women to, we need to go to the police to make a statement. This is sexual. Salt is crime.

Have their names. I've talk with them. And I went with him to the police, the police chief at the time, police chief, and no.

And an investigation was started. I call the medical director in to my office. The hospital immediately went in a cover up mode.

The CEO lasted three days. IT was reported that he had tendered his resignation. That's a new femm for not being fired.

But IT was attended resignation. What he tended his resignation. Carol p.

Skua was appointed acting CEO. Did you talk to Carol? I'll get to them. Carol p.

Coil became the acting CEO, and everyone in the hospital was told not to talk about this. The C. E, O grow this woman outside the hospital.

So what happens outside the hospital stays outside the hospital. IT doesn't come in in the hospital. We were not supposed to talk about IT.

Three sexual assaults is the crimes. You don't turn the page on crimes, sexual assault or fellini, by the way. Loney, as coy, he jevon talked to lonny. He was a state trooper, and he is now in charge of missing and murdered indigenous people.

Karl pessoa, grandmother of jake and Christine and the mother of Kevin SHE, also has a son, loney pascoe, who was appointed as the lead M M I W. Investigator for the entire state. I mailed on me all the way back in january before this podcast was even on saying your work with M M I W is really strong and amorous. We're doing a podcast about FLorence och olic, and we love to talk to you nine months later. I've yet to get a response.

Lonnie choy is a retired state trooper. His mother, Carol is choy, obstructed a police investigation in multiple assault. What if lone's investigations take them anywhere close to his mother or to the mayor? He's gonna a conflict of interest on a way, looked there, all tied together, and they're covering for each other. They tried to run me at a town for years. I stir the pot by reporting crime, which you don't do, because you'd liked to handle .

things in house. I finally just left .

on my own because I just got tired of the corruption up there. I had no respect for anybody. The per square there was that one per square, Kevin, per square.

I think justice bol dis was having a relationship with Christine Kevin pascoe. I knew something. There was mad, but there there something going on there.

Oni might be OK. But I mean, is he going to go against his mother? you. Got all these people, and there not what I want to talk, because pull one dump out in, the whole thing collapses.

Is a dinner of darkness and corruption up there and got to give people information to hear the symptoms ending, somebodies being hurt or taking advantage of abuse or stolen from you. Don't just look the other way. Too many people were aware this stuff.

They're aware that this persons covering this up, they're aware that this person, that this and they don't say anything, and eventually you going to get to the dark clink. This can be very tight net, and that words can take long force under somebody to turn these people against each other. That, I mean, somebody said, who interacted with Joseph? What happened? What vehicles were there besides his truck? Somebody knows cycling. You take down a serial killer. They give you information about all the other unsolved cases that they were involved in.

Running has seen the worst society. And he has seen the best in society.

On september eighteen, two thousand twenty two one, I was hired back to the alexa state twitter investigation in the missing and murdered indigenous person loney, that a zoom interview call with students last year. His goal is an investigator in this unit is to solve as many cases as possible. Thank you.

And at this time, I will turn them over to money. thanks. I invited me today.

I guess one thing that wasn't set earlier is got four brothers and two sisters in a gazillion cousins and and no cost. Of course, I think my mother's online, so she's abbe truckin by now. At the end of the interview, students asked questions, and so that is mom Carol. Carol asks.

at what point or when do you get involved with either a missing or murdered person? Missing persons from this area have been missing for years.

That's my mother, mom. I guess it's a quickly wheel gest degrees, right? When you speak up about IT and you call and call and ask him and say, I think um I have more information then then i'll get involved.

Well, the phone still ringing is a two hour conversation with the last person to have seen france occhio alive new enough information, considering the fact he had her belongings in his tent, was never officially interviewed by police in claims that he was murdered and put inside a barrel under a method. Al's house and nom. Eventually, I think we'll get to some of these uh, cases that are not necessarily more popular but have been publicized more out there. We're ready when you are check your email.

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No one has had a dark history for a long time now. Long before I begin investigating journalist by the name of Victoria mackenzies traveled to know me to conduct your own investigation into the police department.

I was working as a deputy editor for the center on media crime and justice in new york. I started at looking into name and long history of public complaints about his treatment of alaska's people by police. Decade after decade, you'd hear calls by native institutions calling for a civil rights investigation of civil rights violations and also an outside investigation of these deaths and disappearances.

Women and girls in alaska faced four times the national average of homicides. I felt he was really under reported. Around the same time, national native news had a short report about a group of alaska native women who came out saying that, look, we reported serious sexual assaults to local police, and they did nothing. They're not taking our cases seriously. I made .

Victoria person in new york city. SHE were called her experience in them. And what he uncovered during the, once he stayed there, a group of alaska tive woman had banned together, seeking justice for sexual assaults that were not being investigated.

What they were all saying is that they needed data to prove what was going on. They had asked for the data from the state, and IT wasn't forthcoming. People wanted data on native victimization, data that tracks cases from first report through the prosecution outcome.

There's any they've been working for three years behind the scenes to improve police response to sexual assaults. Police energies were really victim blaming. In twenty eighteen, you didn't only have this one group of women, but other community members were really upset about specific incidents with police.

Police officer was convicted of punching and alaska tive woman in his custody. He continued to work in the department. Afterwards, there were concerns about another officer giving an authorized ride longs to underage girls. And that really, I go back to what happened with owns.

Back in two thousand, three known police officer Matthew owns was convicted for the murder of one, nine, nine year old snia I. His inappropriate behaviour towards the native women have been reported for a long time before then. But the known police department did absolutely nothing about IT.

They knew he was riding around, patrolling in his police cruiser, picking up Young women. And at the same time, you had a nine, one, one Operator in.

alas, a native woman who is sexy assaulted, reported her own assault. And nothing happened.

SHE came out in the news saying that SHE reported her own rape to her lootenant, her colleague and friend lutte and harvey, and he did nothing for a year. Given the ranking officer for a long time in charge of investigations, he didn't create a call for service or a police report. And meanwhile, he tolerate was working on the case, john pop.

Eda, who'd been with the name police to apartment since two thousand and seven. You did see him in the news talking about the lack of financial resources for policing in the high turnovers. Obviously, they were turning people away.

If he's saying, you know, we don't have enough resources, what was that? The whole story. I spoke with people who had work under him in the department. One was A A sergeant stots conducted his own investigations, he said of lootenant harvey.

He felt that harvey had been promoted without any reason to do so, and that he starts had experienced retaliation every time he tried to nononsense what he called chatty police work, not going out on serious sexual assault, serious felling assaults, and also called, like good old boy network. What he eventually did was quit final complaint, and that before the nine one one Opera was assaulted, SHE had reported her rape to the lute carvey e and he did nothing about IT for year. And then the chief knew about IT too.

The S, L, U. Filed the equal protection suit. Only half of the nine one one Operator known.

Police eventually settled the lawsuit for seven hundred and fifteen thousand dollars.

I can say why there was never a report made or a call for service made. You have to ask them. They didn't really respond either. So the complaint was on behalf of this one nine, one one Operator who's lost in native being part of a pattern and practice of discrimination against the last natives and against women in one SHE was looking for indication of her own rise, equal protection. But also all of the other women in known didn't feel .

safe anymore for valid reasons.

IT stalled for a long time because the city wouldn't turn over discovery. They had to get court order to turn over discovery. And still, after the court order, they didn't give IT.

I've heard from the police officer who was hired to replace Matthew leos, he'd been ordered several times to drop cases of sexual assaults for reasons like the victim had been drinking, the victim of fourteen year old girl was on a virgin, or, oh, I know the suspect. He's a good guy. He doesn't have sex with minors.

He only takes, know, he gets adults strong and takes them out to the toner and has sex with them. SHE was the lone female officer at the time. He was trying to investigate sexual assaults, sexual sault against minor sexual salts against adults.

And, you know, was having this experience over and over again. He had written a lengthy document to every single city council member when he left, turned over documentation on falsified reports. Everything should seem going on there.

The city knew what was going on. There's just no way to deny that. I was overwhelming, and I was really aware of how to traumatizing IT was for people to talk to me.

There were people who, you know, withdrew from the whole story process. I had sources who had a mental health crisis and didn't want to continue. And we have the numbers to show what was happening.

Have the police reports are the lack of police reports to show what's happening. We have the medicine reports to show what's happening. It's lazy to just go up to somebody and have them crying to a microphone.

I spoke to the former nine one one Operator .

on the phone toria with my game. M. P. D.

I really appreciate what you guys doing for something, the own family. I really appreciate that. I do remember the time that choice. I would go a direction at that time. The chief of point, he was very adamant, had gotten him one one more that he did need to me when you think I stupid.

This supply with a .

direction. These were conversation that I want in night.

IT doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that policing and alexa has never changed. Despite new money, new investigators, lawsuits, initiatives, the girl boys have remained in place.

Florance, opp, oic. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I not talk you about that one too. Florist opp r like a native gale, disappeared from the west. Speech there know her less words were defected up. Cell phone or less words were, there's four of them in the bushes, and IT doesn't .

look good.

I told that true percept, or you need to get a hold of her phone and do a forensic thing to hanging out. Some guy named organ john, math guy, I guess, and supply to supplying her with math. And he was into drugs. I called the talk to the investigate rupp, their N P D. We talked to organ john and he, he thought that organ john was the main suspect.

Why would the lead in mi w investigator for the entire state of alaska completely disregard flo op oi s disappearance?

It's time to revisit the disappearance of FLorence. ocp. Oic, there is a recognition amongst native community. They have not been always treated very well, and known, known has this very different history.

And yet native people have been here and been part of known history from the very beginning, flow out and come harm. One night you'd been taken down to some of these tech camps. Lair went down the beach to try to find her sister.

This guy gives her some of close, close, but she's not there. I just know he was a cab driver in town, and a lot of people didn't like him. Well, we know who this guy is.

He goes by organ, john. Whether IT was intentional or an effort to shut her up, she's clearly been murdered. The cats coming out of the bag, there are other names in this case. I don't know these people, but you don't hear anything good about a felon, a mike, Megan or pull bench of junior alongside organ john, two other men have been named. Rumors are there into math.

There's different stories that there's other people involved with dn garten, Michael mack, one is a dream.

I had previously censored their names, but no longer they are paul bench off in Michael mmc goon.

If somebody abacus scratching, poor hero, leave as much evident as you can behind and rely on the public to find them, not the police apartment, because they're not help or are willing to. I've got a couple friends who were beaten up by them, but they were too scared to go forward.

Player close sister, you know? I'm going in. Thank you that guys. 我 本家 ff。 没 看。 He was standing by juno and sent a couple days later, he got busted for drugs in the sky.

If you have the names of these people, why aren't the place doing anything about? 我 死 了。 Around when the police capture all these people.

The theory that I think in the city wanted to work on was that sh'd gotten really drunk, left the tense, tried to walk back to doe and passed out and died of hypothermia somewhere until the bodies found. Every search starts where the person was last scene. Why would the belonging there and not be there? All part of.

While they may have been known for their gold, but they're also known for their drugs. So they're not gold miners. Their triple .

makers .

do think the jug do. There's got away with murder.

Oh, my little carp, I think we need to go to the bat. I A pet that's the one doctor .

holds told us about.

just loves that play. Wow, the reviews. Everyone loves this place you are the pet.

This is, how can I help you? Hi, I think my dog milo eat his toy. Let me get one of our best marine on the line.

Hey, just me. Just take you to see our bit right away. Guys are en E, R for path opens twenty four seven.

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In the october twenty twenty, just two months of the four went missing, the alaska ate troopers alongside the FBI, conducted a large scale drug bust in nom, seizing heroes and mEthanol to my, resulting in the arrests of eight people, and two of those people were pulled bench off. In Michael mcglone, I spoke to the former nine, one, one Operator for M. P, D, who is sexy, assaulted ensued the department, he recalled a peculiar incident, a transparent journey, afford of went missing .

right around the time, just had done .

to me every .

time I got at work. Any time that would brought up Cameron, what show of the right thing behind my back reading over just getting getting no T B G B O, the fact creative you with something I was told by the manager then don't talk about IT take under my mind I really do think that was Kevin.

It's time to start piece this all together. I have Christine chose phone records for that weekend. And in IT, there are numerous calls to a random phone number during the day, friday, friday night, again after midnight in around six A M.

On saturday. All these calls to a random guy she's not even friends with on facebook, a man named tom baden. This is Josie, a local, a ome, who has helped josey's family with the investigation for years.

Looking at Christie Grace phone records, several phone calls back and forth to that number early in the evening, then late the evening. Tom bent, volunteer ambuLance, apartment emt, also a professional bar hunting.

I remember thinking, did Joseph get hurt? Did Christine call torn bing to get medical? Is IT bothered me so much that I called him as a tom? Why would Christine be calling you at these times of the morning, the morning that josep disappear? He said, well, that was my old home phone number, the landline.

He was married at the time they had split up. Apply SHE pict, the house and the phone number, the landline. And what tom begin said was that was my old house. That was my old landline. And IT was a known drug house.

I've seen these messages myself. So essentially the number Christine was calling all hours of the night just of went missing was a land line number. And IT belonga house, not too far from where Joseph loved a house known among gs, the locals as the drug dealing house.

came up to two, three in the morning, and then somebody calls at six fifty one in the morning, and then at nine thirty in the morning, all those from strange hours just said to, like, somebody was up all night. And I just thought, you know where they? I don't know.

I never knew you have to be into drugs and I don't. None of them might all I known them to be in the drugs, but you just never know why. The timing of IT all things are pretty consistent up into the time kim says he left them for break er SHE took a cab right home and then IT was just Joseph .

Christine maybe they went .

off the lights to talk about him moving to juno and he was good to be getting married Megan. And then maybe IT was accidental after all, but whether was between jack and Christine, Kevin swooped in eighty. IT was accidental after IT was unknown. Funk house.

both fLorent's ocp olic in Joseph dis disappeared under a very different circumstances. But two years into this investigation, i've found an uncle ny connection. They both have.

Joseph was last seen with Christine, and apparently he went to the beach with him the next day. But other than that, it's only members of the pasqua family themselves who claimed to have seen Joseph anywhere, Christine and Joseph, or together past two A M. On friday night.

And Christine made six or more phone calls to a land line number linked to a house town known for its drug dealing. Who was living in the house at that time? Were they selling drugs that night?

I found a man who was living there during the time of both Joseph and FLorence's disappearance, who in october of twenty, was arrested for distribution of orthotics and nom, a man who is now on the run with an active warrant for his arrest, a man named Michael Michael, same man named as an associate of organ, john, on the night of flows disappearance. I don't know these people, but you don't know anything good about a felony. Mike mcginn, rumors are there into math.

Other people involved with john gartland. Michael magoon is one of one. He is a dragon.

Do you know who he is? what? And who other goes? Like you back on. We've talked to organ john, who said some weird things to say the least, and also some accusations of the zone.

I believe that most of what john told me is a lie, but talked away deep in there. There may just be a few kernels of truth. Remember what john said? And they girl come and hung out my time when night, and he walked off somewhere, and somebody can moved again.

The whole towns that I murdered her, the FBI, had to come in and they cleared me. They found her buried under the dud's house, the meet dealer, and they thought I did. It's Better.

I was the last person seen her a life besides the guy had killed. Besides Michael, Michael, what else does john know that he's not saying? Since part one of the season, i've been sent hundreds of emails about organ.

John, he was a cab driver, a nom, before FLorence went missing. And one person had a terrifying experience during one of those cab rides. And they sent me a video of IT.

Fucking the ask the change up? No, again, I try to tell you again my way, because you are this reason, the youtube, and look what you still working, how make you pitch? 好 好。

much. Five people came over try to bring up because I called cops in his wife. They came for super set over the way I want.

Yeah, it's gonna a while. I know we can. The other one is left on me. I know the way is.

With Michael Michael on the run, I need to try and talk to organ join again, but this time as the real me.

hello. John, yes, yes.

this is pain. lenzing.

Lines on the .

podcast guy. How's IT going?

thanks. Different day .

question for you. Would you ever be down to sit down one or one and just talk to me about everything?

We can set the terms and you know make IT comfortable for both of us.

You know you know all I have the truth, you know that's .

IT well.

Let's talk about I appreciate this roster stories. Is or are you have no idea?

One of the horse st. Ports about doing this investigation in real time as the podcasts is coming out, is the game of chess were playing in the background. When do we say certain things that we know? And i've decided it's time to reveal some details I think the community itself could help us with.

Weeks after a josep bold's went missing on june twenty fifth, his credit card was used five different times in name on july eight, nine th, 一, thirteen thousand and fourteen. And this was literally while his family was in known searching for him. Somebody had his credit card and was using IT.

Joseph mother was able to track down the physical receipts from the store where all these purchases were made. It's called, but nanca express, a convenient store on the corner next to our Joseph to live. I have the dates of birth of these alleged individuals who made these purchases because they're on the received.

But after investigating this to the fourth extent, IT seems likely that whoever was working the counter just punched in random dates and that happens. But the purchases that were made each time were always the same things. Here's what they were, twelve scans of rebel, pretty common.

Sixteen on scans of a monster energy drink called mad dog, a lighter. And every time, boxes and boxes of menthol cigarettes of the brand. cool.

K O O L. So i'm asking the community who smoked cool mental cigarettes in Normal aska in the summer of twenty sixteen. Not everyone, i'm sure, but we're looking for you and were going to find you.

We're going to take one more break simply so we can continue this investigation into both of these cases. But this season as a whole is far from over, and we're coming back with a final installation in just a few months. The community engagement this season has been amazing.

And as a team, we want to thank all of you for your support on november tenth and IT land, a georgia i'll be hosting and up and vanished live event in all of the ticket. Proceeds will be donated back to the family's reward fund. So if you're in atlanta where you want to make the drive or flight there, come see me on november tenth at terminal west.

I love to make your own person and discuss these cases in a much deeper er way. I'll be sharing exclusive video interviews from the season tape that has not yet been released and give you a complete behind the scenes look of our investigation. We love to see you if you want to come, you can get tickets now by going to up and vanished 点 com slash tickets。 This is a one night event only november tenth in elena, and you can get tickets now by going to up and vanish dot com slash tickets.

The link is also in the description. All proceeds from the show are being donated back to the family's reward fund will be back soon with the third and final installment of the season. If you want to sneak peek of what's to come, come see us in atlantic november tenth at terminal list, linked the tickets or in the description just going to up and vanish our com slash tickets. Thanks for listening. See soon.

Up and vanished in the midnight sun is a production of tenderfoot v in association with autism. Your host is pain. The show was written by pain lenzing with additional assistance from micron y executive producers are Donald Operate and pain lenzing lead producer is Michael ony, along with producers Dylan hering ton and Cooper skinner, editing by micro e and Cooper skinner, with additional editing by Dylan hinton.

Supervising is Tracy cabin. Additional production by Victoria machen's, Alice kEllen and eric kinda art work by rob sherman, original music by makeup and vanity set makes them mastered by couper skinner. Thank you to orn rosing bomb and the team at uta, back commedia and marketing and the nord group.

Special thanks to all of the families and community members that spoke to the team. Additional information and resources can be found in our show notes for more podcasts like up and vanished search tender for A T V. On your favorite podcast APP or visit us at tender foot dot TV. Thanks for listening.

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