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From dinner for T. V. In elena, this is up and advanced Q N. A.
Hey guys, it's pain here. Thanks for tuning into the Q N A. Epsom today. If you want to check out some pictures from our investigation of montana, i've posted some on my instagram. So you curious and you want to check IT out, my instagram is at pain lenz y just my name.
I've posted some pictures from Browning, a lot of the sites that i've mentioned in the podcast, but it's there if you want to check IT out again, it's at paint lines on instagram. Thanks guys. Enjoy the epo de .
for finding and really hard to keep up. With all of tail. And i'm a little that confused as to whether SHE and hall were at the time that he found out that he and actually were dating for they still in a relationship when he found out about how and ashly. Thanks so much for all the work for doing okay.
So back when ashly won't missing all in, tea were together. They were married. They also had a kid together. So whenever tea found out that paul was potentially dating, actually in some sort of way, they work together at that time.
Hey, pain. This is Kelly for mr. Again, my question for you is regarding the even really makes sense to me is back that he said he fell left and then actually was gone like he didn't mean fall left or I it's not clear.
And at the next minute, he said that he actually was supposed to wake him up before SHE laugh. I don't know. I just seems weird.
Like was he supposed to fell asleep or was he intending to or delay reason? I say this because you point IT out that he took me, just fell l asleep when he had claimed in the nasty data for days so I don't know just as weird because was IT just he falsely by accident or was he supposed to or intended to but I don't know, just seem to say to me, anyway, good up. Very interesting story.
thanks. I don't think sam was like OK, i'm going to sleep now. I mean, if you set up for days doing math, I think eventually at some point you crash.
I think IT was just weird and unfortunate for sam in that particular incident that he fell asleep in that moment, because IT will forever be suspicious until we find actually. But my personal opinion here is that I think ashlee did leave from the device where sam was. And if that is the case, and that means that seem likely, do not harm or kill ashly.
So my name is actually A I am from calling from using or again, I just had a question about this interview ty, the whole situation with her and when what is when they have to gain by having said, well, he came about this right for for me initially I noticed when you had asked about IT that SHE kind of denied, even actually like knowing or speaking to andy and then the story kind of change.
I'm kinds curious what your thoughts are on why that behavior would present himself that way. Why do you think that he would have to change to admit that he knew wander or is IT? Possibly because from a couple years ago, I I don't know. I just I saw that kind of intriguing, and I wanted to hear your thoughts on that. So thank you so much.
I don't think windy has anything to gain by making that stuff up. I mean, maybe they don't like each other, but that would be the only reason. Yeah ah I found IT very strange whenever I mentioned windy to tea.
And at first they seemed like he didn't know who he was and then SHE slowly kind of remembered, or whatever IT was, all the details of that particular incident. I don't know. I mean, there was clearly a level of preservation there.
Is that because he is just nervous and he knows that he doesn't make her look good? Or is IT because she's hiding something bigger than that? I really don't know. And I think that's the most confusing and frustrating part of my interview. Teas is stuff just like that.
Hey, pain, this is tony from connecting. My question is at the end of episode nine, where you ask him to call her friend, I guess to verify her, where about do you feel that that was a genuine, rather not genuine but uh, honest 啊, 拜拜。 I asked because I got the impression that her friend was waiting for that vocal SHE knew that you were gonna a conversation with her obviously and probably he knew as he is that money SHE think he is um he probably knew that you were going to end the conversation with, oh, what do we just call your friends to verify very curiously so you know how you feel about IT .
you'll get to hear the full call next week. My first impression is that IT wasn't really planned. I mean, sure you could have given her friend a heads up, say, and hey, i'm gonna part of this podcast about Ashley's disappearance and me being with you is part of my alias.
Be prepared to talk to this person or whatever. Sure, but I didn't get the impression that he was there waiting for me. And you will see whenever you hear the call, they didn't seem like he was just waiting by the phone. Then again, who knows?
Hi, this is Michael. Some question is, if he did get dropped off and see at on the test, is that possible that tall can make you back to the pickup point and that not a time? I member, if you said that you are gone.
So I just pull that up on google maps. He says the drive from seattle, washington to shelby, montana, which is where the divide is, is ten hours and forty two minutes. So presumably if paul left during the daytime on saturday, the tenth, he could easily be there by, let's say, ten or eleven in the morning the next day.
And who knows what he was even saying to actually, or how urgently he was supposed to be picking her up. And if he was in some sort of relationship with her, wouldn't surprise me if he would drive ten hours straight to go picker up. So is IT possible one hundred percent? absolutely.
Hi many much. Thank you for this. And my question is, will you be taking this to the police um until get the all the information that you have? Are you even giving this type information for the police to go check out? Um as far as I police CoOperating um the story for the investigation.
I mean, if the police wants the information, they can listen to the podcast. Um not to get too much into IT, but my team and I have made at this point dozens of calls to the local police there and they literally will not call us back. So I don't know if that's because they're understatement, if they're just annoyed that we're even doing this at all.
Yeah I mean, I have nothing to hand deliver to the ninety percent of information I have. Besides, just a few things are in this podcast. And obviously, if I found the smoking gun here, I would contact either the FBI and or local enforcement. But man, if I called local enforcement with the smoking gun, no guarantees that even call me back anyway.
Hello, my name is the must read. First, I would just like to say that i'm really enjoying your episodes of often about about in ah I grew up on the reservation. I currently live in california.
My question is, are you cared? Are you scared going around the reservation and interviewing all these people going around and asking is, are the people that you don't know these questions after everything? Let's been going round on the reservation. Thank you for the time listening to my question. And thank you also for shining light on action story, and I hope we find her.
I get asked that question a lot. I mean sometimes yes but honestly only a small sliver by paint.
This is Janet calling from perl missions. I do have a question that's been uh just keeps downed back. And for every time I listen to something um in season three, sam and the letters did those seem stage to you because you came off as being very staged when you went back for the second if i'm remembering IT correctly, the second visit like he had them just prepared like IT is IT didn't come off as being genuine and authentic wondering what your thoughts store .
are met to me sam notes were one hundred percent january. He actually briefly mentioned at the first time I met him, but I wasn't recording at that moment. So I I knew about these notes or the possibility of there being these notes that he rode down.
And then before I left, the second time i've brought IT up again and you could tell he was kind of dancing around IT. He said his daughter had them and they weren't there. Then eventually he was like, okay, i'll show them to you. And honestly, they weren't really that much different than what he had told me in person. I think there was a few more intimate details about how you maybe felt about ashly and that kind of thing.
But to meet those notes for real, I think that at the time of Ashley's disappearance, sam was pretty mess up on drugs, and he realized that he needed to write some of the stuff down, or also could be used against him in some sort of way. If you're fascinated by true crime, diving into a mystery, piecing together clues and figuring out what really happened, I have something pretty cool to share with you. It's a game called hunt, a killer.
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Hi pain. I had a question about the cabin that had been mentioned about actually possible ping interested in IT just seemed like that was a weird detail that kept being mentioned. And I was curious if anyone ever looked into the cabin, looked into who owned, who frequented IT.
That would be great. That's the one thing that keeps coming to my mind though. Thank you.
I don't think there's really any significance to the cabin itself. I think it's just one of the things that sam remembers last when he was with actually that he mentioned this cabin way off in the distance. And I don't think it's actually a house is just a small little structure.
I don't think anyone lives there. IT seems dam near impossible to get to. I don't think actually walked up there. That area was searched. I think he was just one of the things that he remembered her saying before he fell asleep and SHE went missing.
I think, hi, I am Daniel ed crew, uh, many of stadium listeners from canada, I just finished the most episode. And when he was giving pain direction, I was screeching, don't go, don't go so my question is, pain, were you at all nervous about just following some personal interactions and not really knowing where you are going? thanks. Keep up the good work.
Yeah, tea pulled the auto on me and I was like, oh my goodness, what are we doing right now? Yeah, I pipe been sitting there in the casino parking lot for about thirty, forty five minutes. And I was like, here we go.
She's is going to bail on me. And then he texted me that he wanted to meet somewhere else, but he wouldn't give me the address. I was like, OK will mean, obviously, if I start pulling up to something that looks super sketchy, i'm just onna turn right back around. But SHE ultimately LED me to this park that was out in the open. So once I really got there, I felt a little more comfortable.
Guys, what's up, how to go and love in the new season? My named ryan from filly, I guess we're on a little confuse, is he keeps making excuses for not being able to remember some things because of how high SHE was at the time or how messed up SHE was on drug. But then the things that he does seem to remember, he seems to remember very well.
So everything that seems to keep her away from this crime, or everything that she's recalling about this crime, why are we taking these things seriously? If SHE very well could have been high at the time, and if he was high, SHE very much could have been involved and just doesn't quite remember. I'm just curious your thoughts on that and if that plays any role into how serious you're taking your conversation with her. Thank you so much, guys.
I mean, I ve never done math. I feel like if I did math for years that I would probably have a totally distorted memory too. I honestly don't know entirely what to make of the way the handles herself.
You can look at IT a couple of different ways. I mean, one of them is maybe she's just nervous, maybe her memory is a little fuzzy and he knows that he doesn't look good in the situation, and she's just trying to protect herself. And when he remembers the things that make her a look good, SHE make sure to let me know what they are.
And then the things that don't make her look good, SHE doesn't only know how to respond to those things, or maybe she's hiding something I really don't know. T as a person has been mostly friendly to me, but as far as her involvement in Ashleys disappearance, I honestly don't know. And I think that that's what's making this case so frustrating, is understanding why certain people are acting the way that they are.
Hey, guys, thank you for uh, taking my question. My name is cody. I'm calling from independent side the I just had a question for you.
What is IT like for you? Yes, you're journalist. Guess you're investigator, but you're listening. You're talking to these people, and for the most part, a lot of them seem very scattered and very all over the place.
It's got to be very difficult for you while listening to these people to try and gather. The fact is also very difficult at the same time. I was just wondering like what that's like for you as a journalist of investigator. Thank you. Invest block.
Honestly, i'm pretty scattered brain too. I mean, as a listener, you probably wouldn't get that by listening to the podcast because all of my voice over is hopefully well thought out. And the way the story is structure, we spend a lot of time building this and for you to understand that. But yeah, sometimes it's really, really complicated.
And I don't know what the hell is going on when people are talking to me, but I think a lot of times what I have to do is sort of hyper focus on certain parts of IT and so someone could even be talking to me and i'm not even entirely listening because i'm so ready for the next thing and I don't want to get distracted by this little tangent that they're on. And so sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing. But yeah, it's a extremely complicated, but something I strive to get Better as I keep going on.
I think this is is trying again for the question that I had for you. If you play the message where accident the s be at you, and I was wonder why you had told her that you believe her. They feel like everything leading up to the conversation that could not be recorded.
She's very angry and very aggressive towards you. And her story kind of wasn't complete as IT is now with days in times extra visitor. The minor is IT how to having a conversation with you.
I know it's all still unfolding, but this is something that I was curious about. This is partly portrait, obviously, the audio. thanks.
I mean, i'm not going to open up a conversation with the person of interest saying, I don't believe you that would never work. The fact is, I want to believe these people. I want to believe that they are good people who did not kill Ashley.
But the bottom is somebody did. And IT may be one of these players. IT may not be. All I did was listen to tea and take what he told me seriously. But as I collect information from other people, other places, more information from the same person, that opinion can evolve.
Hey, pain, this is lively from east lana. I have a couple questions about sam and the last episode that just air yesterday she's under pretty confident that sam was the last person to see her and that he dropped her off somewhere at a cabin in the mountain um but how do you notice is true I went back and listen to the same carbon episode and definitely was concerning that the girl was reporting about him him locking some girls in a secret room in the house and some girls running away from his house naked also seems like he may have told them lies about actually telling him that he was pregnant, the baby and stuff like that so just wondering for sure how do we know that same in fact drop ashly off um in the mountain somewhere. Thanks so much.
I mean, we only really know that because sam told us that could sam have made that up? Uh, sure. But this seems like a really stupid thing to make up because IT basically forever tize you to this missing person.
He came forward after he was reported missing with this story. Insure just like a lot of other people in this case, and may have said some things that were suspicious again, is that out of self preservation, he knows he is a target. He knows that he is a person of interest, just like tea. I think that to make that story up would be stupid unless there's something way bigger that you're hiding.
My name is Angela. I just finish listening to episode nine that just kind of hit me all of a sudden. If anyone had ever considered that actually like something happened to her in the wilderness, given that he was like oppositely, the influence of something could SHE have fAllen and left there. Could he have, I don't have area very well.
This is a very real possibility. SHE could have left the car where sam fell asleep and wander off and gotten hurt. But that area was searched very well, and they found no trace of actually whatsoever.
Could you've gone somewhere else and wanted off? absolutely. But as far as that particular place at the devi or sam fell a sleep, I believe that actually is not there.
I have a big um kind of question in east of four at eight minutes and fifteen seconds you're talking to sam mostly about ashly and then you watch over and asking about big out and in that moment sam goes big he said to and I just had that kind of shook me off my feet um in the sense that IT really inside that was such confidence that said two would imply that Ashley dead also and I think that that was a real a real confirmation and I was only if that uh, something you notice or have looked into or that even something that can you listen more obviously. Love the show. Keep up the good work.
Honestly, I only put too much weight into that. Him thinking that ashly is likely deceased. I think that a majority of people at this point probably think that because no one just goes missing under these types of circumstances, I don't think that she's hiding out somewhere.
I don't think that he was abducted. I think somebody harmed her. And as a player in this who knew actually, I don't think he's wrong for thinking that way. So I don't really put too much weight into that.
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hey, this is actually, I was curious if you ever talk to the guy that supposedly crush teeth car or sold later, whatever. Just curious about that. thanks.
I have reached out to that person, but I believe he is in prison, and it's been very difficult to track him down, but if I ever make contact, I will absolutely ask him about this .
incident this whole time. Sam has been saying that he fell asleep in the car, but he's never really said that he passed out from being on drugs or hide or drunk, so I wanted some clarification on that because if he just fall asleep how could he not hear her leave and a car pull up indoors clothing if he really was like drunk er high and passed out, I could see that but there's no acknowledge in of that. So I just wanted to know because we're sort of just trusting his word that that's what happened and that he just didn't hear her leave.
The bottom line is sometimes weird, crazy shit happens, stuff that doesn't even sound real, like going to the divide with ashly falling asleep in the car and waking up in her being missing for over four years. That's insane. But sometimes stuff like that just happens.
And when IT does, IT makes IT even more complicated to solve because everyone's first instinct is like, oh, there's no way that happened. There's no way that happened like that. But what if you did I pay .
quick question regarding your interview with key. Is this possible or do you coin to have some sort of an expert evaluate statements? I know that often times i've seen on various programs that they can have an expert tell what is in the verity of someone, a statement is true, or there trying to deceive the person they're speaking with.
I have my own opinions as to whether he is telling the truth or not, but the curious is to whether professional might be able to evaluate those statements. So love the show. thanks.
why? I'm not opposed to any professional out there examining any of these interviews that i've done t or sam. I don't want to fall down the rabid hole of hyper analyzing every single word these people say, but I would find an interesting to see what a professional has to say about whether or not they think a certain person is being deceitful. So if you're that person, feel free to reach out.
Hi, this is america. My question is, do you think the confusion of tea didn't because he was high during the most of this time? And so how recollection is body or is all the confusion? Because 一周 so many by over the years that you can no longer keep provide good job guys, keep up the good work.
I think regardless of whether or not he had anything at all to do with Ashley's disappearance, that we're confusing behaviour is probably coming from a couple of different places. We can't discount the fact that he was heavily on drugs back in the day and that her memory is fuzzy and also the fact that he is knowingly a person of interest in this case. So it's her instinct to want to defend herself.
OK. This is Daniel, long time listener, listening to reckless about timing from a lot of the suspects that are being aired. Why do they not know that maybe they borrowed a gun or bought a gun from somewhere, but then they don't know if they did that.
But then they have accurate time stamps around being, you know dropped off at home at five P. M. On november ten.
Thank you so much. I hope you ask my question. Uh, have a great day. Make good choices.
Oh, I think they know. I think it's just a matter of whether or not they wanted say that .
they know he think this is cat in seattle. My biggest question is, am I the only one who feels like tea is just so confusing when you talk?
No, you're not the only one.
Hey, guys are my union from canada. I am curious about this time for when he was stranded in washington by paul and whether or not there is any actual proof other than friends who can vouch for her that SHE was there. I'm just curious if there's anything solid that places her in washington, in seattle for that th of i'm where paul would supposedly have an opportunity to have done this without her being present.
Unfortunately, this is not csi montana. So we can't pull traffic cameras from four years ago and find out specifically where somebody was. We have to go off of where other people saw her. And currently, SHE has more than one person who can put her in seattle around the time to ask you missing, but at the same time, if somebody could put her somewhere else at the same time, that would completely discredit that. But all we can go off of is witness accounts this point.
My name is delicia mcDonald, and thank you pain for setting light on this case. And my question is the same. Sun was another interviewed either by you or long enforcement, because his name has kind of been brought up in a couple different people's stories, some curious words. He has to say, thank you. Keep up the good work.
I personally have not talked to sam Donaldson, but I do believe that law enforcement, likely the FBI, has spoken to him at some point. Hey, pay.
My name is Jordan. And my question is, how do you authenticated what sam and tear saying with a lifestyle they have had with drug uses? Thank you.
There's only so much authentically ating you can do. I think one of my main goals this season was to gain access to some of these people and be able to sit down with them on record for a long time and put that out there. Who knows what may happen down the road with something they said somewhere else, or something they contraindicated what they told law enforcement. I think that as long as people are talking, even if it's complete bullshit, sometimes that's okay.
Hey, pain, this is lilly. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you bringing the story of indigenous community and women who have been murdered are missing to light um and bring a story to this platform. My question for you is what has been the biggest chAllenge for you working on this case? And have you found the black feet community to be willing to talk to you and and just wondering how how you feel there? CoOperation, willingness to work with you has been throught this process. Thank so much.
One of the biggest practical chAllenges I faced is just how enormous the state of montana is. I I swear, every time that we get in the car to go somewhere else, IT is a minimum of a three hour drive, which maybe that doesn't sound a big deal. But if you do that over and over and IT is completely exhAusting, all the cities are spread out, thing's close together.
And you can see why this would be difficult for a long enforcement to solve too. Also, just the cast of people in this season that has presented its own chAllenge, trying to determine if someone is telling the truth, if you're just keeping their enemy closer. All those things kind of lagged you over time.
But i'll say that for the most part, my experience at the black thy reservation has been very positive. All the local zero have been very nice, receptive to me coming to the small town and trying to figure out what happened. And it's been really interesting learning more about their culture.
It's an entirely different way of life out there. And I feel fortunate that they have accepted me with open arms. They too want to find out what happened to Ashley and has been four years. And they know that they have to try something different now. And that's what i'm trying to do.
A pain to his Grace from north dakota. I wanted to call to ask about to china as manners of men, behavior that you can see while you're interviewing her. SHE sounds a nervous. And at the beginning of the video I heard a can open, and I was wondering if she's sober now, or thought, you know, I was just sota that had anything to do with her nervous behavior. I, hey, thank you.
I mean, SHE was definitely nervous, but I was also nervous. I didn't want to blow this interview. I don't want to sit down and all the sudden just blame unlikely that my only opportunity to talk to her and SHE has reasons to be nervous the can you heard in the beginning was a twisted tea no one intended there um but you only have one SHE wasn't drunk but yeah he was he was nervous. But I think that as time went on, SHE got a little more comfortable so to die. And as you're here in the next episode, we continue to talk for a very long time and really just late at all out there.
Thanks for tuning into the Q, N. A episode. If you want to check out some pictures from our investigation in montana, i've posted some on my instagram. So if you curious and you want to check IT out, my instagram is at pain. Linsey, just my name.
I've posted some pictures from Browning, a lot of the sites that have mentioned in the podcast, but it's there if you want to check this out again, it's at pain, Linda on instagram. Thanks, guys. How do you feel when you switched to biko and save on your car insurance? It's like going to work on one thursday morning and talking to yourself just one more day until friday.
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Random stranger in the elevator, happy friday indeed. Up switching and saving with guy go feels just like that. Get more with my co.
No such thing. The per murder. That's not true because I had a lot perfect mirrors.
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The only two people that know what happened that night is, and he is one that has answers, believable or night.
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This call is from an invade in the jury state prison. Hey.
I have some pretty important questions for you.
I can't wait.