cover of episode 198 - The Gang Kidnaps PSR At SHOT Show ft. PrintShootRepeat | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 198

198 - The Gang Kidnaps PSR At SHOT Show ft. PrintShootRepeat | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 198

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@Eli_Doubletap : 我在SHOT Show期间录制了这个播客,虽然很累,但是很兴奋能够和大家分享我们的经历。我们讨论了SHOT Show的见闻,包括一些有趣的遭遇和与其他人的互动。我们还谈到了枪支法律法规,以及YouTube对我们内容的审查。总的来说,这是一次充满挑战和乐趣的经历。 @Brandon Herrera : 我在SHOT Show期间遇到了很多粉丝,这让我感到非常荣幸。我也分享了一些关于枪支法律法规的个人看法,以及我对YouTube审查的担忧。此外,我还谈到了我的一些个人经历,包括一些有趣的和一些令人不安的事件。 @Donut Operator : 我在SHOT Show期间也经历了很多事情,包括一些有趣的遭遇和一些令人不安的事件。我分享了我的个人观点,并表达了我对枪支法律法规以及YouTube审查的担忧。 @PSR : 我很荣幸能够参加这个播客,并分享我的经历。我谈到了我制作3D打印枪支视频的初衷,以及YouTube对我的内容审查。我还分享了我对枪支法律法规的看法,以及我对未来创作的计划。

Deep Dive

The hosts recount their hilarious and chaotic experiences at SHOT Show, including unexpected cocaine offers, mistaken identities, and humorous encounters with fans.
  • Unexpected cocaine offers from strangers in Vegas.
  • Fans mistaking hosts for each other.
  • Humorous anecdotes from SHOT Show.

Shownotes Transcript


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They give you drinks and food if you just sit and keep playing. Man, fentanyl's awesome. For the very first time, I'm going to unmask. Unsubscribe exclusive. Unsubscribe exclusive.

It's super wide. Hey, what's up, everyone? I just wanted to give you a quick update. I have some good news. The roadies are in. The roadies are here. And the jump outs are back in stock. And so are the unsub colors. So head over to slash unsub and go snag a pair. They turned out so good. Come on. Guys, guys, thank you so freaking much. Hope y'all are doing amazing. All the love.

And back to the show. Oh, you're talking to me. Oh my God. So very sleepy. Very good. Last night. Do it. Did we get the straw? We, Oh, we did. Oh, well, fuck yeah. Nice. Nice. Okay. So I can, I can crack one of these open after. Let me see if this will work here. That's your cocaine. That's the other one you asked for. Oh, this is the cocaine one. Hell yeah. What were you like? So many people tried so many cocaine on the way up here. Really? Yeah. We can talk about that too.

What did they do? Like, Cody's a cop. He'll love cocaine. What was that? I said, you should have said, like, you know I'm a cop. What? Yeah. Just like the card dudes that just come up and just offer you coke. Yeah. What was funny about it is they didn't say, like, do you want some snow blow? Like, they didn't use terms or anything. They're like, I'll tell you some cocaine. Yeah.

nah man I don't need any cocaine right now this is Vegas they can just get straight to the punchline well like the last dude he's like no disrespect I was like there's no disrespect you're trying to sell me drugs right now zero disrespect you offered me a product and I said no there's no disrespect what I said no but he's like where are you from it's San Antonio he's like no disrespect you want some cocaine

I'm fine, man. I don't need any of that tonight. I'm doing good. Thank you for... Thank you, kind sir. Point it down a little. Point it down. Get comfortable. Get comfortable. Wait, do we...

Why do I forget this every time? Do we pop it first and then say it? I always forget. Yes, we pop it first. We've done almost 200 episodes and we struggle with the order of operation of how this fucking thing works still to this day. Funny how that goes. Are we ready? Are we doing this all at once?

Oh my god, have you never watched an episode of you piece of shit? You acted like you wanted to be on there without- Wow, wow, listen, listen, I- Wait, it's on the count of three. Don't get ahead of yourself. Three, two, one. Okay, that was good. That was synchronized.

We doing the damn thing, Eli? Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Unsubscribed Podcast. I'm joined today by Eli Dobletap, PSR, Brandon Herrera, myself, Donut Operator. Thank you for coming out to Las Vegas. We're here at SHOT Show again on the last day. Totally not a green screen.

Why did we wait for the last day and the last night? We were like, listen, we'll have a lot of energy into this one. I mean, there's always shit going on every night at SHOT Show and stuff like that. And I just want to get ahead of this. Connor did not give me herpes. He didn't.

You're cheating on me. It was the second day because my lips always get super cracked when we're out here in Vegas because there's no humidity. I saw it starting day three. I'm like, God damn it. I'm with you, dude. I need chapstick all the time out here. The recycled air and cigarette smoke inside the entire time. It's rough. This is our final day at SHOT Show, everyone.

We're all just kind of like, just beat right now. So tired. But we got you! Yes, thank you guys so much. You're actually, weirdly enough, one of the most requested guests. I know. People are, they've been really hemming and hawing wanting me to get on here, and I'm just honored. All you guys, I've been watching your content, and so I really appreciate you having me on. It's an honor. Nice to finally have you on, man. Yeah, I remember watching your videos before I even started PSR, man. I remember the first time we met.

I think you came up, you're like, oh, hey, you know, you introduced yourself. I'm like, oh, cool, man. It's good to meet you or whatever. And you're like, you showed me the mask out of your pocket. And I'm like, oh, you. Yes. Going down to find you. I was like, well, hopefully he knows what I look like. I got zero fucking clue.

Or he's walking up in a mask and he's gonna get tackled. You still don't know what I look like, so. One day I'll learn. One day. Oh, wait, we actually have a special. You're gonna do a full face reveal, right? Yeah, yeah, totally. You guys, for the very first time, I'm gonna unmask. And unsubscribe exclusive. Unsubscribe exclusive. Partially, guys. Holy shit, you're Mexican? How did you know?

Houston Jones? Admin results? Saddam Hussein? It's either I'm Lebanese, Italian, Turkish, could be many of the... Mexican, could be all of the above. I'm just Lebanese enough to get stopped at airports.

Yes, you have that. You just got... Yeah. I have the randomly selected gene. Jeez.

It's okay at the airports always tell TSA this is my brother and they're like, all right, you're white as shit that were that My favorite thing like this has happened multiple times we have Like literal good stories don't worry we'll get to you. Okay, okay? But we were just what I

You were standing right next to Cody and then the guy went... On the way to the show, yeah. Yeah, and the guy still walked up to Cody and was like, I love your content, Brandon. Or what did he say? Because I could tell it was happening because he walked up to Cody and he was like, Brandon, Brandon.

And I just stopped walking because I'm like, oh, this is so funny. And he's like, thank you for all you do in Texas or something like that. To Cody. Yeah. I was like, brother, thank you. You just went with it. Yeah. I don't know. I go with it now. It's happened so many times, especially this week at SHOT Show. And I'm like, yeah, thank you, man. I appreciate it. Because he gave me a challenge coin.

And then he gives it to me. He's like, "Thank you." I was like, "Yeah, dude." He turns around, Brandon's right behind me. I'm just like standing there. He goes, "Oh, fuck." And he asked if you guys were brothers. Wow. It was pretty funny. But we had at USCCA, the meet and greet thing. There was that one, the one chick that came up to us. Very first time for this.

She comes up to our group where it's like, oh, hey, you know, it's good to meet you. That whole whole line. And she goes up to Nick and is like, I'm a big thank you for all the political activism you do. You know, keep keep trying. You know, we need someone like you representing Texas. And all of us are just eyeing each other like she think I'm Nick. Nick's me. The battle. Nick. Nick.

Looks exactly like Brandon Herrera. Totally identical. Famously looking like me. Walked away. And I was like, holy shit, she thought you were Brandon Herrera. The white-ass fat electrician from Iowa who I've never seen wear sleeves in my life.

He's tatted too. Yeah, yeah. He's fully tatted. More on the white thing with short hair. Yeah, like, it looks like he came from American History X. Brandon looks like he was assaulted in American History X. He's like the guy who's singing the song in the truck in American History X. The white man marches on. Meanwhile, like...

I, uh... I, uh... I'm like, I can see that. Like, us two. But, like, Nick, I'm like...

I don't think you know who any of us are. I think somebody just told you to go take a picture, to be honest. It's been a good SHOT Show experience. Oh, God. I can't even imagine just walking the floor as you, or I mean any of you guys, but you must just get absolutely, you can't do it. How do you, do you even do it? So we joke, and like this is only like half a joke, because if we got somewhere to be, like usually, I avoid the show floor because it's like, frankly, there's nothing there I really want to see. I'm here for the people. Like I'm here for friends and shit like that.

But I'll have, like, some of my shop boys and whatnot will actually come. They're like, do you want us to body block? And I will literally just, like, ride their ass and just, like, it's hard to see. And we'll just walk quick somewhere. Because we got to go somewhere. Yeah, you got to walk somewhere. Damn, that's intense, man. I'm glad I got the mask in those situations. It's not just, like, I'm very jealous of that. I mean, it's not like that we don't want to, like, it's not we hate meeting people or anything like that. It's just, like, man, sometimes, like,

I'm hungry. Yeah. I got somewhere to be. It's always super appreciative of everyone. It's like, hey, and we'll always take the time. Like, always. If you do see us, we will take the time 100%. For sure. But it is like...

It's exhausting. It's like this is the 637th time this has happened in the last two hours and all I want is a burger. I'm so hungry. We're all introverts. I cannot stress that enough. We do not get energy from it. You have Rich on the opposite end. He is excited. He loves it. Life shows, whatever. All the energy. And he gets energy from it. And then you have us who...

We will, like, hug each other. I've said it before. I will go and, like, when there's a party, I will go and take a shit for 30 minutes. Just not take a shit. Just sit on the toilet for a quiet peace time. And Eli's quiet. I'm like, ah. After day four of SHOT Show, we look like the fucking shriveled seventh of a soul of Voldemort. Like, on the floor. Penis. Penis.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, you got quite a following. Like, I don't have the following you guys have, so it's like a whole different thing. But I mean, with your shtick, I'm sure, like, if you're walking around the show floor with the mask and the get up and whatnot, like, you probably get stopped a lot. Yeah. Yeah. This time, I've kind of kept it to, like, the meet and greets that I've had, and it's been really chill. People, the diehards show up, and then I keep the mask on, but...

But when I don't have the mask on, it's very rare that people will notice me. But if they do notice me, then it's like, oh yeah, what's up? We got a little inside, we got a little lock eyes, make eye contact, you know. Touching ourselves. Yeah, exactly. How is your meet and greet? It's like with the mask, is it, what is that audience base with like, hey, here's a face behind. It's almost like admin before face or something. Yeah. I'm going to guess, very similar to ours, autistic males between the ages of 20 and 35. Wow.

Yes. And white. Accurate, accurate. Pretty accurate. I had some guys from New Jersey come up to me and ask me where... I'm so sorry. Did you take a shower? I...

Yeah, I greeted them. They're very sweet, but they were like, I was talking to them, because, you know, New Jersey, do you know it's the only state where it's actually illegal to possess files? Do you know that? No, I did not know that. What the fuck? So it's like Australia. In Australia, it's actually illegal to possess the STL files for 3D printed firearms. In New Jersey, it's the same. It's illegal. That's fucking crazy. Yeah, it's a First Amendment, serious First Amendment violation, obviously. Dead serious.

And so I was like, yeah, you guys, I'm so sorry you're in New Jersey. And they're like, yeah, you know, the local cops are pretty chill. Like, they don't harass us. We do what we want, whatever. And I was like, yeah. Also, like, completely unenforceable. Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous. Show me your computer. Also, like, if you had it, like, stored in a cloud where it's not physically on your computer.

True. In that case, it's the same way as like, well, it's Google-able from your computer, therefore possession. It's like, how do you enforce that? Yeah, there's no way to actually enforce it. It's obviously just politicians trying to, you know, make people think that they're fighting the good fight. You know. Oh, it's like retards run the government. Yeah, shocking. Somebody should do something about that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yes, yes. The little political meter's like, and we're like, pushing it back. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Bro, I don't know what we're going to do after Brandon stole Junior's McDonald's last night. Oh, fuck, dude, we have so many good stories. This has been unexperienced. Ready to go. I don't think you guys know about this. Oh, God. Mm-hmm.

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So last night we were doing a party, like one of the parties here, but it was at the Trump. And a lot of great people in there. We were hanging out with Matt Best. Don Jr. was there. Just a bunch of good people just hanging out, saying, hey, press the flash and just talking some biz.

Time goes that we're like we wanted to stay there for 15 minutes. We end up staying for like an hour Good minute there. It was it was bad It doesn't it doesn't help when juniors feeding you fucking white claw that was funny. Yeah, he's like I like white claw You guys like white claw I was like, yeah, dude, right here Before this meeting started was like 30 soft 15 just in and out

It wasn't like years past though, which is nice. It wasn't like shoulder to shoulder. It was breathable. Christian Craighead was there. Oh boy. Terry was there too. Just a bunch of good people. But anyway, we're all bailing out. We're fucking tired. We need to leave. I'm staying there this year so I went and I door dashed some McDonald's or whatever. Something nice and safe so you don't get food poisoning.

Yeah, McDonald's safe. Cody, thank you. We have so many stories. Oh, no. But I go, like, my DoorDash is there, and apparently, because, you know, Don Jr. and everybody's there, like, the security, like, they cut it off, so, like, I had to go meet the DoorDash driver. Run out on the street, grab the McDonald's. I get back to the room, and I open it up. I'm like, they fucked up my order. I wake up this morning, and I go and check the bag.

And it says, I'm not going to say the name, but it's a name that's not me. And I was like, ooh, maybe they didn't fuck up the order. Maybe I just stole somebody's McDonald's. And then I'm telling this story this morning. At breakfast. Yeah, so Junior's assistant, we're sitting in the lobby to tell you what's happening. Brandon and I were sitting in the lobby, and Brandon goes to get his McDonald's.

And so Junior's assistant comes out and he's like, oh, is Brandon leaving? I was like, no, he's grabbing his McDonald's. He's like, oh, I'm grabbing McDonald's for Junior. I was like, okay, cool. He was like, yeah, Junior just really wanted some McDonald's or something like that. Yeah, he just wanted some McDonald's for him and his friend, like, whatever. And Brandon stole fucking Trump Jr.'s McDonald's. Oh, dude. I am so sorry. God.

Because we did find out Cody was like, wait, what? Because I guess Brandon, you walked by Cody. He's like, good night, good night. And then the sister was like, oh, someone stole our McDonald's. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Because I went out to go fucking meet. My thing said, like, okay, your Uber is here. Like, okay, cool. Like...

Who else is going to be here ordering McDonald's at this hour of night? Come on. And it turns out Don Jr. The love for McDonald's runs in the family. Apparently, yeah. Well, then Brayden's like, well, the name said this. He goes like, yep, that's his name. And then Brayden's like, ah. So thanks for inviting us to your party. I'm so sorry we fucking nabbed your McDonald's.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's the kind of week it's been. It's been a long one. How's your week going? What are you doing? Oh, man. Hey, it's nighttime. Are you gambling? Are you getting drunk? Dude, no. Well, maybe I'll have a little couple drinks here and there, but I've been...

taking it pretty, pretty easy. I've been wiped out just for, from like all the meetings and, and, you know, walking around. I'm at the point where I'm still able to walk around. So I'm, I'm just like seeing things that I want to check out. You know, there's a, I don't know if you saw this, but there's a hand crankable, um, mini gun 3d printed. Have you seen this? Yeah, I have. Yeah. I'm sure you've seen it. I've seen it on Twitter and it like, it seems super cool. Cause that's one thing that, and I hate to go on this tangent already, but like,

There's so many things I would love to do but like YouTube will fucking dick slap it so quickly because now it's like not only 3d printed shit But also full auto. Yeah, because I would love to just attach a DeWalt drill to that motherfucker and we're working on it We'll fill that void if you can't do it because I'm like because it's like there's so much shit that I can do But it's like my well, yeah, I mean Yeah

Peppermint. Subliminal. You're three feet to my left saying the word. Hey, if you guys will have me on Pepperbox, I would love to be on Pepperbox. Because I know you're having some hella problems with YouTube right now. Oh, yeah. Dude, ask the audience. Is that what they want? Also, in the comments, tell Connor died. King Trash dead. He got food poisoning. RIP King Trash. That was a hell of a fucking whiplash.

Poor fucking Trout, man. I think he's shitting out of every orifice of his body. I feel real bad. We didn't see him since Tuesday. I saw him for a day. He's in the same room with my son who is 18 years old, by the way. He's in the same room with John right now and I went down to see him earlier. Why did you tell us? That was the weirdest. He's 18, by the way. Your son is a man.

He made it sound like John's legal for Connor. Okay, that did come across a little fucking weird. Can I roll this back a little bit? In order to be on the casino floor, in order to be on the casino floor, you gotta be 18. Okay, go on.

No, I go to check on Connor this morning. He's having a rough one, dude. He called the SHOT Show bullshit crud. Damn. Every year it seems like someone goes down. He's got a bad, bad though. It's not the typical. Everybody gets sick after SHOT Show. It's just a thing. But I've never had anything like that. He's in the fetal position. He's fucked up. Yeah, Connor. Yeah, he's fucked up. Can I throw out there too? I want to apologize. I wasn't at the live show the other night. I got fucked.

up like the first night i was here like food poisoning no i'm fucked up in the biblical sense but yeah biblical sense he was not cody was hurting like physically it wasn't like he's nervous he's any of that cody's just like i'm i have food poisoning oh i caught i caught you on the way out like because i just like i got here from the inauguration i fucking like i i sprinted from the airport like into the uber sprinted to the

venue just in time to pass you on your way out and you were like sweating you're like i i have to go yeah yeah no dude we were flying up from san antonio and we were we got our little airplane meals and i'm eating the chicken and i'm like i told my girlfriend i'm like moody this doesn't taste right

She's like, well, don't eat any more of it. Of course I'm a fucking man and I just eat the rest of the fucking chicken. And yeah, we got to the live show. I was good for a little bit and just started fucking out of every orifice. And I was like, guys, I am so sorry. I want to do the live show. I am so fucking sorry. It's like the Mystery Spot episode of Supernatural. You're like...

Does this chicken taste funny? It was the heat of... Just waking up the next morning. Like, fuck. But, but, our boy. Oh, Meat Canyon? Papa Meat. Oh, yeah. Papa Meat stepped up, dude. Nice, dude. I'm a fan of his. Dude, and he... He's so cool, man. Yeah. He's a good guy. He's not big on, like, live shows just because, again, it is something... It's terrifying if you're an introvert. You're like, I don't know if I like this. But he stepped up. He's like, I'll...

I'll do it. He's like, fuck it. I'll cover it down for you. I was like, are you sure, man? Like, are you positive? Wait, you don't have to. He's like, yeah, let's do it. Came up on stage and then it was just a blast. He's like, hell yeah. Good. And also completely different show than we've ever done. Like none of the beats. Completely off the fucking rails. No.

completely off the rails. I was like, well, no, that was a completely new show right there. We had like the beats to go. I was like, not a single one was the same. I don't think. No, but it was a blast Vegas. Thank you so much. And that was thankfully the last show till summer ish time. Thank God. We'll get that one done. Nice. I'm so excited. I'm so happy. It's not our favorite things to do. It's like, yeah,

But 3D printed miniguns. Yes, exactly. Yeah, so this is designed by this guy, Nopal, and he's got it here. He's here. And I actually just, you know, was able to meet him the other day, but...

Super cool. So he's got it. It's printed in PLA. So it's like basic 3d printing materials, super cheap. And it utilizes six, I think AR, uh, you know, AR 15 barrels. You can do 300 blackout. You could do five, five, six. He's got a five, five, six and it cranks and it cranks so smooth. And it's like mostly DIY, you know, except for the barrels. That's really interesting that it cranks so smooth. Cause like, you know, like with working with a 3d printed materials and stuff, uh,

a lot of like the plastic on plastic contact feels like fucking yes like you know like one of those the best way I can explain it if you've never dealt with it those little books you used to have when you were a kid were like

You rotate it side to side and the image changes. Yeah. That kind of like vinyl feeling or whatever. It's like running your fingernail over that. It's like nails on chalkboard almost. It makes this squeaky sound like, shee, shee, shee, shee. Yeah. It's not ideal. The PLA sound. The carbon fiber sound is more like Glock frames rubbing together or something. Yeah. Or like the glass-filled nylon.

You are autistic as fuck. I love it. I can get into it. You're explaining texture. 100% autistic. Yeah.

Eli, that is surface level. We can get into autism if you want. Don't make me start stimming live on the podcast here, dude. Anyway, PLA Plus is up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seriously. But no, it's just a cool-ass invention there. And yeah, like you said, a DeWalt drill would just make it the most fun.

honestly yeah what is the rules with that that's a machine that's against the law is what it is yeah is it because it's a well because so uh the way that the law um works as far as like machine guns is anything that requires uh that fires more than one round per action of the trigger is a machine gun so three round burst is a machine gun two round burst is a machine gun if you press the button and more than one round happens

It's a machine gun. Yeah. So DeWalt drill, squeeze. Machine gun. Machine gun, sadly. Which is funny because there's really an opportunity for you to just have a custom head or whatever on a DeWalt drill. And I think this has happened before, but literally have your drill legally engraved and registered as the machine gun. That's actually pretty incredible, honestly. My Black & Decker machine gun.

that's that's cool actually new sponsors yeah yeah just submit that to me and then yeah submit the photos to the atf with the serialized dewalt or whatever it is i mean we've we've with the atf so much on like our our serial numbers and stuff like that and model numbers there's some i don't really want to talk about but some are pretty funny

Oh, I bet. Yeah. I was talking about, so I have a, you know, my channel sponsor is an SOT and they do the 3d printed rail. They do the rails for the rail kits for the Glocks that are 3d printed. Who is it? Aves engineering. Okay. And so they, they, uh, they sell a ton of these rail kits, but they have an SOT and we were trying to do an episode cause we collab on a lot of, a lot of stuff, but an episode where we do a Yankee boogle, the drop in autos here, but we actually went up to the ATF booth and,

And we asked them, how could we do this in a legal way? Do the printed auto sear drop in Yankee Google auto sear and then put a serial number on it. And they basically said that,

they would have to see images and we'd have to send it in to them. Really? I'm surprised that that is difficult. What's a Yankee Boogle? Oh, sorry. Yeah, let's... Sorry. Yankee Boogle is a drop-in auto-searer for an AR-15 that's 3D printed. Okay. Thank you. I was so... It's literally like three bins out of plastic. It's crazy. It's so easy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm sitting here like, okay, yeah, neat. That's cool. That's neat. Okay. My girlfriend, I think, has one. Well, you know the whole... Remember the whole cold hanger thing?

Do you remember that? There was a guy selling coat hangers on Etsy that were just yanked at Boogles. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I've never heard of this story. What the fuck? You know that story, right? On Etsy? These guys are so lost. On Etsy, there were people that were selling drop-in auto series for the AR-15 and saying like, oh yeah, it's like a phone holder. Yeah. And like, technically, it could be. Yeah, yeah, totally. But if you drop it in a

Low shelf AR-15, it'll fucking, you know, it's cool. I don't know. And then you got Matt Hoover who got arrested, you know, put in prison for freaking, you know, a business card that had like little engraving on it. It was literally a metal business card that just had the cutout of what you would need to make a lightning link for anything. That's crazy. Free Matt Hoover, honestly. Yeah, seriously. Wait, you got...

He got prison. Oh, he's in prison. He's in prison prison currently. Yeah. Well, because he was distributing them. He was selling them. Well, he wasn't. He was just doing an affiliate thing. That's true. That's true. Yeah, I'm wrong. He was just a YouTuber. Obviously, like, you know, his situation, I wouldn't have done the video he did where he was like, he was basically like, yeah, you know, you go out in the woods, you have your fun, you look left and right, and then you toss it in the woods. He was 100% alluding to it. It's one of those things where I'm like, do I think?

What he did was morally wrong? And should he be in prison? Absolutely not. No. That's fucking stupid. But...

He played with fire. He did. He played with fire pretty close. He did. Even more than, you know, like the 3D printing stuff in ways, you know, just because he was doing like basically this company that was selling these auto key cards is what they were called. The company that was selling them, he was basically doing like an affiliate link for the auto key card through his YouTube channel. And so they got him. Obviously, they got the guy that was selling the auto key cards, but

But then they got him for just doing the affiliate link on YouTube, which is to me kind of crazy. Like it's to get the original guy. I understand that. I think it's bullshit all to be very clear. It's total horse. None of those.

So neither Matt or the other guy should be in prison. But to go after the YouTuber is like even it's just crazy. That's U.S. Marshals arrested him. He's got a wife and kids. So that's like if like if you did an ad for like the honey thing or whatever. And like, let's say that I know there's some controversy over that stuff, but it's like, let's say they actually broke the law.

Now all the YouTubers that did a f***ing video just as an advertiser for it, now they're in jail. It's like, what the f***, dude? That's a great comparison, actually. I'm just trying to think of how many mass shootings have been committed with a fully automatic weapon. I know. I think it's like, um, it's around zero. For sure. Yeah. Although, I am going to do a video at some point soon.

I think it's the only time recorded in history that a self-defense shooting was done with a machine gun. Mini-14, right? Yeah, it was a Ruger AC-556. Yeah, yeah. It was actually, I think it was a HK employee. No.

No way, I didn't know that. Yeah, I think it happened at HK. Oh yeah, that's gnarly, dude. Like some dudes chased him and his wife down. I'll do a whole, I'm doing a video on it. I still need to do a lot more research. Wait, no, he did self-defense with that fucking full auto. It was like in the 80s. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Those poor criminals. Yeah. Just imagine, like, man, look at that. The guy retreated. Like, he retreated. They were chasing after him with like

1911s and shit like that and he's like you like he he left he's like fuck off whatever it goes uh and then like tells his wife to run inside and then just lays into him with a uh mini 14 yeah he let her eat eh oh yeah yeah i mean that that gun cycles fast too so that thing was just yop yop yop yop yop you need to shoot brain is what what what state was that in

I don't remember, but I do remember that he did get fucked for years, like, legally. Like, he was in court for a while trying to defend it because, like, nobody knew what to do with it. They were like, legally it should be no different than using a pistol because, like, it's either a good shoot or a bad shoot, whether you use, like, a handgun or a grenade launcher, like, or a sword or whatever the fuck, yeah.

But it was weird and like people really wanted to string it, like stick it to him. But I think HK actually paid for a lot of the legal bills. Wow. No shit. Wow. I think they play. Wow. Well, like you said, he retreated, right? Yeah. And they chased him with guns. Yeah. Yeah. There should have been a scene. He rode in court on them. For real. It's like they chased me with guns. I retreated and I continued to fire.

It's interesting. If it happened in the 80s, I wonder if it happened today or something, if it would have been treated differently just because we have a little bit more precedent with all these cases, self-defense. Yeah, that might be – that's a good point. It's interesting because really the self-defense landscape is –

I would argue better now than it was then. I would say so too. Yeah, definitely. And then there's all these care, you know, concealed carry States that are, that are permanent carry now. So it's, it's, it's good to see that at least we need more. We need Massey just introduced a bill today for a nationwide concealed carry or excuse me, nationwide constitutional care. I, I,

fully support that obviously i will say please train if you do that yes and be like i know how this works i did it five times it's like do i think everyone should be required to train with a firearm before you can carry no do i think everyone should yes absolutely yes otherwise cody the

Jesus Christ. Make it onto Cody's channel. It's like... Wait, have you seen the shooting? The female officer? No, the female officer that went to remove the guy's gun he was legally carrying. Cody, go on. Oh, today. I saw that on Twitter today, I think. Yeah, he was like, oh, I'm so sorry. And then... Yeah, he's like... The bigger black guy against the car. He's like complying with everything. Dude. Jake, you know this one?

Oh, that's so messed up, man. Let me start with my son has been trained with firearms since he was like six years old.

it's like okay you you train them my son is the range safety officer at some of our big range events and things anyways female officer goes like goes it's a traffic stop basically traffic stop goes up pulls a guy out of the car goes to remove his firearm I don't even know why they were doing that what was the traffic stop for do you know I don't I don't know what she stopped him for running a red light and then it was the male officer that pulled him out and he was as you were saying

Super compliant. Yeah, he was like, I've got a firearm. He was the one who told them, I've got a gun. Yeah, super compliant. Very nice guy. Very respectful. And she's like, okay, I'm going to take your gun. Shoots him in the hip. Trying to pull it out.

With his gun. With his gun. Just pulls it out and shoots him. Wait, so she was taking the holster, the whole holster out or just the gun out of the holster? Just the gun out of the holster. And it's tight. And he's like, hey, it's tight or he's like, I can remove it. And so she then puts two fingers in the trigger well and pulls up. Guys, just like this.

That's what she did. She had a trigger confidence moment. Trigger confidence. Always ready. She was always ready. Unearned confidence in this case. Trigger confidence is great. So she had a trigger confidence moment and put both fingers in the trigger, went to pull him the last time, shot him in the fucking thigh, and then the male officers were like,

The male officer was like, put the gun down. Put the gun down. Put the gun down. She just sets it down, walks, and stands like this at the side. Doesn't say a word. They walk him over, lay him down like, hey, sit down, sit down, sit down. Dude. He's going to get.

Paid. Let's go. Oh yeah, he's getting that money, dude. That's fair. Yeah, he definitely deserves it, man. Every time I see something like that happen, especially the content that I make, when that happens, I'm just, oh, fuck. Yeah, that's a tough one. Or the taser, taser, taser. Boom, boom, boom. Yeah, and you shoot someone. Was that a female officer also? Yeah, it was. No, it was. Okay. Every time a cop fucks up in a nationwide stage...

It's always funny watching your reaction to it, because you just remind me of the mom from...

I can't remember that show, but it became a but the Babadook where we came to me. Can you just be normal for 10 minutes? Just don't shoot civilians for no reason Man damn policing am I right no ever there. I got no you know the audit. What the fuck?

- But it is like the audio is way louder than it usually is on the dials. - Oh shit. - Sorry, I'm having an autistic moment right now. - Oh, I understand. - Speaking while I'm standing right now. - PLA plus versus regular PLA, like, yeah. - Honestly, there's not, I mean, a lot of it is just kind of like, a lot of it is like marketing gimmicks, you know? - Oh, yeah. - But I've noticed there are filaments that do print a little bit better than others. And like the Polymaker stuff is great 'cause it's like they make a PLA pro and it's, I mainly support Polymaker because they are like,

they don't like shun away the 3d printed gun movement. They can't like go out there and be like, guys go promote it. Yeah. But they're not, but they're like supporting people that are into it. They've always, you know, they've given me affiliate codes and stuff like that. And so I, I walked into that as a joke, uh, but I'm glad you, you, you completely went into it. Cause that's fucking rad. I remember the early days where it was like ABS, like everybody was trying to shift over to ABS. And like that kind of got shown. Your guys acronyms are.

So these are all everything we're talking about is different types of filament, which is the plastic you use that is extruded to make 3d printed stuff. Thank you. I understand it now. I now understand because you asked you heat up plastic and then you squirt it.

And then the computer tells the thing where to squirt, and then you end up with a gun. It's an automated glue gun, essentially, basically. Pretty much, yeah. But the glue is just polylactic acid is what it's called. PLA. Everyone knows that word. Yes, polylactic acid. And now we can print, like, actual, like...

Glass filled nylon, which is what Glock uses for their frames. And I got a video coming out soon. That's a glass filled nylon Glock that you can barely tell is printed. It's crazy. It's crazy. Like I could probably, if you put a serial number on like where the Glock, you know, normal serial number is, I doubt someone would, would be able to tell the difference. Honestly, it's crazy. Cause you're always going to have a little bit like, and I'll preface this next statement with,

The 3D printed gun world has gotten so much fucking better in the time that even I've just paid attention to it. Like, it is gone from zero to one. Like, it's so crazy how fast and how well that community's grown. Yeah. Zero to one? Yeah. I've never heard that statement. Yeah, like going from zero to one. A hundred? Yeah.

Like, for example, Peter Thiel's 0-1. Oh, okay. I've never heard this. It's like not much of a difference. Well, I mean, one's a whole other matter. I still can't buy a burger. Well...

I was confused. I was like, I don't give a shit about 1%, Brian. Binary, Eli. Come on. Fuck, dude. You're the autistic one. God damn. But you're always going to have certain weaknesses when it comes to additive manufacturing in that way where it's like layer lines and things like that where if something's going to break, it's going to break on the layer lines. And that's...

It's just part of the gimmick. Not the gimmick, but the gig. Yes, it's part of the game. Yeah, I think the really, I mean, obviously we're seeing with more complex machines like the SLS manufacturing and the SLA or whatever, and then you get the laser-centered titanium, like SIG suppressors and stuff. So laser-centering is where they take it. Thank you. This episode's called Autism 2.

So it's the metal 3D printing. It's not the same by any means as the plastic stuff. No. So basically you have a layer of dust that is Inconel or titanium or something like that. And you have a laser that lasers out the shape of whatever you want. And then it sweeps a new thin layer of dust over that. And it basically just... Shoots it. It welds with a laser. Yeah. And then it continues to do that until you have your part.

And those are the, and you can still see sort of like the layer lines, but they're not the same kind of layer lines as like a FDM is what we call the. And they're probably stronger too. Oh, way, way, way stronger. Yeah. Cause they're being, you know, hot laser, you know, hot laser. Who doesn't like a hot laser every once in a while, you know? Yeah.

Same. Totally. I get it. It's similar to the resin printing, too. Yeah, same. Exactly. It's very similar to the resin printing. Exactly what I was going to say. Right? Yeah, you know exactly what's going on. The resin printing versus the SLR.

What do you guys think about the ABCDYs? Dude, it's not as good as the XYZs. Zero to one. Yeah. Zero to one. Yeah, I'm going to start using that. All right, we're going to stop talking about it now, man. There's going to be like...

20% of the audience is gonna be pissed at you guys. They're like, I really want to hear this. I mean, hey, you got print, shoot, repeat. We're gonna talk a little bit about printing, just a little bit. But yeah, we don't have to dwell on it. No, actually, it's a good point. It's why you're here, buddy. Yeah, it's literally about what got you, like that first initial, I'm gonna do some content, and I'm gonna don a mask for it. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you want the origin story?

Yeah? No. I don't know. I had a – so it was during COVID, and I don't come from a family that is super friendly to guns. And I never was even allowed to have Nerf guns as a kid or play violent video games or any of that shit, right? And it definitely, definitely backfired on my parents, obviously, at this point. So I was back – I moved back to Vermont where I grew up.

uh during covet and I was living with my girlfriend on a super remote island in the middle of Lake Champlain on Vermont and uh during covet everyone's like freaking out what you know all this stuff I got a neighbor who was schizophrenic and he was going through a serious mental health episode so you gave him a gun so exactly I 3D printed him a gun and then no no I'm just kidding you're like oh this will be entertaining

Yeah, have fun guys. That's FBI. It's just like when you give the homeless guy ten fucking pills of Adderall and a Glock and tell him that there's a... Never mind. There's so much coffee water. And then just watch the news. Yeah, exactly. But you should give him a switch from your SOT too.

That's a meme. I didn't even make that one and I don't feel comfortable even finishing the joke. They are listening. So I had this neighbor and one night my friend and I were just hanging out in the basement just on our phones chilling and this guy comes outside of my house and he's banging on the door like, come out. I know you're in there. Like,

Never met the guy. Actually, never met the guy. Yeah, it's my house. Of course I'm in here. Yeah, yeah. I thought it was the police. Because I was like, who could that be? Because he was just screaming like, I wouldn't... And he said my name, too. I was like, how the fuck does...

He knew my name. I was like, this has got to be the cops. And then I, like, peek out the door, and it's just this dude in the shadows. And I was like, is that my neighbor? Is that the dude? Because I'd seen him, like, one time. He didn't own a car. It was just crazy, dude. And apparently, I later learned he thought I was hacking into his computer. I mean, schizo stuff, unfortunately. You walk around with a mask and goggles. This was pre-mask. I'm telling you, this is the origin story. This is the origin story of PSR. I had one firearm at the time.

It was a 26-inch barrel Remington 870 for skeet shooting. That was my Joe Biden special. Just fire two rounds out the back door? Exactly. That's it. So I was like, oh, I'm going to fire two rounds out the back door. But then I realized I didn't even have any shells. I didn't even have any ammo. I love that. The Jill – I just – I tell Jill, just take your double-barreled shotgun, man, and just –

Fire both rounds so you got no rounds left. Exactly. That scares off everybody. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun. You've seen the remix? I did. That was very good. Whoever did that, fucking incredible. Oh, just chef's kiss. Anyway, so I'm like, yeah, I don't have any way to end it. Chase, pull that shit up. You don't need a machine gun. You don't need 30 rounds. Buy a shotgun. Buy a double barrel shotgun.

I don't have any way to defend myself. And so my friend and I are in the basement. Like, what do we do? And I like talk the guy down a little bit. And I was like, he's like, I've heard all this commotion, you and your girlfriend. And I was like, I don't know what he's talking about. It's so crazy. Cause my girlfriend does like scream on music. I thought, Oh, maybe he's hearing my girlfriend and I recording music. Right. Like the,

you know, I showed you earlier. So I was like this, but, but she's gone. She's been away for two weeks. There's no way like that, that he could be hearing that. And I was just so, I was so shocked and, and just taken aback at what was going on. So I was like, you know what? This guy does not seem stable mentally. And then he like said some stuff about some weird stuff about my girlfriend and my landlord. Anyway, long story short, I was like, I got to get a firearm.

to protect myself and my girlfriend. So I got like a Glock 17. I got a retarded AR that was seven and a half inches. The Springfield Saint five, five, six. I did not know anything about that. I did not know anything about that. Five, five, six is really good out of a seven inch barrel, by the way. Exactly. Loves short barrels. Also Springfield. Yeah. Also Springfield. I was like, yeah, this one looks like a good tactical gun for home defense. Yeah. It just shows you. I was, I was very, very in the beginning stages. Where did you get your object from it? Amazon?

Oh, it was Magpul and bus. Hell yeah, brother. No optic, baby. Don't need to see. It was just iron. Yeah, just iron sights. Anyway, I was like, you know what? After a little while, I was like taking apart the Glock and I was like, oh, this is pretty neat to see how this works and stuff, right? And so then I was like...

you know, perusing YouTube. And then I found out, Oh, like I found this guy control pew. And he's like 3d printing guns. That is a name I have not heard in a long time. Shouts out, shouts out to control pew. What's up? And so I was like checking out control pews channel. And then I looked at this documentary about this guy, Jay Stark. Oh,

Oh, yeah, yeah. Jay Stark printing the FGC9 RIP, gone but not forgotten, in Europe illegally. Super illegal, but was all about just arming people and 3D printing guns. And I was like, oh, this is neat. I saw this documentary on Popular Front. And so I was like, man, this is super cool. I want to do this. So I just...

got a 3D printer and I like printed my first Glock frame and I was like, you know, hammering the pins in just like barely getting it to go in on my first, you know, real firearm print and then I took it to the range and I had my friend come with me and I was like, dude, we should film this. Like, why don't I bring the camera, right? And so I, he brought the camera and, you know, filmed me test firing it. We got some footage of it and I was like,

It's like, you know, I'm going to put this on YouTube. And so I was like, yeah, we'll put this on YouTube and put a little beat behind it that I made. It's so cool. I'm sure YouTube will love it. Yeah. You're just going to love this thing. Yeah. They're going to love 3D printed guns. Right. But this was like 2020 when it was like just kind of the very beginning. They didn't give a shit. They didn't know to know. Yeah, exactly. It was like people still thought 3D printed guns would explode in your hand like the first shot or whatever. And so I put that up on YouTube. I 3D printed a Glock.

And then it like got 20K in like three days. It had no subscribers. And I was like, oh, people want to see this stuff, I guess. It was back in 2020, you said? Yeah, yeah. When you did the first video, was it with Mask? Yeah, it was with Mask. Yeah, it was. No, actually, it wasn't with Mask. I just had like a little like...

face covering like a thing at the bottom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I was covering my face. COVID. Yeah, COVID mask. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, exactly. I was just trying to stop the spread. The subscriber's sick. Yeah, I can't stop. I could stop the spread, but I couldn't stop the signal. Yeah.

But yeah, exactly. It was all in compliance, of course. But yeah, I was just, yeah, my buddy and I, we put up the video and then I was like, you know what, I'm going to call this, I'm going to call this print, shoot, repeat, because that sounds fun, you know? And then it just got a lot of traction initially. And so I was like, yeah, I guess I'll keep making videos about 3D printed guns because there's no one else making them. So that became like a little niche. And my channel just exploded in the first year, like got like 100K in a year and

just kept kept making videos and then it seemed like uh after a certain point youtube just was like man we don't like this and then i started getting some strikes and you know i never was worried about monetization actually because i was just like i was just doing it because it was fun and you know people were loving it and i was like getting a lot of views a hobby yeah yeah i was that was the main gig and then

And then I was able to get like a sponsor for the channel. I was like, you know, I can make this like a little career. Yeah. I was like, hell yeah. Cause then I started kind of doing more fun stuff too here and there. And then I was able to get my own place kind of, you know, then dedicated towards the 3d printing stuff and get more printers and people are sending me printers and stuff. And so I was, you know, printing a ton of stuff and did the age. How many printers do you own?

Oh, it's over. It's probably 10 to 15, probably. Damn, fuck, guys. Yeah, I got it. But they're not all set up. I mainly just now use the Bamboo Lab, honestly. Really? I heard those are pretty good. They're great. They're great, Cody. Yeah, dude. I like Bamboo Labs, too. Yeah, the Oak Labs just weren't performing, but the Japanese Bamboo Labs.

Oh, yeah. Like in Minecraft to school. I like the, you know, I like the, you know, about the three print stuff. At least I have someone to share the tips. You know what? We're going to have our own podcast. I'm like, ah,

I'm so sorry, guys. I love it, dude. I love a lobby. I was like, this is when I talk about cameras. Got it. Yeah, exactly. Everyone just checks out. We have two type of people in the audience. It's like they want to hear the autistic talk, but then I'm like, hey, someone tried to sell me cocaine in the lobby. You guys want to f***ing about that? Yes. It's about balance. The duality of the two.

Yes. It's either learning about PETG and PLA or learning about cocaine. There's no in between. That's Vegas, baby. In like 2010 to 2020, you had this – you couldn't have fun with firearms at all. It was so – if you did any – You think so? Dude, man, I remember especially in the military community, if you had any – like a photo with –

slightly finger over the trigger guard or anything like that. And then they're like, no, fuck you. Real training. I think it got a lot lighter, at least from the military side. I think they started easing up from veterans. Actually, you can have fun with it a lot more.

There's still some people that like are, you know, you're not allowed to have fun. Yeah. Yeah. Like how, like, that's what I love. You, it is the level of fun you guys have with the content and then how you, it's like, well, cause I think like at the same time too, we had the FPS rushes back in the day. Oh, that's what I was going to say. Kyle. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, his channel is just, yeah. Demolition Ranch also. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. They'll just load shit up in a shotgun shell and see what happens. Yes. Yes. It was like the Wild West back in the day when YouTube first started. I know. And then they started cracking down on it because they don't understand firearms or manufacturing or any of that stuff at all. But imagine in today's YouTube world.

firearm channel like FPS Russia because at one point if you look at the graph he was like the eighth seriously youtuber on the planet yeah imagine that today a fucking gun tuber even in the top 30 oh that would be insane ever never even Matt you know his channel yeah yeah that's why there's a gun tuber in the top hundred but like like FPS Russia he got to like seven or eight like it was the thing everybody fucking watched I remember I was in fucking I

I was in middle school at the time. And like everybody in my class who didn't even give a shit about guns are like new FPS Russia video. Like that was the thing. You guys, FPS Russia, Freddie Wong. What's the one dude? Ray. Ray William Johnson. Yeah. There's like a handful of YouTubers at that time. And there was like the top. Smosh. Smosh. And this is like 10 million subs, which is insane. And now that is. Yeah. No, no. Relatively speaking. Have you looked at the ranking?

So, so I have five, I have like 5.2 million subs in the rankings. I'm like, I'm still like 2000 or something. That's crazy, dude. Yeah. I'm just a measly 600 or something. All right. Five, five, nine. Can you leave now? Can you leave? Yeah, I know. I don't belong on this podcast. I'm under a million. Unsubscribe. Oh,

I think you're tied with unsubbed, so you're good. We're at a side by side. No, but you guys have been crushing it. But to be able to even be in your position and as much as you get fucked with by YouTube, to even be where you are is...

Thanks, man. There is a certain amount of dancing around the rules you have to do. To get to your size, you know how to play by the rules so you don't get fucked. A lot of guys get in 3D printed space and they're like, YouTube's fucking me. It's like, well, yes, they are. They're fucking

with you but like you gotta know how to play by the game sadly yeah I mean I think the main reason why I haven't gotten my channel completely deleted or you know unfortunately like when you get removed from YouTube by YouTube if you get like your channel removed you're like actually you are the person you know

legally or not legally but you know they delete you from the platform permanently for life like as a person not even as you can't start a new channel you can't start a new channel that'll be ban evasion so yeah so i've felt like terrifying yeah so terrifying i know if that's your job that branded how do i feel i mean dude i'm not it's not great i

I'm at a strike. One strike. I've been at two strikes before. I have two, yeah. I'm at one strike right now. Oh, fuck. The tough thing is... Well, the reason why I think I've been able to survive to this point is I keep it lighthearted. And if I was just saying, you know, oh, guys, this is how to 3D print a firearm, or just being really like...

purely information, which I think is great. And I think it should be on YouTube. There's no reason. It's not allowed to be. It's not allowed to be. But it should be, I think. It should be totally. But that, if I was just doing that and I was just purely information, which there are great channels that are purely information and I wasn't doing entertainment stuff and being silly, I would have been removed a long time ago. So your defense is literally, I'm just a silly goose? Exactly. I'm just a little silly goose. Do that again.

They like dildos too. One of the hardest parts of YouTube is saying I'm doing everything legally. Why can't I do this? I know, man. Like I have the licensing. It's legal where I live, whatever state and country you're in. Why can't I do this? So I had a conversation with a, with a guy on the inside there that like, I won't,

even mention the company. Brian J. YouTube. We already know who you're talking about. John H. YouTube. Are you talking about Kevin Google? Kevin C. Google. But it was somebody there that was like, our world is deep.

We don't want to fuck with you, man. I'm like, oh, cool. He's like, yeah, you know, you do everything legally. You go to these licenses. You do everything safe. We don't want to fuck with you. I swear to God, real conversation. We just want to make sure we stick it to guys like print, shoot, repeat. And I was like, dope, dope. Well, that last part's not great. Yeah. I've been working on that behind the scenes, trying to make sure. Because for whatever reason, those people just think like,

They think 3D printing guns and shit like that somehow is either illegal or subversive or something. It is never in American history been illegal to make your own firearm. Period. Ever. Yeah. Yeah. Can't say that enough, honestly. It's a part of our tradition here in this country. And to not understand that or to not be aware of that is –

Yeah, it sucks. It's whack. But you have the right to make your own firearms, guys. Don't forget that. It doesn't matter if you do it. I mean, I'd love it for you to do it. But don't forget, whether it's with a 3D printer or with welding together flats for a Mac 11 or whatever the heck it is, you have the right to build your – or a slam fire shotgun from Home Depot. Yeah.

You got the right to do it. And it's the same exact thing, legally speaking, as printing a gun. Building a slam-fire shotgun from Home Depot, which I want to do an episode on, actually. That'd be fun. The people that make the rules, it drives me crazy. The prior administration, it's like, you can't have a cannon. It's like, my best friend has a fucking cannon. You can have a cannon. All right, that pisses me off more than anything in the world. Like, oh, fuck. So...

It has never been illegal to own a cannon. Never. In American history, it has never been illegal to own a cannon. In fact, it is more legal to own a cannon than it is to own a Glock or an AR-15 or whatever. It is like a black powder firearm is not even a firearm. No. Felons can have them. A felon can own a cannon. Nobody has ever been prohibited from owning a cannon. Our lawyer is nodding his head. I didn't even know this.

There have been times in fucking American history where the U.S. government has gone to individuals who own lots of cannons on boats and said, can you help us out? We don't have enough cannons. Pirates. Legally, yeah, it kind of was back in the day. Yeah, yeah. No, but like seriously, not only has it always been legal to own a cannon. I don't know. I've gone down that.

No, but getting back to the Kevin Google thing. I remember you told me, you DM me once and were like, yo, you were this close to getting your shit just absolutely just plat, you know, just freaking spanked because...

the guy there apparently had heard the hk slap at youtube or something yeah oh i forgot about that story tell me that's wait hold on i don't even know just again a quick breakdown is like three strikes you delete delete like permanently for life you're going from youtube it doesn't matter if you make a channel about flowers excommunicado you're done yeah cody you get a warning strike you

You get your warning strike, and then there's three after that. I'm on my warning and my first strike. So I've got my warning. Right now? Yeah, I caught that early. Brandon, what do you got? Does your warning ever go away? Yeah, it does. No, the warning stays there forever.

I don't think so. The ones after that go away. Well, you can't. I think it's 90 days for the warning, but the warning, you can take a re-education program, which reminds me of a concentration camp. I was about to say re-education? Yeah, yeah. No, seriously. It's like that. I don't know if it's called re-education. I like to refer to it as re-education, but you have to answer a little survey and

And that like, is like, if you, you know, answer the survey and it's like, Oh, Kevin 3d printed a gun and posted it on YouTube, you know? And then he teaches you how to build it. Is this against the YouTube firearms policy? Oh, you think that's okay. Shower time. Yeah. But yeah, so I, you have to take this, you have to do this little survey. I, I did it. I did it when I got a strike last time. And so I, I'm hoping I can do it again and they'll, and they'll get rid of it. But, uh,

But yeah, I appealed both anyway. But you were saying, so we were saying the story with the HK Slap guy. Yeah, I don't, to be honest with you, it was a while ago and I don't fully remember it. So I don't want to say anything that's not true. But it was somebody who told me in YouTube, he was like, oh, yeah, I know. I watched some of his stuff. Like, that guy's pretty funny. Like, that guy's chill. And I'm like...

A, I agree. B, terrible metric to base decisions off of. But I mean, it goes back to what you're saying where you keep it lighthearted and you're the opposite of a threat in their eyes, I guess. Yeah. I mean, when I get sponsored by Adam and Eve and I use dildos as ballistic horse cocks for shooting stuff.

That's when YouTube's like, you know what? We're going to keep them on because we like that kind of stuff. Hey, my boy. You did Adam and Eve stuff back in the day. No way. Yeah, I used their can cannon and I shot dildos out of it. You did? Oh, dude, I got to find that episode.

I wanted to put my son in a private school, so it was like, all right, Adam and Eve, I'll take this ad. And I took the can cannon, and I was just sticking dildos in it. That's incredible. They pay great. The double-sided, that really does fly. Oh, yeah, the double-sided. Oh, in slow motion, it's hilarious. You bend it in half and stick it down in the can cannon. Oh. Wonderful. Oh, wow. That just must yeet itself completely. Yeah. I would say use that against protesters, but they would love it.

They're all moaning us. Why did they pull their pants down, dude?

Oh man. Oh no. Honestly, if I wouldn't have put the Adam and Eve thing out, I don't know if Lucas... I was about to ask about the pushback. Speaking of which, actually, that's a great point because we actually have a surprise for you today. No way. Lucas, come on out. Oh my god! So about that...

I was actually, I was like, how do we, can we talk about it? Because I actually liked it. It was like, it is that pushback of you being you. Because we, dude, you have nothing but support from like all of us. Because when we were talking about having you on, I was like, oh, dude, that'd be, fuck yeah. Let everyone. Yes, yes, yes. Brandon was like, oh, I actually chat with him. Amazing dude.

So I was like, oh, done. Done and done. And then probably the most requested guest. There's actually, there is a gun meme review I never made about that situation with you and Lucas. I didn't, it was literally just because shit kept happening that I was like, I had to cover whatever. I have the thumbnail still for it. And my title was, my title was, it was, it was an AI generated image of a Glock on a LGBTQ whatever flag and

And the title was going to be The Gun Industry is Gay. Because I wanted to cover that whole fucking fiasco. Oh, yeah. Man, I like Lucas. I like T-Rex Arms and everything. Like Isaac and all those guys. Isaac's got a great channel. They do a bunch of cool shit, man. T-Rex Labs is sick. I watch that channel. 80% of the time, they do rad shit. Like 90% of the time, they do rad shit.

But like sometimes we're like, they'll just throw a fucking. They gave, they gave a mic to Lucas. A little bit too long. I think maybe it's like, man, that's. And then they'll, they'll just do something where it's like, I feel like the.

you're the chosen one. Like, why? Why'd you do that? Oh, man. No, honestly, I have no personal, like, vendetta against him or anything. I just found it funny that he was, he, like, in that little podcast where he was mentioning the things that, you know, they didn't like him and his personal director. Yeah. He just did the under the breath PSR and then said he wasn't going to mention anyone and then said my name. So, honestly, thanks for the shout out because it got me a lot of, you know, attention a little bit. So, uh,

dude, very good attention. Yeah. So if you want to shout me out again, go right ahead, Lucas. I'd love it, man. I mean, we can honestly, I would sit down and chat with him. Seriously though. I would, I would, I wouldn't have any problem chatting with him. I think, you know, people getting into the two way, if they're watching Lucas's stuff, I think there's valuable stuff he's got to say. Yeah. Uh,

I think there's valuable stuff in the training methods and all that stuff. So I can out shoot anybody at the table. Like I'm sure. I won't deny that Lucas. You're a greater shooter than I am for sure. Uh, you know, do I agree with his, his takes on everything? Absolutely not. But you know what?

That's what the great beauty of free speech is. I wish the 2A community could stop tearing each other apart. Name one community that doesn't do that. Everyone's self-righteous. Bricks, some way or another. Veteran community, we always say, do you know...

veterans hate the most successful veterans and that's what sucks you have like pissed off veterans to a community watching that just cannibalize each other if you make a mistake same like can you like there's there's so much drama in the gun community like sometimes like and sometimes we go through these really nice periods and then something else dumb will happen and just like i'm slamming my head in the desk i'm like yeah there are people that genuinely think you should be in prison

for what you have in your safe that you've never done a bad thing with. Let's focus on those guys. Yeah, yeah. Because if you're attacking other dudes that ideologically agree with 90% of what you think, maybe they're not the fucking enemy. Yeah. My point is this. If I am like, I watch your content, I see it pop up, like, hit.

Oh, it pops up on your feed? Yeah. He's like, no, but as an example. Yeah, as an example. I have no idea who you are, so. It's just like, you know, when you're half naked, just dancing with a gun. It's kind of cool. Yeah. Or as we say, Thursday. But not once have I ever watched it and been like,

Like you- You're questioning a lot of things and you're getting mad about you dancing naked. It's literally the Spongebob like Squidward looking out the blinds at them having fun like "grrrr" And you're like "bro, why are you mad about that?" "Come."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do wonder that. But also you're right. You're so right about just sticking together. It's important. We all have the same goal. We all want to exercise our rights. And I think just – I'm not one of the ones that wants to gatekeep people from getting into guns. I just think that the more people we have in the community and getting into guns, even if they're still like on the fence, it's better to have them on our side than not. And if we get that seed planted –

Like I, you know, I never was against guns, but my parents were super against guns. And now I got my mom to the shooting range. Yeah. Got her shooting a gun. She said, that's fun. You know? So it's like if we can have moments like that and not like keep people out that we just like automatically say, oh, they're never – they're a lost cause. You know? We got to reach out to some of those people, you know, and bring them in. Yeah.

Oh, no, I was going to talk about when we had the Hollywood people. Yeah. We had some Hollywood people out. Can't say names. Yeah, can't say names. Yeah. Had them out to a range one day and they're like, did they know that I'm a Democrat? Right.

We don't fucking care. I was like, I don't care. And they came out there and we gave them like a .22LR. Just like, watch out, it kicks. And they shoot it one time and they're like, oh my god, this is really fun. Like your integrity suppressed one? Yeah, my mom integrity suppressed .22LR and they're like, this is fun as heck. Yeah. No one cares that you're a fucking Democrat. No one cares what you're doing. We're just here to have fun. Exactly. I feel really good.

being on the side. It's one of those things where like, if you're on the side of the people that are burning books because you don't want people to know what's inside, maybe you're not the good guy. Uh, but like, I feel really good being on the side of people, uh, the people who, uh, our greatest weapon is, uh,

It's like the more people know about guns, the more experience they have with guns, the more likely they are to be pro-gun. Yeah. Period. Like the number one weapon that the opposition has is fear. Yes. And we have education. It's like, man, okay, if this is the dichotomy, I feel pretty good that we're on the right side. Yes. Don't take it so serious where you push people away because then when people are having fun –

And then you're like, that guy's a piece of shit because he's having fun. You should be way more serious. Now you are gatekeeping and you're making it annoying to be part of that. Any community better into a...

Be kind, laugh, be positive, have fun. That is how you win the hearts and minds. You don't want to be a dictator. You want to be a dick. You don't want to be like, fuck you. You took it too lightly. It's like, okay, if you ran everything, no one would be there. And I feel like it's a funnel, and I've said this a million times, but I feel like it's a funnel where it's like you need the people on the periphery. You can't just like – you're never going to win anybody with like –

hammer fisting him with "Oh well the fucking Constitution said and these dead people from 200 years ago" It's like there's a time and place for that but like in the beginning you need John Wick, Call of Duty, Prince You Repeat, FBS Russia, like those that's what gets people interested

in learning more and then once they're fucking deeper halfway down the funnel then you start teaching them constitution you know all sorts of those that's where you get them and then you turn them into a hardcore ally yes exactly and then you get them printing Yankee Boogles exactly you'll be mailing pipe bombs in no time it was a joke it was a joke put flashing joke on the screen right now laughing

Freedom, am I right? At least owning cannons, at the very least. Funny, so new SHOT Show bit that we started doing

Speaking of the whole like flashing joke thing, you know how like it's like a meme every time a shot show you've got like those like Chinese nationals that will just come and just take pictures of shit and they'll like they're just cloning shit. Like they're taking it back to China and then like three weeks later some child will have made a 10 cent knockoff. There was literally one guy at the supplier showcase this time, Chinese national with a 3D scanner that was literally scanning shit on tables.

And I'm like, dude, I feel like that should be grounds for you can assault him and get away with it. That's balls, dude. I'm not going to lie. That's quite a bit of balls. First off, stop gatekeeping. Those are going to be very cheap and affordable. To be used against American troops in three years. What was her one friend screaming when he saw that?

One of our friends saw some people doing that. What did he say, Brandon? Well, so our new bit, like my shop guys and I, like we've just started going around. Whenever you see shit like that happening, you just go up to them, especially when they got cameras out and stuff like that, and just lean in and just... Tiananmen Square. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Winnie the Pooh. I picture it, Chase, please put it up, like the negative honor from Red Dead. Every time. Gentlemen Square. Winnie the Pooh.

I just, I hope they don't have an accent at all. I'm like, bro, I'm making a video game. It's the whitest American. Oh shit, I was just racist for a second. Well, we talked about it last year where we got those guys executed. Oh God, no. I don't know. I didn't see it. Yeah, maybe. But that actually was Hulk. Yeah, that was it. Yeah. Where these Chinese like YouTubers or whatever came up to us and like, you know, they wanted to grab a picture of,

And just as a joke, we're a little tip and we get in there for the photo. I'm like, all right, three, two, one. Fuck communism. And the guy holding the camera like he goes deadpan takes the SD card out of the game. No. And I'm like, oh, wow. Oh, yeah. You just absolutely got them. Just beheaded. Their score. Yeah. They're right next to the Jordanian pilot. Oh.

Oh, man. It's not going to be nice when they go back. Oh, brother. Have to delete the SD card. One more, please. Where the fuck was the ATF booth this year? I didn't see it. I saw the FBI. I think it's in the basement. It's always in the basement. Yeah, it's in the basement. They actually gave us patches after we had five agents surrounding us. Oh, shit. Yeah, we actually took it. My channel sponsor, SESOT...

David, he rizzed them with the tism. Absolutely. 100%. Had the ATF guy telling him, yeah, my name's... Check my last name. Swift. I came up with a name for the Swift link. What? Yes. Oh, shit. The actual guy that came up with a name for the Swift link was there, and he was telling us...

All about how we should properly... I'll tell you when you're older. How you should properly engrave a Yankee Boogle if you're to do so, which would be having to embed it into the plastic to the point where if you remove the serial number portion, the steel... It would break. It would break. It would be inoperable, which would be very hard with the Yankee Boogle. Or the Choosy Express, which is a select fire...

version where you can actually have... See, that doesn't make sense to me, because that's not the same rules for the Glock switches and shit like that. Yeah. That seems inconsistent. That's weird, but that's...

ATF for you? Yeah, exactly. Dude, the Swift Link with the Boogle Oogle? Yeah, it's like the Boogle. Am I right about the Boogles? I mean, I thought this was part of just like, you know, every American knew what the Yankee Boogle was. Everyone should. Yeah, yeah, you should. Oh, God, Jake made that song. I know, dude, Jake's gonna fucking kill me. Bring me the juice. Oh, that vodka. Pure vodka, straight vodka. My favorite story from the ATF booth. I was like, what? Thank you, buddy.

i hear it just smells like farts the entire shot show because people just rip ass right there no no last year with the atf booth um my favorite story is uh king trout our boy walked by and they like gathered around and were pointing at him they're like they're like here there he is he's right there he's also dressed like jeffrey dahmer with the shades and everything too um

Oh man, my buddy Hoffman Tactical, you know Hoffman Tactical. Yeah. Shouts out to Tim Hoffman, a legend, created the super safety. Apparently last year he went over the booth and he was talking to them and then one guy said, you know this is Hoffman Tactical? And they said, yeah, we know, we know, we have a whole profile on you. Oh my god. Your face just went white.

And for that one moment, Tim just questioned all his entire, probably all of his projects that he put out. Because he puts out these, you know, he made the super safety, which is now a huge, huge deal, I think. Like when you turn on safety, you can go safer, right? Yeah, exactly. Super safe. Like extremely safe, right? And very fast. You empty the magazine very quickly, right?

So that you don't have any more of those dangerous bullets. Exactly. It's so safe. It brings you to very safe, very quick, open bolt, you know, no rounds left. And then you check the chamber, and that's how you know it's super safe. But yeah, so Tim had a little moment with the ATF apparently last year, and then, you know, snapped right back into the... Reality. Into his reality. But honestly, Tim, very unique individual, probably has quite a bit of tism, and when it comes to the tism, Tim just knows how to apply it with just lethal force. So...

Shouts out to Tim. He's really into balloons and airships. Zeppelins and such. Zeppelins, exactly. Definitely autistic when you say balloons. If you say a sentence like, man, he's real into balloons, it's like, oh, you didn't even have to say the tits in part, man. You would get along with my son quite well. The man, listen, the man... He sewed his own hot air balloon by hand.

I shit you not, and flew it. That's fucking insane. Time to work on that. Sewing your own balloon. They don't care about time, Cody. That's the crazy thing. My son makes fun of me.

signs for a good time now. It'll just have been hours. How are they going to find time to go on dates with women? Why would they care about that? What's the point of that, guys? If I can read one quick thing, Chase, I'm going to have you pull this up. I showed Cody today. Oh, no. The sign? While Eli is pulling this up, I want to tell you guys what I gave his son for a Christmas present. I forgot about that. A stop sign. Yeah.

literally and he was on cloud nine about a stop sign it's the first time I've ever seen Ryden give anyone a genuine hug he likes stop signs or he likes signs signs in general signs my little little manager having a blast so and I'm not laughing at him

I am. He wanted a stop sign. That's awesome! He was like, "Alright dude, I got you a stop sign." Yeah, you literally, 'cause you knew he was like, he was getting into signs and shit. Yeah, he just liked signs. You got the perfect gift. It's not a phase, mom. Dude, it- and it is- yeah, it's not a phase. A rare sign is probably just like his just- Oh dude, he builds them for fun now. He just makes, uh, they're like caution signs. Very big into it. So he just, um- That's cool. I don't know where he started saying this, "Ryden, don't do that anymore."

Nothing happens when you die, daddy. It's all darkness, mother. Daddy. It's darkness out there. So, working boy that's writing found out if he says a specific phrase, he can get out of sensory room. So, what he does... Sensory room? Oh, he goes into the sensory room. Yeah, so it's like...

Just no noise. Like, Ryan's heaven, my heaven. It's quiet. No one's around. Let's point out again that we gave like $100,000 plus to... $110,000.

You guys. Autism charities. Yeah, autism charities. Hell yeah. So, Bo, right in front of me, I was like, I get work avoidance if I do this. If I say, fucking, I'm going to kill you. He said that to us. We've talked about that. Oh, yeah. After a podcast, he said that. Whoa. And then at school, he knows not to do it. Well, kind of. But if he's like over, if he's like too stimulated, he's just like, I'm going to kill you. And then they're like, oh, shit. He's like, fuck.

Oh, we'll take him to the sensor room, and then he just gets to chill. So he's happy. I'm like, bro, you can't do that. We've got to work on that. I do that. I got kicked out of the casino. So we found a solution, and it's working like a tea. They're like, man, he's not doing that anymore.

So it's a sign that says, it's a stop sign that says, hey, or a no, no sign that says, I'm going to kill you language. So now go. So now that's at the classroom. I got to follow those rules, which is autism to a T. A rule is interjected and rhymes into, like, don't do that. So he's like, that reminds me of like the fucking ants when they put them on like the white sheet of paper and they draw a circle around them and they won't cross it. Yes, that's it. And that's it. This is straight up like,

Visual cues help a lot. Mom was like, so I made this and sent it to school? And then the teacher was like, yo, this is working really good. And then Ryden was like, well, it's prohibited. I can't say it no more. It was just a paper and it's done. Like, no more at all. So to Ryden, there are no unspoken rules. No, he's... If it's on a sign, he's gonna follow the rules. The first time that happened... Jesus Christ.

Brandon, you were there for that one, right? Connor? Yeah. Yeah. When he had a riding. Oh, no, no. The water depths, the Connor. Cause explain the, the alpha move of water. It was the, it was the coolest shit ever.

Well, you're talking about with after the podcast. Yeah, I'm talking about after the podcast. He was overstimulated because we were all laughing. We're like having a good time laughing. Right, and hates smiling and laughter. So he looked at us, he's like, he said, you're all going to die. I was like, okay, buddy. I'm like, bro, you can't say that to my friends. He's like, why? It's a threat.

Brunch and Ryden's there with us and like, you know, I get it. He gets like overstimulated and stuff when people start laughing and baring teeth and everything like we talked about it. But we're joking around and then Connor's apparently laughing too hard at something. And he's got a man Mosa in front of him and Ryden just like without saying anything.

grabs a glass of water and pours it in his drink while making eye contact by the way which fucking autism doesn't go side by side like eye contact yeah

Just pouring water. It was the most malicious water pour. It was some Sigma shit. It worked, by the way. We all started, we're like, cancer. That moment, it was like a TikTok edit of just like... We're not gonna get mad at him. I was like, bro, you can't do that. Wow. Wow.

I was like, what are you doing? Sorry. Everybody's laughing really loud. I was like, sorry. Connor, shut the fuck up. He poured water. I've never seen this. So he started adapting. He's done it twice now. To John, too. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he did it to my son, too.

We're like, "Man, that's an awful move." Someone's laughing, you just pour water in their drink. Dude, I might do that at some point. Dude, stop what you're doing instantly! No one's gonna- It's the most subvert fuck you ever. When you make it to Capitol Hill, you gotta do that. One of the dinners. Pour water in AOC's drink.

Don't say anything, make perfect icons? Yeah, yeah. Wow, what a opinion to have. No, you can't talk, you just look like this. And then just walk away like, "Ew, it's so funny!" It's like the fucking Bill Murray thing where it's like, "No one will ever believe you."

You mean Congressman Herrera just poured water in your drink? Why would I do that? Yeah, why the f*** would I ever do that? It's not like we have podcast episode 198 to prove it.

Oh, I love my sister so much. She's the best. How old is he? 13. Hell yeah. Fucking monster. Right? He's grown. His hands and feet are bigger than mine now. Yeah, because he has mom genetics. There's some six, eight people in there. I'm like, I'm going to have a fucking autistic giant. We're going to take it home. You're going to put me in the water? Yeah.

All I'm saying is as much money as a Venetian has taken from me on the roulette table, when he can sit at a table... I'm sorry, John C. Venetian. John C. Venetian. You're going to be hurting, motherfucker. I love when you just give names now. Jeopardy's on. I need to see Jeopardy.

Be like, have you done any gambling where you're here? I actually haven't. I'm like so, I just have, I'm jaded. I'm like, I'm just going to lose all this money. Come with us after this. I'm doing good so far. I'm doing good today. Is this our night? I think this is our night, man. It's our night. So I have this philosophy on gambling where I'm like, any money I bring to Vegas to gamble. It's gone. It's gone. Yeah. As soon as I put it on the table, I'm like, that is money that, like, that's the price of admission for hanging out with my friends and having a good time.

That's a good philosophy. That's a good philosophy. For gambling. It's just when you lose and then you're like, you know what? I need to put more money into this. That's when you're cocked. Yeah. And that's when you mortgage your house. It's just a nightmare. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to get that way. Well, dude, tonight might be the night. We've...

It is a blast when you're just having fun with the boys and gambling. Because we're just sitting down and throwing money at... Yeah, we're just fucking around. What's the best game? What's the best... We play roulette. I love roulette. Roulette? I've never played roulette. I'm not a card guy, really. I mean, I know how to play blackjack. No cards. No cards? It's a...

Ball on a circle that spins and fucking no- there is no skill. It's like, "Buh!" I- I lost 400 bucks this morning. I'm up five grand now today. Oh my goodness. I was like, "Oh shit, that was more money than I brought to gambling." Cody, what- when did I come up with 500 bucks? 500 bucks is a piece of asshole. This is- so, if you guess a number, it's like a 1 in 32 odds, I think, right?

There you go. Go to the table with us. You have to now. So, what did I do, Cody? I'm 1 in 32. I gamble one time a year. And when we come to SHOT Show, just so I can hang out with friends, we can gamble at SHOT Show. Again, shout out to Papa Meat, because that boy can gamble. Jesus Christ, dude. Don't get us started on fucking Papa Meat. How do you get the skill to gamble? How is that? I don't know. Hunter just does his voice and yells really loud. Yeah, dude. He's a...

He's beautiful at doing blackjack and pie gal. What's the other? Craps. God damn, he can pull craps. I think he's just good at gambling. We're in your fucking name. God damn it, Lynn. He's just yelling at his hunter like me. Can you voice is so good.

Is he allowed? Like the nicest guy, probably the most organically funny person I've ever met. Oh, man. To gamble with him is hilarious. Yeah, I watched the Wendigoon and his... Creepcast? Yeah, Creepcast. Yeah, dude, I fucking love it. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. Am I not close enough? That's close enough. Now you're getting there. Eli, asshole. I've been playing roulette for like an hour. Eli walks up. He's like,

Hey, man, the table's already spinning. You can't put bets down. He's like, hey, dude, it's going to land on 13. I look around. It lands exactly on 13 that no one had bet on. Like three seconds after he said that. Yeah.

dick dude the night it was like what two nights before when we're doing the big night with like everyone you had veteran with the sign you had us you had we were on the table for like four hours oh dude we said it was a late night of gambling damn you guys are gonna get me oh that's we got someone i think someone got fired that night oh fuck like uh yeah tell that story first

Oh man. Okay. So we're all around the main roulette table. We're all hanging out, having a good time. Everyone's throwing hundreds of dollars down on the table. Go on. If you've never been to a casino before, basically what they do is they bring you free drinks. So you'll keep drinking and throwing money down. More money. Yeah. More money. And the server at the time came over and it was me and you and Eli. And we were just sitting around the table.

And she's... What did she say at first? She's like, oh, you guys are going to just stand back there. Yeah, well, she brought out, like, the drinks that we had ordered. And I think, like, you gave her, like, 15 bucks or something. Yeah, I was like, here's some chips. Yeah, thank you, man. But she just goes like, I know I didn't just bring all those drinks for you guys, and you're not going to take care of me. Which was aggressive, but I'm like... Very aggressive. It's a bit, yeah. Okay, I gave her 25 bucks or whatever. I'm like, oh, shit. Yeah, so in total, we just were like... You gave...

Like, all of us gave... We gave her, like, 60-plus dollars for, like, four beers. Well, like, we just sat down, so it's like, okay, you're gonna keep coming around. Like, we assume, like, we'll take care of you, like, later on, the end of the night, whatever. But, like, you gave her 15 bucks out the gate. I cannot stress, we do not...

We tip very well. It's like one thing everyone wants to get back. Take care of the people that take care of you. Every time. Good policy. Every fucking time. That's one thing we do. The dude last night came out after we had left the event we were at and then asked us if we wanted drinks for the road. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is like we take care of our people.

when she came back or later on after she came back and um she gave my uh my friend my friend was behind me and his brother and I was showing them how to play roulette and she was like oh you're not taking care of me grab their drinks out of their hands no that she had just gave them and just tossed them in the trash yeah full beers just toss them in the trash I was like you guys aren't taking care of me

It's like, holy shit. Jay's face right now. Jay's like, what? No, this happened, dude. This happened, Jay. That's crazy. And when she said, you're not taking care of me. It was like, oh, no one's taking care of me after I brought these drinks. That was the attitude level on her when she said it the first time. It was so aggressive, I thought she was joking. Yeah. And we gave her, like, I gave her, like, 15 or 20. 25? 25, yeah. I gave her 22, like 15, 20.

Damn. It was wild. She was having a bad day. And then Cody was like, pit boss. Oh, no, no, no. I called the pit boss over. I'm a member of the gambling club now, apparently. By the way, there's an intervention waiting for you when we get home. That's after this. I gamble one time a year. Okay. No, no. I was like, hey, she was super rude to us. I don't understand why she just threw my friend's beards away.

and they so five other pit bosses converge and they like looked up the camera footage and they confirmed she just just like threw their full beers away it was wild she got handed her purse wow yeah and shout out to venetia for doing that like yeah dude that is good management like oh

This is a retarded ass employee. I didn't even know about the beers part of that until later. I was like, holy shit. Speaking of the cameras, you've seen the cameras around the Venetian. They will walk up because we won't have our cards and they will be like,

Mr. Eli, Mr. Cody. It's crazy. Dude. But you know that they're thermal though, right? Yeah. They're thermal. And we can see that if you carry it around. They know. They know. It's technically okay as long as you're not scaring the hose. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Hose or hose. The hose. The hose. You can't scare the hose.

Yeah, because they don't give a shit. As long as you're spending money, it is in their best interest to not give a fuck. But they totally, 100% know you're carrying a gun whenever you walk in that door. I'm not going to tell that story. It was like that really cool time when you start telling your parents a story and then you're like halfway through, you're like, oh, that was some illegal shit that happened there. Only I'll continue with that. Maybe I'll stop. But we still had a fantastic night that night. She got...

And then we were having true our board. True. True was my boy. That's my Asian pride right there. The dealer. My Korean pride, dude. And then I was lucky that you did good. Well, like fucking what was it better with a sign? Zach, his strategy was just ape Eli. Whatever Eli does, just do it. And

I was doing single numbers and it was landing. Oh my god. I want to follow your lead whenever you do. I'm having a good day. I'll get down on the table and in the first two rolls I'll tell you if that's a good idea or not. Okay. Deal. Oh, we need to take you gambling. I've never done gambling. We got our table too. If Chula found it, I'm hugging my boy. That was Robert. It was a black dude, right?

I don't remember. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Robert, dude, Robert, when I walked back up the night before, I was like, walked by and I just threw money down his hand. I was like, oh, yeah. And Robert was like, oh, and we tipped again, even for that. It's like, if we win, you're part of the audience. Tell the audience more about how you're a good person, Eli. Sorry, I'm a piece of shit. I said, Robert. But it was still, like,

Robert, it's like, homies, betting, done, left, came back the next day, bet again. It was like, you find your dealers and you just have a blast with them. Like, Chula of Chula's downstairs tonight. Good people that are fun to play off of, you know? Who was the dealer you won a lot tonight? Dude, you're killing it tonight. I'm very happy. It was the most autistic I've ever felt in my life because I caught myself, like,

I would win, like, I would throw, like, you saw, like, I would throw just $1,000 on black. I'm just like, I feel good about that. I'd hit, I'd get two grand back, and I'm just like, I'm not upset. And I would say that out loud, completely monotone. I'm like, God damn it. Brandon's head's the equations are going, everything's going on everyone else's heads. It's nothing. It's just luck of a ball falling where it goes. It is all luck. Like, there's nothing to it. I'm a genius.

Yeah, yeah. There's nothing. It's literally just like... So wait, so you pick a number as it's going around or something? You pick a number. You can bet like black or red. So like half the numbers are black, half the numbers are red. Like you can pick either those. You can bet even odd. Like...

There's like eight different ways you can battle for that. And then when you say, what do you say when you go? It's your turn or whatever. Bingo. Yeah, you have to say bingo every time. No. Don't tell him. I want to see him yell bingo really loud every time. It's the same. So no matter what happens. I want to say PSR is like bingo.

bingo! Is it fucking Christoph Waltz? It's not Sabino! He's looking around, he's like, why aren't they yelling bingo? There's one roll for the whole team. So everybody bets on the same roll. Okay, okay. So there's 36 numbers, and then you have 0, 0, 0, and crown, which are greens,

And then you have your two, red and black. You know, remember when you were getting into us about PLA versus ABS and all that shit? Now I'm in the dark. Yes, Eli, can we speak about the roulette now? Let's go on the roulette. Cody, that's what we're talking about.

Cody, we were betting on a good number. Less guns, more degeneracy. So if you bet, like, let's say you were like, I want 500 on black, and then it lands black, now you have $1,000. Oh, okay. Wait, but that's just 50% odds, though, because it's red or black, right? Yeah, but then you get 1 in 32, like...

13 when I was like hey it's 13 and no one bet on 32 and then you get 32 times yeah and that's what the night before two nights ago it was like I did it four times three times in a row oh 20 no it was like 20 21 or something like that it was fucking 20

This is how I became a gambling addict. Sorry, man. No, I straight up... So it was with... What is it? Suckboy Tony. Yes, Suckboy Tony. I was with him earlier today. He sat down at the table with me. Dude, you know Suckboy Tony, right? He's another one of the printer guys, right? We all got aliases. We all got aliases. He actually came to Rangeday one day. I would not like that alias. Okay, he's the creator of the plasma rifle. Really cool project. 3D printed plasma rifle. It's...

Caseless ammunition. Really cool. Also the guy who created, I think, the solenoid or something like that that was used in the Shinzo Abe assassination. But yeah, that's neither here nor there. Yes. Caseless ammunition, is that like the gyro thing that you have? The gyro jet? I guess that's technically a variant. Yeah, but like G11. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We're here. It's like slightly watched. But he sat down. He'd never gambled before. He literally just sat down at the roulette table. He's like, so I just threw cash down? Yeah, sure. Like any bet or whatever, they turn it into chips. And he puts two crinkled up fucking $1 bills on the table. I'm like, not quite like that. But no, me and him, we played for maybe 20, 30 minutes earlier. And he ended up winning. He put $100 down. He got like...

300 bucks by the time I left. Nice. And he was like, man, this is cool. I'm showing him how it all works and everything. He's like, this is so cool. I need to come back here. And I'm like, no. I'm going to feel really bad if it feels like Always Sunny

He's rickety cricket, like next time I come to fucking, uh, Las Vegas... He's scratching the table. The same table, I haven't left. We'd walk downstairs. Oh no. Man, fentanyl's awesome. They give you drinks and food if you just sit and keep playing. Oh no. My life savings is gone, but I'm gonna win the next one. You know what, most gambling addicts, they quit right before they hit it big. Yeah.

Don't say that! So every time I come here, we come here every year. The only time I gamble is this week. Literally, all of us. Yeah, yeah. This week. We don't come here at all. But they give you a card. They give you like a membership card. And you can give it to them at the table and they give you rewards throughout the year. They're like, hey, here, have a couple free runes every now and then. And so...

I called him up one time and I was trying to get some of those rooms. And just out of curiosity, I was talking to the lady on the phone. I'm like, hey, what rank is my card? Because they have different ranks. She's like, sir...

The highest rank is dictators and Saudi princes. And I was like, oh, okay. Well, yeah, I'm definitely not at that fucking rank. Goddamn, dude. Like warlords and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Dude, I will say, I don't know if we can keep this part, Cody. So I was...

uh i was asking i was like hey you just got your card then yeah yeah i've moved up a rank yeah i was like hey where's mine i was like i have to be close at least but i didn't know i was like i i was like my friend just got the black card i thought you had the black and like oh so he's like it's like 1.5 million it was like

He does not have that card. 100%. I said the wrong color. What? Yeah. Yeah, I was like, holy shit. That means you have that much in your account to gamble? You just spend that much at one time. I'm not going to lie. I've been making riskier bets now sometimes because I'm getting card envy. Dude, right? I want that card. I'm like, damn it, whatever.

How much to throw on the table to get a better card? And shout out to the lady last night because she pulled out a black marker. She went to make it just draw it black. Really? Yeah. Oh, God, I missed that. And I was like, oh, it's hilarious. Thank you so much. It's fucking funny, dude. Oh, my God. I was like, Cody's not spending that much. I know that much. I don't think that was the card color I was talking about. But you know what? Okay, so bring it back a little bit.

What has been your favorite part of SHOT Show so far? This is like our one SHOT Show episode. So my favorite part of SHOT Show probably was something not...

on the floor and that was just we had a we had our own little range day in uh yeah out in the middle of the desert in BLM land you know which is like this you know state national land that you can go shoot at just in the middle of the desert he's not joking and Vegas is super weird I did not know that they with your friends or whoever like just go out and shoot no shooting range you can just go out free to shoot as long as you know you don't you know aim in a safe direction we had a big mountain as our berm

And we had a bunch of people out there, and actually I ran into these – of all people. I know it's kind of silly, but we ran into these vice journalists at the Gundams. No shit. And they were like not allowed in SHOT Show, and so they're going to do a piece. Yeah, because they're –

Vice journalists. Exactly, exactly. And you know what? And I like, and I like how I felt about it. Remember when Vice was cool? I know, I know. RIP, RIP. Oh, Jesus. But I felt them out a little bit and they were like, yeah, we just kind of want to get some photos of guns. We're not allowed in. And, you know, and I was like, okay, they want photos of guns. Oh, shit. Like, we know what this is going to be about. Yeah, it's like they used to be like spending two weeks with Colombian drug lords. It's like really interesting.

Like, my work didn't work, Kareem. Oh, yeah, yeah. Dude, what he did actually was really, really good shit. And now they're like, why if you voted for Donald Trump, you should be euthanized? Yeah, exactly. I know, it went super, it went hard, hard on the left end of things. But I was like, you know what, these guys, they look like they're genuinely interested. I'm just going to let, you know, I'm going to let everyone else know, you know, we're going to have these guys out and they're going to, you know, shoot some guns with us. So...

we brought them out there we had a great time they had never really shot guns before and they and they loved it so i was like you know this is an opportunity for us to you know bring some people in whether they you know let's see how that will see how the article turns out i'll tell you right off the rip journalists aren't people

So, probably not well. But I hope so. You always have hope in your heart. I hope. And we're saying, obviously, yes, they're journalists.

But we had a great time just in general, not just with them, but just shooting fun guns. We had a couple guys, SOTs out there. We had a gender reveal full auto Glock 44s. One was blue. One was pink. That's so cool. And we dual wielded them, and that was fun. The Glock 44 is the .22LR if you're not familiar. So that's really neat. Yeah.

It goes very fast. It's just a little and it's done 10 rounds of the OEM mags, which are the, unfortunately the ones that ran versus the pro mags. Shocking. Um, what? Yeah. Shocking. But, but yeah, so we, we did that. We had full auto AKs. We had some fun stuff. Hoffman was there. Um,

Yeah. So a bunch of friends, that was probably my highlight. And hopefully those, those journalists from vice got a little bit of a story. I think their story may be shifted to from like,

hopefully shifted from the gun industry is toxic and all this stuff, the Gundy's and all this stuff to we went and shot 3D printed guns in the desert with these like whatever. Which I think is objectively a better story anyway. Agreed. Agreed. So hopefully, you know, we had a good time and hopefully they do us justice. I mean, just to me, like Shasha this year, like more than most and I feel like, I don't know, maybe I feel like I'm getting old, right? Because like

This is my 10th SHOT Show. Wow. And so this is... Me and Cody are being old. We're looking at each other. I mean, how many SHOT Shows have you been to? I think 10. 10? 10. You're like seven. Yeah. But I remember looking forward to SHOT Show and like, oh, what kind of new and exciting things will be here? And now I'm just like, man, this is such a cynical take. I hate to bring it down, but I'm like...

I feel like everything's the same old shit I've seen before, or it's stuff that will never make it to market. Yeah. Vaporware. Like, it's one of the two. And it's draining, so draining for the experience. Jake, what's it called? Shooty, shooty, pew, pew. Shooty, shooty, pew, pew, drinking convention. Shooty, shooty, pew, pew, drinking convention. That's the best one.

Describe it, dude. We are dead after this event. We go home and don't talk to each other for a week. My whole vision goes black and white and I just want to fucking sit on a couch and veg. Last year, Jake's thing, I got a text the day before we were leaving. He's like, when does this year's YouTube convention end? The drinking convention. I'm like, soon, brother, soon. As Brandon gets older, what did you say before the podcast started?

It's getting hard. You just said it. I was like, it's called getting old, Brandon. Yeah, I'm like, I don't want to do this anymore, man.

Yeah, I'm not quite at the burnt out phase, but I'm sure I'll get there. Let's hope I get there. We'll help you out with that, man. Tonight's your night. It starts with the gambling. Everybody should go to SHOT Show one time. If you've never been, as soon as those doors open, you hear the Jurassic Park music, you know, everything. It's like, holy...

Holy fuck! And then the rascals kill you. This is so cool. Yeah. That's later, yeah. Calm down, Blue. And then T-Rex arms fights you. It's based off of dancing! Don't move a muscle. Oh, yeah, sure. Stop being gay. Maybe you should be more gay. Just a couple proud heterosexuals, that's all. Yeah.

We're just having the best life. Luke and Logan, shout out to them. They came out and hung out for the first time. These are like my Crawfordsville people I grew up with. And they were just like praising the friend group, but also a very shocking experience for them. Another drink. Oh, sure, yeah. A very shocking experience for them. And they're like, what the fuck?

what the fuck is this? Cause they're hanging out with like the guys. I bet. And it is a, they don't for the most part. They like, no, it's so disconnected. They've not hung out since we were kids. So they're like, Holy shit. What is going on? Cause it is like, it's, it's a wild experience. You're like, Oh, I'm so drained right now. I want to myself in the head. And they're just having their best life though. They're like, yeah. Also confused. Cause like,

you guys go really hard. Yeah. We're also like, hello, Mr. Patrick C. Blackrock. Good to see you. Very true on that one. And it's like, why do you know these people? I have no idea how we know these people. We have some cool stuff in the works for 2025. I don't even know what we can talk about, but we have some dope shit in the works. Hell yeah. I think we can say the VA...

And it's an awesome thing to see is like seeing how the VA and the military want to actually make changes, which is a wild experience. But seeing them reach out, talk to us and be like, hey, we've been doing it wrong. Can we have your input on this stuff? And then them actually following through with it. Wild experience because we're all like,

What are we doing? Wow. Imposter syndrome. It's called falling up, Eli. Yeah. Uh-huh. Well, that's good. Uh-huh. You got shot. I was a cop. Brandon manufactures weapons. It's the weirdest fucking war hero. Brandon, why are you pushing your new book? Do that new book. Oh, Chase, have you seen the new Brandon book?

Oh my god, hold on. I gotta piss, dude. I gotta piss so bad. Go pee-pees. No one gave more.

no one gave more memoirs of bravery battles and burying it all for freedom after appetizers i didn't read that so it by brandon herrera so i i have two two scenarios on that book because he like nick said that book is actually full like it's a full book you didn't read the back this is a full book chase

Please for no one gave... Praise? Praises for no one gave more. Someone made a book! So, there's two scenarios here. One, somebody chat GPT'd an entire goddamn book about my fake whatever the fuck podcast lore. Second scenario, some schizo actually wrote an entire goddamn book. And I'm terrified of that part too. Because they have Nick's address. That's not good.

Brandon Herrera's No One Gave More masterfully intertwines humor with haunting tales of heroism, leaving you in fits of laughter and deep admiration, a memoir of for the ages. Oh, speaking of, somebody here at the 511 party, somebody gave me an Air Force Achievement Medal. Oh.

Did a whole presentation and everything. I'm like, God fucking- I can't even go to a party. Dude, last night walking into your room, and I've seen the Army Award. You saw it, you saw it. I was like, what the fuck? That was from the live show. I know, thank you so much for this. I can't wait till somebody- It's fun in the regard that, like, I can't wait till the next time, like, somebody tries to, whether it's politically or whatever, say, like,

Well, he doesn't stand with the veteran community. Just being able to physically dump out a bucket, like a fucking three-gallon bucket of metals. Like, yeah, these have all been given to me by active duty or former military guys. Like, that's... Yeah, clearly they hate me. Do you know this story? We forced Valor on Brandon? No. So I've never served. I've never... Like, I've been around the military community my entire life. Stop lying. Fort Bragg and everything like that. But I never served.

Eli thought it would be fucking hilarious one time to just... On the Veterans Day episode. Or with our friends like Jack Manaville, Crispy, trying to pin me with his purple heart. And it just devolved from there. Bro, it went into... We had Force Valor, and now if you Google Brandon Herrera...

veteran, war hero, anything. There is fucking lore. Chat GTP. G-P-T. Damn it! I'll get it right one day. G-E-D. Chat G-E-D. Chat G-E-D. I would love to have a retarded version of Chat G-P-T. Chat G-E-D. Chat G-E-D.

It's wrong on everything! It's wrong. 2+2=5 It spells shit wrong. The grammar sucks. The drawings are bad. Random punctuation. Oh, it's gone.

Oh my god. But even AI, dude, AI, if you asked AI, it was like, he's a war hero, he was in the army, he was in the marines, he did this, he did that. Dude, it was like, the AI, but now we got sent, Nick got sent this. Ha ha!

No one gave more memoirs of bravery battles and bringing it free. That look on your face, you look actually real. It looks real. Dude, this is a book. Like, no. No, dude. And in the back. My Reddit Herrera. It's fu- Oh, God. Well, dude, do you remember when, like, when the Ukraine war started? I did. Oh, shit. I think it was Khrush, right? Yeah, yeah. I retweeted that because it was funny.

Hilarious, dude. I had people texting. I'm dead serious. I had friends from high school text me like, yo, I heard a story. Is it true? Some shit like that. Yeah, if you're not aware, obviously you probably are. But yeah, he's a war hero in Ukraine who unfortunately met his demise in the streets of whatever. Syphilis. Yeah. And we're getting...

messages. They're like, was Brandon actually over there? In Kharkiv. He met his demise. Oh, man. Yeah. And then I think I did one with Post Malone where he was holding a gun and I face-apped him or something and I said, yeah, Posty Malonovich or something like that. Postyani Malonovich. Yeah.

Oh, brutal Russian war criminal. Yeah. What's your next big thing? Well, I got a... Speaking about the censorship on YouTube and stuff, I got a...

a show coming out that's like it's got it's its own thing so it's not quite like just uncensored PSR episodes but it's it's going to be its own show with its own production and we're going to kind of make it in the vein of like uh like an early 2000s like uh Discovery Channel reality show kind of thing like uh what was it Orange County Choppers or something like that? Oh yeah. Orange County Choppers. Yeah.

where we, instead of building these cool rad choppers, like motorcycles, we're just gonna build crazy 3D printed guns. - So you're gonna fake drama and everything too? - Yeah, we're gonna try. - Eli's got some stories about TV.

Right now he's going pee-pee, but when he returns, I'm sure he'll... Yeah, I want to get his... He did some shit with History Channel and stuff back in the day. Nice. And just talked about how much theatrics and how much they fake shit. Oh, yeah. Like restoring a bike and stuff. Yeah. Or they just use cocoa powder.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, we might not fake it quite as much, but we got to. But, I mean, the guns won't be fake. The guns will be real. We're going to be doing episodes on 3D printed suppressors. You know, not necessarily how, but we're going to make clock switches. Yeah. I mean, if you want to talk about how.

I'm genuine. We, we legitimately are looking at, uh, expanding like pepper box and stuff like that. Like try to figure out how to make it make sense and, and how to bring on like the infrastructure and stuff like that for more creators and stuff. We'd love to have you on. Oh dude. And, and like, I really do think that like, cause it is a safe space cause we can say whatever the fuck you want there. Yes. Yes. And yeah, if you want to, if you want to give instructionals on how to print that shit, you could.

Dude, that would be sick, man. I would love that. That's the point. More freedom of speech, more being able to do things that we want to do, regardless of whatever the fucking YouTube guidelines are. Yes, I love that. I love that. And I know YouTube, the thing that's crazy is that technically in the YouTube Terms of Service, if you say, hey, check me out on Pepperbox, I have uncensored videos. Technically, in their Terms of Service, they can...

they can i could say hey check out my channel on pepperbox i'd probably be okay but if i say hey check out my channel on pepperbox we've got uncensored videos on how to 3d print a firearm like then that video will get struck like the video on youtube just saying yeah circumvention exactly which is just crazy so yeah uh with that said i would absolutely love to be on pepperbox i know a lot of people have told me hey get on pepperbox because when youtube's giving me shit people are always like you know

you can't just keep coming back to your abuser, which I, I understand, but YouTube is like the bread maker. Sadly, I'm trying to, I'm trying to remember who, who it was that was talking about it, but it was like the best take that I, in my opinion, I, you know, everybody's got their own opinion, but like, this is what I subscribe to, I guess is, uh,

The moment we let YouTube kick gun content off, they win. That's what they want. They don't want to fight. They don't want to get negative press. They don't want to get negative all this shit. The moment we just throw up our hands and go to Rumble or go to Pepperdine, we willingly remove ourselves from the platform.

win. That's what they want. Completely. Completely. They're like, I, that's where the conversations are are right now. Like that's where the majority of audiences are. It's the world's second biggest search engine owned by the first. Why the fuck would I leave there when our goal is to bring more people into the fold? Completely. Couldn't agree more with you on that. And yeah, I get it. You know, I wish, I wish there was that amount of eyes on rumble, you know, but there's not. And that's the reality. And I would love to see,

I'd love to see, obviously, YouTube become more firearm friendly, but I'd love to see other platforms grow as well. I'm cautiously optimistic. I think it'll happen. But I mean, the best case in that regard with Rumble, and I get the frustration, but it was like Mr. Guns and Gear. Somebody was tweeting him. It was on Twitter X. And they go, why the f*** don't you post on Rumble?

And he just replied, I do. And the fact that you don't know that is why nobody posts on Rumble. Exactly. Couldn't agree more. Yeah. Yeah. I've heard the same thing from Reno May too. Honestly, I agree with them. I agree with Mr. Guns and Gear on that. You know, sadly that's the case, but we're working to hopefully change that. And yeah, like I said, that's one thing I'm really looking forward to is this little show that I've got that's going to be completely separate. They've got a whole production team going on. The network has just launched this shot show. It's called We The Free. So come on.

coming out with a with some more content that's going to be different code totally different from normal psr episodes and and like i would love to like exclusives yeah exclusives but it's already made the pitch okay but like i'm already uh like i'm jerking off in the background it's weird oh yeah that's what that's for yeah keep stroking it um

But yeah, I already edit all my episodes myself. I've got a video guy, just recently got a video guy on, which is great. So you've done everything yourself this entire time? Everything myself. You're going to love Pepperbox. We'll take over that. Yeah, so I'm just looking forward to getting more people involved and growing the operation. That's what I'm looking forward to. Hell yeah, brother. Dude, fuck yeah. Well, brother, Cody, you want to close us? You beautiful son of a bitch. Doing the damn thing now? Wait, first off, pitch yourself.

Where do we find you? Pitch myself. Oh, yes. You can find me, of course, on lovely YouTube. That's where I've got the biggest following, I'd say. PSR. It stands for print, shoot, repeat. I had to abbreviate it, unfortunately, because YouTube, I was scared they were going to get pissy about it. So PSR on YouTube. I am on print, shoot, repeat on Instagram and

I just thought, like, you made the domestic abuser reference earlier. I'm just like, with a black eye, like, the pizza struck another video again. Yeah. Sorry. You still gave him a shot. Yeah. Yeah, there we go. You can find me there. You can find me. Yeah, you can find me. He loves me.

But yeah, that's where you can find me. The pizza still hasn't monetized me. Yeah. So sad. It's my fault. Yeah, exactly. No, it's my fault. I did it to myself. I deserve it. I shouldn't have posted those three. It's normally a good platform. Yeah. This is the last time. They said they wouldn't do it ever again.

I was wearing the wrong thing. Yeah, oh god. Oh, this is so bad. This feels wrong. I feel dirty, man. But seriously though... That's what it feels like, dude.

Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers. cheers.

John C. PSR himself. Brain Hurd. Donut Operator. Thank you. Love you. I feel
