cover of episode 175 - The Trump Assassination Attempt In Slow Motion ft. Ballistic Highspeed | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 175

175 - The Trump Assassination Attempt In Slow Motion ft. Ballistic Highspeed | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 175

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brandon Herrera
Bryson Adam
Eli Doubletap
未署名:这段文字是政治广告,指责民主党和鲁本·加列戈破坏经济和边境安全。 Kerry Lake:这段文字也是政治广告,宣传凯里·莱克的竞选主张,承诺保护边境,支持家庭,不会背弃民众。 Eli Doubletap:在播客中,他与其他嘉宾讨论了各种话题,包括慢动作视频拍摄技术、Adam的RPG事故、YouTube审查制度、以及他们创建的Pepperbox平台。 Bryson Adam:他详细描述了他遭遇的RPG-7事故,并对事故负责。他还讨论了媒体对事故的报道中存在的不准确之处,以及他为拍摄子弹碰撞视频所做的努力。 Brandon Herrera:他讨论了YouTube审查制度、Rumble平台的不足、以及他们创建的Pepperbox平台的优势。他还分享了他与高速摄像机公司合作的经历,以及他们计划拍摄的关于特朗普暗杀未遂事件的视频。 Cody:作为播客的共同主持人,他参与了大部分的讨论,并对其他嘉宾的观点进行回应。 Donut Operator 和 The Fat Electrician:作为播客的嘉宾,他们参与了部分讨论,并分享了自己的观点。

Deep Dive

Adam discusses his recovery from an RPG accident, sharing details about the incident, his experience in the hospital, and the media's reaction to the event. He also compares his accident to Scott's (Kentucky Ballistics) accident and discusses the challenges of recovering from such traumatic experiences.
  • Adam suffered facial paralysis from the accident but has mostly recovered.
  • Adam and Scott went to the same hospital.
  • The media fabricated stories about Adam's recovery.

Shownotes Transcript


Four years. That's how long it took Democrats to ruin our economy and plunge our southern border into anarchy. Who helped them hurt us? Ruben Gallego. Washington could have cut taxes for Arizona families, but Ruben blocked the bill. And his fellow Democrats gave a bigger break to the millionaire class in California and New York. They played favorites and cost us billions. And Ruben wasn't done yet.

We'll be right back.

Kerry and the Republicans will secure the border, support our families, and never turn their backs on us. Kerry Lake for Senate. I'm Kerry Lake, candidate for U.S. Senate, and I approve this message. Paid for by Kerry Lake for Senate and the NRSC. Throw him some Marlboros. Yeah, throw him Marlboros. He's mad. Like, your honor, it was 100,000 frames per second. Oh, my platform's getting bigger by the second. Like, I don't remember your channel name, but I'm on your side. All right, calm down, Speedballs. Speedballs.

Hi. Hi. Welcome to today's episode of Unsubscribe. Today we'll be talking about motivating yourself and how to conquer those inner demons. Thank you, everyone. Cody, can you open this up, please?

Is it a live show? What's happening? Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Unsubscribe Podcast. I'm joined today by Eli Doubletap, Bryson Adam from High Speed Ballistics, Brandon Herrera. Is it a live show? Wait, what are we doing? I don't know. You're doing it, operator. You're doing it, operator. You're going to open it. It's just like...

Ballistic high speeds! Oh, I said high speed ballistics, didn't I? God damn it! It's actually kind of crazy. It's actually a very normal thing. It's almost like the entire point of your channel is high speed. Ballistics. Ballistic high speed. God damn it. And ballistic high speed. Speed high ballistics.

Fast bullet people. I know. Shut the fuck up, Trout. Man, this is great. We're drinking again. Everyone chose violence today. Dude, I just got to say, man, bullet slow speed, one of my favorite channels ever. Guys, that is their new name. If you know what to do, we need to rebrand. Just as Brandon is a veteran, they are now bullet slow speed. Bullet slow drag. We film it in 10 frames per second now. What?

Oh, wait till the unsub audience starts rebranding for you. Donut doesn't watch our channel. Ballistic high speed. Two white guys and a camera. I've seen that one. I'm looking at a lot of them. Hi, boys. Welcome back. We're two white guys. Got to put both of you together and make one Mexican. God damn.

Adam's choosing violence right off the gate. This is a direct continuation of the last episode. Between the two of you, my lawn might get cut. Spits on Brian and punches me. Jesus Christ, Adam chose racism. I'm over here like, yeah, let's do it, boys. Cody's sitting right here. Between the two of you, we might get one whole deportation. He's like, I don't remember your channel name, but I'm on your side. Bryce is just going to fill in the...

Not sure I want to even do that. Not sure, but not sure. I don't remember who you are, but I trust you. I'm proud of America. Watch a Mexican get deported. A Mexican get deported in high speed using a fan. It takes so long, apparently. It takes forever. I'm not even watching it in real time. It's not even in slow-mo mode, and it's still taking forever. Yeah.

See, I didn't even bring that one up this time, Eli. Jesus. I'm not the one bringing politics into this. I'm a good noodle. I'm a good noodle today. It's all because you lost your politics. Wow. Wow. He did choose violence. He did. Jesus. He's like, get my name wrong. I'm going to fuck with all of you. All right. So go ahead and open this up. Don't. No, we're already starting. No. This is it. We're going. Oh, that's the intro we did? Yeah.

Yeah, oh this is the intro. If you see that, it's changing. We cracking? Yeah, we're cracking. Okay, let's go. 3, 2, 1. Adam's gay. 2024, baby. Like looking at like a fucking donation like, huh, Adam knows $50 to Tony Gonzalez. Wow, what the fuck, dude?

I think he's more Mexican than that. Can I say your last name? Is that? Yeah. All right. Canales. I didn't want to accidentally dox you. Canales. Oh, that's right. It's on your Twitter and everything. Yeah, I go by my real name. Yeah. I shitpost by my real name on the internet. It's not smart. Same. Oh, yeah. No, I realized very early on. I'm like, man, maybe a pseudonym would have been a great idea. I mean, the news articles about the...

What would it have been, your pseudonym? Well, it was the AK guy, but it was actually funny enough, the reason why I changed it to my actual name is I always did the pseudonym thing, and then I realized that my first time at SHOT Show, people were introducing me by that, and they genuinely, like friends of mine, people I consider friends still to this day, didn't know my name.

Like, oh, that's AK guy. I'm like, wait, wait, what? You have no idea who the fuck my name is. Actually updated my phone for Brandon. Cause I wasn't going to change it. It was AK guy for, that would be like spending like $2,500 flying halfway across the country. And then the host getting your channel name. Yeah. It would be like that. It would, it would hurt like that. Like that. I feel like, I feel like that's,

Bullet slow drag really blown up lately. You guys are crushing the game. You almost died. Bullets but slow. It's like the Scott versus Demo thing. Butt lipstick, low speed. It was Kentucky butt lipsticks, I think is what he called them.

God, they had a whole, I always forgot there was a whole arch for them or arc. That's when I realized a lot of their viewers weren't intelligent. I had people like legitimately like getting mad at me in public. Like, yo, bro, you better not find out. Demo better not find out you're here. It's like, God, you guys watch WWE, huh?

They thought the beef was totally real. They thought Matt was trying to kill me. I'm like, dude, I was having lunch with him and his family last week. What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing against WWE. You want to punch Brand for that? Go for it, Conor. They must believe all the skits, too. Just make sure you punch me like the WWE guys do, which is they don't. You stomp on the ground at the same time. That one felt way better. Yeah, it actually does feel better. And I feel better about myself. Now on you.

Yeah, it's a little sandpapery like we were talking about. I had my eyes closed the whole time. One of your shots got whipped. I didn't feel like I pulled in that bad. Shooter ready. I missed all except the last one. Hi everyone, welcome back. Great to have you. It's been like six months? Pretty much. Right? Yeah, six or seven. December, wasn't it? Mid-December? November 14th. Yeah, because it was before the last Ranger. I think we're coming up on April 8th.

Because it was before the last range day, but it was right after your accident. Yeah, you just walked out of the hospital. You still look like you were a hot topic. Can you smile for the camera? You couldn't smile last time. Is that normal? I can't see that side. That's looking pretty good. We were hoping the face paralysis stayed. It would have been awesome.

Because you had that, like, that. Well, they're still weak enough. I can still do it. I had to really try for that smile. Adrian! Is that going to be in your thumbnail again? The people that don't know. We're going to make it dramatically more so. Forrest Waker's probably on his way out. I'm trying to get that spot. We're going to make you look like, what's his name? Chris Pine?

In fucking Dungeons and Dragons when his face is fucking dipping. For those who don't know, last time we had you guys on, you had just recently gone through being blown up. That was a wild thing. So you had a negligent, or not necessarily a negligent discharge, a catastrophic malfunction with an RPG-7.

That would be correct. Yeah. Three, two, one. Yeah, Nagel had just talked. He's just like, what's this trigger? He pulls the trigger, hits the ground. Yeah, we just want Adam to relive one of the most horrible moments of his life real quick. To be fair, he wasn't there for most of it. It's almost reached a point where people, they...

Only mostly say that I blew myself up. You did. I did not. Who pulled the trigger? Did you pull the trigger and it goes boom? Yeah. Okay, so if you went to a gun range and you rented a machine gun and it had a malfunction on you, would you blame yourself? Yep, because I blew myself up. Because I take responsibility. I really like root beer. What do you guys think?

I know that experience was like super traumatic for you. You were like, oh, and then we're like, ha ha ha! Play it again. Brandon and I were like, whoa! That's fucking crazy. I mean, should we blame you instead? Sure. I don't care. Who built it? The RPG. Russia, I would imagine. Blame them. How's it going? Texas Machine Gun Ordnance. So TXMGO is the mode. Wait, so Sean?

I don't know. So this is the thing, right? So like, I didn't do any of this. We contracted two companies. Yeah. One had the launcher. The other had the rockets. And then they...

Did forms and things. But it was the rocket that blew up the launcher. It's all still speculation. I don't know what the fuck happened. It could have been a launcher. It could have been the other thing. I still don't know. I get tons of DMs of people who are like, hey, you're an idiot.

Why would you try to shoot a thing that should be perfectly safe? If you ever asked a dude that's into guns outside of the context of the conversation. Yeah, before that happened. Hey, dude, you want to shoot an RPG? Hell yeah. Fuck yeah, you want to shoot an RPG. But once it's in that context. Then they pretend they would never do that. It's clearly your fault. Look at what you were wearing. You were prepared for it. In my defense, I wore those shorts overseas too.

I mean, you were looking better than the goats, I reckon. All right. I just love that. I'm over this. They both leave. Okay, welcome to the Middle East where men are men and sheep are nervous. And the sheep are holes.

Jesus Eli. That's why they don't fix the fences over there. So how much are you regretting now, Bryce? There was a line and I can see every moment. We are 12 minutes in. Habitually over that line since November. Say a habitual line crosser, perhaps? Yes. He literally just texts me randomly enough. Synchronicity. You're now calling it. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs now. Don't talk to them. I'm not.

You're like, hey, I think that guy in the center. Eli, we've noticed you haven't killed yourself yet. What can we do to accelerate this? How depressed are you? We need to up them numbers. We have a podcast that you thought wasn't live that day. The center is looking up.

How you guys doing? Everything's going. You guys, after that video, that catapulted you guys into it. I mean, it was, how many views did that video get? It got like 2 million in a day or two, and then YouTube decided no more. And then the reels, but how much it got shared across it was insane. Oh, everywhere. And being used. Oh, tons of other accounts. News articles, TikTok, everywhere.

Yeah, all the viral news pages got so many views. Yeah, they got so much. What was so funny, so he and I were on a different shoot either in maybe in January or something, or maybe it was still in December, filming some high-speed stuff, research for a company. And we're just actively seeing these news articles come up.

making up stories of like we just heard from adam in the hospital he said this about how he's recovering or how it happened he's like so they just made anybody his bedside they gave us an exclusive like an exclusive interview while he's at a shoot with me not even in the hospital anymore and they're pretending they've got an exclusive interview with him is it like local local news just random online crap jesus christ i mean i'm not saying they were the ones that made it but i mean like the new york post was talking about it i mean it went

went all the way up. Yeah. But they just made up. Yeah. Just trying to get most of it. A lot of it was just the standard, like this happened to a YouTuber, blah, blah, blah. But some of it was like, you can copy exclusive words from Adam. This is how he's feeling right now. I remember seeing one of them. It might've been like son article or something like that. It was like from his bedside. It's like, I'm not even in bed right now. What do you mean? Well,

Which was really funny. It was the same thing, like similar to rather the Kentucky ballistic situation. Because I remember like we all knew about it. You called me about it. Because I remember feeling like an asshole. Because when I heard the call about Scott, when he had his accident, you know, and he almost died, we had heard about it that day. Because you called me. And I'm like over there like I'm doing car karaoke. I'm having a great day just in the fucking countryside in Texas. And I pick up the phone. I go like this better be important. Like I'm joking around. Sounds like your story.

And he goes, Scott had an accident. And immediately, like, the blood drains from my face. Like, fuck. Okay, what happened? But just the amount of people who reported on it when it became public, because that was a month later, Scott was fine. Like, he was on the road to recovery. Everybody knew Scott was going to be good. Like, the amount of people freaking out about it when it first blew up, no pun intended, was... God damn. Spicy boy. Yeah.

It was just kind of wild. I imagine similar situation. Yeah. Do you have any bad habits that you need an alternative to? No. Why do you ask? Well, have you ever heard of the flavored air category? No. Tons. Why? It's quickly becoming the leading alternative to bad habits. Is that the one that's a whole new movement towards better habits? Led by the sponsor of today's video. Fume.

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Awesome. Brandon, feel the weighted cool design. Oh my God. It's almost like it's made to fidget with. Like it calms anxiety through the use of magnets and things. Which of the core flavors is your favorite, Brandon and Cody? Crisp mint. I like orange vanilla. It's like a cream stickle. Fuma served over 300,000 customers. And you could be the next success story. For a limited time, use the code UNSUB to get a free gift with your Journey Pack.

head to that's with code unsub or scan the qr code on screen right now to get a free gift with your order today there we go i didn't put the first video click when did you let people know there was an accident i feel like it was in december i feel like when you say people well when was it public that something happened i want to say with that stuff

I don't remember. Within a week or two, I feel like we put up some social media posts, at least alluding to the fact that there might be some mild pauses in what we're doing right now. Oh, okay. You know what I mean? I don't remember how specific we were. I wasn't running any of it at that point. I think one of the most interesting stories to come out of that, though, is that you went to the same hospital that Scott went to when he got blown up. Yep. The surgeon's just like, dude, these fucking YouTubers are like, they're off the goop, man. Yeah.

Why do they keep doing this? Yeah, I got asked, I mean, a bunch of times. Was it Vanderbilt, I think? Yeah. And I don't know. I don't like to draw the comparison because they were two totally separate deals. But I think there is a difference to be struck between the two because we both definitely almost died. But...

All of the damage done to me was done within microseconds. I can tell you how many. He could map it out if you wanted to. To frames? Yes. Like, done. The only thing that I was then going to suffer from would have been, you know, my brain was bleeding. Like, we had that stuff. Regular stuff. That's a long time. Scrammy days. That's a long time.

Brain scrambled eggs. Most of his was also done instantaneously. But he's on a time clock. Because of the blood loss. It was right next to the artery. I think it hit a couple of veins, but it didn't hit the artery. But the entire time until he's on the table, his chances are growing exponentially. Where mine was kind of like...

What's done is done. As long as I get to a hospital and like, I don't know where brain bleed takes like two days, I'm probably gonna fuck you up. Yeah. Your blood loss wasn't like, so like they were both like crazy. Just people like, I don't know the comments. I don't really like it because I don't want them to try to downplay Scott's accident or mine. They're like, Oh, somebody out did Kentucky plus. It's just like, really? Like it's a competition.

Is it? Well... Who's next? Eli? Then who won? I know what I have to do. I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Was his in high speed? So we just made fun of his with Tiny Guns 3 because we recreated that for one of the scenes. Oh, have you guys seen that? No.

Oh, God. No, no. Do you want to just see Cody's death? We can show them both. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just show that in sequence because I want to see a visceral reaction. This is glorious. No, not yet, but by the time this comes out, it will be. We got to bring you guys exclusive footage last time, so now this is exclusive for us. Two days, dude, two days. I'm so excited for this. I'm like...

Should I have watched Tiny Guns 1 and 2 first? No, they're not. They're just like, it's weird. Here we go. So this is Scott's bit. Well, go up to... Oh, yeah, yeah. That entire sequence is perfect. Chase... No, don't worry about that. Actually, Chase, put this up. I'll skip ahead here to... Let that joke play out. Oh, okay. Got it. That fucking joke is really good. You shot my friend, you son of a bitch.

Now it's my turn. Yeah, it's my turn. Watching Tiny Guns 3. This is my Cynthia. Jesus. Jesus. I haven't seen it with a VFX yet, but holy shit. I know.

Dude, this is so fucking good! Oh, the Scott bit? I forgot. We gotta stop the bleeding. With what?! Mike, do you have any gauze? I got this! Yep. They fucking went there. Cork's on the bed. I'm not a doctor.

Oh my god. So over the fucking top. How good is that? That was pretty good. That entire skit, it's like eight, nine minutes? What did it come out to? The entire time on the demo I saw, nine minutes and seven seconds. A fucking ragdoll simulation of Jumanji. That was so good. That felt like a Seth MacFarlane. How far can we just shoot Cody until it's like, oh.

It's one of those like it stops being funny and then it starts being funny again. Church's original recipe is back. You can never go wrong with original.

Still tastes the same like back in the day. Right now, get two pieces of chicken starting at only $2.99 or 10 pieces starting at only $10.99. Churches. All for valid and participating locations. Entire thing. So especially for the budget, we did it on everyone that collaborated with that. Everyone's on that fucking video. The entire gun industry, essentially. As far as gun tubers go, we got the core fucking, what, five, six people? Yeah.

Yeah, roasted. That was like, we're sub a million. It'll happen. Who did I call? Did he call you? I did call him. About? This morning when he couldn't find the brunch location. He's like, I'm in a parking lot in downtown San Antonio. Dude, we're so stoked for that one though. It just, that'll do good.

Oh, it's nine minutes of pure glory. And we all experience the same where you're like... You're watching it without sound design, without the VFX, and it is hard. If you're not used to it, it's very hard to be like, I don't know how this is going to turn out. You start adding those layers in and you're like... So fucking good. 2B... I haven't seen 1 and 2. Did they do good? Oh, yeah. They're like...

9 million, 6 million? Especially like, okay. Yeah. Tiny Guns 2 was fucking hysterical because that was when they got like, you know, Matt Best and like you and everybody on, like on board, like people that know guns and like, it was a kind of an Afghanistan kind of thing. Yeah. And it was just so well done. I would go fuck, watch now. Yeah. For sure.

And I love – it was – like the comedy beats were good, and I love that after like watching it most recently – I saw it years ago, but most recently I watched it. I was like, wait a minute. That's the old BRCC ranch. That's like right in the front gate. Literally, we turned that entire – that front road into a security checkpoint for stopping – it was just when you're checking people for IDs or anything. And it follows that thing. A giant gun battle, knife fights. IED like phone bombs. Dude.

Oh, shit. Using ushers? Sound to set it off? Jake does one call. He just starts calling numbers. He calls one and then a random house explodes. That was fucking hilarious. Was it the tiny phone? Yeah, the tiny phone. He's like, what am I supposed to do? Call every number? It's like, yes. Yes. That is my favorite joke of the entire video. I must have called it well.

He called that fucking the clock kid. Oh my God, I forgot about that. Random kid accused of building IED. Obama invites him to the White House. Hold up, what? He's going where? He's going where with it? Next when we do Tiny Guns 4, which would probably happen. It needs some super slow-mo.

And do it. Yeah. I need some bullet slow, high, slow stuff. I think we just film on VFX. We'll just capture the actual round. Like, man, they might get blown up by the rocket launcher, but like not actually get blown over the rocket launcher. What's the goal? I mean, you've already, you've got the most experience. Yeah. You're a subject matter expert on that now. Fair. We need to call the ball stick low speed guys. Ball, ball stick. Yeah.

I'm actually, can we put like a counter of like how many different times you get to come up with a different name? Make it a drinking game. Every time we get their name wrong, you guys have to drink. But you as a community, good luck. They're going to pass away soon. Oh, very soon. You as a community, build the name that you will call them from here on out. Me and Eli made like a running joke. Every time he says the word fucking community, you have to drink. God. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

That was the purpose of Pepperbox and everything. One of the purposes was to give us the opportunity to do shit like that multiple times a year. So then can I ask, so you guys went to Pepperbox. Turn it a little so it's not covering your beautiful face. Like over here? Yeah, just can it so you can do this or this way. It's just so the front mic is... It's in orbit. Okay. Turn it sideways. You just covered your face. There you go. Just like that, buddy. Okay. And then kick it that way.

Push that one. You want it directional at your mouth? Yeah. I'm looking at you, though. It doesn't matter. Your sound is spherical. Okay. So you guys... I'm looking at autism. ...kicked off the whole pepper box and... Are you guys talking about the studio? No.

Oh, I mean, we don't like we're we're about we're in the process of doing a studio. We have that call that talk this week to build a studio, a giant studio with multiple studios inside it. So you'll have like the cooking show for Mr. Cody, the new actual place for unsub. We have a cage for trout.

It's gonna be like, beautiful. - Will there be beer and cigarettes? - That's how we feed you. - It's gonna be ethical. - Thank you, man. - Okay, where's Trout at? He's on the ceiling. He scurries off. - Throw him some Marlboros. - Yeah, throw him Marlboros, he's my hand. - You only got my hand. - We're feeding Trout Marlboros in a cage. - Oh, shit. - Papa P.D.

Okay, so you guys developed the whole Pepperbox and you're running with it. You're building a whole studio and stuff off of it. So what would... And you did that to get outside of current limitations of censorship and what you can put on their advertisers.

are given things that they can do. I mean, we deal with it all the time. Currently, we don't have any advertisers. We have no limitations, nothing that... Well, that's my question. Who's the next limitation? Is it the literal FCC? No, it's not ours. This is America. We own the servers. These are our servers.

The only limitations we put on it are what we are willing to put up. So there's no government agency that can be like, well, but NCC would be like, it was on television, right? No, this is like a full wolf of Wall Street. We're not fucking leaving. Yeah.

And it was the way done because you had, okay, if you buy server stateside or you run into that problem, then it's like you can have that. It's like what happens. One of the talks with one of the gun companies that wanted to purchase it already. They're like, well, venture capital, we can take off that bill. It's like, no, we're already net positive. Yeah. Yeah.

So you're just taking away every card. We'll invest. I'm like, we don't need you. Yeah. This is all good to go. So the next thing is like, what happens if you have somebody that comes in and they don't like the content so they just pull it from your servers? It's like –

if we were running a server farm from YouTube or whoever, like one of their subsidiaries. And, but it's like, no, there are servers and they're in the UK. Like we don't have to worry about any fucking thing. This is ours. Ours. So it was like, that was, that was one of our first costs. We all threw down thousands of dollars a piece to, uh, to buy the servers outright. So like we own it. Like that's, that's ours. Like before we ever saw a cent, we're like worth it. Cause we, we don't want to be beholden to anybody. Cause that's the whole point. Like,

We don't like the censorship of YouTube. We want to be able to have a separate place that not only we can do exclusive content, you know, shit that we want to do, but also not have to worry about what is, you know, the, the YouTube rules today, what the YouTube rules will be in three years. We just produce the content we want to fucking make and have a financially solvent platform to put it on. And that's what pepper box started as. And it's already the most successful streaming platform for the community, which is,

There's governing policy for that. That's actually kind of crazy. I expected there would be like...

Our own internal... It's our own shit. The only thing we've all agreed on is no fucking snuff films, cartel beheadings and shit, and no porn. And he's kind of like... He'll push the limit. But what if? What if the chainsaw... What if the cop defends himself with a chainsaw? We've done death court beheadings. Which, I mean...

But you didn't, like, take a homeless guy off the street. Why not? I mean, dude, you do you. The sky's the limit on Pepperbox. So help me God. I'm in court and they're like, you uploaded this to your... Like, I did not upload that. Like, your honor, it was 100,000 frames per second. And he'd be like, okay. Your honor, one of our fucking people on here got a little silly. A little silly. Your honor, I plead our servers. Yeah, I know, son. We have a subpoena for your servers. Fuck!

Fuck! Oh, yeah, it's those ones right there. Well, Your Honor, you'll have to pay $7.99 a month. Dude, it's awesome. Because one of the owners of these servers is also... So they work together with Corridor, and then we built that from there with Jake. And a huge shout-out for Jake for, like, the idea and bringing it and then being able to... And then the entire team to turn it into this amazing platform. But...

The owner of the server farm, he gets money. He's a small percent into it. So he gets a huge return and he's very happy. He's like, he's just fucking happy. He's like all day dog off day. And now we have better compression and we are updating as an app. You should listen to the crowd.

And you should build off of that because they give us ideas and they whatever the complaints are, we just take that and then we adopt that into the app and then push it forward. And that didn't fucking love it. Are you ready, babe? Let's bring out Big Daddy. What bad idea? Who wants better sex? What'd you do with my wife? Don't worry about that. She's fine. The best way to get started is by going to

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This discount is specific to this podcast, so be sure to use code UNSUB at checkout. 100% off free shipping and get it fast with rush processing. Code UNSUB. Low-key, like, I actually personally watch... If I'm, like, reviewing my own content or something like that, like, Delance puts it up. Or if I'm watching one of my friends' content, whatever. I watch it on Pepperbox on my, like, TV at home. Like, I downloaded the app because...

The quality is so much better. Like, I'm not even fucking around. That's not even like a plug. Like, the quality is noticeably better. There's a sheer difference. I'm really curious what YouTube's fucking up, why their compression is so bad. Is it just because they have to upload so much from so many different people or what? I think they default to, like...

masses so they want instantaneous playback so they always default to like 720p maybe 1080p at like 10 megabits per second but i feel like pepperbox is like you're always getting 4k right now all the time i would assume well at least as much as possible what is the youtube 4k i think we're lower i think it's like 40 45 megabits youtube nerds can i ask like a derailed question yeah what's up you can cut it i don't care okay eight ball high speed

That one doesn't count. There's another one. 45 to 58. There you go. So what would stop

This is probably not even like a fair comparison, but like we all know that Alex Jones got fined a billion dollars for hosting a website and putting out videos where he said that all that stuff about. Yeah. Yeah. We all know what he said. The SH stuff wasn't real. Right. Yeah. So somebody's regulating just random internet. Oh, that's cool. That's not regulation of the internet. It's more that it's just like if we had our own platform and we were in a defamation suit.

Like it's a civil suit. It's not because it doesn't matter who owns the platform. Nobody's regulating the platform. They're regulating what you say about another person. So that's a totally different entity. That's just like, as if I said that, like if I went to the town square in Bernie and started shouting shit about somebody that, you know, so-and-so is a fucking kitty toucher. It's like, well, you can't do that. Okay. Bill Clinton is a.

Which, I mean, well, I've seen the flat logs. He likes islands, I guess. Because you guys have put in the work to own the servers, you own the lines, you own the websites, you own everything, you have kind of generated a platform where until you encroach on someone else's rights, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Fuck you want. We are legally as free as you can be. Yep. That is... Thanks to UK service. That's actually kind of surprising to me. Weirdly enough. I'll have to look into why that's the thing, but... I cannot believe there's not some treacherous, treasonous government body that's just like, well, hold the fuck up. But we all... We paid for those fiber lines to put in, so, like, we still technically get... I mean, the NSA is like the meme of, like, the black dude behind the tree, like...

If you're taking any information over the internet, they got it. It's a crazy experience, especially going from... We just launched a couple months ago. Four years into the work with Corridor Digital through their trials and tribulations. One year of back and forth with Jake and getting everything refined. And then I think in March,

or April and we had the actual conversations of getting demo and getting everyone onboarded to be part of it. And we're just getting started too. Yeah. It's only been soft launch. Two months for soft launch. From corridors to the ICA. Corridors, tested, and trials and tribulations. And then us is literally two months of a beta. This week I would consider hard launch because everyone's announcing a

You guys have already done your push. Which will already have been done when this comes out. Three weeks ago. We'll just throw a magical number. July 17th. But the way that we've been able to make it through the subscription service, we've made it financially solvent for the creators on it.

make it an actual viable alternative to YouTube if the lights get cut off, which is crazy. It's not just a money grab. This literally makes it so that it makes sense for creators to move to Pepperbox. And it was the best conversation. I think it was Scott, Kentucky Ballistics for the first payouts. We all got our first payouts. And that was the one thing we could be greedy and take a shit ton. We're like, well, we started this. It's ours. You know what's way better? Fucking watching your friends be successful and giving them the opportunity to

to be successful and then to hire more people because they have to create more content so yet scott's immediate reaction was like holy shit this is such a weight off my shoulder because the new rules rolling out for youtube now i know i have a platform that i can sustain and be fine with now because if youtube turned off the lights for gun content tomorrow we're okay yeah we're quite okay which is the only time we've ever been able to say that in the last be nice ever

Well, I mean, maybe we might have some, uh... Alright, calm down, Speedball. Ballstick. Speedball! Ballstick, eight-ball fuckin'... You guys aren't even trying anymore. I don't care anymore. We'll call it Fast Sticky Balls. There you go. Fast Sticky Balls coming to... Speedball cameraman. Fuck!

But it is. Brandon's saying it. No, it's never had that. Yes, you people have everyone shouting, go to Rumbler and all this shit. Rumbler? Rumbler. Sounds like some bullshit someone would go to. Yeah. What's funny, my favorite reaction to that was actually Mr. Guns and Gear. Because people were bullying him. They're like, dude, why don't you go to fucking Rumble? Why do you still give YouTube your time and money, blah, blah, blah? And he replied, he's like, I'm on Rumble. The fact that you don't know that is why Rumble will never take off.

He's like, I've uploaded to Rumble for years. You don't fucking use it. Dude, you don't have the conversion, the audience, and you're not building a platform. When you have a platform that just everyone can post on, great. Everyone gets the little soapbox. But the downside is that server cost, and that's what people didn't understand launching these services. So you just upload to us, and we'll just have it just everything open. I think the whole marketing of Rumble is that it is an alternative, period, and that's it.

And that was their whole thing. Don't get me wrong. I want them to succeed. I want Rumble to be a, I, if I could press a button right now and have Rumble as a viable alternative to YouTube, I absolutely fucking would. Cause they're, they're way better. They're way better. Free speech and whatnot. And competition's always good. But at the end of the day, YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world owned by the first. They have fucking orders of magnitude, more, more daily active users than any alternative ever will. Like at least for the coming years, like that,

Talk to millions, talk to thousands. You have a completely different platform. And that's where our streaming service, that was one of the biggest things is, hey, guess what? Use YouTube as a promote YouTube. Use that engine as something to push towards. And all of you guys already have massive followings. Individually, you're all super successful. And then you guys came together. Well, a lot of still keep going. I'm almost there. Yeah.

Just how big is my channel, Adam? Oh, my platform is getting bigger by the second. Which button is it? But it is the idea of using the other streaming or the other individuals that were trying to do it. They were like, well, you can just watch my stuff on this one specific streaming service instead of like, hey,

And then downplaying it or putting everything behind a paywall. It's like, fuck YouTube. We don't want that. So I've been like, yo, YouTube, pretty cool homie to have to really get out there and use that. And then, hey, if you want free content, we are always going to provide that. That will never change. But if you want to add free censorship, free experience with content you won't see anywhere else, hop on board. We have that.

And then like YouTube is a great way to meet, to reach the masses. Cause if we're still trying to push like a two way message and all sorts of stuff, at least I am like, like the stuff that I think is important. Like that's the best way to reach the vast majority of people. Cause like I get, I looked at it the other day. I'm like 2 billion impressions this year. Like it's fucking stupid. The amount of people you reach on YouTube. Yeah. It's, it's crazy. The amount of people you reach. I haven't looked at our impressions.

It's probably like 600. I don't even remember what time frame. I think it was a year. It might be more. I can look it up. I have 600 impressions. The point being, like, 2 billion. I think you meant 600 billion. It's fucking wild, though. Like, that many people you're reaching, it's like, yeah, you'll always have more on YouTube. But at the same time, it's not the content I want to make, necessarily.

I have to censor what I'm doing so that I won't be kicked off the platform. I'm already getting a notification that there might be something wrong with the monetization on my last video. That's cool. Like that shit, I don't want to have to worry about it. I want to be able to do what I want. We all have plans in life. Maybe to take a cross-country road trip or simply get through this workout without any back pain. Whether our plans are big, small, spontaneous, or years in the making, good health helps us accomplish them.

At Banner Health, we're here to provide more than health care. Whatever you're planning, wherever you're going, we're here to help you get there. Banner Health. Exhale. What do you guys, sophomores, did you track like a conversion rate or anything? We have a very good, you amazing people out there. It's awesome to see the conversion on how

because it is the two week free trial that you then just get a kick over and if you want to cancel, cancel anytime. But the first 2,500 people they did get locked in at a half price. 2,500 people took 90 minutes. What? Yeah. You amazing humans out there took 90 minutes to sell out that first 2,500 does lock in get half off a month for the rest for a lifetime.

So they all fucking want lifetime discount. Yeah. Oh, I'm not surprised. That's shit. Yeah. But anyhow, and not shilling our shit for 20 minutes. I know. I was like, you're going to anything else. I was like, this is the most we've ever talked about. Yeah, sorry. I actually kind of took it down. I was just honestly curious.

I just started feeling guilty. I'm like, this is starting to feel like a really fucking long ad read. I swear to God, that was organic. Cody's gay. What is this? That's how we go into the next thing. And Cody starts talking about his new boyfriend. And everyone's like, wait, hold the fuck on. Is this a real thing? Whoa, whoa, whoa. New? I'm sorry. There's only one in my life.

Sorry, uh, yeah, what's Ballsuck Highspeed working on? Ballsuck Highspeed? That was not a big trick. That was actually just curious. That one's on me. Wait, can we do a Ballsuck Highspeed with, like, retarded versions of your faces and then that's our merch? There's an un-retarded version of my face? I was just thinking of both of you and, like, the fucking South Park Canadian fucking... No. I'm glad you knew exactly what I meant. Is this an RPG blowing up? It's a dick blowing cum in their faces? Like, yeah. Ballsy PS4.

Oh, I got a video on that soon. We love you, PSR. All right. Sorry. I derailed that. I kind of nerd out on like when it comes to shit like that. I love software developments.

New business. That's how I built software to like collide two bullets when we talk about cameras. That thing was fucking cool. We were talking about this earlier at brunch. He did this? Yeah. No, they did a video recently where they had two bullets hit each other in midair. Wait a minute. Not that. You developed the software for it? He wrote the code? I wrote the software. Yeah.

Okay, so that's the- I'm stupid. I didn't know you wrote the fucking code for that shit. I machined every piece that held the guns down. I wrote the electromagnetic solenoids. We used his cameras to do the microsecond calculations. So he had this all in the house. When Tism comes together. So he did this- That should be the new unsub subtitle. Unsubscribe. Where Tism comes together. Where Tism comes together. When you're flying away.

Electric discharge machining. I remember that. Yep. EDM. Not the shit that gets you laid, EDM, but like the other thing. The good one. Oh, yeah, yeah. I forgot about that. The shit that's useful. Yeah, we need Molly for that one. We did this whole thing.

It was pretty cool. It took us a year and a half to figure out how to do it, and then we just did it. Okay, and no one knows, if you don't know this, that hasn't been done up to that point. Correct. Other than one person did it. It took fucking years. I can talk about that in detail if you'd like. I would love it. Okay, so. Let's hear it. Well, this goes back to like, what, World War II, maybe? So there's like photographs, and you can even find some.

I don't know which war it was, but there's... It didn't happen. So there's... World War II. I know what you're talking about. The battle and the Civil War, too. Yeah. You can go to a museum and see these bullets that have fused. People say they were midair, but I think all of them have been shown that it was one bullet...

a stationary bullet. Correct. Because that's... There's just enough energy in that collision to fuse two bullets because we've done it. We have fused bullets from just shooting one at a stationary bullet. Because it was like one that was in a bandolier that got struck by a bullet in the air. Yeah, we've all seen those viral pictures online of that. So... So...

When was this? When did we first... I have no idea when this would be, but we were... Like Gallipoli? A while ago. Correct. So... No. I'm trying to remember when I first pitched this to Adam. We were hanging out in his shop. Some of his buddies were there. And I remember looking at two bullets sitting on his desk, and I was just like, what if we could get two bullets to hit midair, capture it in high speed...

And maybe fuse them. Like, how cool would that be? Right. And I think I was like, so I was just doing like everyone there was like, no, that's impossible. And I was like, well, so I was scratching out some math and I'm like, it might be possible. We just need to be able to individually address two different handguns within, you know, sub millisecond timing. And then that was kind of just the thought. And then we kind of left that in the background. And then months later, I think Adam and I were like,

Here's some really rudimentary electromagnetic hardware. Yeah, rudimentary. Electromagnets. They're on or off. They're very, very rudimentary. I'm just going to go on and Unsev has never just scribbled down math period. Okay. For anything we've done. I'm picturing like fucking the Zach Galifianakis, like the fucking equations going by. It wasn't that complicated. No, I started with like servo motors. I started with, I tried like four or five different

Electronically configurable Machines because I can control them through A PCB So I can write software for it I can do that

But then they were too slow or they have different turn rates depending on gear ratios. And we were going back and forth. I'm sending him slow-mo from a phone, so it's like 1,000 frames per second. Like I said, in some ways, it's like what you guys do. It's garbage. They have gross now. Ballsack high speed getting a little fucking big for the britches right now. Can you do me a favor? You see that little lever? Can you turn it down? Woo.

Hey, we just stroked you guys off for 20 minutes. Pepper box this, pepper box that. I was almost there and you just fucking stopped. Now it's all about you. I get it. We went through a bunch of stuff like turnbuckle strings, snatch blocks. It's been this whole thing. Snatch blocks sounds like a slur. That's awesome. I hate that I can't even talk about those without like

that happening like you guys I should call are you the one in the big fucking truck out there with all the bumper grills and shit don't worry about it look speedball high come we're not gonna worry about that speedball high come that's the one speedball high come is sticking can you CGI that text on yeah so

So then it's just like shitty, like comic sans. We're coming to this conclusion that there's this too much of a tolerance. We cannot get close enough because we drink to that. And then through a firearm and ammunition, you're going to lose like another 20% because like, you're never going to know which powder it is. You never know how much it was loaded, what the machine was configured to, what the weight of the bullet is.

how much powder is in the barrel to actually slow it down. When you are trying to do this,

fucking everything comes into configuration. I didn't even think about it. Like the, the deviation between like the same kind of ammo round to round on powder. Like, holy fuck. And then you think about that. And then they're 20% off on both sides. Now you're looking at 40% difference. Yeah. And then, and you have this, this little spot to capture. So you get all the math on the cross sectional fucking insane. How many shots did it take? So,

That's insanity. But that was with a year and a half of preparation. So we had a short that we put up, and this was after probably at least six to eight months of planning, where we got the intersection pass was really shallow, like shooting both guns here, shooting this way. We got them to intersect within maybe 10, 20 shots. But that was like how much deviation is on that day? Less? Yeah.

We hit them the first time. Did we? And then we tried 12 more and couldn't get it to happen again. Oh, okay.

Because we were originally just going to shoot from the table to a piece of stock board. And then we were going to film when each one of them went through the stock board. Okay, so our methodology was from PCB boards to electromagnets to hammer drop. We were going to get all of that synchronized as perfectly as possible because the dwell time, the powder burn...

The actual speed of the bullets, all of that is out of our control, right? Because we wanted, if you were to buy this ammunition, put it in a stock gun and shoot it. Did you reload your own for this? No, we wanted this as like, anybody could do this. Oh shit, this is everyone. I would have figured that you would have reloaded your own ammo so it's like 100%. No, this was like what, fucking Blazer brand? Like 45 ammunition. It was off the shelf. It was two actual, un-

interrupted pistols with 45 ammunition. So you put this on fucking hard mode for no reason. Yep. We wanted it to be real because I love Smarter Every Day's video of it because he did the same thing. I think he used like 44 long cold or some...

other similar... 45 long cold. Is that what it is? Yeah. Okay. Cowboy load. Yes. But they were adjusting their load amount and they basically it was just a metal cylinder. Stop. Stop. Brandon started laughing. I was like, he said load. Adjusting your load amount. Basically.

Basically, instead of an actual firearm, it was a metal tube with an electrical primer. And then they just sent 12 volts or whatever it was to the electrical primer. So they always went off at the same time. We wanted to have two handguns involved. So if Adam and I stood eight feet apart and shot at each other, this is what that would look like. It's really easy to ignite two powder sources at the same time. With electricity. Yeah, with electricity.

but to do it where you're just a trigger pull we're like dude even if there's a break difference on it like it's that's very hard and it's rounding on the internal components yes when it clicks off people you do not understand how difficult that is because i remember doing research see the comments on the shorts

I can do that every time because they're not thinking everything goes into account on this. It is where the camera is lined up. You have an object moving 900 to 1200 feet per second. The trigger pull, the burn rate of the explosion. What was it? Nine mil? It's 45. Oh, okay. Yeah. All right. Yeah. It was like 850, 900 feet per second. That's next. I still fucking. Dude, all those little things. And then on top of that.

Lines perfectly up to fucking smack each other. Think about it this way. 900 feet per second, if you're 1% off, that shot is 9 feet out of frame. Yeah. You see what I mean? So if it's half a percent off... Repeat that again. Repeat that again. 900 feet per second. If any part of this is 1% off, it's 9 feet out of frame. And we were framing like this. 1%.

Get two bullets to collide right here so we can get a close-up 150,000 frames per second. So that's like .1 second. Infinitely less than that. .0 – good. Oh, my God. So you're looking at .005 seconds, and it's like almost nine feet. Yeah.

If that is, that is how fucking precise this has to be. And that's why I don't think people really rationalize that number. 0.005. And you're looking at nine foot difference of the collision. You are recording with one camera capturing this little fucking frame. If anything is wrong,

You have no, would you say that was the frame? Slightly larger, but yeah, very close to that. Go larger than that. Yep. That's what we have today. That's 16 by 9 widescreen. So yeah. No error. You can't have a, this isn't guesstimating shooting a bunch of rounds and hopefully one does it. It is. We got it in seven. That's fucking insane. Jesus Christ. Okay, go on. And then we got it like five times in a row after that. I don't know why. It was extremely lucky, but a lot of planning. So it was like a nice blend of the two.

How many views is that video at? 900,000. That deserves fucking metric. We thought so too. We'll upload it for you on our channel. We just uploaded it. We're like, hey, it's ours. We'll split the AdSense 50-50. Oh yeah, you guys don't have enough money. Okay.

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All lowercase. Go to slash unsubpod now to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in. Go to slash unsubpod. Well, the fact that you guys were talking about how many people in the comments thought it was CGI. I don't blame them because it looks,

It's unrealistically wild. Because I knew, like, just looking at it, just because, you know, this is what I do for a living, like, I knew probably about half of what you guys would have had to put into that to do it, and I wouldn't have thought it was possible. If somebody asked me, like, if Mr. Beast called me right now and was like, oh, we want to recreate this, I'm like, dude, you need to talk to somebody else.

Because I don't think I could do that. I'm still in mild disbelief that we did it. Yeah. That's fucking hard. It's not a matter of money. It's a matter of luck. Yeah. It's amazing. I know what I want to do for Pepperbox with a budget with all of us. Oh, God. A Rube Goldberg device. Like a Rube Goldberg machine? Yeah. With guns. If we have it like setting off guns, going everything. Mouse trap. That sounds extremely dangerous. I'm down. See? He's down. I already know that.

Our next bullet closed the movie. Like marble going down the thing and then all of a sudden at the very end a hostage gets executed. Two bullets on each side colliding in the brain. In slow motion. Dude, a gun. The strap comes out the forehead. Right in the part that makes you a person.

Left and right hemisphere starting now. Cody? I just gotta say something. I had an appointment today because this is kind of a thrown together podcast. Speed, Jez, Hard Dick, they're here. How much were you thinking of that? I'm gonna tag Speed, Jez, Hard Dick. I'm gonna tag in Connor, King Trout.

He's going to jump in my space. Sweet. I love you guys. Thank you for joining us. Hard dick speed cum. Cody, thank you so much. Hey, what is the name before you go? What is the name?

Ballistic high speed. Oh, he does know it. Okay. He does. He's been tricking us this whole time. He does know. Be safe, buddy. Subscribe. We'll see you in a bit. Oh, God. He smells like cigarettes. Ah, it's Connor. That fucker. All right. So now the Hoosiers outweigh the Mexicans. This is true. So we can really get started now. This is the highest density of Hoosiers that have ever been on a podcast here. Thanks.

If only we had that podcast gun. If only we cared. This is the most Hoosiers ever. You guys are the only internet people I know from Indiana. Yeah. I lived there a long time. Indiana doesn't do anything. Yeah, true.

Except like Whistling Diesel and Adam Driver, I think. Oh, yeah. Adam Driver's Indiana? From Indiana, yeah. Mishawaka, maybe? Elkhart? What was your favorite quote again from him? You were born in Indiana. No, stop. I lived in Indiana for a long time. Oh, well, your YouTube Wikipedia thing says you were born in Indiana. It also says my dad's a veteran, like Brandon.

I love the internet and how it distributes money. I thought you were born in Texas. Yeah.

But I lived in Indiana for a while. Crawfordsville, Indiana. Shout out to Seville. You know Wabash College. One of two all-male colleges. I was born in Texas, but which is the border of Texas where you actually were born? I think there's one border. You'd think so, wouldn't you? Were you born in Texas or Mexico, Texas? Texas.

No, I have a running theory about people in Indiana is that everybody in Indiana, it's kind of like angels in Supernatural, like know the name of every prophet or things like that. You're just innately born with it. Everyone in Indiana knows every famous person who was born in Indiana. Yeah. Because that's all we have. That's it. That's all we have. And corn. Larry Bird. What else do we have? Indiana Beach.

There's more than corn in Indiana. I think that closed down for a while. Did it really? I think so. I think it got new ownership or some bullshit. It's done. There is no more Indiana Beach. Ha! Indiana! The next new explosion that's happening in Indiana is going to be a 9mm vs. 45mm. I say we go all the way to incendiary vs. incendiary.

Oh, we're going to do all. Social media training. You're like... You obviously haven't been here, dude. All right, I'm going to put this out there just because it's A, a stupid idea that I just thought of and I'm using my 13-year-old brain right now, but B, because I think it would be cool. Like actually for YouTube. Where are you going to stick your dick in? Well, different 13-year-old brain. Thank God you said brain at the end of that. Oh, Jesus Christ. Instead of boy. So...

Two hollow points. Yeah. Both with the tip filled with binaries impacting. That's probably too fast for it to activate. Like a rifle hollow point? No, there is no too fast. You can be too slow to activate, but you can't be too fast. That's what I've told my ex-wife. It'll be too insignificant of an amount to...

to be detectable from the impact flash you think so yeah okay i think so well don't you because are you talking about like a rifle hole no no no like a pistol hollow point you think those two speeds will add up enough well i mean you're talking about i mean i'd not to be a content like a uh do you double or you quadruple them when they're directing impacts it depends if it's momentum or kinetic energy that it requires and i don't know the answer i thought it was velocity right but when you're adding two speeds in an in an impact

It's either the velocity is squared or it's just doubled. Shit, I'm not smart enough for that. I was thinking it was... I got a C in ninth grade physics. I dropped out of high school. Not to be a pretentious asshole, but this is literally Einstein's theory of relativity. So if you need 2,000 feet per second to activate, if you had two different pistol cartridges that are going at 1,200 feet per second, you're at 2,400 if you double it. Correct. So it doesn't really matter if you double or square it. It'll...

Is that- is that- do we actually want to go into depth on this? Yeah, it literally is that. Dude, look at the audience is coming right now. Man, look at that audience. They- So this- this- We're gonna find out if people really like math right now or- So like, 60 mile per hour car plus 60 mile per hour car does not equal one car at 120. Because- No, it should be 240, right? No, they cancel out. No, you- It's the same thing when you like shoot a soccer ball off the back of the truck. If you're talking about overall kinetic energy, you have to square the velocity, square the velocity. So it's either 60 mile per hour squared-

or 120 squared and 120 squared is always going to be more than 260 squared you know what i mean so that's what we're talking about with two bullets so but that's the chemistry with binary explosives is it the is it the kinetic energy that sets it off that's where they pull the velocity from or is it just mass and velocity from momentum either way it has to be four grams at 1200 feet per second

If I remember right. Because Ironclad specifies that. Yes. Either way, though, if you're talking about binaries that, like the typical, like, Tannerite or anything like that, you're talking about, like, 2,200 feet per second. If you're at 1,200 feet per second twice, you'll hit that limitation no matter what. I think so. Yeah.

I would bet money on it. I think he wants us to do it. You guys are welcome for that idea. I heard two numbers back to back and my brain was like, it's like that where I'm like, okay, well, back to cameras or business. These are my two autisms. I'll handle these with pride. And then you guys talk about them like, I'm retarded. I feel like that would work. I build devices and machines. He does math and then we

Try to use it. Oh, one thing you didn't, you can cancel with the high speed like footage that I remember we talked about like months ago when we first met or whatever is the amount of fucking data that

From like a half of a second long clip? Yeah. Isn't it like terabytes of footage? And you go through like eight hours of footage to watch one half of a second of some crazy shit? That was just like math extrapolation. So the 2512 camera, one shot, seven seconds is 288 gigabytes.

So over a quarter terabyte in one shot. So for reference, an entire episode on one camera on this is usually about roughly 300 gigs per camera. We run four. That is one second. It's easy. Like math to the strap light too. It's like six or seven seconds. Because if you think 60. I have the porn on my computer.

God damn it. 60 frames a second versus 60,000 frames a second. You, you have a direct, like one second is that much more frames. Just fucking crazy. Well, it's, it's also raw. It's, which is uncompressed data, which is fucking just. Very large, very large. But he goes through and he trims down. He, he cuts a lot of that out. So what, what is a, a shot? So like what? 10 microseconds is probably what? A couple of gigs. Uh,

That's hard to extrapolate. But typically our rule of thumb is... We film at 24 frames per second. That's our standard. So 24,000 is 1,000 times slower. We often film at a quarter million. So that's like 10,000 times slower than normal. So if you record for one second, it's going to take you 10,000 seconds to watch that one second. So just imagine like...

the timeline that suddenly manifests in DaVinci Resolve when you drag one clip. So you're scrubbing for a little while. Yes. Why are you filming at 24 frames a second? It's more cinematic to my eyeball.

Two years. Statistically speaking, the audience likes 30 frames per second. Who does? Like, in general, the audience likes it more than 24. Because then you differentiate movie to more household feeling. I know this shit. I've done research on it. I think they're going to fight. I know. We're going to make out. Tell me about your data before you started recording. It's literally, I did research on it. But would that change the amount of, like, I won't tolerate it.

Set in, set out. No. Bring back cum. 60 people don't like 60 for sports. They don't like 60. It's just how quickly the high speed would play back, basically. It would be like 80% of 30 frames per second is 24. So that's the only thing it would change. It'd be played back a little bit more smoothly and quickly. Yeah.

I love this because it gets to show the audience how when you're in your field and you're like, I love this field and this is how I turn it into a career. It is to that level of degree of what you're studying. It's like, here is 24 to 30 and why you have to pick your advantages because 30 frames per second is a lot more like home feeling, home video, TV, broadcast feeling and 24 to me is more cinematic. That's why I stick with it because we're more about spectacle and less about like

I love this stuff. Talk about guns, Brandon. We can go about all that. So it reminds me because you were like, you're choosing like your, your expertise and your field of, of, of expertise in that sense. I, when I text the group chat the other day, which one I was talking about, like, oh God, I would just realize that autism is just like the offenders.

I get to pick my special interest, but God picks the offset. Oh, fuck yeah. I'm super into guns or cameras or this, but I just can't make eye contact or talk to girls. Do you not have a superpower? I figured you were already like... Mine's obvious, but like... I figured you were just like a Targaryen from Game of Thrones. You just can't be burned. Okay, can you pick something that I understand? No, you gotta pick your superpower.

Oh, I had to pick my Super Super? You both get to pick one. We get to pick the opposite. Oh, okay. Welcome to the offenders. They know how it's played and so do all of you. Cannot be blown up. I can't see that. It's a shitty superhero. If I could just pick any. Oh, no. We're in the middle of shit now. Anti-IED man. That's right.

You'd be great at clearing minefields. You'd go for a casual stroll in sub-Saharan Africa. He's in very high demand in Ukraine and Ireland. Pop. I think Russia already has that. They just call it extra bodies. They call it felons. Let's see. Honestly, the one that I would actually want, and I hate that you guys are going to ruin it for me. You're going to get so restful.

I would fucking love teleportation. Who has that? Demo. Demo Ranch. He's just got to kill a kitten every time he does it. It took like... Oh, can I get that one? It's not even his power. He just wants to kill kittens. So I have to pick a different one? Yes. Every time you teleport, your clothes don't follow you.

I mean, that's a given. That's the lightest. Trust me, that is. Wait till you hear the nonsense. Connor's over here. Teleport me to the Miss America dressing room. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap. Helicopter. I like all guys know that movement you have to do.

I'm just going to say that looks practiced. Oh, it is. I didn't know I couldn't pick one that somebody else picked. That makes it way more. I know. It took me like 30 fucking minutes to pick one that nobody else had picked because there were like 35. We're getting there. We might have to start repeating and we just. It's got to be super specific. Like my baking skills are pretty good. Like there's just too many things already picked. I'm a decent cook. Cool. The downside is you actually suck. You're starting to run into the Marvel problem. Okay. Hang on. I have one. I have one for me. Wait.

I get... Great. Okay, how about this? I get... Ten. Like a spider sense. Okay. Spider sense. Unique. Wow. No, no, no. No, I'm going to specify it here real quick. When there's children nearby. Spider. That's the downside. I want to be done. Sandusky man. Children are nearby. Okay. Okay.

While trying to figure out a problem or a solution, I get a spider sense of whether I'm going hot or cold. Oh, that's really good. I like that. If it's right, he's like, this is right. Oh, that's wrong. That's just called being smart. But you don't know if it's the opposite. So it just vibes? You want your superpower to be vibes? I want good vibes. You're like, you tapestry heaven hoe. Astrology's real if you're willing to fuck me.

Anyways. Yeah, I believe in the rock. Are we going to bed? Get ready to tackle the NFL action with FanDuel, America's number one sportsbook. Because right now, new customers can bet $5, get 300 in bonus bets if you win. Make every moment more with FanDuel, an official sportsbook partner of the NFL. 21 plus and present in Arizona. First online real money wager only. $5 first deposit required. Bonus issued is non-withdrawable bonus bets which expire seven days after receipt.

Restrictions apply. See terms at Gambling problem? Call 1-800-NEXT-STEP or text NEXTSTEP to 53342. Okay, we got to get this offset from this. From the just general sensation of whether or not you're right or wrong. Imagine if you, it's actually really cool in paper. Mine's going to be solidified. Like mine would actually be whether or not I'm right or wrong. Okay, so like hot, cold, but about facts. Yeah, his is always like this, this.

this like or if somebody says something it can be also like knowledge he just wants a little bit of journey i just i just felt a little help so if you listen i still have to try one out of four times it's completely opposite that's kind of what i said a second ago oh i didn't say that sorry fucking take that

You take that? - T.L. is more incorrect than I am right now. - Actually, let's do the one to every, one to, no, one to four is pretty good. - I was 75% success rate. - I mean, that's pretty good. - But that's hilarious. - But you had the confidence of it. You're like, should I turn left? Off a cliff. - Cut the red wire, yep.

Tiny guns too. Fuck. That's actually a really good offset. One to four is just... It's just enough for you to have full confidence. And no one trusts you because of it though. Because none of us know that it's one to four. No, no.

Well, I mean, yeah. You'll figure it out eventually. Because my Spidey- Yes. No. No. No. It's just you get one to four because any time we're never going to trust you, the other offenders, and then you're not going to trust yourself on key important situations where a bomb or if you take the shot. You would take the boldest claims. Yeah, because are you going to take the shot? And your head is like, yes, you'll take the shot. And you're like,

But 25% shame. I've also, I've got an alternative one. You're just massively narcoleptic. So like we're all relying on you to like make an important decision. Like, I know the answer. It's...

I like 25% is just fucked. This needs to be a Pepperbox exclusive. A video on this kind of stuff. We're trying to get Papa Meat Meat Canyon to animate an entire episode. I think I would still take it. You have to. You chose it. You don't get a choice in this.

That was that 25% is wrong. No, my senses are telling me that I should change. Yeah, exactly. 25% chance that's a bad idea. 50% of the time it works every time. I'm getting told I should get more beer while I listen to Bryce come up with something. Dude, that is a really good fucking superpower because no one tries... Even yourself, you're like...

25 seems like a lot when you're back. Exactly. You're gambling with humans. The gambler's fallacy, the people say that, you know, like a coin flip or whatever. So if it's 50% chance every time, it's not that every fourth time you're wrong. There's just always a 25%. There could be 10 times in a row you're wrong. Right. Despite how unlikely that is. Or 10 times in a row you're right. And if you're like,

you know, nailing it on the stock market. You're making crazy fucking predictions. Everybody's going to put all of their faith in you and then you're 100% in exactly the opposite way wrong. Don't worry little girl, I got you. I'm going to blow her fucking head off. Oh. Oh my god. Like reverse Hawkeye powers? Yeah. Instead of you just shoot the hostage? Yeah, exactly. Right between the eyes? 5% of the time when I go to the gun range it's myself. Yeah.

So what's your superpower? I feel like anything to do with time has already been chosen, right? What do you mean? I don't think so, actually. Like time control. And I don't mean just like... No, no one's actually chosen. How the fuck has no one chosen? That's a shit power. I don't want the ability to freeze. All right, f***.

Quicksilver? Jesus Christ. That guy's like the most OP yet. No, no. Jesus Christ. I was going to make the offset to freezing time. You also get frozen in time. You can just pause life whenever. That's cool. If you can't move around, it's fucking worthless. Only your eyes die. But how does he unpause it?

Everyone's stuck frozen forever. The first time I do it. No, that's not what I want. I don't want the ability to stop time. I want the ability to, in any direction, modify time. So like indefinitely slow or speed up as much as I want. Like if I'm bored, speed it up. If a bullet's coming at me, slow it down until I decide what to do. Adam Sandler was the... No, click. No, click, yeah. Click, yeah.

But only to Bryce. That's who you are? I think so. The ability to speed up or slow down time. You get to pick and choose, and it goes slow and fast. You have the click remote. Yeah, it says the click remote. I don't like what click... Yeah, that's a pretty good offset. Can we just...

Oh, when you actually fast forward it, it just automatically fast forward. It has cookies on. It knows what you prefer. Yeah, it's an algorithm that learns. Oh, no. Have you not seen Click? I have. So if I've been slowing down time too often, it's just like, you must want that right now. But it's like me in a boring lecture or something. Yep. Well, that would kind of suck.

Me talking to Eli. In one hour of your day, you have no control and it gets to do whatever it wants. The same hour of every day or a random hour? Doesn't matter. It's just one hour each day. Time is going to go really fast, slow down, last an eternity. Dude, you can do like 15 minutes. That would fucking suck. It's like, and time just like warps to slow. It's like I'm mowing the lawn. No, I got it. You age normally through time.

Despite what I'm doing? No, you move through time at a normal rate, aging at your current time frame. So, hypothetically...

the more you use this power, there could be a situation where you pause time to do something and it's a second in everyone else's perspective. But I've aged like eight minutes. But you've aged eight minutes. However long it took me to figure that out. So there's a hypothetical scenario wherein you, over the course of a week, just age 80 years and drop dead. So we've merged click and interstellar. Yeah. Oh,

Time dilation. Bryce was suddenly near a black hole. Too bad. I'll take it. You'd still do it?

Hell yeah. It's like, but we have an unsub where it's just like, you have to have your wiener out holding it. You have to activate it by squeezing your dick and the dick has to be lit by the sun. You're like, activate time speed. Oh no, there's a mass shooter. Everyone look. The sun's out and go. You squeeze it. Oh, and it only works immediately after you've came. So you have to like jerk off.

and cum. So there's just slow motion semen in the air? Is this part of the after show? No. No. Welcome to the cum show. Balls stick to your thigh when it's hot outside speed. Dude, I love that you have to squeeze your wiener when it's out in direct sunlight.

Have we given him a... And it makes an awooga sound. Have we given him one? No, it's his brain. Brandon's really good at that. Yeah, you gotta wait. You gotta wait. I gotta pick his offset? Yeah, you gotta wait. So I have freedom to control the flow of time, whether I want to slow it down or speed it up, and I'm aware that that's happening around me. Like, I'm not stuck in the time. My brain's still normal. I've got like a little, what would you call it, like a side quest offset? Like it's just an addition to whatever offset they picked?

I have to go find my dad every time. You can only go fast...

You have to go fast during sex. Dang it. I had that thought. It's me. Like, wow, honey, six microseconds. That's better than yesterday. You know what the most uncomfortable thing? I didn't know that. When you... Like, wow, you said I came too fast? That was fucking bold words from somebody who didn't come at all. Bryce is like, that's actually 4,900 frames. Like, actually, the literal point of sex. Sorry, you don't understand what's going on here. It was slow motion. All eyes go on you.

God made your fucking orgasm an afterthought. It's not my fault. That'd be creepy. You're like, activate slow-mo and all eyes just click onto you. Sort of like in the Justice League when Superman's like... Yeah, exactly. You just feel uncomfortable. Hello. That's socially awkward, man. But everybody does it? Yeah. That's socially awkward, man. I know a lot of people with that offset. Offset for that.

Brandon, I'm right here. I'm doing this right now. I'm eating that name. I do like the random hour out of the day. It does whatever it wants. Do you have no control for fucking 15 minutes? Yeah. Hey, what if we...

like you guys did to me. 25% of the time. It does the opposite. It does the opposite of what you do. Dude, that's just a bad offset. You're going to slow down time to save a little girl from getting hit? It just gets obliterated. It hits her 100 times harder. I'm trying to stop a mass shooting and everyone dies instantly instead of not at all. So you work for the Secret Service? Yes. Oh.

And we're done. That'd be a really good fucking video, though. But if anybody wants a free Daniel defense, just say you want to commit an act. Dude, I'm about to get so much birthday money. What's Bryce's official offset? What are we doing? How are we deeming this?

Official offset, do we do that 25%? I would say that every time you use it in a situation where you want to, right? Yeah. You have to use it in a situation where you would want the opposite. So, like, for example, when you're on hold with customer service, time is now slowed down one one-hundredth or one one-thousandth. So he doesn't get a super power. Yeah. Oh, he does, but he also gets an offset for that fucking super power. So I never get to use it the way that I want it. Right, he would never get to use it then, though.

You could choose to use it. Yeah, it's your choice. You would just, the next time it happens, next time a situation where you don't want time to slow or speed up. Oh, I see. You like stop everything, stop, save a little, go, and you're like, I'm home, honey. She's like, well, thank God. And then at times like, no, no, no, no, no. So the reality is you can save more people. You just, you choose not to.

Boom! And the bullets just slowly... Come on! I love that you're implying that you would want that to happen. The implication is you want it to happen faster and it just can't come soon enough. You start going towards the bullet. Leaning forward. Oh...

Okay, that's it. There's your offset. I love that one way more. So, I'm going to **** myself pretty darn quick, is what you're saying. Well, I mean, you would say that on Pepperbox, is what I'm saying. Alright, fair. I accept. Holy ****. Well, thank God you guys collided bullets. That is how that tangent started to here, and now we're like... To me, **** myself in slow motion. We went from building...

Network Studios to... What is the next big piece of content you guys are super looking forward to? Well, we got one tomorrow. Oh, yeah. Cover it. This will be probably a couple.

Oh, yeah. This will come out in a little while. So by the time this video comes out, I will have already gotten the strike on the video we're going to film tomorrow. You think so? I don't think there's a 0% chance. There's a non-insignificant chance. Correct. I don't know if y'all watch the news. Something fairly significant happened the other day. Something kind of uncool happened. I mean, given the date, it's...

Today is the 17th of July. Oh, wait, it flexed the fucking... Oh, shut up. I was pointing it to myself. It tells me the date. Oh, right. It's like two days after somebody tried to assassinate a president. Crazy. Former president, I guess.

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And I, as soon as I saw it, I was texting ballistic dummy lab and Bryce. I was like, Hey,

We got to do this. And then Bryce was like, we are not fucking doing that. Like, there's no way. And so you posted an Instagram story. And I replied to it. And I was like, dude, I wanted to do this so bad. I was like, no. And then I had already bought the gun. I had spent about $15,000 committing to this video by the time you saw that story. Like, I put out the story almost facetiously. Like, I just want to make sure that there's interest. That means...

because this should be the first one that goes up. 15, well actually you were probably 17 to 18 grand total money put up to get the episode done. Yes, we're two to three getting out here. The mic was, hold on, the mic was muted? No, it is. Oh, okay. I got fucking scared for a second too. I saw that second channel.

Yeah, no, it's only on his. Our fours are based off of the one, two, three, four. Adam's on it. Oh, okay. Single. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Okay, yeah. Thank God. So you're just recording a second track of Silence right now. Second track. What do you mean? I think the second track is live. It's just on zero gain. Sorry, can I turn that one on? So you are currently like 17 to 18 grand deep in this video. Something like that, yeah. And then I think it costs us like three grand to get out here. So there's like...

over there's dollars in dollars yeah people are like you make so much money on youtube it's like well we gross so much money on youtube that is a little different it's not much like three grand sign in our video but it this is going to be this is history they tried to assassinate a former and currently running president and then a day later getting involved in that fucking video

Oh, thank God you ended it that way. Like, I'm getting involved. Like, oh, God. Oh, I could have stopped it. Would you have maybe done something when people reported that there was a fucking loser kid climbing on the roof of a nearby building with a rifle? No. I already know the thumbnail. It's going to be, I could have stopped it with a word box coming out. Oh, my God.

And then in our group text, Cody posted that picture and it's the one of Trump pumping his fucking fist with the American flag in the background, blood splashed on his face. And I thought it was just like some AI generated whatever. And I was like, that's kind of fucking gay. And then reaction to the time photo of the year. Yeah. Yeah.

Because I genuinely thought it was like AI. I thought it was like, this pick goes so hard. Okay, bud. That's how we know AI has been going too far. Yeah. Found out the story and holy...

Shit, so obviously with my connection to politics like my phone and what I'm saying my phone exploded my phone Exploded I had like 30 fucking people text me within like five minutes. It's still here. That's a new one. I know all right listen He's like why is my phone going up? Oh But anyway, you have access to rockets rockets. Yeah, like not like what's rocket rocket? Oh

Um, what is their MOS is, um,

Patriot missile control launcher or something or others. So like missiles. Yes. Like the military is going to have to clear us to go to the base to do the whole, the whole shit. I'll be a bystander. I don't need to be in the video. And if you don't want, I just want to hang out. I don't know if you know about this guy and high explosives, but hey, missiles different than rocket. Listen, I think we might have to write this guy off. Yeah.

Fucking smiling friends. I don't like anything that's going on over here. We just talk about cameras. You don't want to be around. We might just have to cut our losses. No, it would be. Where are you doing that?

An undisclosed location in Indiana. Oh, yeah. Well, it would be. He's like, what's your parents' address? One whole year. What? I was like, after your comment where you were mad at me, I was like, what's your parents' address? No, it would be one of a few bases. There's a few. I don't really want to get too deep into it. It may not happen.

There's a lot of red tape in between. I'm not saying we are cleared to do it. I am in talks of actually getting from both the launcher site and the impact site. I have not found an A10 impact site, though. So if any of you lovely people...

Starting now. Because they're kind of phasing them out before they go. Which they don't need to. Are they seriously phasing out the A-10s? The government does dumb shit where it's not effective and everyone that's in the military is like, no, no. We should keep that little guy. Give a near peer, though. I'm going to say everything I've heard is based on the fact that in all likelihood we're going to war with China or Russia and we don't have to worry about dog fights. They're going to send them all. Probably. Probably.

I can't wait to see the combat footage, though. I mean, it would make the most sense if you're done with them. Give us a couple. That won't happen for about five years or so. So, yeah, we'll probably send them to the active Ukraine war zone. 20-year GY.

It reminds me, it's like, it's a tale as old as time. If you actually read history, like this shit happens all the time. Like you have the, the, the first battle at Manassas or a first bull run, depending on what part of the country you're in. You have people that were on the Hill, like literally coming out from their homes in the, in the, the town to go watch the war.

They literally walked out with picnic baskets and shit. They would all just sit on the countryside and just watch the battle happen. Let's go watch the Civil War. Oh, Civil War. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard about that. They legitimately thought, yeah, it was 1861. They legitimately thought like, oh, this will be over in a month or two. They didn't realize it would be like the four darkest years of American history. But yeah, straight up. They were just walking out like, no, well, we'll see what happens. I mean, if you think of how a Civil War would actually play out even now, it is you would have people that would just –

not get involved states that would just be like nope depending on where it's like the the movie civil war and how i loved how they did that because they were like the i hated the end

The end was so garbage. Is it worth watching? Oh, dude, definitely worth it. Really? I liked it. It's apolitical. There's no politics in it. It's just showing when you're looking at War War and how it plays out and the sounds and everything, it is fucking perfection on how combat is. Really? I told you guys, I think. Kind of.

Tell the combat veteran about the combat veteran. Listen here, non-medal of honor winner. No, I know, because I know you're going to agree with me is why I say it. I know you'll agree because it was the end scene where they have journalists in the stack. Oh, that, yeah, 100%. That is the one thing you're like, no team's going to be like, come on, journalist.

They're like, let's get in here. You're talking about tip of the spear. Tip of the spear. You're going after the fucking president. They're like, third guy on the stack, journalist, go. Never going to happen. Clear that corner. I can tell a real story about that. Well, so what's fucking crazy is how they do combat when they're getting closer to DC is you have the tracers and the rounds kicking off in the background. It's nighttime and the journalists are like, oh shit, we're going there. This is terrifying.

and nervous and then I told Sav was like holy shit that is perfection you see the tracers kicking off in the background you have the explosions you have gunfire and then you're just like man I slept with that that was my peace time like I get to watch that but I'm going to bed so it's in the background

So comforting and I watched I was like that's your white noise. Yeah, it was gonna be I was about I have to go pee pee But I was about to ask you right and then you brought that up again on the 4th of July I remember everything was going off and I asked you I was like like are you okay with all the shit and Weirdly, I was not expecting this to be your answer, but you were like I love this. I

Because it is my piece. Like, I got so used to that. It's my... Explosions, everything going off. But it's like, we get close, but it's like in the distance, too. When you hear it in the distance, it's the fight's not here. The fight's not with me or my guys.

it's there's another fight going on so i just you can tell by the eq mapping by the distance if it's a problem or not yes really quickly so it is that decompression you're like and your body gets so used to i think uh hypervigilance because that is instilled and you can't turn it off within the brain it is okay hypervigilance everything's really tight but when you know what's going off like a hundred to five hundred to a thousand yards meters away you're like oh

hyper vigilance is turned off a little it's knolled down and you're like oh i'm good hey it's over there silence is scary but distant oh dude yeah you're just like

That's what, yeah, because then I brought up after that. Yeah, interesting. There are like four or five hour long videos on YouTube where it's like distant warfare to fall asleep to. Yeah. And I never, like, yeah, he told me, you told me that. They're like this. I was like, I could sleep to that 100%. I just don't like when they're cracking off in the distance and like distant explosions. I don't like when they title it America 2026. That's not awesome.

Do you want to hear a story about journalists on the front stack? I think we would love that story. So I was in Africa. The craziest story. I was finding some new house cleaners. I was a team chief of a psychological operations element. That one almost got me.

And I was attached to a joint operation that was evacuating an embassy. I'm not going to get into where and whatever, but this whole joint operation. Sounds like it would have been a big one.

So we're doing this whole... God only knows which one that could have been. So I'm an E5. Right. So I'm an NCO. So I'm in charge of a couple guys. Should I explain the rank structure? E5, you're in charge of a team. Should I break it down or should I just get through it? No, you can give a little breakdown. Okay. So I'm an E5. I got two guys below me because it's PSYOP roles and three-man teams.

But I'm sitting in the command center of the 101st Airborne. And if you don't know what 101st Airborne is, I mean, that was D-Day, right? Did they do D-Day? One or two movies have been made about it. Yes, quite a few. So I am talking with the commander of this element because they're the ones that we're moving with, we're getting on the plane with. And then I get assigned somebody from the Air Force who is combat camera.

So combat camera is journalists for the Air Force. That's what they are. The cameraman never dies. And you should never treat them any differently. Well,

Oh, they do. I was going to say, those ones do. They 100% can. So they're journalists. Next test on ballistic high speed. Can you kill journalists? It's Bryce Bulletproof. They're like, hey, this guy's now with you because you're the joint element because Army and Air Force often work

together better than um like with navy and marines because navy and marines often work together we've got everybody in here we got pj's all these motherfuckers so i'm in this meeting it's it's all the captains the majors there's a lieutenant colonel in here it's lieutenants i'm probably the lowest ranked dude in this room and the he's going through he's like all right he's like we're

Should I go? Yeah, it'll be alright. Whatever. So they're like, we're gonna... Trust me, I feel this. I love it when they... Is this a war crime or not a war crime? I love it when they... I love it when they're my infantry buddies. That's probably a bad metric. Or a fucking bad metric.

This is a hypothetical story. It didn't actually happen. He was telling me, Africa doesn't exist. No one can prove it. I've never seen it in real life. When the answer to OPSEC is, fuck it, I'm fucking on board. So we're going to get in country. We're going to commandeer vehicles. And then we're going to move to the embassy to secure the location, which means we're taking the airstrip.

And then you're commandeering all of the vehicles on the airstrip. And then we are moving inland and we are securing our embassy because there is a military coup that is happening in our embassy is being shot at and our people can't leave. So the Marines are securing the outer perimeter and we are coming to reinforce them to get everybody out of, um, out of doubt.

The undisclosed embassy that nobody could put together. Nobody can Google which one we're talking about. Yeah. So we're going through this whole deal. And then I get told that this combat camera guy is now with me and he's a staff sergeant. I'm a sergeant. And I was like, fuck, now I got this dude that like thinks he's going to outrank me. So I tell my major, I'm like, hey, I was like, what the fuck is this guy? And he's like, nothing. He's an air force.

It's like an E3 army. And I was like, oh, fuck him. So he respects cameramen, obviously. No, I respect rank. He ain't got it. So we're going to this meeting with these 101st guys and we're going through the actual, like, where are we developing the CCP, the casualty collection points? Like, we start taking casualties, like, where am I dragging bodies?

where are we setting up machine gun nests and then i'm coordinating the psyop part so it's like where am i getting loudspeakers because if radios go down i have loudspeakers so now the commander can talk to that guy like we're doing this whole fucking battle plan and this combat camera guy he's like hey he's like in when this is all going on he's like i need to be like with whoever's the front moving element he's like i have to document this and i didn't know what to do because i didn't think he was gonna fucking talk

And so I was sitting there and the commander that I'm working under from the 101st has the whole tower. SF, Ranger, Sapper, Airborne. And then he's got the one that you think is under there. Oh, okay. Got them all. He gets the knife. Chest candy for days. I think he's been in school the whole time that he's been in the military. Like it's dude stacked up and he looks at him. He goes, that's not where you're going to be.

where are you going to be? And then he didn't know what to do. And I was like, sir, I was like, he's going to be with me. I was like, we're going to lock down at the CCP. That way, my loudspeaker, if you need communications, I was like, we're like, we're going to be back here. Trust me. He's like, no, he's like, but he's like, I was, you are not going to provide this. He,

But his training was, you have to get yourself to the front. And I was like, dude, you're going to get killed. That's insane. In relation to the movie Civil War, though. He just wanted to document it.

That's what, that's, I mean, that's their job. So in relation to the movie, like that's at least a guy who was in the U S military hierarchy. These are just rando fucking independent journalists. Well, that's who I can wear the press vest. As long as both, both sides obey the Geneva convention. Oh, but not only that. Yes. I,

I've heard many stories of the Geneva Convention being obeyed by countries that aren't the United States. Especially when they're losing. They're really good at it. They make great one man. So we go through this whole thing. I'll wrap this story up now. So they do get this mentality of, because that is where the action is happening.

So that is like where they naturally think they want to be and need to be. For me? So we go through this whole thing. We finally dealt well a battle plan. Everybody knows where they're going from the sea. We've made contact with the Marines. We're doing all this stuff. We're loaded up on the bird and waiting for takeoff. And then this guy comes up on the ramp and it's the crew chief. I probably got that wrong. It's the guy that's in charge of whether or not you're on this fucking plane. That's all that matters. Yeah. And he goes, Hey,

who's saya and i turned to my guys i was like did he did he say nobody talks about us he was like who the fuck is saya and i was like god yeah right here and he was like get the fuck off the plane and i was like well no sir i was like there's a a riot we're doing this whole riot control deal he's like oh he's like get the fuck off the plane the ambassador doesn't want you in the country

I was like, cool. I was like, me? I was like, there's a riot. He's like, I don't give a fuck. He's like, you're off the plane. He's like, we have to take off, like, now. So we grab our gear, and as we're walking off, all these 101st dudes are like, you fucking suck. You fucking suck. Me and my dudes, they all turn our legs, fucking walk off this plane. That's so military. What the fuck?

And then the boom! Bitches, get out of here! Exactly! So then the door goes up and there they fucking go. So then I go back to where all of our people are at and my major's in there. And I walk through the door and he's like, you missed that plane. I'm going to bury you in this fucking country. And I was like, no, sir. I said, Ambo threw me out of country.

I got thrown out of the country. That's damn. So God damn goes forward. That whole mission goes, you can look it up online, whatever you want me to have information. So all those dudes that go on this mission, they wind up just doing their thing and nothing special happens. I get called to this congregation where the two star general that's in charge of the entire area of operations is giving an award ceremony.

And I get called up and I get served a joint service achievement medal for all of my efforts in coordinating the joint operation that was in charge of the liberation of... I have won. I have thrown off the button.

I'm just imagining- I'm imagining like- I'm imagining the PTSD fucking lockdown, like you just like kind of like shaking and like over your shoulder there's a ghost like, GET THE FUCK OFF THE PLANE! And then you have a two star shaking and it's like, sorry-

Fuck it, dude. Amazing job with what you consolidated and did out there on the field of battle. They called you in to play the Barney theme over loudspeaker and they told you you couldn't do it. Oh, dude, I had a story about him in Somalia. Barney? What? No, the general. Quick story I've never told before. My buddy's story. I'm waiting for the fucking AI-generated Barney in Somalia. Yeah.

Just running, clearing doors, kicking in doors. So I asked one of my buddies. I just won't say names because I don't know how it's going to be taken. They're like, it's fine. No one died. I was like, okay, that's a good rule of thumb, I think. I don't think so. We had to protect senators. So you had the Shia and Sunnis, and then we had to create a barrier because they fucking hated each other. Senators was a main highway in downtown Baghdad next to...

Oh fuck, what was it? I forget. Liberty. And you have in main SMR, we are doing a op. So we're like, Hey, we're just watching it because we have another team going through and clearing out South side for the SUNY area.

So, again, they hate each other. They would fucking fight. They would kill each other. So we put literal giant... They should just have a war and be done with it. Dude, just giant barricades. You're talking about T-walls just down the highway to separate. Which one of the nephews do you support? Answer correctly or I'll kill you. What kind of Sunni are you? What kind of Sunni are you?

It was literally just segregate. And then we're like, okay, just no one's allowed to cross senators. You can't run across. So we'll call him Steve. Got the information. And Steve and his team are very much a Steve and his team. They're just, no one's allowed to cross. That's the only rule. So he's like, hey, just don't cross. You have to give them like, stop. So Steve sees us.

Three people trying to run across senators. So he gives a warning shot with a Mark 19 full automatic grenade launcher. I'm pretty sure this is a story you distinctly said I was never going to tell on the podcast because I'm not sure. So you just hear, duh, duh, duh, duh.

They run the opposite way really fucking fast. They do not cross senators. Allegedly. Allegedly. Allegedly this happened. We're like, what the fuck, Steve? He's like, what? They were crossing. Warning shot. I did. What gun did you use? Mark 19. Why? They were crossing. Oh, yeah, dude. Steve went, fuck this. This is a bit of business.

And it's the podcast fucking Steve will do it. You just see like bombs, like those hit and those guys are like,

You know the trip fall because your turning self has to run back to where you're going? Yeah, they're like... The only recorded instance of a Mark 19 firing four times in a row before jamming. Exactly. It's awesome. And those dudes fucking ran. I've never seen them try to do jumping jacks. We make that joke all the time, boxing, like doing cardio and shit like that. It's like, oh yeah, dude. No. One, two, three, how you feel?

I think independently you, Matt Best, and Logan all made that joke. Like, oh man, I remember them Arab jumping jacks. God bless war. Right, Bryce? Totally. You just live in the general area. Some of the best and the worst times of your life. I know. You'll love them and then you remember how much you get paid and you never do it again. Yes.

It's not worth it. It's not worth it. $500 a month. You're like, bro, I'm getting $3 a day. It's called combat pay for almost dying. If you are going to do that, you can buy a Camaro. 28 APR. If you are going to do that, go like Air Force Special Forces Officer. Yeah. Do that. Air Force. Or...

What's the stateside one? Coast Guard. Coast Guard. Dude, they do some real shit. Yeah, and they get paid very well. Do you remember the one fucking... I was just thinking that. That was the biggest enlistment boost to the fucking Coast Guard ever. Just jumps on that sub.

rips the door open well the i just i just saw a thing uh pretty recently it was an interview with the coast guard guy and i had talked to i knew one guy in the coast guard a while back and they would they'll pick up they regularly pick up to go on these tours or whatever which a lot of it's in the pacific i didn't realize the coast guard goes down to like almost like south america and shit they'll like stop drug runs and stuff and i'm

This is just shit I've heard. Just because it's South don't mean it's not American. Amen, brother. Stop drug runs. See where I can keep everybody. Global superiority. White people. Try paying for most of NATO. I'm not white.

I can say it. It's not racist, but I say it. Let's all acknowledge that we are on stolen Comanche land right now. If you are protected by nature, that means I own 95% of everything that you ever fucking stole. Which the Comanche stole from the tribe who lived here before them. We're just better at war. Anyway...

They would pick up like hundreds of people. No, it's fine. It's fine. I'm not mad about that. I'm not mad about that. It's almost like all of human history is just a history of conquest. It's just a group of people who take over a region by murdering people and then that's just how it works. I can't wait for aliens to show up and just do the exact same thing. Yeah. We're all dead. Which I mean, to be fair, we all...

We all just assume that's going to happen anyway. Who's going to fuck one first? That's the real question. An alien? I volunteer. I will put money on it to viewer of the podcast. I would put them on par with a marine. Yeah. Tomato, tomato. Because a marine is also going to get sent there before...

Oh, dude, one of your subscribers. That's him. I'm from Buenos Aires and I say fuck them all. He's going to have that fucking 80 pound one that you have over there.

80-pound what? Yeah, not that little bit. Oh, the knife. Oh, the knife. I thought you were talking about a woman. I was like, the twink? I thought he was saying an alien. I was like, that's like a reasonable weight for an alien. Seems right. She's probably athletic. But yeah, kilos, hundreds of kilos of cocaine. And...

I think they catalog them and they would just dump them in the fucking ocean after they'll catch these Colombian... I mean, we do that with Terrasol. Terrasol.

We quite literally did it with Bin Laden. But we gave him a proper... Rap. I hope they fucking played the national anthem. Chuck him off the side of the bus. They played the Toby Keith song, Put a boot up, it's the American way. Put a boot up your ass. What? Rob O'Neill? No. The guy that is incredibly shooting? Yeah, Rob. Yeah, do you see his fucking tweet today? No.

Dear God. Somebody just randomly tweeted about how bin Laden was dead in the early time of the war in 03. What the fuck? Rob retweeted it, and he said, really? Who was that guy I smoked getting out of bin Laden's wife's bed? LAUGHTER

I got it when I said fucking crazy cybermind war. That's fucking crazy. I really wish somebody would confirm the contents of his hard drive. I just saw a thing this morning. Oh my god. Download Bin Laden's Animal Crossing wild word. Throw a fucking save file off the CIA database. Yes.

He was like, he apparently loved karaoke, like fucking all sorts of shit. There was that one really bad thumb. Dance, dance revolution, all this shit. I love that. Nothing is better in my head than bin Laden in a man dress doing DDR fucking.

Love, love, shine. Well, he was like 7'9 or some weird shit. What? Yeah, he was tall as fuck. Yeah, he was tall. No wonder they made him a leader. Yeah, yeah. How tall was he? Like 6'4? Hang on, though. If you think about it with DDR, they do a lot of hand-burning stuff, which I feel like you could translate to, like, dude, he probably fucked 6'4.

slapped at that game. Did you see the foot mat on his lap? Yeah, they do like a lot of hand-sewed. You can translate that. I have the OG smash New York. We can ask the Pakistani embassy. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you insinuating something? I don't know. What was the fucking meme that came out at the time? Like, well, talk about a bad place to hide. Oh, man, I fucking

God bless war. How you been? How goes the camera experience? You're over here just like watching your career. Oh shit, Admin's here. You're like, is this going to kill me? What's going on? These guys are just... I only hope so. How does it... Like, what are you excited that's up and coming, Mr. Bryson?

Well, we recently established a partnership with the company that uses Shimatsu high-speed cameras, which is really exciting. I am saying it. Wait, you're a partnership with them? I don't want to mean that as in like a... I don't say that in like a business partnership way, but like we have a relationship with them now. Like, we're

We're in talks, which is cool. I can say that. Yeah. Wait for them to get that. I want to see their genuine reaction to sit down. I don't know if they know what that means. That's why I want them to sit down and be like, holy fuck. Can we do like a 15 second pause? Yeah. Okay. Everyone go pee pee. We will reset this. Upstairs is a bathroom. Don't your emotions. Okay. No, I brought you a gift. Adam, are you okay? Yes. Do you have a tiny PTSD from this?

Run. I just love the amount of fucking beers here on the table. Why is it got so much wood? Why is all this in one piece? Where's the bottom exhaust port? Why are you unconscious? Why is this? I just, I think I'm the only one that can try like that. Why is this not tan and poorly fabricated? Nobody caught the, where's the bottom exhaust port? Oh, we caught it. Where's the, where's the hole that goes boom?

Where's the hole that jets the fucking rocket fuel directly in here to pull the trigger? Did you guys use this in Tiny Guns? No, we used a different one in Tiny Guns. Can you be in Tiny Guns 4 with that? Wouldn't that be hilarious? Well, depending on what we do for sure. We'll do a slow-mo shot of him going... We'll make the VFX really hard. Just show the footage of it happening. Yeah.

We gotta do this by hand and just fucking paint them out. I know that fucking unthreads because it pops off on my desk one all the time. The failure with yours happened about right here, right? That would check out, yeah. On the non-existent part of the rocket. I think you can take that back. Tube that doesn't exist off. I don't know. I don't know what... Where's the spring-loaded... Or was that only his... Oh, there's...

They do really good. Go-Guns does a really good thing. In reality, the rocket's supposed to move out the front. I think it can. Wait, does that shoot? I was fucking around with it at my computer the other day. Does it actually strike? It blows up. You're unconscious again. Re-burn. Did you get it on high speed? No, we got it on Black Magic Cup.

Mark and Bryce is over here like, God damn it. At the beginning of the episode you were talking about, you didn't know when you publicly announced it. Bryce, I'm sure it was you if you were running the channel when Adam was knocked out. Yeah, of course. Posted on the YouTube social thing. Like a community post? Yeah, community post. Thank you.

And it was like, Adam's doing good. You know, he's alive. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because I remember opening my phone and I was like, man, Adam hasn't sent me a Snapchat in like two weeks. That's kind of weird. And then I opened my phone and I was like, what the fuck?

And so I called him right after I saw that, and he was just getting out of the hospital. Probably couldn't speak for you. Oh, you were getting out? He was on his way. You were on your way back from the hospital. Saying something along the lines of, like, it wasn't my war. Brandon said that whole thing. Brandon was like, hey, we've got this set up. I remember that. Because we had been talking for a while. Yeah. I didn't know you were at that point. Yeah. Yeah, and, like, all that shit went down, and then you wanted to...

Oh, yeah. Oh, dude, I don't know. Did we ever tell that story? It's not your fault. The accident was years ago. Give me keys. It's not your fault. Give me keys. Oh! What's Cody going to say? Oh, I see. God. Robin Williams movie. Damn. Cody's going to be so mad when I text him about that. Dead Poet Society? No. Fucking what was it? Matt Damon. Oh. Good Will Hunting. There you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was going for that. I'm sorry. I got mixed signals.

Where were we? Oh, we were in New York. Guys, we're going autistic for a second. Buckle up. I didn't know that we could do this, but apparently we can. And so Bryce is about to tell all you motherfuckers. Kaboom. How have you been hit by enough of those? Goddamn. Highly in the sports community. The camera. Which one?

Bro, you started the story. So, well, two cool things have happened with us. Vision Research really likes us. They make phantom cameras. Why do you always do this when I talk about cameras? Stop getting nervous. No, look at me. I said wait for me. Oh, okay. So Vision Research really likes us. They make phantom cameras. So there's a cool chance that we might get to...

Like test prototype high-speed cameras from Vision Research in the future, which is exciting. But then also the company, one of the sister companies to Shimatsu out of, you know, I think it's Japan. Like the dog. Yeah. The Shimatsu dog. Bless you.

So, but it sounds like we might be able to get access to Shimatsu cameras as well as Shimatsu's newest cameras. That's the part I can't talk about very much. They're the cameras that can film 10 million plus frames per second. Jesus Christ. So this is like, if you've ever wanted to see...

Like an atom split? What the fuck? Yeah. If you've ever wanted to see nuclear fission or how a shape charge actually inverts and converts into gas kind of thing, those are the cameras that will do it. So we've been lucky enough to have conversations with these people, and it sounds like we might be able to get some of that technology on the channel. So we just need really, really good ideas to execute on.

for that kind of stuff. A gun shoots a single round. 84 minutes. It's like... I'm going to say something really fucking stupid right now, and I'll own the fact that I'm an average intelligence human that this probably sounds retarded, but to be able to...

To be able to capture anything interesting on that frame rate, you have to be very zoomed in to see it, correct? Yes. It has to either be hyper, hyper velocity and large or normal supersonic speeds but extremely close. So even think of 3,000 feet per second rounds like a 50K or something. It would be moving slow as fuck. It would basically stop.

So you would need, so like we would have to, like one thing I want to examine is if we can get two incendiary 50 cal bullets to collide tip to tip like we did with the 45s and watch how the incendiary material interacts with itself basically causes the detonation. What does that look like on a chemical level? Honestly, like you might get a phone call from Raytheon at that point. That's what I mean. It's pretty fucking useful. So when I say like... God damn it.

So when I say 10 million frames per second plus, there's an emphasis on the plus. The natural place to go with that. That's fucking crazy, though. What would something like that run if you were to buy it, if it were available? I don't think it is available. That's the problem. So like Vision Research's fastest Phantom right now is 1.75 million frames per second. That's $350,000. That's like what they're putting out right now.

So I wouldn't be surprised, you know, half a million to a million dollars for one camera. I don't know. Like they don't sell. If they do, I don't know what the number is. I don't know if Shimatsu sells individual cameras. This is the level that Shimatsu cameras are at. Oh, that. I see what you're talking about now. Yeah. So if we can, you know, we're still going to try to get into that. We don't make money like that because this is the kind of people that do make money like that. So I made a contact with,

Oh my God, this is actually kind of a crazy story. So I made a contact in Somalia, and then years go by, post-deployment, all that stuff. Somalia finally gets an iPhone. No, you should...

You would drag me down a rabbit hole, sir. A racist rabbit hole, sir. What? Why? No, racist rabbit hole. I could tell you all about the prostitution. Anyway. It's the age capital of the world with not a condom in sight.

No, you're distracting me. I'm sorry. I'm done. Shimatsu cameras. Shimatsu cameras. So I lack contact in Somalia because we serve together. We did a bunch of things over there. So we have like a bond. You understand how that works. When you do certain things with people, it's a bond for life. Seed.

So this thing comes about. Ballistic high speed. We had nonsense. We had kind of. Balls at close speed. Balls, sink, whatever. Because we got into it with like. The first video was like shooting a 58 guy through a head. But then we were like blowing up through. We were shooting light bulbs. We were like doing all this really fun YouTube stuff. You don't need to make it a hate crime. We had the same thing.

My joke was going to be, what do you mean I wasn't there? I like that. God, we're terrible humans. All of us with the exact same work. We're very predictable. Bryce starts. AI is going to have a great time just generating podcast scripts. But then Bryce starts teaching me about how frame rates work and how that works out in the math calculations. I don't understand them, but I understood the grasp that this is

Like really high level shit. And I was like, okay, so like DOD level. And I worked DOD level through PSYOP. We bid contracts to all sorts of shit like that. So I was like, okay, how do we get involved in that? So I start looking into it. And then my old Somalia contact comes in and he was like, yeah, he's like, I actually have a guy that works in a research facility that

And I think you guys could really help each other out. So he gets an email chained together. And I get this email back from this guy. And he's like, I don't really know what you could do for me. I can already record like... Well, we got on a phone call, didn't we? Or was it just email? Well, the email was first. Remember, we didn't understand why he put the...

Oh, the numbers that he did. I was like, I think he meant a hundred thousand frames per second, which means we're good because the seven 11 could technically do a million. So we could like try to like upsell it, like do a bunch of stuff. So we get this guy on the phone and we're like, Hey, this is what we do. And he was like, first of all, he's like, who, who knows?

And I was like, well, that's me. And he's like, where do you know X from? And I was like, well, I was in Somalia. Elon owns it now. I was like, I was in Somalia with him. And he was like, okay. He's like, he basically just said like, I'm only taking this phone call because you were in Somalia with X. He's like, I don't, he's like, I don't know what you think you can do for me. And so we were like, okay, cool.

So we started talking to the guy, and I was like, hey, Bryce. I was like, you're going to kind of have to take this one because, you know, obviously. I wish we didn't take this phone call. Kind of, yeah. I was like, you're going to need to take this phone call because it needs numbers and figures and frame rates. So I proceeded to take over. And so the Phantom V2512 is a very, very, very highly regarded high-speed camera. That's the big one that we use. It's very well known for ballistics and explosives cameras.

recording and all that stuff so i proceeded to tell him about how you know we're owner operators of this equipment you know we can capture this this and this you know sub nanosecond exposure times blah blah blah and he's like we have like 10 shimatsus and i'm like okay so um have a good day and talk to you never so when he said that man we were like yeah wait what he was like yeah he's like this is why he's like i don't really understood like he was like

i don't think he was trying to be a dick it was just like he was just very straightforward it's like if somebody reached out to us they're like we can help you reach more people on instagram right yeah

Cool. I can help you gain 5,000 more followers tomorrow. 32 followers, dude. I don't know why I did that accent. Do you know how to succeed on YouTube? I think I do. So we start getting back into this conversation with this guy, and he's like, yeah. He's like, so we have this testing facility where...

It's an indoor Abrams main battle tank testing facility. And he's like, I have eight Shimatsus hung across the ceiling. He's like, I can track the Abrams main battle tank from muzzle to target. I hear the indoor Abrams are much better behaved than the outdoor Abrams. Yes.

I heard the laboratory and I was like, are they genes? Imagine, like, you know, the behind-the-scenes The Matrix stuff where there's all these cameras strung around when Neo's dodging the bullets. They do the fucking bullet time where they've got, like, 80 cameras lined up. Yes, it's like that, but each of those is a quarter-million-dollar camera, basically, for an Abrams tank indoors. And I'm like, hey, I have one camera that can do a tenth of what one of those could do. So what ended the conversation was...

He said, yeah. He's like, if I need another Shimatsu, he's like, I just roll it into next quarter budget and we just buy it. That's the current one. House Hikes right now. Well, sir, appreciate you

take it it's time to talk to it and that was a fucking rap dude we were we were like so embarrassed so then we left kind of like with like i was like i guess i'll go back to shooting watermelons like we're not that cool and then that's why i always laugh like people are like dude i got an idea that like fucking like the military industrial complex hasn't figured out yet i'm like no you don't yeah no they are researching shit that is

Three decades ahead of what the public knows about. They're shooting watermelons at a frame rate you wouldn't fucking believe. Ten trillion. They have an Abrams watermelon. They have seen light stop. I don't think you have anything that they need. That was the point where we were like, okay, so like. They have a heat death of the universe button. Back to YouTube, I guess. But then we realized that we did get a phone conversation with somebody of that caliber.

Granted, it was just because I did the play with the guy. Whatever. But, I mean, it was our long conversation. So it wasn't like he was just immediately like, yeah, thank you guys. So this story was just a, hey, Kevin. So then we were like, okay, so like...

Maybe not DOD level. And then that's what was like, okay, but we could hit up like ammo manufacturers. We've been pretty... And so we do a bunch of stuff off the channel. Like, hey, I'm developing this new ammunition. I want to see what it looks like coming out of the barrel. Like pre-NIJ stuff. We've been getting involved with, which is pretty cool. So before you go to your NIJ certification... Yeah. Or like if you're... More recently, we had a guy send us some... Which just...

Which do you want to quickly say what NIJ is? Oh, the National Institute of Justice, right? Yeah, for bulletproof, things like that. When you do the level three, level three A, level four, that's NIJ. Yeah.

So if they don't want to spend this much money getting it actually established for NIJ standards, they can send it to us for some preemptive high-speed stuff so they can see what's happening on impact, what's happening out of the barrel, all that stuff. So they could cut out like two steps of their R&D to make their NIJ. So like a guy sent us some Sabo-style rifle rounds because he wanted to make – It's an ice cream truck, Eli. Yeah, I heard that. Exactly.

Is that what that was? Yeah, it comes by literally every day. So this guy's wanting to get his rounds fully established. So he sent them to us to get them imaged as like muzzle exits and impacts and stuff, and they wouldn't even make it out of the barrel, essentially, because it was so early on in the development. But that was good for him because he didn't have to send it all the way up to NIJ certification. He just sent it to us because

we can certify what we can see with high-speed cameras and then they can move on to the next step so already you can just be like a chad and like open up your own armor company and just say source trust me bro there you go bro so but that was that was what let's super light paper mache ballistics um i experimented with my own dude that's fucking crazy

Those cameras, like reading those cameras, I'm just like, my mind is... I remember growing up on Fort Bragg as a kid, like just going like,

Getting like $50... What do they call it? IBA vests? The OG... Yeah, IBA. IBA vests, and I'd put ceramic tiles that I bought from fucking Home Depot. What did it stop? IBA. IBVs? What did it stop? I would go up to Rifle Round. I would put two different layers of ceramic tiles, and then the soft armor behind it, and I would stop at like 5.56 and shit. I was just like, oh, this is cool. You know what I was doing? Getting shot by it? No. So...

I randomly ran into... I thought you were going to fucking big dick me on that real quick. Well, I'm probably going to. Okay. All right. No. So I ran into this dude that worked on NASA aircrafts.

So yes is the answer to that question. Pretty much. So he was telling me. You're like Jake. I was talking to a guy who works for fucking NASA. What were you saying about you put ceramic tiles in your vest? I was 16. Dude, I don't fucking know. Do you want to know what I was doing when I ran into this man? I was trying to get out from underneath a jet ski that I couldn't figure out how to fucking fix. I was on Facebook Marketplace. This guy owns a jet ski. No, not anymore. I sold it to that guy.

No, so anyway, so he's telling me that he's worked Air Force, NASA, all this stuff. And when they were working with fiberglass, they would do this really cool thing where they had these massive vacuum chambers. And there was a certain way that if you got enough air underneath it and they use little pillow foam. And if you then compressed the fiberglass into it,

It would harden, but then more air could leave the fiberglass. And they were getting rates of like almost 10 times the strength of fiberglass sheets out of just having it in zero gravity versus letting it in the standard. And this is where I wonder if we can put this on the podcast. Why? I started making body armor out of it.

so i took that's that's why oh yeah so i was um i was taking those subway ceramic plates and then i was sanding them so that the fiberglass would have a something to grip to and then i was putting them in fiberglass over that pillow surface and then i was vacuum sealing it and with one ceramic plate and four so it was two on each side so four things of fiberglass i could stop a nine millimeter

No shit. No, dude. What people don't realize is that the biggest thing that stops bullets is air.

Give it a hard target to hit and then give it space to deform and skew or whatever. It hits something and bullets, as soon as they hit something, they're like, eh, fuck. Water. You can say literally five feet away. Five feet will stop a bullet dead in its track. I mean, you're just going to be like, well, the faster and faster a bullet's traveling when it hits water, it fucks itself up. We found that hollow points are very beautiful when they split open in water. They just open up because... Same with homeless people.

In water. They opened up in water? At supersonic velocities? Oh, man.

Anyways. But they, how did it, did it just shred apart instantly on impact? Because you can submerge rounds. So you haven't seen our episode on it? No, no, no. Cool. So there was so many different results. I tell Brandon that I don't watch anyone's content. Did you see my, never mind. Yeah, I don't know why people's content. So like a handgun. We really don't. It's not even like a fucking, one second.

I was just saying, it's not even a slight, like, content creators don't watch each other's content. Yeah, it'd be weird. I hang out with everyone all the time. I watch your videos. Unless you started doing video games. We did a metal box with a Lexan side window and just clear tape, hole cut the side so we could shoot directly into water. And we shot a hollow point. Well, we shot a lot of different rounds, but one of them was a

uh handgun hollow point and you could see as it entered that front cavity collapse like the air that's in it collapse with water and then you could actually see it like mushroom and peel apart and open up and invert and create like the cavity behind it as it happened like it's just a really pretty just like those rip rounds that won't penetrate a thick denim jacket sure see i want to do those have you guys never done that not not dude i would i will buy you the ammo like i that that is so occur

Well, yeah. Also, yeah. Karamo. Shout out. No, the G2 research fucking RIP rounds that everybody was like shitting their pants over 10 years ago. Like that ended up, A, yeah, it looks fucking good.

Gnarly like the best marketing they ever did. It must look really good Well, the best marketing they ever did was when they hit that water balloon with it. Did you see that one? I think so We're like it just like 80 different petals come outside. It's fucking cool. That's a Richard Ryan shot that he did I don't know it was a high-speed shot. Yeah, this feels like a full mag thing or something I mean Richard Ryan was kind of he did own that space back in the day winters into 35 very gently moving copper fragments and

I would hate to be hit with one. Oh, don't. If it fucking hit you like bare flesh, that would be a fucking issue. Like, you would not enjoy it. Good thing I always walk around with a denim vest on. Well, people were pointing out that like, they're like, oh yeah, every part of it like fucking flakes off so easily so it has this massive wound cavity. It's like... But you're losing your blood. Yeah, your energy. Your energy dissipates super fucking quick, meaning if you have like, if you shoot somebody in Michigan, like they'll survive. Yeah.

What did he mean by this? It's chilly up there and they wear clothing. Is that a Houston Jones collection? No. That was the what did he mean by this. That was what Bryce said. That's exactly what I meant. Actually, we can... Wait, who's going to close this one out? Cody, we lost our...

Thank you everyone once again for joining us on the Unsubscribe Podcast. We are joined by Ballstick on your thigh. Just kidding. That was actually... Eli Doublefap, Ballistic Highspeed, the wonderful boys at Ballistic Highspeed, Brandon Herrera, the failed congressman, and yours truly, Donald Ushmanian.

King Trout. Join us on the Patreon. After show. If only I could make money on this with AdSense. Get a clickbait thumbnail. Did you get it? Brandon died. After show. Patreon after show. As always, thank you for joining us. We love you. Kisses. Where do we find you guys? Ballstick Highspeed on the YouTubes and Instagram.

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