cover of episode 170 - Father Of The Year Gary Plauche's Son Speaks Out ft. Jody Plauche | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 170

170 - Father Of The Year Gary Plauche's Son Speaks Out ft. Jody Plauche | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 170

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brandon Herrera
Eli Doubletap
Jody Plauche
Jody Plauche: 本人讲述了在五年级时被空手道教练Jeff Doucette性侵犯一年的经历,以及随后被绑架的经历。详细描述了性侵犯的细节,包括施暴者使用的润滑剂等。讲述了父亲Gary Plauche事先获知绑架者返程信息并将其枪杀的经过,以及事后法律判决结果。分享了自己对父亲行为的理解和原谅,以及如何通过黑色幽默的方式来应对创伤。还谈到了自己参与受害者援助工作,以及对预防性侵犯的看法。 Brandon Herrera: 作为播客主持人,Brandon Herrera对Jody Plauche的经历表示同情和敬佩,并引导Jody Plauche讲述自己的故事。他强调了Jody Plauche以黑色幽默的方式应对创伤的积极性,并赞扬了他致力于帮助其他受害者的行为。 Eli Doubletap: 作为播客主持人,Eli Doubletap参与了访谈,并对Jody Plauche的经历表示震惊和同情。 Donut Operator: 作为播客主持人,Donut Operator参与了访谈,并对Jody Plauche的经历表示同情和敬佩。

Deep Dive

Jody Plauché, son of Gary Plauché, shares his story of childhood abuse and its aftermath. He discusses the events leading up to his kidnapping by his karate instructor, Jeff Doucet, and the subsequent shooting of Doucet by his father. Jody reflects on his initial reaction to the event and how his perspective evolved over time.
  • Jody was abused and kidnapped by his karate instructor, Jeff Doucet.
  • Gary Plauché shot and killed Jeff Doucet at the airport upon his return.
  • Jody initially felt upset with his father but later came to understand his actions.

Shownotes Transcript


That joke sucked. Sorry, he f***ing started it, dude. Man, this is going to be a good one. Oh, he has less of a line than anyone I know. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make the host of this podcast speechless? Give it up. Give it up.

Hey there, guys. Welcome to the Unsubscribe podcast. I think for the first time in the history of this podcast, we're going to be doing a bit of a content disclaimer for this episode. Today, we're going to be interviewing Jody Plasche, the son of Gary Plasche. You might have seen the famous viral video from back in the day where he took out that karate instructor with a .38. What, Gary?

We're dealing with a lot of things that are sensitive subjects and how Jody dealt with them is through comedy. And we always preach that is an amazing way to do it. I feel like it was a great episode. Jody was a great guest. But if you're sensitive to stuff like this, maybe it's appropriate that you find a different episode to watch. And if you do want to watch it and deal with a little bit of gallows humor that we're going to throw at you today, we would really appreciate it if you stuck around. Enjoy the show, guys.

Stop, brother. You get what you deserve. All right, I got two. Okay, one maybe you can give away to one of your viewers. The community? You got close. Good for you, bud.

I got my little brother to sign it. I signed it. My mother signed it. My sister signed it. My older brother didn't sign it because he was out of town. It just came together too quickly. So this is for one of your listeners. We're going to give that away if you leave a comment on the video. Yeah, absolutely. What was the most offensive comment? And they'll select the winner. Okay, let's not do that. Why are they all flying like Cody now?

Hi everyone, welcome to another episode of Unsubscribe. How dare you stand where he stood? Today we are talking about mathematics and equations. With Judy Pouchet. Judy Pouchet. Did you just? Nope, it's not cracked yet. But it's leaking. I heard it leak out. Let's go. Alright, 3, 2, 1. Oh wait.

Y'all didn't tell me to do it in the microphone. We did not instruct him properly. Instructions unclear. That's on us. Oh, mango. Damn it. I wanted blackberry. Doing the thing? Doing the thing. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Unsubscribe Podcast. I am joined today by Eli Doubletap, Jody Plow...

Nailed it. Brandon Herrera, myself, Donut Operator. Thank you so much for being here. What's up, everyone? Hey, we got a boy back just like a couple weeks after Father's Day. Yeah. Yeah. That was kind of wild because you were the dream guest for that video. It was just like super last minute. And then you reached out afterward. And I was like, yes, absolutely. We'd love to have you on the podcast. No, I just woke up and go to my normal routine, I'm going to be on the podcast.

going just to get the news and all of a sudden someone father's day posted a video video and i click on it and i'm like that's funny like um what was the final conclusion was it a good shot or not uh well we were mostly able to replicate it we were just saying like only have the only thing for me that was kind of crazy about it as like it being a good shot is how close everybody else was the other officers the guy recording it he had to be precise with that shot because if he wasn't

collateral was a problem. Yeah, the other cop that was walking next to Jeff whenever my dad shot him, he was none too pleased with my father. Yeah, it was a little close. Man, I just got my new shirt on! It's much better on it! When you hear the shot go off, you hear him go, God damn it, Gary! Why, Gary, why? So he was the one. No, he's not the one that said it. The one that said it, but when he goes, God damn it, it's like, paperwork!

See, that's the worst thing about being a police officer. It's not like shooting people or seeing death. It's the goddamn paperwork, dude. He was like a long trip from California. He's getting back nine o'clock at night. He's ready to go have a nightcap. Now he's got to go bring daddy's ass to jail. He wants to have a whiskey. He wants to see his wife and his kids. But he was ordering pizza. No, I'm kidding. He was talking to his best friend. Yeah.

- We jumped right into it. - I love it. - For those of you who don't know the story, Jody, would you like to kind of do a brief breakdown of what exactly was the, what happened? - All right, when I was in fifth grade, my mother enrolled us in karate and we took karate lessons from a man named Jeff Doucette,

file and he grew my family he grew me he tested my boundaries obviously I passed the test so he started abusing me for about a year he started like the like it was like April 83 we were in a karate tournament in Houston and he was like oh um come here I'm gonna suck your tonight and he had been

touching me. But this time I was like, why the hell would you want to do that? And I'm going to tell you something right now because it's been very popular on the internet lately. But Hock 2 is not good when all the other kids fall asleep and your karate teacher is the one doing it. Oh, I like this. We're going to go dark. I tried so hard to keep a straight face through that. I was holding in the jokes. I was like, Eli, behave. I was like, we don't have to behave. I was like,

Not around me. You're like, shit. I just like that's what... It's like karate tournament. He's like, bruh.

I'm going to turn you super saying, hook two. You're like, shit. Well, this is another one. So then after about a month, he performed a little sexily for about a month. They were uncomfortable. You set the stage. I was like, yay. He's an extra gangster now. All right. So then like a month later, that's when he actually started having sex.

with me. And the first thing he used, and I noticed this when I went to the bathroom a little while ago, for lube was soft soap. And that's what y'all have in there. We're just giving you PTSD flashbacks on accident? Yep. God damn it. So then, yeah, so he did that pretty much. He'd perform oral soap on me, and then he'd have and that went on until he kidnapped me. And then he was eventually caught, for those who don't know. And I was brought back from California on March 1st. Actually, I flew into New Orleans. And

Two weeks later on March 16th, they were bringing Jeff back from California and someone at the news station. My dad used to work for that news station. My dad drank beer every day about a half a mile from that news station. He was on our bowling team. And the program director's name was Bob Shadel. He goes, hey, Gary, when did you bring your boy back? And my dad was like, well, hang on. Fucking tell me.

And he goes, actually, I think he's back already. Bob's like, no, he's not back. I think he's coming tonight. So he goes over to the old payphone booth like Superman gets into. And he called up the news station and said, no, he's going to be coming in at 9.08, I think, tonight. And so my dad, with that knowledge, I think he had taken the gun the night before because he came over to watch the LSU basketball game. LSU was playing Dayton in the NCAA tournament.

Plus, he also came over to watch the Hill Street Blues. When me and Jeff were in California, we watched him film this one segment of Hill Street Blues, and it aired the night before the shooting. This is while you were kidnapped in California. Yeah, when I was kidnapped, me and Jeff watched him film this segment for Hill Street Blues. And so that would have been between February 19th and February 29th. So it would have probably been like the 21st, and it didn't air until the 15th. And so we watched that Hill Street Blues the night before the shooting.

And then so when they brought him back, my father, with the knowledge that Jeff was going to be at the airport at this particular time, he had the gun in his boot. He called his best friend from the pay phone. And they made a video that y'all were celebrating 40 years later on Father's Day. He shot him, killed him, and then he didn't go to jail. He got five years probation and 300 hours of more community service.

I love how you put more community service. I know. I already like this. Everyone's like, we don't even have to do a 10-second splash one because this first two minutes have went harder than anyone. Everyone's like, holy shit, do I laugh? Okay, Cody looks awkward right now. Eli's laughing, but we can't trust his emotions. Eli's a sociopath, so we can't really, you know. It took my friend about...

10 years to get used to my kind of twisted humor. And so welcome to the party. He was at twin peaks drinking and all the girls, the bartenders wanting to do a blowjob shot. You know, we go down with no hands and you do the shot. And so he, they even got on a microphone. It was like, I don't ever cheer anymore. And he just couldn't do it. He couldn't have the coordination, I guess. It's probably not a bad thing, but so anyway, right after he did it, I called him cause I just got off of work. I was going to see whether he was at twin peaks or Hooters cause either or,

And when I called him, he goes, oh, look, speaking of blowjobs. And those girls were like, he is your friend. You cannot say how dare you. And he was like, no, that motherfucker was out. Like, yeah.

Because that was one thing when, you know, obviously I'm reading the book in preparation for having you on. I wanted to get a feel for, you know, kind of where your sense of humor was because I was told by a couple people going into this that you had a very – basically an us sense of humor about a lot of dark topics and things. But the more jokes I read, just, you know, if you read between the lines of your book –

It's pretty clear that you're not afraid to poke fun at certain things that are kind of dark. And we also did ask Jody before we started the podcast, is there anything you don't want to talk about? And he was like, no, fuck it. We were talking about everything. Which is gangster. It's as it should be. And we are truly thankful for you stepping up. Dude, it's such a rarity to have somebody that's like,

you either have a victim mindset or you have somebody that's like, fuck that. I'm going to crush it. I'm going to help others. And then I'm going to make the light. I'm going to try to turn this bad, this dark time in my life into a positive or a light place and then find the best way to do it. Should I tell the Jim Norton story? Uh, I, I actually had that in my notes. No, no, no, no. Go for it. If you want to talk about that. Um,

I guess it was around 2011 when the whole Jerry Sandusky situation was going on. A caller called into the opening anthy show and was like, hey, there's this video of this guy. And they were like, oh, no, yeah, it's a classic. And so they were talking about it. And Jim has this character called Uncle Paul, who's a profile. So as they're talking about it, Jim's going, yeah, that's my karate friend. We do judo with the kids. Yes, we lay on the mats. And so anyway, so they knew the story. So I went and saw Jim.

and Dallas. And I didn't say, Hey to him. I got a picture with him, but I didn't say, I emailed him. I said, Hey, I'm the winter show last night. I'm the kid that, you know, his father shot the guy. He said, man, he was next to me. Come up to me, come to me. So a year later, I go see him in Dallas again. And so, well, how he would do it. He's had, he'd have a lot of people and he'd have his guy take the picture. So it was boom, boom, boom. And then he would upload the pictures to his website. And then you just go a couple of days later and go get your picture. And,

And so we're waiting in line and it gets to me. And I'm like, Jim, I'm Jody. I'm the kid that was kidnapped by my father. He gets out his phone. There's a lot of people. He gets his phone. He's like, come on, let's take a selfie. So I go see him in New York City. So me and Jim, you know, we had experiences. I've seen him other times, too. And one time I went and he's like, hey, man, you look like you lost weight. So.

Me and my friend Tiffany go to this place called the Fat Black Cat where he was trying out a new hour. Five bucks, two drink minimum, which is not a problem. And so me and Tiffany go and we're sitting second row right front stage. I'd said hey before the show. So he does his hour set and he's trying to do crowd work. And he looks at this guy and he's like, hey, what's your favorite genre of porn? And he was sitting like his girlfriend or his wife. And so he didn't seem like he wanted to answer. So Jim just kind of looked out the crowd and was like, anyone, what's your favorite genre of porn? And Tiffany, she'd had a few. She's like anal porn.

And Jim looks at her and goes, ma'am, do you know who you're sitting next to? He's like, that's my friend Jody when Jody was younger. Do you mind? I'm like, no, I don't mind. Go ahead. And so he told the story. And my friend sits there and says, Jody, I'm so sorry. I said, what are you sorry about? My favorite comedian just introduced me to the crowd in New York City. Thank you. I think one of the best ways to get past trauma is gallows humor. Like we talk about it all the time. People try to shit on me for like,

all the gallows humor that I do on my channel. And I think it's really important to get past like actual trauma. Yeah. It's you can do again, be a victim or not crazy. Fucking be a victim or be funny. Yeah. We make fun of Eli all the time for being shot and getting a purple. Yeah. It was terrible. My jaw. I sucked and I should have done better. PDS when you should have zagged. Yeah. Brandon makes fun of veterans. Oh, fuck off. Who does it?

Yeah. Everyone just double salute Brandon. You know, you know who does it to the damn VA. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I know we got, uh, that was the funny part. It's like when we were making those jokes, we were, we were talking about like, we were basically making fun of how fucking bad the VA was. So people will overlook the actual problem to make fun of you for calling attention to it in the wrong way. All

Our veteran neighbor, he's dealing with the VA right now. He's like, they're not trying to pay, but we're going to put him in contact with the re because I was like, oh, yeah, re medical might actually be a good one for him. He's a Vietnam. Yeah. He has the agent orange shit. Yeah. The not fun. All the bad stuff. That's when the military is like, I don't know what it does. Just test it on him. And then like, oh, don't pay him.

Let's call it cancer. We're fine with it. Man, y'all are bringing us down. Sorry, tell us your... Let's get back to the child kidnapping and murder story. Anyway, about Disneyland. Back to karate lessons. He did take me to Disneyland while I was kidnapped. So, I mean, there was that. Really? Yeah, which was interesting when you kind of open up talking about how that was...

The, the, I would say the least bad part of the experience was all that. Well, not because Disneyland's so cool, but because. Well, I knew we were going to tell me, go around to the bathroom real quick. I'll be in there in a minute. But no, he was kind of stressed out. So there was like one or two nights where he kind of did what he usually did. But for the most part, that 10 days I was gone, you know, it really wasn't that bad. Yeah. It was actually good. His mind was just everywhere else.

Yeah, he had other things to think about, like getting money. Yeah, it was like the stress. Because I think Brandon talked, you brought it up the other day, and you're like, yeah, during that time period, he was explaining your story, you can do a better job. But it is the stress he was feeling, which then if any dude out there, or guy or girl, it's like when you're stressed and you're like, ah, work doesn't fucking happen. And then that's what happened. And that moment is what you thought was kind of dealing with it. Yeah, his mind was just on other things than little boys. Yeah.

Oh, these are the fucking verbal flashbangs I was talking about. God damn. Have I told you about my sister?

So my sister is a child crimes investigator in Georgia and she's won many awards for arresting like the most files in the past 10 years. So yeah, she's awesome. So she, she goes after that shit too. It's cool as fuck. That is awesome. Gangster. I'm sure that like just has to be a job that weighs on you after a while. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. The amount that you're exposed to, like, yes, you're doing a good thing and you're helping out, but like, you're just exposed to so much shit. Yeah. When I was working at the crisis counselor as a

presence counselor in Pennsylvania, I felt the opposite. I felt like, you know, I'm glad I'm here for them, you know? So maybe your sister has that mentality. Like, okay, you know what? I want to be the one to fight for you. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So like she did child crime investigations for a couple of years and I could tell it was weighing on her a little bit. So like I hired her to, to come work for me for a year and she just wanted to go back and do that so bad, just like to help the kids. Um,

That's awesome. That's as it should be. As you say, when you deal with it or you've seen the difference you make in that field, it's like, hey, I'm working for my brother. Awesome. Great. Still not my calling. I need to go back to that even though it's stressful. Exactly, because I was paying her more than she was making as a police officer, but she just had to go back because she felt like she had to help kids. And she went back and arrested like 200 more profiles, like stings and stuff like that.

Which is awesome if you think about the butterfly effect of that, like how many people were saved because of that. Yeah, of course. God, what was that? Generationally even. Mm-hmm.

There was, um, with it, with you. And then once you got into that line of work yourself, did you feel it's like, Hey, with your dark sense of humor, did you feel that helped? And did, uh, like the individuals connect with you more when you would bring that stuff or would you test the water slowly? No, no. So here's the beauty of where I worked in Pennsylvania. Um, victim services center of Montgomery County incorporated in Norristown, Pennsylvania, the little plug, but, uh,

I could not share my personal story. So if I'm going out at a high school and I'm talking about date safety and, you know, don't drink, don't, I, they always ask, you know, did anything happen to you? I was like, Oh, when I was in college, I was in an organization called men against violence. So that made me want to do this more. Um, but you know, now whenever I speak, I can, I can definitely share my story and I, and, uh, I try to share it as much as possible. So I'm here.

So why weren't you allowed to tell when you were doing that? Because a lot of victims go into that line of work, whether their child was victimized and they're a parent of someone who was victimized or they were victimized. And it wasn't about me. It was about what these –

kids can do to keep themselves safe so we didn't want to distract them with like did it happen to you you know yeah and so it doesn't become like a circle of trauma dumping on somebody you're trying to help right yeah and i i really appreciated that and there was it was 2002 i had to go to my boss it was when the whole catholic church scandal uh broke a friend of mine or harris worked at uh cnn and he was like i'd like to do a follow-up story you know you're a child

abuse victim, you're working, helping others, you're doing education programming. And so I had to go to my boss and say, look, they want to do this news story. And she had to run it by the board. And the board was like, absolutely, you can do it. And he flew up from Atlanta. This was in the book too. So they fly up to Atlanta and they do the interviews and we do a walk through Valley Forge Park. And they wanted me to do a program for kids. They wanted me to show me doing the safety rules to the kids, the no go and tell.

And so I'm in the second grade class at Brooke Elementary in Roversford, Pennsylvania. And I got the correspondent, the producer, the guidance counselor, the principal, the teacher, the sound guys, and all in this one little second grade classroom. So I get to the most important part. I get to the part to where we go over good reasons why a grownup would need to touch a child's private parts, like, you know, going to the doctor or changing a baby's diaper. So we get to the part where, you know, there's sometimes there's no good reason.

for an adult to touch a child's private parts. And this is what we call secret touching. And this little boy raised his hand. Normally I wouldn't have called on him, but I felt the pressure because all these people were in there and I was like, all right, what? He goes, sometimes you can secret touch yourself. I said, kid, I'm 35 and single. Trust me, I know.

God, I forgot what kids like talking about. You're like, no, actually, that's not what we're talking about. How do you reply to that? Even though, cause you're talking to a fucking second grade. You're like, well, if you're touching yourself, then it's not a secret.

God knows. And then you walk away. Your grandmother's watching. Your grandmother's looking down on you. You're going to be blind. This is why grandma's not going to heaven. I think that goes with PTSD of his own. Jesus Christ. Damn, this episode's going hard on me. I know. I'm like, man, this is going to be a good one. Because it is a brand new, like, Unsub's done a whole bunch of different things. This is a new line. And we'll have a warning or a different type of message at the beginning of this one, just in case. For sure.

um just to give some people like a hey even though it is i like that this will be the first one we might put it like a like hey just just in case you know it's going to be fucking kind of out there if unsub puts up a disclaimer because we're also like a veteran sewer slide like making all those jokes this will be the first time they get hit with a hey just in case yeah because here i a trigger warning yeah uh double entendre yeah oh god

Give it up! Give it up! See, that's me watching Kill Tony! Fucking hell. Eli, have you heard about Raycon's Everyday E25 Earbuds? Eli! ELI! You must have had the noise cancellation on. I did! I couldn't hear anything. Just like I wish I couldn't feel anything.

Oh, you mean these ones? Yeah. And I also thought, whoa, those are the same audio quality as the big guys, but for half the price. But if you haven't pulled the trigger on these little guys, do it. Plus they have a 32 hour battery life, meaning your days of raw dogging flights are over. And 10 minutes of charging yields you 90 minutes of battery. Wait, it has a quick charge function? That's what I just f***ed.

Also, Raycon just launched their updated models of the everyday earbuds, weatherproof and or sweat resistant. I actually use these over anything else just because they're tiny. Every freaking gym session. I use mine for everyday chores, like ignoring the SWAT team at my door. Their upgraded model will

blow you away. You're going to be asking yourself why you didn't check them out sooner. Raycon offers a 30 day happiness guarantee. So what are you waiting for? Call to action. Go to slash unsub to get 15% off of your order plus free shipping. That's right. You'll get 15% off and free shipping over at slash unsub. There's a bunch of stories in the book that I really enjoyed too. Like shit that like it wasn't even because, you know, I knew the story going in or at least I thought I did.

um, you go into that in great detail, but there's some other stuff that's just kind of on the sidelines that was just out of left field, but funny as shit. Like your sister with, uh, Stormy Daniels. Yep. My sister did beat up Stormy Daniels. Now my sister will say not as good as she wanted to, but, um, what was the story there? All right. So, cause it's kind of breezed over a little in the book. I'm like, there's gotta be a fucking story. So literally if you go to the karate school or the building where the karate school, where Jeff sort of,

It's next door to this building that used to be a bar. And if you walk out of the karate school and cross the street, there's a gym called Calloway's. Okay, so all this shit took all place in this one little area. So my sister and her friend went to Calloway's. And by the way, my niece is Calloway's brother's daughter. So, I mean, it's just...

So my sister, my sister tried it in a small town, but, uh, so my sister's in showing her friend the gym and stormy was like on a, uh, treadmill. And so my sister and them were like, and my sister claims they were going, Oh, look how pretty stormy looks. She probably Stephanie back then. And, uh,

Whatever, Stormy's like, what are y'all saying about me? And then Stormy threw a smoothie in my sister's face. And my sister, she's got three older brothers. So she grabbed her and she started hitting on her. Well, they broke it up real quick. But Donnie Calloway, the owner, he kept it forever. Forever.

And he's like the biggest Donald Trump fan. And then he threw it away because he figured she would sue. So they wanted to show that she started it. And then after 10 years, he threw it away. And then all of a sudden, Trump runs for president. Then all of a sudden, the news is that he banged a porn store. She's not a star. She's not a star. Maybe she was back in the day, back when we had our thing. But nope, not anymore. She did porn. Not a star. And her comedy sucks.

and apparently not a good fighter. Her commie's not like her porn. She's really good at sucking at porn. R, was she? No, what a wild line to say, though. Fucking Jody Ploche's sister beat the fuck out of Stormy Daniels. Not the fuck! That's...

It's just something that you're going to be better made up, but it's true. Yeah, I mean, this is one of those ones where I cry. I'm like, well, she's daughter fights a porn star. Also solid title. That's like the perfect. It's like, what are we going to call it? I have a what's this book, by the way? Can I do my first show? Surprise. Why, Gary? Why? You can get it on Amazon.

Yeah, I legitimately couldn't put it down. I read through all of it last night because it was, you know, not the best reading material before bed, I will admit. But it was fucking, it was riveting. I enjoyed it. All right, so I want to show you all this because it's based, this cover, I'm not a good artist, but this came to me. I thought it was a good idea. And so the cover is based off of...

What do you have, Jody? What do we have here? What do we have? We have... Oh my god. The shirt my dad had on that night. Wait, that's an actual shirt? That is an actual shirt. Holy shit! I didn't even realize that with the cover. Yeah! Oh, shit! That's fucking rad. That's true. Mad props for that one. I was hoping you weren't pulling out a karate gi. No, bro.

That's fucking crazy. He signed it. That's what size that he wear. He's small. Medium. Medium. God. That's so. Oh, it's a little faded because it's 40 years old. Yeah.

But yeah, that's what the book, that's what the cover. I didn't even catch that. Dude, that's fucking crazy. I love that. That is a. There we go. That's the first one.

Oh, God. Oh, so there's multiple. I got a couple surprises. Oh, dear. I like it. So what was it like? I think one you're really going to like. Good surprises. This is a good surprise. Okay, good. If you give us the gun. No. No. We don't know where the gun's at. But you know what? If I was going to give it to anybody, it would be y'all. I appreciate it. No, that's one that you have. You know somebody in the fucking lockup there in Baton Rouge had to have snacked it. Rumor was the judge had it. Really? He died, so I don't know. It's not been confirmed.

I'm going to go hit up the judges. But if you were the judge, you'd be like, what, that'd be on my mantle. If I was the judge, I'd be on my mantle. Oh, absolutely. And then when someone comes to the house, we're like, come see this. I'd put that bitch in a shadow box. Right? Show it off whenever people come over. He's like, do you know what that is? Mm-hmm.

It plays one of those videos that automatically plays. When you go up, there's a button. You hit it. It plays that. That's what it is. Piece of history. American history right there. You had a long barrel. His was a snub nose. So I didn't know because I looked through the footage. It's so blurry of what we have now. And then I kept reading over and over in your book. You emphasized snub nose, and I felt like a retard, which we can say. Yeah. Yeah, we can say that now. But I –

We all make eye contact. Why did you make eye contact with me, not the camera? Which we can say. Why do you think? Hi, guys. Another reason we use the longer barrel is when we were trying to recreate the shot, we didn't want to shoot ourselves in the arm. Safety. A little bit of safety there. A little bit of extra standoff distance between yourself and the muzzle. And we only did like five shots before.

Right? Yeah, exactly. We just got shit right to it. Okay. It might have been 10. Snub Nose makes that way more insane. For the people out there, if you don't know, the Snub Nose aren't the most accurate of weapons. No. You're going to... You can't even go MOA. It's like an inch or two of barrel. Yeah. Yeah, like two inches. And then you're struggling at...

That hat might be a... I remember one time I used to carry a snub nose 38. I was a tourist because I was an idiot. And young and poor. Exactly. I was broke as shit. It was like 300 bucks. So I carried it. And I remember at one point, like between here and the camera...

There was a bowling pin. I fired at it five times, missed every time. I'm like, you know what? I'm not going to carry that anymore. It turns into a stormtrooper. What are the popularity from, like, gangsters can, like, carry them in their waist pocket or in their boot and they can get close up and just do close-up hits? Yeah, for a Saturday night special, you know, when you're at this distance, it really doesn't matter as well.

Well, I was telling you about the police officer that was standing next to Jeff. And the first time I ever met him, all right, so there was two police officers. Mike Burnett, he's the one that yelled, why, Gary, Gary, why? Y'all were making fun of the other video. He knew my dad. They went to junior high. They went to high school together. And actually, my mother knew him separate from my dad. So my mother knew Mike separately before she even met my dad. She kind of dated Mike for like nine months or a year.

And so that's why he was her first call because he worked for the sheriff's department whenever I was kidnapped. And so I see Mike at an LSU football game. And Mike goes, hey, look, there's Bud right there. He goes, go thank him for having your child killed. I said, all right. So I walked over to him. I said, Bud. I said, I'm Jody Pelosha. I just want to thank you for setting Jeff up to be killed. And he goes, man, fuck.

He goes, let me say something right now. One, if I'm going to set a motherfucker up to be killed, he goes, it ain't going to be in front of a fucking TV camera. And I had to be standing next to a motherfucker shooting like this. That was one of the scariest parts of the shooting too, man. It's like the camera angle. You know, we're big video guys. The camera was right there where if the bullet went through fucking Jeff's head, it would have just hit the.

camera guy which is why it's coincidentally nice that he was shooting from such a low position because it was shooting up and out versus if you raise and present like that where it would go through but then also bullets like to do bullet things where it's like we get weird you hit something they hit jugs of water and they go that way we had uh fucking iraq we i one of the dudes like hit here and he died because it uh exited from moral artery

Was he standing straight up? Yeah. Collarbone just fucking went straight down, went out of femoral, died from that bladder. They're terrifying. That's why it's like that where it's just like, hey, I'm having a couple of drinks. I'm defending. I

I'm doing something that needs to be done because dude's a piece of shit, but all the stars align and homeboy just nails it. I'm glad you said that because he had had a few drinks, but everyone's like, oh, he was fucked up when he did it. He was not. He was not stumbling blacked out drunk. He had had a few drinks. Yeah. He was calming his nerves to get the shot ready. He was a professional drinker and was not affected. Yeah. He...

Legitimately, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, that was his job. He was a salesman. So he would meet people for lunch at 11 o'clock, have a few drinks, go back to the office, meet someone for lunch, have a few drinks, go out to the ball field, have an ice chest of beer. And back then, they didn't care about drinking and driving. They didn't care about, you know, Daddy cut out a little Coke can and put a little beer in it and was just drinking beer at the park with the kids. Hmm.

We used to be a proper country. Chase, pull up the clip when it's people bitching about the 80s or 70s when it's introducing the legal limit of .08. I put in a hard day's work, put in 11, 12 hours a day, and then getting your truck and the leaser ain't one or two beers. They're making...

laws where you can't drink when you want to. Pretty soon we're going to become this country. That's some of the best interviews. Like, I don't like the Constitution of America. Well, how am I supposed to get home and not drink? This is against the Constitution. People are trying to get shit right. Let me just say this. .08 is too low. And I'm not an advocate for drinking and driving.

I'm going to tell you what happened. So one night, I lived in a small town in Royersford, Pennsylvania, and it was like 2 o'clock in the morning. And in Pennsylvania, I couldn't figure out how to buy beer when I first moved up there. But you can go to the bar at 2 o'clock. Last call, but I'll take two six-packs to go. And so I knew my headlight was out, so I quit drinking at midnight. But I only started drinking – I had like five beers. And I quit drinking at midnight. So I had to go on two hours without drinking. And –

I get pulled over and I blew a .07. And this is back when it's still .1, I think. Yeah. And so I was like, no, I could have easily gone home and jerked off. Like, to me, that's standard. I don't like how they would have tested that standard. How drunk are you?

I'm good. Still working. I actually want to have sex right now. What are you doing, officer? I have that line, too, where it's like, if I get super drunk, I'm like, stop, go away. No, you're just, no. Go away, evil vagina lady. My dick is not working right now. Did you ever see the video where they hand the old guy out a breathalyzer and he chugs it? Yeah.

I saw there's also the one where the guy tries to smoke it. Oh, yeah. That new one where the dude got pulled over and he's in the vehicle and they're like, what'd you eat? He was like, it was Oxycontin or something like Adderall. He's like, Adderall. He's like, what? You ate Adderall? He's like, I never said that. He's like, you just ate something. He's like, no, I didn't. It's like, what was the blue stuff you put in your mouth? Adderall.

So you ate arrow. I never said that. The cop's like, holy shit, dog. You are really trashed right now. You're going to prison for, or you're going to jail for infuriating an officer. Cody used to do the fun police work. Oh, policing is fun. It's the best of times. So I just looked up, have you ever gone to Urban Dictionary? You know what that website is? Yes, yes. Okay, so something fun we like to do every once in a while is look up

the the word dirty and then your name and so I just looked up what a dirty Jody is that one sounds real gross so a dirty don't take a guess go for it um you put on a karate uniform I was about to Jesus Christ I was like I hope there's a kata form in this he's doing it again so a dirty donut is when you lick an officer's asshole to get out of a traffic ticket

A Dirty Jody is a woman who loves cuddles with her girlfriend, wife, and enjoys watching erotic horror movies until they both fall asleep. I wasn't expecting that. Yeah. Huh. That was kind of disappointing. I know, right? I thought it was going to go way harder than that. Way better. I thought it would go somewhere like the guy that comes home and fucks your wife in the butt. Yeah.

Yeah, like a Jody Jody. A dirty Jody. Literally, military Jody. Yeah, military Jody. When I heard your name, I was like, oh, man, military Jody. Famous name. Let's do Dirty Brandon real quick while we're on the topic. When your girlfriend gives you a blowjob immediately followed by a handjob and swallows both times. Decent. All right. I'd be sensitive. I was going to say, yeah. Oh, why are you touching it again? Stop. Give me 10 minutes. Dirty Brandon Ed Snowball.

Brandon loves snowballs. No. You're talking about like 1990 fucking, what was that? I've only seen snippets of that.

No, I hate him. Do I like him? I don't know. Brandon wasn't born when Clerks came out. What was it? Clerks. It was like 90... Clerks was older. That was his first movie. I was in college, so it was probably 94, 95. That was his first movie. Yeah, Kevin Smith's first movie. 1994, I was not born. A guy comes into the little shop where he's being a clerk at, and his girlfriend's there visiting with him, and so...

The guy leaves and she looks at her boyfriend and she goes, yeah, he likes to get his and whenever he your mouth, he likes you to spit it back into his mouth. So that's a snowball. Yeah. And so I was helping you like, yeah. So the boyfriend goes, how do you know that? She goes, well, I sucked his and she's like, he goes, what do you mean you sucked his? And again, it's big. Like he's freaking out and she goes, he's like, how many did you suck? And he goes, she goes,

36? He goes, including mine? He goes, 37. Try not to suck any d*** on the way to the party. Okay, I have seen this bit. That counts, right? Hey! God. I just know the clerks too, like, we're taking it back.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do that. Oh, we can't even begin to quote that bit. There's like certain bits where we're like, I'm going to start floating. Yeah. Pepper box is still nothing. Speaking of which.

Floating or what? Yeah, speaking of floating. So we do a thing. I do feel like that says something about your book that the hard R when that gets mentioned is the least jarring part of reading it. Oh, I was like, yeah, if people don't want to hate Jeff for being a profile, he's also a racist. Go right before we go into that. What was the like you're winding up this? They they leave here. He takes you to get kidnapped and then.

acquired or that they find you is like all of that and you probably talk about it in the book brandon will know what was the psychology on your point in that were you just like hey you're young you're 11 at the time yeah i was 11 when he kidnapped me but you gotta realize i've been victimized for a year so that's why you're not getting like control exactly that's why i want the audience to know we talked about it yesterday it's the idea of when you're young and depending on what your parents tell you and all these different things is how you get are

Like you, you're just not in the know, like period. And you don't feel like you have any sort of control. Yeah. You have an adult and you're going to trust them and you're going to be like, oh, okay, well they said it's okay. And I've never heard not, this is not okay. So I'll just assume this is fine and you're not going to know why. And that's how kind of the control starts and the grooming and everything.

And as you said, it was the no-go or you passed the test. Technically, you failed. The first time I recognized the fact that he was testing my boundaries, and this is very common with files, is he let me drive. So now I'm sitting in his lap and he's putting his hands in my private area. But it's only briefly. They're in the corner.

And, but I look back thinking about it and it started probably, oh, we need to stretch here. Let's do a split level. We got to make sure your thighs are in. So now he's introducing that being close to my private area. And so, I mean,

Unfortunately, files are good at what they do. That's why that's 110 kids before they finally get caught or something like that. I looked that up, but you know, I mean, unfortunately that's the case, but from you telling your story, you've helped so many people come out and like actually like impact that you you've had a huge impact on their lives, uh,

For them being able to, you know, not repress that and, and actually get people called. Well, that's what I, so this is what happened. So on in April 91, me and my dad got a call from the Geraldo Rivera talk show and asked us to go on the show.

And so I'm thinking, fuck yeah, free trip to New York. Let's go. We're going to go to a Yankees game. Me and daddy are going to a Yankees game. And so we ended up going to the World Trade Center, the Yankees game. We saw Jackie Mason on Broadway, and we filmed the show. Now, this was funny. So the first question from the audience to my dad, this old man looks at my dad and he goes, how do you trust yourself to go into a public building and start blasting away? The Yankees are not the same as we are. My dad looked at him and he goes, what?

When I looked down the barrel of that gun, I knew exactly who I was hitting. So anyway, we go to commercial break. I look over. Daddy's still looking at that motherfucker. I said, Daddy, stop. He was staring him dead. I didn't blast away. I blasted exactly one time. Wait, so there's a weird connection. I'll tell you later. So they filmed two shows that day. The first show was called The Day the Music Died.

And they had on Buddy Holly's wife. They had on Peggy Sue, who the song was written about. They had on Richie Valens, the real Donna, and Little Richard. So I got to meet all these people. And that day...

That happened. Well, the show didn't air until like a couple months later. Well, when that show aired, Mike Burnett calls me up and he said, look, I got to let you know this. It's going to be in the paper. It's going to be in the news. He goes, we just arrested this pastor who had been abusing these two boys. And the boy said he saw you in Geraldo. That gave him the courage to come forward. And so I was like, damn, you know how people go, I can just help one. I helped two and I wouldn't even try it. I was like, we're in a Yankees game.

So that's the moment when I decided, yeah, I was going to speak up. I'm going to write a book. I'll talk about it. I'll share my story. Because, you know, someone needs to hear it somewhere. And you've dedicated more than that, like more than just one offhand appearance on Geraldo. I mean, you've spent, what, 30 years now? Yeah, first 30 more. 91 was my first appearance, and I was on Court TV earlier this week, and I'm here with you today. So, I mean, it's just I like to share my story so survivors can

abuse can know that with the proper support you can be okay what's your uh your favorite charity for like that helps out like preventing abuse well

I mentioned RAINN because RAINN is like the national center. So if you're in Wichita, Kansas, you call that number and it'll click you to the local, the closest local shelter. So that's a good one. Like I said, I mentioned Victim Services Center and I'm on the board for the Louisiana Foundation Against Assault. And so they kind of oversee the...

assault centers in louisiana and you know split up money and make sure that they're doing their job and make sure they're taking care of everybody so if one were to donate to a charity that helps out preventing that what would it be what would you go to nonprofits i would i would say if you know if someone wants to make a donation to eat in my name i would say uh 50 percent of victim services of montgomery county and 50 percent of louisiana foundation against

Well, that's too easy because we were just talking about it earlier because with these shirts, we did pretty well selling these shirts. And I'd like to give a good bit of the proceeds over to a charity that you fall in line with and make sure that we can help the people that are, again, like because there's the cool part of it where it's, oh, yeah, well, Gary killed the guy who did all these things, like the vigilante part of it. And like every dad in the country is like, yeah. Then there's also the other side of it where you need to –

be able to take care of these people. And so I will, we'll be donating a good bit of the proceeds that way. And I, I think you were going to match it. Yeah. I'm going to match this proceeds to the donates. So you go to one, you get a, yeah, that's too easy. All right. Oh my God. Yeah. Since you brought up t-shirts, hold on. All right, let's go back to the bag. God, these guys are pieces of shit, right? Oh, just,

Charity donations? Helping people? Chaotic. Chaotic force for good. By the way, our new charity is called the Woodchipper Foundation. It's a great nonprofit. Brought to you by Feet First. We were joking about that earlier. It's like, step one, feed to Woodchipper. Step two, enjoy. Dude, I love this. Like, the community...

Damn it. Said it. Just everybody take a drink. I know it is like even that it is the guys had this idea. He went to the restroom and they were like, hey, we're thinking about doing this. I'm like, God, you guys just kick so much ass having friends that do that. It's like unprompted and they just looking for a good cause and

And having this built around that now where we are fucked hearts, but dear God, the level of good, everyone, all you are doing, all you guys, it's just a, it's a blessing. It's a good community. Okay. What'd you bring? What'd you bring the boy? So my sister and my ex-girlfriend, they designed their own shirt too. And so I've actually, my sister bought your shirt. Oh really? Yeah.

She didn't have to do that. She brought a couple of them. I know a guy. So I brought y'all some of my sister's shirts. So here is Try That in a Small Town. My dad's signature. Established in 1984.

They got that one? That's awesome. It's like a Brandon color. He won't wear that one. Oh, he won't wear the... Brandon doesn't wear black shirts. It's one of my... It's an autism thing, but yeah. He's retarded. The front of this one, we got Why, Gary? Why? The Baton Rouge. And on the back, you got the 40th anniversary. Oh, that's dope. That's fucking great.

So, let's see. I think it's the same as the other ones. But anyway, I hope I got the right sizes. Y'all divvy them up how y'all please. That's awesome, man. Well, thank you. How the fuck? Yeah, dude. Thank you, bro. Where can we find those now, Jody? You know what? I got that too. Where did I put my phone? Where did I put my phone? Oh, you were charging it over there, I think, right? Or did you? No, it didn't charge.

I'll make sure I get it to you and y'all can provide a link so people can go and order them. We got a shirt that says, ask me how I earned my black belt. I got the audience to be like, that joke sucked.

Awww... God... Alright... I don't know what to fucking laugh at. Technically, it was a brown belt. Oh, Jesus! God! This is where you feel guilty for laughing, you're like, "Yeah, fuck!" Oh, I'm so happy.

My girl was sleeping in the other room when I was reading it. There are several quips that you make in the book that are to that caliber that I've just like, try not to do a spit take in the kitchen. I was like, Jesus Christ, I was not prepared. Like how I know I'm not gay? Yes, yeah. You want to tell that story? Hold on. I missed out. Ow!

I need to hear this story. Oh, God. Should I laugh at this? He's laughing. I feel like that meme where it's like God's or Jesus is looking over my shoulder like, you better fucking not. Connor's in the background just staring at the floor. The first thing people are like, how are you doing? I'm doing well. Are you married? Do you have any kids?

No, no. Actually, I walk around the house talking baby talk to my cat all day. So they're wanting to know if I'm gay or not. And I tell them, I say, look, I sucked a dick and didn't like it, so I know I'm not gay. Hey, that's better than most of us. How do we know we're not gay? Eli's on his fifth dick and he's like, I'm still not sure. I'm tossing it up. Questionable.

I'll try again next week. It tasted funny. Jesus. I like Cody right now is like, I'm uncomfortable. At least guys couldn't tell if I was gagging on the size of the smell. At least guys manscape now back then in 1983. It wasn't like that.

Brought to you by men's... Don't place an ad there. That is how we lose that sponsor for Everest. Use them right there. Who is it? Oh yeah, they're one of our sponsors. I didn't know that. That is either the best ad integration or the worst ever. I'd run it by him. Complaining about Bush.

I feel like my heart hurts. I know. I'm just like, Cody has PTSD right now. Bro, I planned out the murders of so many fucks when I was a cop. I was like, I could totally get away with this. This is good. I probably shouldn't go into detail about it. No. No. I mean, we're all just waiting on the moment we get that cancer diagnosis. Yeah, that's what we're waiting on.

No, no. See, there you go, dude. It's twice now. When I get that fucking terminal disease diagnosis eventually, it's going to be a hard time for any profiles out there. Like, it's going to be bad. Can I just kind of say one thing? Make sure they're offending profiles.

I know you're like, wait, what do you mean? Oh, I gotcha. I gotcha. Yeah. I mean, not just people with proclivities, but people who have actually, yeah. When Cody started his crazy business of podcasting, you know what? He didn't think about merchandise, but now he's selling what? Merch. And it couldn't


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All lowercase. Go to slash unsubpod now to grow your business, no matter what stage you're in. Go to slash unsubpod. Do you have the numbers? Actually, that's a really good number. What is the statistics of the individuals that is like, hey, I'm not acting on it, but it actually goes through because it has to be pretty high of a...

I don't know what the numbers are, but anybody out there, go Google it. I don't know if that's a number you could really know because, like, how many fucking people would ever admit that? Yeah. There's a lot of people who get caught, but there's not a lot of people that would ever admit to having those sort of, you know, fantasies or anything. Yeah, well, it's that weird. And it's a fucking it's a weird spot. Actually, you know where he would make a killing on Twitch doing what that new Twitch wave where it is. Oh, God.

files and a kick it's gotta be on kick dude it is fucking cool or like to catch a predator yeah yeah uh that came to range day the big dude rosen yeah yeah yeah yeah dude have you seen this i've seen to catch a predator well so they're doing it on their live stream this is kick twitch mostly on kick now these dudes will act there they some get arrested and there's some baller arrests one was like a third year um firefighter and then a police sheriff

Of 20 years got arrested. So they got caught and it's Twitch streamers kind of doing what Cody sister did. They are posing as little kids, uh,

They meet up with these individuals, but they're streaming it live. And then they meet up. The guy doesn't know what's going on. There is thousands of thousands of live views. And then they show up. They're like, hey, what's up? Hey, we'll not get the cops involved. And then what are you fucking done? And most of the time they get their ass. I don't know if you guys have watched how violent it is now. Do they beat the fuck out of these guys?

I like it better when they get the police involved and they do it the proper way. Yeah, because there's a couple of them where they just like Vitaly. Oh, that guy who fucking... Yeah, the guy who was on drugs and beat the shit out of those women. Stuff like that. It's like, okay, you're doing that for clicks because you're a piece of shit. But some of the guys are going after people the right way. And it's... I mean...

have a hard time saying anything bad about it. They do, as Brandon's saying, is doing it the right way. And a lot of times they still can't because a police officer wasn't involved. Like, we cannot prosecute. We've handed over everything. We can't do anything with it, though, so we're just stuck. But some lead to arrest. And then on the flip side, though, the crazy ones, they made one crawl through glass. Did you watch that? Yeah.

They're like, okay, here, admit it. I'm going to kick you in the face until you stop lying. And they kick the dude in the face until he tells the truth. Yeah, I was trying to meet up with a 13-year-old boy. It's like, okay, now they throw glass on the ground and crawl through that.

go and you're like holy shit and again though like nothing happens they get off yes their faces remembered for two weeks disappears there's no crime i gotta be honest it wasn't said in front of an officer so yeah i gotta be honest i wish my dad would have went about it the right way to be honest with you yeah he should have hung up the phone first oh my god

It was just like the most respectful thing Brandon and I were talking about. It's like taking your shopping cart back. You know, taking your shopping cart back. Your dad hung up the phone. Wait, was that you that asked that question? I bet Gary Ploschek brings back a shopping cart. Because someone put that on Twitter and I commented on it. Yeah, because he did the deed and then he hung the phone up and then turned around. Yeah, he just gave up. It's like, wow, he's so respectful. Yeah.

I did what I'm here to do. I'll tell you a cool thing about the video though. If you watch the unedited version at one minute and four seconds, you see it kind of fuzz.

the cameraman was smart enough to take the tape out yep put a new tape in so the cops were like we need that tape he was going to take the tape out of the camera and give it to him but he had the shooting in the bag what a stud holy shit that's smart as bro that's a professional right there especially that time this is my payday right here yeah fuck yeah god then you learned all that what was that experience um

Man, you please rephrase. No, not that. That was a dark one from you, Brad. It was like watching your dad. Like, of course, you respect your father and leading into that. But after the act, at what age did it hit? You're like, holy shit. My dad is like a hero for his actions. And holy shit. Like what he risked technically, but for any what any dad would do.

Well, I was upset at my father at first. You know, I didn't want him... Well, first off, before the shooting, no one knew I had been by a man. So once the shooting came out, then his lawyers on TV said he gave him this advocate gay magazine to look at, which was a lie. Wait, want to explain that one a little bit? All right. So there's a gay magazine called The Advocate. I don't know if it's still around or not because I lost my subscription a couple years ago. But so...

We would prank other kids. We'd take them to the bookstore, and we'd hand them the egg, and they're flipping through it, and they see nuts and balls, and they'd – We'd play a joke on them. So my dad's lawyer was on the news going he was giving Jody the advocate that his – That your father was? No. Or Jeff was. My dad's lawyer was saying that Jeff gave me a gay magazine to look at, which was not true. But it wasn't until Daddy Shot Jeff that people found out what happened to him.

me so at first i was upset at what my dad did and i was upset that jeff had died because i was under coercive control if you watch the video when i return i don't hug my parents my arms are in my my windbreaker i look like a had been abused for a year and i acted appropriately or how an abused child would look

So, it probably wasn't until that summer we were walking down to the pool and I just told my dad, I said, I just want you to know I understand why you did what you did and I'm not mad at you anymore. And he was like, okay, and then we just kind of got back to normal. Because that's an element of things that I guess I didn't really consider because everybody sees the video. They, you know, everybody, oh, well, good guy do good thing. And that's as surface level as most people get.

When I started reading your book, that was when I guess I knew, but I didn't consider that, you know, this was not only a longtime friend of yours. Right. But also a friend of your dad's. Yes. Like your dad was shooting his friend. Yeah. And that's a deeper element to it that like, was it the right thing to do? I mean, who might argue, but like.

It's still, it's a deeper thing that most people don't consider. Yeah. They just see the video and go father of the year for 40 years. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but it, but it, like it, it goes a little deeper. I think it is. It's a very, because how long were your, uh, they friends at that point? Then. All right. So,

We started taking karate and Jeff was being invited over to the house for our family gatherings. Um, you know, he spent the night a few times and there was one night when he stayed the night over and we brought him back to the karate studio. Cause that's where he stayed. Most of us, I know you live there. And, um,

My dad let him out and we're driving down the road with not far from where Sissy fought Stormy and he starts crying. And I'm like, daddy, what? And he's like, he's so pitiful. And so my dad turned the car around, went back, got him, brought him home, let him shower, gave him clean clothes and took him to my grandparents' house where we ate Sunday dinner every Sunday. And my dad had felt bad, kind of like, okay, Jeff, you got to go. We're going to, we're going to dinner. I mean, yeah. So he shot a man who was once his friend. And then what was the point of like, um,

his childhood what was his like hey did you get more of a backstory in like his childhood yeah he admitted i think on the flight home to the police officers that when he was younger he was trafficked by his mom so um and i do believe that i believe that to be the case um

So I'll share this with y'all on the 40th anniversary of his death, which was March 17th, 1984. I was in Austin seeing Jim Norton at the comedy mothership. And that was on the anniversary of the shooting. So I drove back home from Austin. I had to go through Vinton, Louisiana. It's the first or one of the first towns you come to when you cross over the state line. And I was like, fuck it. I'm going to go to the cemetery where he's buried.

And so it wasn't for the first time, but for the first time, and there was no like spiritual cleansing. It was none of that bullshit. Um, part of it had to do with, I have an idea for the documentary if we get one made. Um, so I wanted to kind of like check it out.

I didn't go look for his grave. And the reason why I didn't is because there was somebody visiting a grave and I didn't want it to be his and be like, oh, guess why he's here. But I did have a little victim advocate in me that did have a little sympathy for like seven, eight, nine-year-old Jeff who was trafficked. It doesn't excuse his behavior or what he did to me and other kids. But there was that little bit of sympathy for the kid Jeff, not for the man Jeff.

Yeah. Let me know where that grave is so I can go fucking piss on it. They were like, he would like that actually.

He would have paid you an extra 50 bucks or given you an extra quarter to play video games. His grave dispense is a black belt. Jesus Christ. This is the darkest episode we've ever fucking done. He makes the jokes and I'm like, okay, I'm allowed to make the jokes. I know. So we're good. That's how I live. Yeah, hot too. What's up?

What's hilarious is as uncomfortable as we are, we are way more comfortable than the average person because we're just used to dealing with all this dark shit all the fucking time. People out there, just take a picture of your face watching this episode. People ask me all the time, like, y'all ask me, is there anything off limits? I'm like, no. I'm like, trust me. I feel more comfortable answering these questions than you do asking them. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, a really good point. Most people are like, how do I even ask this question? That's why I love it.

You are one of the best already where it's just how forward coming you are on all your information. And you start out the gate, which then puts everyone at ease. And it makes it way easier to ask the questions. We don't have to tiptoe around shit. Yeah. We discussed that leading up. We're like, well, we got to really figure out going into this one, like how we navigate it or what's the line. And then.

Brandon read your book. He's like, man, he goes pretty fucking hard, which is dope. And then you sat down and at lunch and then now just starting the podcast. We're like, okay, let's let the people know lunch was kind of awkward because we, we didn't, we couldn't really talk because we wanted to talk. We wanted to save everything for the camera. So it was like, uh, so many questions we had. Like, yeah.

Welcome back, everyone. We're back. Hi. We all went pee-pee. Hi, everyone. Again, see? People got pissed at him in the Demetrius Johnson episode for not saying it in the right moment, so you get it twice now. That's true. Unlike the live shows. Unlike the live shows? Oh, fuck you. That was still my favorite Cody moment. That is always going to be in our core memory now. I told you our audience is pretty fucking autistic, so if you don't do everything in the right order, they freak the fuck out.

So we did four live shows. And we're in front of like fucking 400 people at each show.

And I don't do good in front of crowds, so I didn't do the hi, everyone, like our intro. We tell them. I know. After the first show, we had a conversation. After the second show, we're like, Cody, you got to do the hi, everyone. They didn't like that shit. The last one was the best. We sat down with Cody. We like reiterated. It was the last one. It was a literal intervention. This is the biggest one. Yeah, you got this. He's like, I got it. He sits down, immediately fumbles the wall.

he's like a shit hi i don't do crowds man no i hate public speaking i'm not brandon over here some of us had to get better at it yeah you're like it is a completely different world though like my first ever political speech i had a fucking panic attack did i ever tell that story now tell it again it's fucking great because you're like uh it is it's a weird ass spot where you're like okay we're about to do again talk to millions there's a

camera separating a hundred it's super easy yeah fucking a hundred people still absolutely terrifying that your first couple of times you're like if i bomb

That's on me. And I even, I'm even used to giving speeches at like YAL and things where I can at least like, I have a podium in front of me separation between me and the audience. And I can read off of like my notes, whatnot. But my first ever political speech, I remember like getting up there in front of like 50 people even. And in my, the back of my mind, I'm like, this is the craziest thing I've ever done in major imposter syndrome. I shouldn't be here. And I straight up like,

three sentences in like i can't breathe and i'm getting dizzy like fucking straight up panic attack and i see like my other half is in the back of the room just like takes her flannel off like oh god he's about to pass out like i was i was like yay close and i ended up just like laughing it off i'm like as you guys know like i'm clearly not a politician like gotta laugh out of the crowd a little bit but like straight up like i got way better at it later on but that was

Bizarre considering my videos getting like millions of views. I was about to say, it's so wild because we make videos for stadiums full of people. Yeah. A million. There's no stadium. It's a million. Yeah. What's your most viewed video? Just over 10 million. Yeah. And then standing in front of 50 people, you and I both are just like, hmm.

Yeah. I don't know what to say, but I like dude, alcohol is such a friendly, a friendly thing. Watching how it affects me. Can you on that last episode, you have an individual like angry cops, right? She's a really good friend. Amazing human. Um,

That is where he thrives. If you put him in front of a live audience, Rich is like, he is happy. Happy. Because he used to be a stand-up comic. Yeah. And he's one of the funniest dudes you will ever meet. And then you have Meat Canyon also does everything. He's an artist. He does some of the most amazing drawings and comedy sketches from it. Papa Meat.

And then halfway through that podcast, once the alcohol hit, like you see his personality just shift completely. And you're like, ah, there's our boy. He's having a good time now doing his voices, talking about his dad. Oh God. Yeah. No, he was, he's a fucking trip. He's one of the most like naturally funny people I've ever met. He's just fucking, he's talented. He's a truly amazing human. All the guys I'm like, ah, you know, we got, no, we got you.

You're part of it? I'm like, oh, fuck yeah, dude. Speaking of being part of it. You're part of the crew now, dude. So we have everybody that we have on the podcast, or we try to at least, everybody who's a core member, absolutely, is part of a superhero group that we let our guests choose their superpower. It's a superhero group called, very unfortunate in this case, The Offenders.

Different context. We're thinking the Avengers, but we're offensive. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I think I've done that. I'm sure there's someone else like, wait, what? Fit right on in. What superpower would you want? So like anything you want, super speed, super strength. Like we've got a whole- Demetrius Johnson. So we just had Demetrius Johnson, a UFC fighter, like pound for pound king. He was like, I want to be Blade. I want to be a Daywalker. I have vampire powers. We're like, fucking that is awesome. Yeah.

But we get to choose the offset. And then his offset was...

Instead of blood, he craves cum. So if he wants his power, that's how he has to act. I completely forgot about that. If any of you ever wonder, that level, we drank a lot on that episode. None of us remembered. Sho, thankfully, had just watched it. And Sho was like, he was the vampire. I was like, oh, he craved cum. That, but in an Irish accent. Yeah.

He's a vampire. Or however. Shooting stars, lucky clovers, vampires and cum. Come out you black and tans. Come out and fight me like a man. Fight me like a man. Me belts. So mine was I chose how to fly. That was my superpower, fly. But I have to shout racial slurs. To maintain flight. To maintain flight.

Buddy weeps. It's like that Dave Chappelle skit where he's like, you know, he's Captain Superpower, but he weeps. So what would yours be if you had any superpower? You're like, I can do this. But we're going to choose the offset. Yes. Might. Flying would be nice, but maybe the ability to be invisible.

I think that's Angry Cops. Angry Cops has that one because in order to maintain invisibility, he has to jerk off, right? I'll disappear. You're invisible, but... Chase, edit him out now. Another superpower. Good lord. Jerk it off? That's my superpower. Um...

I once came first and third in a contest, a jerk-off contest. No, I'm just kidding. I can change hands without missing strokes. Like...

It's like a rotary engine. Yeah. How about this? How about I can run really fast? Well, funny enough. I travel at the speed of light. I just can't interact with objects five minutes after. I'm called Crime Cook. So I show up and then I phase through everything for five minutes. I'm not very good at stopping the crime immediately after I watch it unfold. Hey, you, stop. Or I'll say stop again. Five minutes. Fuck.

He can write a very detailed police report, though. Pulling up, I'm like... How about this for a superpower? All right, this is my final one. How about the ability to kill a pedophile on live TV and not go to jail for it? Is that a hereditary superpower? It's passed down, child. So the offset that I had chosen... Okay, you have that ability, but the offset is you have to finish learning karate first.

I wouldn't mind learning karate. I'm too old now, but that wouldn't be bad. I just want his outfit is a karate outfit. That's a superhero outfit. He like lands. No, so I'm on the board for the Louisiana Foundation against assault. And every April they do what's called Denim Day. I think it's like the last Wednesday of the month. And so we had a board retreat last week and we were talking about it. Showing up in a denim gi. I am 100% if I can showing up in a denim gi.

Wait, there's a denim gi? No, I'm going to have one made. Oh, you got the fucking Canadian tuxedo going on, dude? The Canadian fight uniform? Man, you break boards and women. I told him that last night. That's all I think with a denim gi. I told you once. Sweet home Alabama in the background. That's fucking Meat Canyon Supertower, dude.

- What was his actual power? I remember his offset. - Stretching. He can stretch.

Connor, you ever heard about tushy? Oh, you mean this? Did you know just wiping your butt with that dry ass toilet paper just smeared poop around? With Hello Tushy, you have a fresh stream of water spraying directly on your butthole, eliminating adult skid marks, itchy buttholes, and the risk of spreading pink eye. No amount of furious wiping will give you that shower fresh confidence of washing with a Hello Tushy bidet. It'll change the way you

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And every Tushy bidet comes with a 30-day hassle-free return and a 12-month warranty. It's that time of year for spring cleaning, and what better place to start than your butthole? Stop wiping until you bleed and join the 2 million butts who've already switched to Tushy. For a limited time, our listeners get 10% off your entire order when you use code UNSUB at checkout. That's promo code UNSUB.

But it is a good point. Even like with our joking and what we're like, yes, it is. You joke about it. Cause that is how you're,

part of it you're dealing with trauma that way but it also also yes it is we're joking but it's also a serious subject at the same time you can still joke though right and the point that i wanted to make is that you know you hear people say you know on tiger droppings they're the worst like oh look who is arrested now it'll be on a some hot teacher and everyone's like not guilty not guilty and i mean behind that there is a victim you know so there is a child victim um

So I just want to make sure I point that out. Yeah, for sure. That's a really good subject of human psychology is insanely interesting. And then, because it's Stockholm, you kind of went through Stockholm syndrome with what? Or would you say Stockholm or just control? Coercive control. That would be it. Because he had control over me even when he wasn't around. Like if he wasn't around and a classmate called me, I'd go run in the back room and hide in case he came over and wanted to know who I was talking to.

Who are you talking to? Why are you talking to that person? So, I mean, he still had a control over me even though he wasn't around. And was it a fear-based control or was it? I would say it was, yeah, definitely it was a fear-based because, you know, he's a karate instructor. I mean, he'd pop us upside the head. You know, I mean, he'd put us in power, you know,

pressure points and um so there was there was that if you think about it yeah a lot of his job was literally being in a position of power over you in a physical sense absolutely yeah especially at that age you think i mean especially it's like my karate instructor or a martial arts instructor is the like this dude can beat up anyone it's that my kids are told listen to adults i mean how often and i used to weigh tables and i'd walk up to the table and the parents would ask their kid what do you want and they'd go uh a coke

And then the parent would go, well, you just bring him some milk. Oh, how the fuck did you ask him? You know, hey, get up so grandma can sit down. Fuck grandma.

You know, we'll get grandma another chair, but don't make the kid get up. You know, so you're, you're telling the kid that you're not as important as uncle Paul or grandma. So, you know, you gotta be, and there's a lot of good information like that in the book as far, as far as not saying, you know, if anyone ever touches you, tell me and I'll kill them. Well, guess what? They're not going to tell you. Yeah. Cause people go, why didn't you tell us? I don't know. My dad would kill him. That's what happened. So there's a lot of good information in that. So definitely, definitely.

Whether you're a victim or not, whether you're a parent or not, there's a lot of good information for pretty much anybody. Yeah, and I like the way that you weave it in through the narrative too. It's not just all, here's the story of what happened and here's how you deal with it in the future. It's woven in. You're weaving in data statistics and also things that are actual helpful tips for parents and things while you're also telling a story that we're all engrossed in because obviously everybody wants to know about it. Right.

Well, go to Legitimately, like, plug your shit, because I actually, that's the first book I've sat down and demolished in one sitting in a long time.

You can go to Amazon. I also have it on Audible. A friend of mine, Toby Tomplay, he had a studio. He's done audio books before and he had just had a one-year-old baby. And he took my book home. He started reading it. And he like the next day, he's like, I want to be the voice of your book. And so we took the time to actually, so you can go to Audible. You can get the paperback from Amazon or you can get a digital version, get a Kindle. So yeah.

There's many versions available. Yeah. What do you see? It was like, you grew up in the seventies, eighties. And then what was the difference now with UC parenting and how you would apply your,

your information to parenting now. Cause it has, especially in the online space, dude is switched so dramatically. I mean, I grew up like Cody's more my age. Brandon's at about a decade younger. And then you're a decade older or a little more. It is. Cause at that time it was like parent, how you talk to your kid, what you would talk about completely different than like what I talked to my kiddo about. And same for like, John's probably heard, uh,

Same for riding. They've heard everything just because our humor and our style, we're still parents and we're trying to do the best job possible. But then you have parents that are afraid to touch certain subjects altogether. And then that's where the kids like, I don't know what the self-imposed taboos. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's more detrimental to a child than fucking anything.

What I would do, and I'll say this, all right? My mindset has changed in 25 years. When I went to Victim Services Center, we're out there teaching the kids the safety rules. If anyone ever touches you, you say no, you go, you tell an adult that you trust,

Why the fuck are we putting the emphasis on a nine-year-old to stop the abuse? Don't let your kids around these people. Yeah. You know, or not these people, because you don't know who these people are. Anyone don't let your kids out your sight. And I'm not saying be paranoid. But another thing I would not, not teach, teach that as well. I would still also teach it, but I would use it as a teachable moment. Just read them a book about touching safety. You know, then you read them about the little engine that could, you just work it in. And there's a,

It's in the book. There's a place called There's No Place Like Home. You can Google it. And it gives you age-appropriate knowledge that you can talk to your kids at what particular... At five years old, they should know how to say penis and vagina. At six years old, according to Jeff, how to suck one. But... Christ. That's what I'm saying. I love the entire audience goes like this. He made the joke. Just when I'm at ease. And it's right around the corner. And he's like...

That's what it was like reading that book at like fucking 2 o'clock in the morning. You got a strawberry over there? I'll trade you. I'll trade you. Oh, bam. You get a blackberry. I get to go to... Oh, I got a strawberry. Oh, you got one now. We're switching. Oh, take it. If you want black, if you want strawberry, you tell me. I was told to go strawberry. Straw, black. Just when you're like, you're focused, you're listening, all of a sudden, gotcha. Right hook. All right, serious question, real quick. How good was the wiener? No. I love it.

No. Are there any warning signs? Sorry. He's fucking started it, dude. I'm laughing at everything. Are there any warning signs that you could give a young child to like, look out for that? Well, I, so the one thing I'm going to tell you is I'm going to give the parent, the one warning sign that I think is the most important warning sign. If someone wants to spend more time with your kid than you do, that's a warning sign.

Another thing is to look at your children's behavior. If they have knowledge that they shouldn't have. For example, we got a call on a hotline. This girl, I want to say she was in second grade. I don't know. Do you remember? The turtle girl. She drew a turtle with an erect penis. A second grade little girl should not know what an erect penis is. Why is she doing that? The teacher's like, what's this? She goes, it's a

Yeah, she should not have that in her, you know what I'm saying? Turns out her older brother, I think he was like 13, he had been abused and then he started having sex with his sister. And so, yeah, I mean, that's the kind of shit we dealt with. It makes sense. It is. Because the child, as you're saying, it's like an erection is not going to know. Yeah.

When we were kids, like drawing stick figures, you'd be like, but like, you'd be like, hey, it's a fucking classic asshole. Or you're like, hey, look, I got a stiffy. Yeah. I mean, you don't know why. At seven, you don't fucking know that. You have no fucking clue. Fuck no. You're like, hey, pee pee. That's about the knowledge. So that's actually a really good piece of information where it's like, hey, if they know to that detail and it's the little things,

fucking start asking some questions on that there was there was one line you put in the book that like again it's like i i'm i'm fully invested in everything and then i just like fuck like you just take me completely off guard it was like jeff was good but he wasn't that good i'd sucking right yeah yeah yeah like oh but i mean fucking christ but i mean he was telling me how horrible that be like jeff it's kind of toothy uh

Are you doing a Yelp review?

One star of the karate dojo. Yelp reviews. You ever know those podcasts that you're going to get canceled for like ahead of time, you'd know while you're filming it, you're like, Oh yeah, it's going to be this one for sure. No, but all we're trying to do with this podcast, spring awareness to abuse and, you know, just trying to help other people. And hopefully this model is like, you, you don't have to be,

You know, scored for life. I mean, you know, and don't get me wrong. It helps that I'd never have to run a Jeff at the grocery store. Jeff's, you know, got another karate team. He's bringing on a karate trip knowing that he's probably abusing people. So that helps. But, you know, it's something that you can work through. That's what you should take away. Yeah, right there. It helps that he doesn't exist anymore. Well, yeah.

do that with you will if he ever gets cancer um no but that was that was one of the more interesting stories you tell in the beginning too is when uh you went uh to some it was like some wellness gym or something like that and you ran into a guy who looked like just like him no shit and so i mean me and my brother my dad were like huh and so on a car ride home i was like oh my god i thought it was jeff and daddy goes i didn't

I knew it wasn't him. You told that exact story. I knew it wasn't him. God damn, Dan. Then there was another time he was out back and he was lighting a charcoal. And he goes, hey, you want to see Jeff? And I'm like, no, why would I want to see Jeff? And he goes, if you do. Then he lit the charcoal and he squeezed the light out of it. He goes, look down there. God. He's in hell. Jesus Christ. That's fucking God damn.

gangster when was it like when did the joking about that start with your pops especially that summer that same summer because i mean we were at the gym and we were cooking the hamburgers that that summer and then that's what see that's fucking awesome your dad normalized like you it's that hard one was like normalizing both of you normalizing the behavior and where you can joke about it make it make it the best of the situation and then now look at you you're

I would rather, I'm sure a lot of people, I can't speak for it, but a lot of people do probably appreciate that level of lightness that you bring to a, we said a dark subject. And you're like, hey, look, fucking, you're fine. You're helping people and then you're making light of it and then you're making us uncomfortable but laugh at the same time too. Because we all know it's dark. We all know this is a very serious topic and everybody and their fucking mother knows that. But when you can bring levity to it in a way, you make it less uncomfortable to talk about.

And like, cause everybody who's gone through that, I imagine is constantly like, you know, anytime they have to reference it, they're in that dark place. But when you can bring levity to it, it's like, okay, well this doesn't have to be awful to be able to talk about what we can do about it. Yeah.

Well, I know for this, I could never run for office just because of the things I've personalized in my book. I thought the same thing. When I was little, so the neighbor, we were the same age. She was like a little girl. I was a little boy. And we always joked that I was her first boyfriend and girlfriend. We were each other's first boyfriend and girlfriend. So when I ran into her one day at this board, I signed a book for her, and I said, hey,

I hope you enjoy it. Terry, my first girlfriend. I hope you enjoy this book about my first boyfriend. Jesus. Then I had a book signing. I had a book signing and my childhood babysitter came over and I signed her book. You are a much better babysitter than Jeff. And there's been many worse that I can't think of right now. I've blocked. I've actually blocked out what I put. Yeah.

It's a hell of a yearbook signing. Dude, just the level of, oh, I love it. Just transparency. And you're like, ah. And then your reaction of watching them react to what you wrote. Because I know you're like, I'm like, here, read it. Because it's just kind of like us because it's like for, you know, half the times when we're making jokes, like fucked up jokes about, it's like, the joke ain't for you. It's for me. I want to see your reaction to it. Right, right, right. Because it's entertaining. Yes.

I think we're fucked up if that's... I've never thought about it. I don't give a fuck how you laugh at it. I want to see how you react. I like... And maybe it'll show up on the video, but I like how there's that half a second where you're just like, wait, motherfucker. You want to verify. That is what I think you just said. It's that looking around like...

They're uncomfortable. Trout put his head down. Warren covering his head. It's that socialization where you're just like, can't compute. Look to other monkeys. Like, how does other members of the tribe react? She was like, I'm going to just take notes on what to edit out right now. You know what the hard part about all this is? A lot of us make jokes that are just for us. Would you like to tell the joke about

The joke for you when you ran into your girl, the one that you thought was funny? Which one? And I'll decide if we can keep it. Little pee-pee. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I can't say that. That was pretty funny. Okay.

So, um, little pee pee, uh, the, the girl I'm with now, uh, very, very happy. Your wife. Uh, yeah, clearly. Yes. All the, Hey fuckers. I love it. Instantly. It's like Brandon, do everyone catch it? Everyone caught that. I say wife. Cause she's basically my fucking wife. I say that about Sav. And then it doesn't even like, it doesn't even hit in the back of my brain. Like it, it just, it sounds right. Yeah. But, um,

yeah without the legal obligation exactly yeah best of both worlds but i uh i i gaslit her into thinking i had a tiny dick for the first month i'm still doing that for no fucking reason like i it was the only reason is because i thought it was hilarious but i kept making jokes about like no that's like that's average i was a lot would plenty of people would say that's that's too big

Just different things like that. But I kept going farther and farther. I'm like, well, really, it's not about the size of the dick. It's how you use it. And just different things. And I could tell on her face she was getting genuinely concerned because we hadn't slept together yet.

And it just kept going and going and going. And finally, when we ended up fucking, she was just like, oh, thank God. Why do your friends call you Baby Dick? Because he's got a switchblade that's this long. Yo, Baby Dick, what's up? Have you been our friend, Baby Dick Brandon Herrera? Oh, God, we had a show that on the podcast, dude. Oh, shit. But no, she was like, I could tell she was getting genuinely uncomfortable. She was like, God, I really like this guy. I don't, God, I hope he's good with his mouth. Like, I don't know.

Cody. See, you don't aim it. That's bad safety. I just watch his head pop onto the table. Zip like bags out of the... Yeah, there. So this is Cody's recent drunk purchase. I need it for that. Thanks to Warren. It's a microtech. Warren, come. You want to be on the podcast real quick? Come say hi.

Do you want to deploy the... Yeah, you can deploy it. This is yours. I've deployed it. I've deployed it. And trust me, I'm a boss. Warren is an amazing... He's a car guy. He's a friend. He came to one of the first live show we did. Backstar and Warren. Warren came... How long have you been watching us? A couple years. A couple years. So an OG fan. But he came to the first live show. Super kind. And then he was like, hey, I got you fucking gifts. Freddie Wong, my favorite...

to, I showed him, yeah, like, Warren, he's a knife gun guy and he has an amazing collection. Freddie's like, you are the only one that would have an audience that can bring fucking knives to your live shows. Which they weren't supposed to. Yes, exactly. I want to say one thing, all right, and this is directly at my little brother Mikey. Ha ha, motherfucker. And here's the thing.

Okay. What is it? All right. So this is a Heretic Hydra. Heretic is... Get in there. Get in there. Heretic is a company that's Tony Marfione Jr. And if you're familiar with Microtech, this is his son and his spinoff company. And Tony Jr. has been...

Well, he's been making some big knives lately. I brought something out to Demolition Ranch at our last event there, and this one is a 3X Hydra. Now, it's got a safety here. I don't know if everybody can see this. I like it. It does have a safety. And then, boy. So...

And, you know, I don't know if you can see this, but it is very thick. It's I mean, you can take a tree out with this almost as thick as the average San Antonio woman. Charles Barkley would appreciate that. Big old women in San Antonio. And this is a single action. So with this one, unlike the other one where you have to.

Use all your strength to try and get it to retract. This one you actually pull back and there you go. Holy shit. So, yes. Cody had to have it. It was hilarious because you guys seen each other the next day after we were texting and you sent that video and then you're like, huh? What the fuck? Thank you, Warren, you beautiful son of a bitch. If you want your girl to think you got a little dick, bring one of those home.

God damn, that's slapping one on the table. Yeah, right? That is a true Mexican switchblade. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe yesterday I had a Mambosa. Why, because it works? I text Warren. I'm like, hey, what's up? He's like, hey, I'm at a local place that we hang out. And I'm like, oh, do you have that giant knife? He's like, yeah, I've got the giant knife. So we went over there and we got the thing. It's so cool. Yeah.

How fucking awesome would that be if they're like, "Now, at the Price is Right, how much for this knife?" Yeah, how much would you think versus, "God, that was-" "You got a fucking problem, I say?" "Oh, no." "That's not a knife. This is a knife."

Yeah, God. How much was that? It was like $50. Yeah, dude. It was like $120. I'll give you a book and I'll trade you. $120. What's the steel? What is that steel? I forgot. It's real steel. It's $390. That's very nice. It's sharp as fuck, too. Yeah, that's super nice.

You have no idea how long we spent stabbing a fucking ballistic dummy gummy bear with that yesterday. Dude, it's just hefty. Honestly, the gel was too thick. Like Jeff?

I don't know what the video's information is. I don't even know what the thumbnail title on this is. And I don't know the clips. Because the show's going to be like, can we clip this? I don't know. I don't know. Because TikTok's going to have a heyday. They're like, how dare they? It's a very, a lot of white women are going to be very mad. What else is new? They don't give me no pussy anyways. Every time you fucking drop one of those, there's like three levels of like,

That's not what he meant. That's absolutely what he meant. Please don't react the way you... Fuck. And I just laugh involuntarily. I'm just having the best time right now. You started so hard. I was like, yay! I was worried. There was like two or three jokes. I'm like, man, this might be too far. And like after the first two minutes, I'm like, nah. No fucking way. We're good. We're good. I'm sorry. My tism is... His tism is good audio. Yeah, good audio. Must make audio good.

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The summer sun is here to stay, so trust Manscaped to keep those pubes at bay. So we also, you had to Uber here from the airport. Yes. You had to Uber from your house. Would you like to explain why? Oh my God, yeah, I forgot. We haven't mentioned that on the podcast yet, I don't think. All right, so I had a TRX, right?

So I was driving my TRX and I was going around the curve. Like, okay, mind you, I've been in like a hundred police chases before. I've never gotten into a vehicle accident. Never got into a wreck before. Too late to knock on wood, dude. I was like, man, Captain Hindsight. Outside my neighborhood, there were sprinklers and I took this curve, this curve that I would take normally at this speed.

And the fucking T-Rex spun around and I tried to control it. And I'm normally good at controlling myself and shit like that. And just rammed it into a tree. T-Rex. Yeah, I no longer have a fucking T-Rex. Which I was amazed because once I saw it, I left your neighborhood and I saw exactly where you hit it. I'm like, holy fuck. It was a small tree for how much it did to the tree.

I think replacing the engine a couple months ago, like had something to do with it. Cause it fucking took off on me. And like my friend that was in the car at the time was like, why the did it take off on you? Cause I took my, like, I know how to correct the,

I know how to do these things. I've been through so many... But it was just full acceleration? Yeah, I know how to do offensive... Like, I've been through so many offensive and defensive driving courses. It just fucking took off on me. Correction of oversteer. Offensive driving is when you just yell the N-word out the window. That is true. That is true. But, you know... Playing spoons. Yeah. But anyways, I fucking wrecked my TRX. I just picture...

I just picture a course where that's what you have to do. We're teaching a fifth of drive. You have to read out as you drive by.

It is, like, you sent that photo. I was like, oh, god damn, son. Because you told me, we were just boxing that day, and you told me, like, oh, yeah, Cody got in a little fender bender, and then I saw the picture. I'm like, fuck! Oh, my god. Because I was like, it's a little one. And he's like, really? I was like, yeah. Did Cody tell you? And he's like, no. I was like, oh, shit. Okay, yeah, it was a small little fender bender. And then you sent the picture. He's like, what the fuck? Bro, like, that little tree destroyed the TRX. I broke my collarbone like this.

That was like a Chad jawline level tree. Yeah, yeah, no, that thing didn't go down at all. So for reference, when Cody set his engine, you had, what, a couple hundred miles or a thousand? I had only 8,000 miles on it. And the engine...

Brand new truck. Blew up? Just blew up. So they took it for two weeks? It took a month, dude. They had it for a month. Yeah, because we were texting back and forth. Like, hey, they need to pay for the rental and all that shit. And you're like, okay, okay, okay. And then they put in the new one. And when he was like, yeah, the car oversteered. And then I was like, what the? Why wasn't traction control kicking on? Why was it taking off? My first response to you was, hell.

Something does not sound right about that entire engine or whatever they did. They don't build them like they used to. My fucking Raptor motor blew up at like 50,000 miles. I don't know what the fuck that is. Something fucked up, dude. Because my friend who was in the car with me at the time was like, why did it take off like the...

i it was it was it was weird man and traction control you have to turn that off manually right i don't know not on the t-rex i have no idea it should a lot of modern cars you have to go in and like hold a button to turn that off so it's like oh okay i'm disabled now and then you can rip around do stupid but

That just, Cody's just driving. He's like, nope, I'm going to break loose and then slam into a goddamn tree. Did you look at the tree when you overcorrected? Just the back end went around on me and I went to correct because I know how to, I know how to fucking drive. I can drive like you. Not as good as you, but I can drive like you. And the mother, we all want to drive like Eli when we grow up. I know, it just went retarded.

Oh, it was weird. Middle of the day, cars do stupid shit. You're like, ah, okay, that was a little terrifying. Speaking of which, did he scare you with the McLaren? No, it was slow. Oh, were you? No, he did a good job, but I was scared. But I kept telling myself he's still alive, so he must be able to handle his car. But yeah, I was like, no, I could tell. Like, I'm not used to the guns, the knives, and the fast cars.

Definitely not the fast women. Our autobiography. Fast cars, fast women. Fast guns. He was a soft-sloped version of driving. Oh, no. Uh-oh. So he was gentle? Yes. I let him drive it on my lap. It was crazy. Oh, fuck.

We pull up and I'm like, what's up, guys? I told him. I said, I ain't falling for this shit again. Yeah. Fool me. Fool me. Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me once. Fool me twice. Can't be fooled again. Can't be fooled again.

Come on, Tiger. I want your feet to reach the pedals. You're like, I'm taller than you, Eli. Shit, I almost had a sin of his left to get out of that motherfucker, man. It's like sitting on your back.

oh yeah it's not a comfortable it's comfortable when you're getting in or getting out like getting out especially on a pinched nerve oh you gotta fall in or not yeah literally you just fall into it also stupid that was the only time where i've i turned traction control i just went to go around somebody really quick i was like assholes in the way so it's like where are you going

50 so I was like I'll just gun it really quick and then go around this is the only car at 50 miles per hour I just gunned it was like it kicked fully sideways. I was like whoop I full sideways go like this I was like that part they probably looked at me and I was like hi and then straightened it I was like I just picture you with like the fucking like deal with it shades like 50 degrees over

Stare at him, flip him off, and then go back. Oh, yeah, I forgot. A little more power than I'm used to. Yeah. But it's a blast. It's a blast. Now, you're actually, so he's only shot a handful of guns. I was surprised by this. I think I've shot one gun a handful of times. No shit. Yeah, just like, all right. Yes. What gun? It was a 9mm. Ah, nice. Solid. Good round.

I was wondering if it was just like a .38. I know. I was like, it's going to be a .38. I would have, but it was taken away by the judge, apparently. Yeah. Well, we'll have to ask the judge's kid and see where that gun ended up. Yeah, that would be nice. And it's a Smithsonian with the shirt. And we have the boots, too. My sister wanted me to bring the boots, but I'm like, all right, fuck it. The hat. Where's the hat? We can make replicas. I've made a replica of it. Someone...

I sent like the artwork and I just upload the file to Amazon and I get a hat. And I actually, the girl, my ex did the t-shirts. I'm sure she can do hats too. So whenever you provide the link, which now I find my phone,

um you know people probably order it from there as well yeah absolutely what was your reaction watching like brandon how much did you watch a brandon stuff before that video never heard of him no shit no he was better off actually yeah no i'd go on tiger droppings because that's like i love the name yeah right every time you say i'm like you're like i'm on tiger i was like this is that's the most jarring thing you said it's it's the poop about lsu tigers you know so

Someone said Herrera films Gary Ploche Father's Day video. And I'm Jody Ploche on there, so they know me. And so I was like, shit. I clicked on it. And I was like, all right. So then after that, I watched the video. I even showed it to my mother. My mother enjoyed it. Oh, that's a reaction video. Dude, that's such a good reaction video. You guys reacting to watching that together. And so, yeah. So I watched the JFK video.

A video where he, you know, to me proved that Oswald at least didn't hit him in the head from behind. And then I watched a couple of the Darwin Awards. Oh, yeah, the Darwin's. Yeah. And if you're going to have me, someone who like has nothing to do with guns, nothing to do with politics, sit down and watch these video and actually enjoy them. That was the best part about it. And again, I really appreciate the the safetiness that you put.

Stress as far as being a responsible gun handler and gun owner. Oh, yeah. Sure. Because like and that's what we were talking about a little bit beforehand is like, look, if you're like, I absolutely advocate for, you know, gun ownership and everything like that. But if you're going to have it, not that I want it government mandated, but everybody has a certain level of responsibility when they when they take that on, when you own a gun, when you carry a gun, especially.

It's like you owe it to yourself and everybody you're around to have a certain level of A, marksmanship, like your father exhibited, and also just gun safety in regards of keeping yourself safe, especially if you have kids in the house and things like that. There's certain levels of things that you need to think about. My best friend Dave that wrote the foreword to the book, he put it in a way that I kind of liked. He's like a gun...

I'm specifically talking about protection, not for like shooting, you know, for sport or whatever. He said a gun should be like a spare tire. You know, you take it out only when you need it. Yeah. So I was like, oh, that's pretty good. Good answer. The thing I was always told and I kind of kind of stuck with me was a gun is more like a parachute. If you have one and don't need it.

You're fine. And if you need one and don't have it, you'll never need one again. Yeah. You're fucked. You're that 10 year old Jody. It is.

Dude, gun ownership's weird because it is, it's the one thing we don't talk, we talk a lot about, but like the ownership of it or even when you're carrying, I'm very big on if you carry, just as Brandon's saying, practice. Yeah. God damn it. If you carry- And don't shoot like this. I mean, I can shoot like that. That's a Baton Rouge thing right there. I'm like, ah! No, it's like, that's Baton Rouge. Like, ah!

We need to come up with a shot. The Baton Rouge shot. Like a drink? Yeah. Because we already have the Kyle Rittenhouse. Yeah. Because you know the Kyle Rittenhouse shot. Yeah. Oh, yeah. What is that? However many shots. Three shots on a chaser. Yeah.

I forgot you did that one. That was during the... So the Baton Rouge shot's pretty clear, right? Vodka with a splash of milk. I know where that joke is. You gotta warm it up. Oh, he has less of a line than anyone I know. And I love it. You're like, shit. Animal bleach. Do you have any...

Do you have any idea how hard it is to make the host of this podcast speechless? You're like one of the first people that I've watched people like we're like, I don't know what to say right now. No, but again, all of that is just a testament to how much you've done with with the situation that you were handed and and the advocacy and making people feel comfortable talking about stuff like it really that that is kudos to you, man.

don't make them so uncomfortably turn off. You know what I'm saying? We'll see with the watch time stats. That's what one of the things was with the book is like, my mother was like, you should have put more details. And I'm like, and she'll be like, I don't sound like that. And I'm like, yeah, you do. But I hope your mom sounds exactly like that.

I told her, I was like, look, I said, I was faced with a challenge. Okay. I had to write a book that was not going to trigger a victim. So I didn't want to go into details to where someone who'd been victimized puts the book down. I'm not going to read this. And I also didn't want to fucking fall jerking off to it.

You know, so I tried to create a balance. God, I didn't even think about that. When you were reading it last night, good. You didn't think about jerking off. Well, not... God damn it, not that. I'm happy. I was actually jerking him off. Brandon, I'm so... God damn it. No, and my mother was like, no, you make...

Once I get to fucking basking in this right now, man, this is really hard to J O too. Not my most shameful, but Jesus. Fucking hell. But you did a fantastic job. I didn't even think of that flip side where you're like, Hey, you have a guy like, cause it is very true. You're like, Hey, okay. Um,

That never entered our mindset, but that is your forward thinking on it. It's like, hey, yeah, I have. Here's how this could go. Pinhouse forum for some fucking. Yeah, yeah. You get too descriptive. Some piece of shit is going to. The most difficult part for me was when you were talking about or when you when you were quoting the I think was a deposition with your father when they asked him what he knew.

That was my favorite part, I think, of the book. Really? Because they take the break and they come back, okay, well, we don't need to go into details. But I actually, I did leave one thing out that he actually said. But for those who have not read the book yet, so they're asking my dad to deposition and they're like, you know, what information did you have as far as what had happened to Jody? Because it was pretty fresh because like it was not publicly available what had happened.

Right. So my dad's like, well, you know, I don't think we need to go into detail, but, you know, daddy fooled with him. You know, he'd just be like, daddy fooled with him.

And the lawyer's like, no, no, no. You need to go into details because should I read it actually quote by quote so I get it right? So he my dad's like, look, we really don't need to go there. Like why? We know he did things to him. But why are we trotting it up? Yeah, the lawyer wouldn't. And the lawyer goes, you know, we'll determine what details are relevant.

And so my dad went all Samuel L. Jackson. Well, he's looking for that is the idea of it. You're trying not to also produce something like a tutorial for future, uh,

essentially we're like hey i can't give it like i can't allude to some stuff because it will do that it's all those thoughts that never registered in my head it's like oh yeah like again like the responsibility aspect it's just like just like yes it's crazy to even think that way yeah all right so the lawyer well of course to some extent the details may become relevant and so i need to know as best you know my dad well he was him off about every day and him in the

As many times as he could a day, he hurt his back one time and my brother-in-law went and rented a Walker for him to help him. And he would prop up with the Walker and get him in front of a mirror. He would do it in McDonald's. He would do it in anywhere that he could find places to do it in a car. He would take his, he would take his shirt off and wipe his thing off with that. And just don't,

Out in the street. And he was just, you know, I mean, just nasty, low down, filthy stuff, which he violated my son's right. But none of that has been told directly to you by Jody. No. No.

So my mother, I'd shared that information with my mother and she, you know, as my father, she felt he needed, you know, needed to know. Even when he started in the paragraph before that, when he started off on the stuff that he knew, it was like, that was one of those moments that just like hit me like a ton of bricks. Like, oh, fuck me. Like, it was just. Well, that was the one of the parts where I actually did leave the details in because I don't think the.

I would be like, well, let's see what Gary has to say. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And as a father, like his Cody's like registering, like me, like dude, again, for your pops, because I would have done like the rage for right in or kiddo, like John, it is the rage would be unbridled fucking. Somebody, somebody commented to on the, on the, uh, the, the shooting video that we did, uh,

I just happened to open my comments at one point and saw like this was one of the top ones. It's like, why Gary? Why quote dumbest question of the 20th century.

And it's not every father. Yeah, but it's not. You gotta realize Mike Burnett is the one who actually sat my parents down when the hospital report came back positive. So Mike Burnett, when he's asking why Gary, why, why did you shoot? He knew why he fucking shot him. He was asking him, Gary, why would you put yourself to be put in a position to be prosecuted where you're going to jail for the rest of your life? And you got four kids at home and a wife. So that's why he was like, you know,

Gary, why? That's what he's asking. He knows why he did it. Yeah. And he, they had, his deposition was great too. They're like, Mike, they were like, well, when did you realize that Gary had shot Jeff? He goes, when I turned around and saw Gary holding the gun, like, that's why I said, why Gary? Why? And then you, I mean, court, the jurors,

He pled no contest. He actually got a plea deal. Because they weren't going to convict my dad for shooting Jeff in Baton Rouge, not in 1980. No, not especially at that time. Especially with the...

rags out the window testimony. What did, what do you plead it down to? He pled no contest to manslaughter. He was sentenced to seven years, hard time suspended 500, no 300 hours community service, more community service and five years probation and his probation officer. You know, his, his son has told me in the, you know,

message me that you know my dad was his favorite person he ever supervised because my dad wasn't a criminal yeah he was an outstanding citizen he was a pillar of the community i mean he coached literally he coached he didn't know shit about soccer but he was coaching soccer he's on the sideline you know he was involved with his kids he you know um i'll tell you this about my dad um in

1977, I think my brother started playing peewee football and I was the water boy. So I'd have been like five years old. Well, that team, my dad coach was the only team in Baton Rouge that was integrated.

We were mixed and we would go play the Southside Rams. They were all black. We'd go play the Marydale Warriors. They were all black. We'd go play the Broncos. They were all white little fucking pricks. And then we'd go play the Mustangs and they were all white. And then Mustangs might have one really good ringer on their team that was black. But so he did that with...

football and he made sure everyone played you know one if it was one play he made sure everyone got in the game and he's coached softball and baseball he coached like i said soccer which he knew nothing about um and and so everyone everyone knew my dad my dad sacrificed the 1979 if you go look at i just you got lsu shot glasses if you google like greatest game in lsu tiger stadium and tiger stadium is known for its

being one of the greatest stadiums of all time. In 1979, USC was ranked number one. They had two Heisman Trophy winners on that team. They came to Baton Rouge. My dad took us to New Orleans to play against another team in the Superdome. So my dad knew he had to miss the LSU-USC game because he didn't have to. It wasn't scheduled. But my dad took it like the week of. He had to give up his presence at that game

And it's known as the greatest Tiger football game of all of the LSU game in Tiger stadium. So he, he sacrificed that. So my, everyone knew my dad was a good person. He was a great man. And I'm going to tell you this, take away the shooting. He's still, he's still the father of the year. What is your favorite core memory of your pops?

- Favorite core memory, like something where you're like, man, this is one of my favorite moments with my pops that really registers just as a dad being a dad, like either fun or something where he instilled something into you. - I think my favorite moment with my father was, I think it was like September 30th, 2002.

um he flew up with dates he flew well you even say that in the book you're like the date was exactly this at this time don't ask me why i don't know why i know you like and that's a testament to you like even at lunch i was like man this dude is fucking really good with dates i can't tell you riding was born on i know that date that's about it i'm like so him and my uh brother little brother

They flew up. Actually, I got my little brother a free trip to New York City because I told him, I said, my dad can't travel alone. He needs someone with him. My little brother and dad fly up to New York City. We were going on the John Walsh daytime talk show. He couldn't fly alone? I was just trying to get my brother a free trip to New York. I'm like, Mikey, I got you a free trip to New York. He goes, motherfucker, I don't get paid days off. I said, where are you coming from? So...

So they came up and we did the Circle Line tour in New York City. And my dad was like, this is one of the greatest days of my life. So I think just having that moment, that was pretty awesome. And then two days later, the motherfucker from Baton Rouge started sniping people in D.C.,

What'd you guys do together? Was he a Baton Rouge guy? I didn't know that. Yeah, he had Baton Rouge ties. He had Baton Rouge ties. No shit. The DC sign person? Him and his... It was his nephew? Yeah, it was like him and his... Yeah, someone related. Well, because when we went on that show, I asked John Walsh, because on October 2nd, 2002, they had the first White House conference on missing and exploited children, right? And so...

I asked John Walsh, I said, hey, you going on Wednesday? And he was like, yeah, are you? I'm like, I didn't get an invite. He goes, tell my people, I'll get you there. And so I'm sitting at DC on October 2nd, 2002 with John Walsh. I shook George W. Bush's hand. That's the two presidents, Trump and Bush. And so on the way back, I drove literally through

Where the shooting started. And that was the day the first shooting started. So, oh yeah, I'm like Forrest Gump, dude. I was in fucking, I was in New York City on 9-11. No shit. I left at 3.30 in the morning.

I just got through seeing Michael Jackson in concert. And one of the producers of Michael Jackson's album was friends with a friend of mine. And he was like, man, let me get your room. I'll put y'all up. I was like, no, I was with a flight attendant and she had to get back to work. So I was like, she's flying out of Philadelphia at like 11 o'clock in the morning. So we're leaving my apartment, going to the airport. And I was mad at her. So you dated the right flight attendant. Well, I was mad at her because she pulled the, I'm kind of dating somebody.

So I took three women to the Michael Jackson concert and had zero sex. And so, so I was kind of mad. I wouldn't talk to her. And so we're on, we're on the drive to the airport and where I live used to be on the path where they circle around, you know? And so I'm listening to Howard Stern. They're like, all flights have been grounded. And I looked up,

A beautiful day, perfectly clear day, temperature, no humidity, beautiful. And by the time I got the Consulate Hawking PA, I had turned around because the towers had already collapsed and we went back to the hotel. Now I'm stuck with a – and we're still really good friends, but I'm just talking about how I felt at the time. Now I'm stuck with this woman that won't have sex with me and –

She can't leave. The biggest tragedy of the day. Yeah, the biggest tragedy of the day. No, but there's other things. I just can't think of them right now. The most emotional rage. Everyone's like, fuck the terrorists. I'm like, this won't get me no... Fuck! God. God damn it, Harry Potter. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah. So I always relate 9-11 with Harry Potter because I was in the eighth grade and the first Harry Potter book had just come out. And so like we're reading the first Harry Potter and everyone's so happy about reading it. And then we look up on one of the TVs they would have in the class and the fucking second plane hits the tower. It's like, so I always relate 9-11 with Harry Potter. I remember being I was in first grade when that happened.

my my fucking teacher there my principal at the time wheeled in a fucking TV into the room and was like He literally did the detective movie shit. It's like you're gonna want to see this Brandon's like that's a circle

A rectangle? Brandon being his young terrorism. Yeah, that was my first grade experience. He's coloring. I know. He's like coloring like this. No, not only like this. Brandon's coloring like this at this age. Look, I wasn't that fucking dumb in first grade. Oh. God, that's wild to think about, like five years old. Goddamn box cutters. Seven at first grade?

Yeah. Six, seven. Yeah. About six or seven. I was born in November of 95. So that's crazy. That's when November, what? Uh, 20. Ah, my dad's the 10th. Oh, okay. Wow. My dad, I like to fuck with my mom. I'm like, your birthday has killed Elvis Presley, Babe Ruth and Aretha Franklin. Holy shit. I mean, she's got a pretty good one. My birthday finally got one. I got Jerry Springer a couple of years ago, April 27th. Jerry Springer's dead.

Yeah. Yeah. It's like we all have our autism. His is dates, man. He just, you know, every fucking date. Yes. You know, we're very thankful. We got Brandon out of the 27 club. Yeah. Oh, I was fucking with you for a solid year. I was upset. Yeah. Did I ever tell you that? No, I'm so, you know, the 27 club.

Like a lot of celebrities and like famous people. Oh, yeah. Andy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix. Kurt Cobain. Like a lot of people died at the age of 27. Jimi Hendrix fucking. There's a whole list of people, like notable people that die at 27. And so like I wasn't in the best place at certain times in that year, but I just kept fucking with him, especially when we were in Vegas. I just kept betting on 27. I was paranoid the entire year he was 27 years old, just like looking at everyone. Just like.

I've got a good thing going. Brandon's going to fucking die, dude. I wouldn't leave you guys on purpose. Brandon, don't you do it. Did he give you soft kisses? Yeah, I did. I talked about that. Come on. Are you kissing them homies? Everyone knows you fucking took your homies in. Brandon's like uncomfortably in bed and you're like, you're going to make it to 28, Cody. Or Brandon. Just a little gentle forehead kiss. Just a little.

It's not gay if it's with a business partner, right? Exactly. That's what we say all the time. I know. That's the motto of the podcast. Say your joke. I was just thinking my fucking dad's birthday got the Edmund Fitzgerald, but we had a great song out of that. Oh yeah. Gordon Lightfoot. Oh yeah. Fuck yeah.

I told you classic rock. That's, that's my thing or classic or seventies music, you know, in general, there's, there's only few artists that like when they come on, I'm not trying to see what else is on the station. It's like, I'll, I'll go back and forth, but Gordon life, it's on a goddamn Wilson Phillips or Debbie Gibson. I'm, I'm in there. I'm dialed in. I'm eighties, but, um,

But yeah, there's only a few. But Gordon Lightfoot is one of my favorites. That was one with my dad. The Edmund Fitzgerald. When that came on, he was just like, son, this is real music. Just turn it up. Fucking great song. You can talk to me in six minutes. Roger, dad. Cody, do the deed. Are we doing it? Yep. Guys! Wait! I haven't given the final... Oh, shit! Oh, shit.

Holy shit, you have more things? Oh, yes. I was happy with this. Well, I'm taking that one back home. That's ours now. I got guns and knives and okay, y'all can have that motherfucker. That would go framed on the back. No fucking shit, right? And here it is. I should have thought clearer before I brought that in. You're not leaving with it, just so you know. That's ours now.

All right. So this is your copy. This is your copy right here. But I've included a very special, special gift. It is my dad's 1982-83 hunting license. Holy fuck. He's dead so you can't get his autograph, but that's his signature right there.

And that's for us? This is for you. Oh my god. Yeah, for y'all. Thank you. Oh, holy fuck. Bro, we gotta... That goes on the fucking... That goes on the wall. That's a shadow box right there, dude. Thank you. Shadow box? That under it? Holy shit. Boom. Oh, that is a shadow box? That's very cool. And he was hunting files in 84. I couldn't get you that one. That wasn't an official permit. No.

Seriously, thank you so much for that. That is incredible. Holy fuck, that's amazing. Thank you, brother. Dude, I figured, I mean, dude, y'all paid tribute to my dad on the 40th anniversary on Father's Day. So, you know, I felt like that's something that, you know, y'all are obviously, you know, gun lovers and advocates for safety. So, yeah, I thought that would be like a little special thing to bring y'all. Dude, that's incredible. Thank you. Thank you so much for that.

Really appreciate you, brother. Thank you. So God damn. And thank you for coming on. Thank you for sharing your story with us as well. Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure. We're going to close out, but we're going to do an after show. Cody's going to close us out though. And then we're going to have a little more fun. Well, everyone, thank you for joining one of my favorite episodes of the unsubscribe podcast today. I was joined by Eli double tap Jody.

Brandon Herrera and myself, Donut Operator. Check out the after show on Patreon. Let's go. Did he say it wrong, though? He said. Okay. I wasn't sure. Wait, there's an after show? It's like 10 minutes. It's where we do karate. Yeah. Yeah. No. Bye, guys. And that's how it is.

You won't love me. You won't love me.