cover of episode 165 - UFC King Vs The Fat Electrician - ft. Demetrious Johnson | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 165

165 - UFC King Vs The Fat Electrician - ft. Demetrious Johnson | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 165

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Demetrious Johnson
被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的混合武术运动员之一,曾在UFC和ONE Championship夺得多个冠军头衔。
Demetrious Johnson: 从高中摔跤到职业MMA的历程,以及在职业生涯早期如何平衡兼职工作和训练;对格斗的热爱以及它作为压力释放方式的作用;在获得世界冠军头衔之前,仍然坚持兼职工作,并最终全职投入训练的故事;谦逊的职业态度以及家庭背景对其的影响;与其他格斗家的不同风格和职业策略;格斗策略的核心在于防守和对人体运动的理解;年龄增长对身体恢复能力的影响;对柔术Gi和No-Gi规则的理解以及与警务工作的类比;使用过的辅助恢复身体的疗法和手段,以及对肽类药物的看法;发展YouTube频道和内容创作的经历以及策略;如何平衡职业生涯与家庭生活,以及教育子女的理念;对老一辈人教育方式的理解和尊重;ONE冠军赛和美国UFC的称重流程的对比以及个人偏好;为实现目标所需要付出的牺牲和努力。 Eli DoubleFab: 对Demetrious Johnson的格斗技巧和职业生涯的评价;对Demetrious Johnson YouTube内容的评价;对动漫的讨论。 Brandon Herrera: 与Demetrious Johnson的训练经历;对格斗运动的看法;对枪械的讨论。 Donut Operator: 对Demetrious Johnson的职业生涯的评价;对YouTube内容创作的讨论。 Allen: 对Demetrious Johnson的评价;对枪械和军事的讨论。

Deep Dive

Demetrious Johnson talks about his early life and how he got into fighting. He discusses his high school wrestling experience and his realization that there was no monetary gain in traditional sports. He shares how he stumbled into an MMA gym and trained without even knowing who his coach, Matt Hume, was initially.
  • Demetrious Johnson started fighting at 18 after wrestling in high school.
  • He worked various jobs, including at Red Lobster and construction, before pursuing MMA full-time.
  • His coach, Matt Hume, is considered a godfather of MMA in Seattle.
  • Demetrious's first pro fights paid very little, around $250 to $500.

Shownotes Transcript


- We got DJ in the house, what's up? - All I heard was . - There's carpet in there. We can watch you and Nick roll around for a minute. - He just made fun of your shadow side. - Fire, kill him! - I know. - Oh man. - Woo! - Everything look good? The boys look good?

Hi everyone. He needs another one. No, I'm good. I'm good. I got a mixture. Oh, you got the opening. Oh, do you? Okay. Oh yeah, you gotta start with the crack. Oh, we gotta crack them. You're gonna try to keep composure? Have you watched this podcast before? I have. Let's put this one. You're good. It's fine. Just leave it. You're off to the races. I'm like 30 of them. I wish I had 10. He's three inches. Okay.

Okay, since I did this wrong. Three, two, one. Here we go. It begins. Cody! Welcome to the unsubscribed podcast. I am joined today by Mr. Eli DoubleFab, Fat Electrician, Demetrius Johnson. He said Fat Electrician. Brandon Herrera and myself, Donut Operator. Thank you so much for joining us today. We are all here for you. We're excited. Oh my God, we got a fucking DJ in the house. What's up? What?

Oh my gosh. You said he wouldn't grapple me? He wants to fucking grapple. That's a guy who will grapple. He's been investigating me the entire time. I got him. We were all joking. We were going to like piss you off during this podcast. The next one we just start, all of us have fucking black eyes. Like, so, uh, something kind of uncool happened yesterday.

I like my orbital intact. It's all good. We film one tomorrow after rain. It's just his hands that are wrapped up. All of our faces are fucked up. My man, how are you doing? It is so exciting and an honor for all of us to have you here. It was crazy when we were at...

And you called Cody. Bleep that, Chase. Oh, yeah. But you called Cody, and then we were just like, Cody's like, what do I do? I was like, answer it. What do I say? I don't know. Hey, thanks for having me, man.

It's awesome to be here. The room looks absolutely amazing. Huge anime fan. I see all the stuff on the wall. Obviously, I've been following Cody for a very, very long time. It seems like you guys have a good thing going on here, so I'm happy to be here, man. Hell yeah. You walk in the door three minutes in, you're talking with Eli about anime. I'm like, oh, he'll fit in just fine. Everything's okay. And one minute after that, you're talking about that dude getting shot in the back of the head.

I was like, he's one of us. It's so cool. I was texting my girl, like, as soon as I saw all that go down. We're like five minutes in. I'm like, oh, yeah, instant homie. This is going to be all right. Lifelong friend. How was travel? It was delayed. I know it's been sucky. Travel was good. You know, I've been traveling a lot lately. This has been a long time since me and my father-in-law got an opportunity to travel together. Last time we traveled together was just me and him, which I went to Montreal at five.

That was like in 2016. So it was good. Not an easy flight here in Texas. The weather's amazing. Nice and hot. I love it. And happy to be here, man. God damn. First off, dude, he's my age and I hate it. He looks like he's fucking aging so good. Black don't crack, baby. Black don't crack. It stays nice and welled up. I have a nice skin routine every night I do. And underneath the eyes and circles. Clockwork.

Clockwise, counterclockwise, it works out good for me, man. Cody, what happened earlier today at a gas station? We're going to talk about that? Brandon doesn't know this story. Myself and Nick, fat electrician here, we go into a gas station and the lady at the counter at the gas station says, are you father and son? Ha!

No, that's not the order of events. So me and Nick are looking at each other and we're like... She ID'd you first. She did ID. Because you bought White Claws. So she ID'd you and then she asked that question. Yeah, and so me and Nick and I are looking at each other and we're like, which one's the father and which one's the son? And we couldn't figure it out. And so Nick...

We leave and we're still just perplexed by this entire thing. Walk back in? No, no, no, no. We get back here and we're still just wondering what the fuck happened. And so Nick calls the gas station. And he fucking asked the lady, which one do you think was the father? And she says, the one with the beard. Oh, he brought that up like that.

And then the one that handed me the ID. You're like, why did you ID him? If you thought I was your kid, you're not old enough to buy booze. This is also San Antonio where the normal age of a father is about 14. There you go.

fucking hilarious. On the phone with you, she was like, yeah, the one that handed me the ID. So I'm the father. So this is my new son. I don't know if you knew that Nick is my son now. He's 16. This is my 17-year-old son. I'm 12.

You're a giant beside me. They're just like, yeah, that's got to be your son. It's got to be your son. Has it ever occurred to you that with her career path, she may not be great at math or critical thinking? That is a... Yeah, we were talking about that. It's the people that don't, they can't visualize things.

you know, it's like, hey, put two and two together, right? It's like, obviously... Hawaiian people? Yes, Hawaiian people. Oh. I was like, man, that was racist. Yeah.

I was like, Hawaiian people? What does that have to do with this? You're talking about like the NPCs? Is that blind people? Yeah. Yeah, NPCs where they can't visualize an apple or you say spin it in your head and people, it's like 60% of the populace cannot do that, which is fucking terrifying. It's like my whole theory, which I'm sure you can vouch for this because of being in an airport all day. People, I wanted to tweet this during the campaign. I just couldn't. I was that close to doing it. I'm like, no, that won't age well. I'm like, dude, people who walk around the airport with their mouths open. No.

Don't go they don't go to heaven There's no soul there is no light behind that eyes. It's just it's just like cyclists dude cyclists don't go to heaven and people that mouth breathe journalists If you ride your bike in the fucking middle of the road you don't go to heaven I always love test that you see they ride their bike knows all you gotta make way for me I was like motherfucker. There's a sidewalk. You know that's what pedestrians to walk

out there right now. You ride a bike. It pisses me off and it's like, oh, he got hit. Where was he at? He was on the road. Where's he on the fucking road? It's for cars. I don't think you're 15 mile an hour in a 45 and you're just holding up traffic, especially a line of them. Ooh,

The difference in speed between a pedestrian jogging and a cyclist is very much... It's very... It's a closer gap than you and, you know, someone on a fucking highway going 70 miles per hour. There's also way less consequences if they collide. Yeah. Way less consequences. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. Dude, okay.

Fighter, obviously. You've been doing it a majority. I know. I just thought he was a fucking cool gamer guy. Cody's like, I thought he was a Twitch streamer. Yeah, he just wanted to play Tarkov with me. What the fuck? Eli's like, Cody, look at the ears. Cody, don't fuck with him. Cody's like, what's wrong with his ears?

So you've been fighting a majority of your life. You got into it when you were extremely young. How, like, you started at... 18. 18. So actually not... Yeah, well... Fucking Christ, dude. What did you do before that? Wrestling. I wrestled in high school. Okay, so still fighting. Yeah, so, yeah. Wrestling was, like, my infancy into mixed martial arts. And then once I got into... After I graduated from high school...

I realized there's nothing left to do in sports because you know when you wrestle you go to college you go to you know D1, NCAA, whatever it is or Division 1 there is no monetization out of that right there's no monetary gain in it so I was okay you know what I'm just gonna work full-time and then I came home when break from college and I was at home my buddy and I was like oh man I thought I was gonna fight around it and the guys were working out and I was like man looks fucking dope I bet you I can do that. Went to the gym

Started hitting the bag and some guy goes, hey man, you wanna know how to fight? I was like, sure. He goes, can you fight? I was like, well, I mean, I've been watching some Jock Hoff and Dan movies. I know how to kick. Motherfucker, that's about it. I started taking classes and that was it, man. Just jumped into it. Joined a gym. Didn't know anybody there and...

When you were doing wrestling in high school, did you start in middle school or high school? Middle school. Middle school. Okay. Eighth grade, yeah. Eighth grade and then went to high school and wrestled with a freshman, the senior, but I did football, basketball, not fucking baseball. Baseball.

Baseball lovers here, you guys are good? It's fun. So we're going to make sure. We don't watch sports. I'm not a sports guy. Football, basketball, track, cross country, and wrestling. And then I did all those sports throughout my whole entire education career. And then once I got out of high school, I was like, I'm going to try fighting. And then it just took off from there.

Damn. And then you went into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or was it just like an MMA? It was just an MMA gym. Like I just literally walked in there and I started training, didn't know anybody, didn't know who the coaches were. And then next thing you know, I'm fighting. Somebody goes, you know who your coach is? I'm like,

Matt Hume. Yeah. It was like, no, he's a fucking godfather MMA. Like he brought like mixed martial arts here to Seattle. Like that's the fucking bomb. And I was like, oh, okay. That is what it is. And I kept on training. But like for me, fighting was like an escape from like that nine to five rat race. Right. Because I work, I worked at Journeys, Red Lobster. That's where I met my wife, Red Lobster, um,

I've hung gutters with this man before. I worked at a construction facility. I've worked construction. So I've worked all those jobs. And when you go to work 7 to 3 or 9 to 5, it's like you get off work. What do you want to do afterwards, right? For me, it was just working out and training. And it was kind of like my release from work. And I loved it. It's crazy that they had an image. So during this time frame, when you started, it would have been what? Late 90s? 2006? Wrestling. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

The academy in Minnesota. Real quick question. What did you do at Red Lobster? I was an alley coordinator. So when you go to Red Lobster, you guys come for their jumbo shrimp and all you can eat, popcorn shrimp. I made sure you had 20 shrimp on that motherfucking plate because I'm sure you paid for it now. And you also had your lemon wedge and your dipping sauce. That was my motherfucking job.

I didn't know if you were a server. I'm like, actually, if I was a server at Red Lobster all day coming home, I would want to fight too. That makes sense. No, no, no. And out of the corner, we fight because people come back and go, I...

18 shrimp. I was like, I counted fucking 20 before I sent it out there. Don't bring that bullshit back to the kitchen. Would you walk out and yell at people? Be like, no, it's fucking 20. No, no, no. I'm going to hold you back. It was me and my buddy, Stevie, he wrestled and that's how I got the job. And he was like, man, you should come work for me at Roblox, man. We were in the kitchen, run that shit. So, okay. And so we'd be out there and we'd just be, you know, counting up all the shrimp and sending it out. And when I was sending it out to the server, which is, it

his daughter and my wife now like hey here's a plate she would take it out she'd come back in she goes ah there was only 15 I was like destiny right there was 20 on that fucking plate I counted it myself okay so that's where I did it my lobster yeah I can understand now yeah that there's a fat fuck who's bad at math exactly

So yeah, I mean, Red Lost River's good, but I left those jobs to pursue mixed martial arts, and then I got signed to the UFC when I went to Alaska. I knocked a guy out with a head kick, and then that's when I got noticed by the big leagues, and then I got signed by WEC, which eventually got absorbed by the UFC. But like you said, in the beginning of it, there was no 150... There was no fucking... The smallest weight class was 155. Yeah. Jesus. And when they had 155, they were like...

This isn't taking off. So they got rid of 155 and they only had 170, 185, 205, 265. That's all they fucking had. And so now they have 125, 135. Women fighting now. You have guys fighting. Eddie Hearn just fucking fought two guys, two midgets. Eddie Hearn. Eddie Hearn. Eddie Hearn.

Hall fucking powerbombed one of them so I mean the sport's gone he just chucked him it was just like it's like a smash bro he was like hello then he goes then you gotta get somebody he goes and he just knocked him out so the sport's come so far from when I first started to where it is now

That's it? That's what it's like. It comes so far. You have, like, one dude beating the shit out of two little dudes. You're like, yeah, this is where we want to sit down. If you guys haven't seen that yet, Eddie Hall, who is one of the largest human beings on this planet, you know, he's won so many strongman competitions before. He just fought two men at the same time and was just tossing them around the ring. If you've never seen him, think Pokemon Evolution of Caleb Francis. There you go. Yeah.

And he tossed this dude. That would have been the most scary thing when you're that high in the air and you're like, oh, oh. Like you're a cat. You're like trying to find your balance. And you land on your back. And you get up and it's like, rush him. I mean, and now I just saw one where they had two chicks fight one big dude. Like they just have so many different fucking fights now. It makes martial arts so it's... That was called my house growing up. Your house growing up.

Oh, man, dad smells funny. Dad smells funny again. Dad came home smelling funny. This is going to hurt. All right, Scooby-Doo, here we go. Are you sure you want to be on this podcast? So you've been with your wife since before you got big in MMA. So what's that been like? When did she realize, like, oh, this is going to be...

his whole career path. Honestly, like when we first got together, we're worth working in Red Lobster. I left Red Lobster and I gave her my number. It's like, hit me up. We don't have to talk to hang out. And she hit me up that night. We've been together ever since then. But when I was going through it, you know, I was working multiple jobs when I was working construction in the wintertime, I was doing high care. So building buildings with bricks and motor in the wintertime, you couldn't work. And so I worked with her father, uh, my father-in-law, her dad, Hagen gutters, uh,

And then eventually there came a point in time she was like, so what are we going to do with this? Like, are we going to, you know, because you got to start making fucking money because in the beginning of your career as an amateur, you don't make any money whatsoever.

And then eventually, I have my first pro fight. It's like $250 to show, $250 to win, $500. We all know that one pays shit. And then next week, $750, $750. But she was like, there's got to be a point in time where you're going to have to take this seriously. You're going to have to quit that job, quit fighting, and get a real job. Because I had jobs when I was making construction. I was making $15 an hour back in early 2002. Excuse me, 2006. It's good money, right? But then...

I was like, I did the construction. I worked with her dad and then I was at a job and I was sitting there talking to this guy. No, I was talking to him actually. And we're hanging gutters. And I work with him and I see him do his thing. And next thing you know, we get to a house and we start, I would measure everything.

And I'll go to him, tell him, you know, write down the measurements on a piece of cardboard. And I'll give it to him. And he'll start making gutter. I'm like, I was like, you do this every goddamn day. He goes every fucking day. E F D every day. I was like, he goes, he goes, life is monotonous. You make your money. And when you make your money, you do the things you want to do.

whether it's fishing, hunting, training the gym and all that stuff. It's going to be my new like live, laugh, love on my living room wall. Life is monotonous. And it was like every fucking day. And when he said it to me, I was like, you know what? I was like, you're right. Like I'm going to do things I love to do, which is training. And so I left, I,

I didn't have to work with him anymore. So I went back to my old job. I was making 1076. You made him finish the gutters by himself? No. Wow. Damn, dude. I was like, damn. That's a puzzle.

So when it came from like I went from journeys I was assistant manager I left journeys I

excuse me, I worked at Red Lobster. I left Red Lobster working at Journeys, assistant manager. I left Journeys to go work at a place called Karastar, which was the construction plant house, not plant house, but it was a paper mill. And then I left there to go work construction. When I was working here, I was making 10, 76 an hour.

I went here to work construction. It was like 15 bucks an hour. And then when winter came, I went to work with my father-in-law. And then when he told me, he was like, life is monotonous. You make the money. You do what you would love to do. I left. I quit my job here. I went back to the job. I was going to get 1076 an hour because I worked 73. And I was able to get off work at 3, be at the gym at 330, train from 330 all the way to 7 o'clock. And that's when it was like, hey, I told my wife now, I was like, hey, I'm just going to

I'm happy. You're happy. You know, she's working three jobs too. And we just fucking ran it. And then that's when it just took off. My first fight, put all the money in the bank. Went to second, all the money in the bank. Third, all the money in the bank. And I just kept on stacking new chips. And it takes a long time before you're making, as you're saying, right? Before you're a livable paycheck and pro fighting, especially in the MMA back in the day, you are making money.

And that's not including all the stuff that the fighter has to pay for before you even get to that. Yeah. When I fought my first fight in WC, it was, check was $3,000 to show, $3,000 to win. I lost that fight. I had to pay $3,000 for a fucking MRI in California. And then I also broke my hand in the fight. And so that was awesome. And I was working full time when I did this too. And so I maybe got a bonus check, but after you get a bonus check, it was like $5,000. You got to pay your corner 25%. You got to pay $5,000.

I'm not that he does anything another fucking 20% I really like this guy and then it's like you get home and it's like alright got a book and then I had to pay you know lucky I had great insurance from my company I was in the fucking warehouse with a fucking pen in my hand you know working eh

It's just I'm just picturing you with the IRS agents like all right you want fucking 20% I'll give you 20% of what the other guy gave me. Let's go Yeah, I mean it's you know Like you said it's a shit show like when you first start fighting someone that people call me I should I do mix much on like absolute

Absolutely not. I was like, it's not, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's a long road and I've been fortunate enough to be successful in the sport of mixed martial arts and I'm healthy enough to have, you know, a logical conversation about it. And, you know, so many years you see so many of these guys that fight for a very long time and, you know, you try to talk to them and they're like, huh, what?

What happened? Like, it just punch, punch struck and... Boxing's terrifying with that. It's really bad with boxing. Absolutely. There's an alternate universe you out there that's like, I just really want to see where this red lobster takes me. Yeah.

I don't

blame it i mean red lobster was never like back in like the early 2005 early maybe late 90s we're lost like we're going to red lobster tonight baby i bet if they put all 20 goddamn shrimp on the plate i feel like you're you're like robert de niro and fucking and uh what the in las vegas movie you know where he's like casino yeah yeah casino where he's like there's only these blueberries in this muffin

No, no. There needs to be equal amounts of blueberries in this muffin. And he's like, there needs to be equal amounts of shrimp in this fucking thing right now. Smashing faces on tables. Like, oh God, I'm so sorry. So when you did fighting your first big page, what was your first like, hey, okay, you got in a...

Yeah, UFC, and that was your first big actual paycheck? My first big actual paycheck was like, I think $14,000 to show and $14,000 to win, and I lost that fight. It was for the world title against Dominic Cruz, and the whole time I've been stacking my money. And so it was like, you know, when I was working 10, 70, 60 an hour, you know, fucking... What weight class was that? 135, band of weight. Okay. Yeah.

yeah so we work at 10 10 76 an hour I think your average salary is like twenty two thousand a year right for hours a week so when you're you know you thought I won my first fight in USC I was five five size 10 G's going fucking tax bullshit the next one was a five I went there was it goes my escalator so 33 so it's 881 that one and then kept on stacking it so I had a mass enough money

those couple fights more than I would have worked 40 hours a week, right? I mean, excuse me, a year at Karasar. So I remember I won my, I lost the fight against Dominic Cruz. I got a check for $14,000. I came home and I, I'll never forget my wife. I was like, I already stopped working at this point. And she goes, baby, go out to work. I was like, nah, fuck that. Quit that job. And then that's when I was like, that first paycheck was like 14 to 14 was like, like that was a good piece of check. That was a good check for me. And then after it got better,

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of the best because you hit that like which is fucking ridiculous and terrifying it sounds like it happened very quick it happened after well no because it was slow I mean after you hit that point I mean yeah well it was like so when you hit the UFC it's like

You've done it. You've made it. Woo! Everything's going to be good. But I was still working 40 hours a week. And my coach was like, you need to fucking quit your job. You're going to be a world champion. I was like, nah, dog. Until you guarantee me a check every fucking week, even though the check was like 400 bucks a week, I'm not quitting. So I fought for a world title every...

World title while working 40 hours a week then once I was fucking wild once I won the world title I was like, excuse me lost that fight. I was okay. I I you know I'll quit my day job cuz I'm making more money and then I was still training on my own not with my coach Then I fought a guy named ie McCall in Australia I fought him at 125 it went to a draw and then I was in the back and my coach goes he goes Are you gonna take this serious now? Like I was like, what are you talking about?

He goes, no. Like, did you train with me for this fight? I was like, no. He goes, okay. When people in NFL or NBA, when they train for season, do they just do their own shit on their own? I was like, I don't know. Probably not. Probably not. He goes, exactly. He goes, from now on, here on out, when you eat, sleep, shit, I want to know everything you're doing. And that's when I was like, okay, I'm giving you the reins. Like, I'm just going to come train with you full time. And then that's when it just.

Skyrocket. Like, skyrocket. Like, everybody was like, what the fuck happened? I was like, oh, I started training now. And they're like, oh. I think.

Oh, shit. They're like, oh, you started training. I was like, yeah. I went there. My coach was doing my strict conditioning. He was doing my dieting. He was doing pretty much everything. And then that's when everything just, you know, then the next check was like 20 and 20. And I won that. The next one was like 23 and 23. Then I became the world champion. And I was like, oh, here's a check for, you know, $120,000. I'm like, what am I doing with all this fucking money? And it's like. Giving it to Uncle Sam.

Yeah, exactly. And then they're like, you need to open an LLC. You need to open an S corporation. You need to have her on payroll. You got to have your... It's like, then, you know, that's when it just took off. And then... I just thought you got a chance for a world title fight. Like, and you were just essentially going to the Y for class. Wait, what? Yeah. One, two. That's when you're back. Good. You're the world champ. Fucking, you're in the running for it. You're like...

I mean, I guess. Yeah. Well, I just always have this humility and I've always been humble because my upbringing, you know, I was raised by a single mother, deaf. Me and my brother in the household met my sister when I was like maybe 13, 14 years old. Never met my dad. My stepdad was deaf.

So it's kind of like you kind of grow up with a sense of like you're grateful for the opportunity to be able to go out there, make some money, come back home. And, you know, because you just never know what's going to happen. So I never fell in love with the lights, right? Like I see a lot of guys like, man, I want to.

I love the lights. I love people calling my name and cheering me on. It's like, after our f***ing moment, I was like, I got to get back home. HOA is on my ass. I got to pressure wash this fence. I don't want no problem at home. Thank you. God bless. And I'll go home. So I've always been humble throughout my whole entire career, even to today. It's the most karate kid shit I've ever heard. Sorry, I'm going to get back home and pressure wash the fence. Wax on, wax off. Coach Hume said so. Well, they would just get, like, it was, I was, uh,

I guess you say an anomaly when I look at myself now. When I look at today's market of like mixed martial artists, a guy weds, oh man, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, yeah, it was a great fight. You know, I made a couple mistakes in there. I'm excited to get back in the gym and work on the next title defense and gotta go pressure wash the fence. And then Monday morning, I'm like, and everyone's like, oh man, you went 50 Gs on top of that, you know, 380, what you doing? I was like, uh,

Working in a yard? Is that a problem? I did what I said I was doing. I'm pressure washing a fucking fence. Yeah, exactly. So I was a little bit different where I think today people appreciate like my –

straightforwardness and like how I'm just like this is who I am you gotta like me you don't where back in the day I don't think they appreciated it well that's the idea of like selling a fight because that's where you're like you have those different fighters it's like like McGregor's great he's just like I'm gonna be loud and boisterous I'm gonna be the villain Mayweather went for the money well

Pretty Boy to Money Mayweather because he was like, I'm going to be a fucking villain. Yes. And then people will pay to watch me fight. And you've got to see that. Yes. Absolutely. Paychecks too. Yeah. And I felt like for my style, it was like, you want to see me because of my intelligence in fighting, right? Like, let me show you like how I can do certain things that you've never seen before. And it didn't really translate in the beginning of my career, but now I feel like

translate very well when I went over to one championship everyone was like why the fuck did this why is this guy not in the UFC why why did they trade him etc etc so I think in the long run like I rather keep this persona towards it's just me for I'm 65 years old I'm still the same person we get around Connor like I've been around Connor great guy but then when he was like you motherfuckers I was like who

Who is this person? Right? Like, it's just different. And it's either he's... It's the brand. The brand, right? So he's gotta keep that brand until the day he dies or it's like, ah, I'm just tired of it. And, you know, it's a choice he has to live with. But...

But you brought up your fighting intelligence, which is something that, like, dear God, do you have it? Because it's kind of scary to watch you in, like, 240 frames per second. Watch you make these decisions like, oh, yeah, I'm just going to bully this guy into a corner, and then he's getting a flying knee right in the fucking face, like at the exact right moment. It was actually kind of scary to watch. Yeah. Yeah. It's just, as you said, you kept, you worked on your defense really good. It was usually like, I'm just not going to get hit.

get hit. Yeah. And that saved your noggin. Why doesn't everyone do that? I'm just not going to get hit. It's a lot of... Rocky Balboa. It's a lot of training. It's a lot of like asking questions, understanding how the body moves. And even to this day, I still train. I do most of my training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the Gi just to understand...

like how the body, you know, choking people out with like their fucking t-shirts now. And it's like, I'm just fascinated how the body moves and how the body can think. It's like, if I move this way, what is a natural movement of a human being? Just like you guys have all, you guys shoot guns all the time. Don't know your guys' background, but I'm assuming you guys have done some type of military background, law enforcement. So you guys, what's up? You shut up, Eli. Great.

He's got a Medal of Honor. He's got a Medal of Honor. I'm the only person at the table who has no formal military law enforcement. No, no, no. He's got a formal Medal of Honor. My asshole friends steal valor for me. We've given him valor and he hates it. He's like, stop it. Now the internet's like, Brandon, is it you?

I've been photoshopped as those like North Korean generals with like 80 fucking medals. But you guys know how

I'm assuming you guys have all been in the military, right? Do we all agree? Yes? Yes? No, you haven't? No, you haven't? You? Yes? Yes? You? Yeah. Yes? Yes? So you guys have trained how the body moves and how people are going to make certain movements, right? Yeah. And so it's the same thing with me. Like I go, and I know what your reaction is going to be essentially. And I've studied over and over and over and done it a thousand times with people bigger, smaller, fatter, stronger, you know, and

You just, we've done it for like 20 fucking years and it becomes like second nature. Like I hit pads the other day with somebody. I'm like, oh man, you still move quick. And I'm like, quick. And I'm like, yeah, I'm not going to lose it because I've done it for 20 fucking years every single day for four hours a day. So what have you, have you noticed a, cause you're getting older and you fight at like

a 135 so have you noticed that okay hey my my reaction still but my body's not moving as sharp as it used to be i know roger jones he talked about that he was like it was weird because one day he was just like stop yeah he got hit he's like uh i don't like this yeah i think honestly for me i think my genetic makeup is

I haven't slowed down like speed wise. If anything, I probably got faster just because I know where I need to be. That makes sense, right? I know I need to be here to like cut off like milliseconds of that window of opportunity to be able to capitalize on things. I think the biggest thing I've noticed a difference is that my body doesn't heal as fast as it used to.

That's the biggest thing because when I'm doing those jiu-jitsu tournaments, I'm like you do six matches It could be guys the same size any guy who's heavy do if you go to an open weight division and afterwards I'm like what the fuck just happened like I just got hit by something like it's it beats the body at words comes to fighting it's fighting is so much easier like I

than jujitsu. - Really? - Clip that. Clip that part. - Fighting's easier than presented jujitsu. - Oh, fuck yeah. Absolutely. - Dude, that's crazy. - Yeah, 'cause it's like I have a buddy who's in law enforcement. - Sorry, do you mean gi or no gi? Or does it matter?

Gi is a lot harder. Really? Yes. No Gi is fucking easy. My opinion. Really? My opinion. Because if I'm going with Cody, and let's say he has some form of curriculum in the Gi, if he grabs me, I have to break his grip. He's attached to me. We've become one. In no Gi, I can just...

push him and create space and move. So like more variables? It's more, oh fuck yes. Like I can, if I, if I put him in like a lasso or a worm or a squid guard and he's never been exposed to it, he's like, what the fuck is this? Right? Like as I, as if I put it in your guys' world, it's like if you, if you're in, you're a police officer, if you're, it's either, I would assume SWAT would be a lot easier than fucking patrolling on the freeway.

Let me give you context why. Okay, SWAT, it's like, hey, we're going to go after this motherfucker. He's right here. He's been up in this house. We're going to go there with, you're going to be in the fucking front. You're going to have to flash grenades, dah, dah, dah. Rather, if you're pulling somebody over, you don't know who the fuck this is. You don't know what he's got, right? That's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the Gi. This is no Gi. It's like, you know what you're, this is fighting, excuse me. You know what you're getting yourself into.

Yeah, this is the best analogy I've ever heard. Yeah, right? The unknown sucks. The unknown sucks is like, okay, I'm going to a tournament with 30 motherfuckers. I don't know what you're going to do. It is what it is. We're going to run it and see what happens. This is like, okay, I'm fighting you. I have three months to prepare for you. I can watch all this tape on you. I know what your tendencies are. I know what your mistakes are. I know what you're strong at.

Alright, light work, easy. To where this, this is the unknown. This is way harder. Just like if you pull somebody the fuck over, it's like, I don't know who the fuck I'm gonna get in this car. It says Jackson, da-da-da-da. You pull up and you never know.

Super interesting. I've been doing jujitsu for a long time. So like most people that only... That's why he wanted to fight you. Most people... He showed up. That's why I didn't want to fight you. That's why I asked you. That's why I asked you. That's why I asked you. That's why I asked you. That's why I asked you. That's why I asked you.

I'm not here for that. He'll sub in. He wants real no-gi. Yeah, he wants no-gi. Only a tent top. He's lighting candles in the corner. Just compression shirts, okay? Hands slap on the back. So when did you start doing more gi stuff?

After I got knocked out. Okay. Yeah. After I got knocked out, I was like, okay, I got to, like, after I would train for my fights, I wouldn't train. Because my gym was an hour and 15 minutes away from my house. And so there's always these people are like, oh, you should come train with me. You should come train with me. And I was like, no, I don't want to. I want to. Then one of my coaches goes, you should come train with this guy. He's from Brazil. He's nasty. His name is Professor Jan. He goes, come train with us. I was like, all right, fuck it.

Excuse me. I'll come train with him. Train with him. He f***ed me up. It was a f***ing murder. In the gi? In the gi. I was like, of course, you can go f***ing up in the gi. I took my gi off. It was even worse. He just destroyed me. I was like, I'll train here. And then I started training there and how he taught the curriculum, how he was so passive and he was like, you know, just relaxed. And

I just fell in love with the gym. And then I had my kids started training there in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So they just had their two-year anniversary. So it's been really good. And I love the gear. Like, I love the aspect of like, because when I first started fighting in mixed martial arts, it's like when you, I'm going to teach you how to survive. That's what I'm going to teach you, how to survive. And then I'm going to drop you off and good luck.

Right? You have kind of like this sense of like survival. Like you have different things that come up. Like your brain starts firing off at different neurons. And as an amateur, that's how it was for me. It's like, hey, you're going to fight in eight weeks. Who am I fighting? I don't fucking know. Yeah, I don't know. There's no tape on it. There's no nothing. So you actually get into the fight. It's like, hey, round one. You go in there. You move. You think. You throw your inside. You find your distance. Then as the fight progresses, you start to figure out the problem. Then you finish them. You solve it by...

taking them out. So in no Gi, in Gi that's what it feels like for me is like when I go to these tournaments I have no idea what's going to happen so I have to figure out the problem, solve the problem and that's what I just love so much.

That's kind of tangent. I don't know what the question was. No, that's kind of weird. We all thought we were fucking it. We're still talking about fighting right now. We're all just enthralled by this conversation, dude. I didn't have a question too because you brought up like the way that nowadays your body doesn't quite heal the way that it used to. I don't know. We can cut this if you want. No, no. I was just kind of curious because like

I know there's limitations to what you can and can't take. Obviously, if you're doing UFC and stuff like that. I don't know if there's any, like, new peptides or anything that you've tried for, like, literally, like, body joints. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I've never done steroids before. I've talked to... I've done stem cells in my hand, my knees, my shoulders. I've done...

PRP, plasma-rich platelets. Oh, I haven't heard of that. Plasma-rich, yeah. How is that? It's good, I guess. I mean, I don't know if it's good. I have tried PPC-157. I tried TB-500. But the thing is with that is that it's, you know, they call it the Wolverine cure, right? But...

When I talk to a person who's done it a lot more than I have, he says, dude, you're way underdosed. Like you got to fucking jack those numbers up. And we're just – I tried to help fix an injury I've had for many, many years. I had a – I thought I had a tear in my right leg.

hip. And so I tried it and it didn't heal it at all because it's, um, what's it called? It's cartilage. It doesn't heal cartilage. It's supposed to bring more blood vessels and all that stuff, excuse me, more blood to the area. So it's, it's cartilage. Um, it didn't heal it. And then it's funny. I got an MRI and he goes, Oh, you just have bursitis. I was like, that's it. And they're like, yeah. And I'm like, so you're telling me I'm just getting knowledge. He goes, pretty much.

Good luck. Have fun. Have fun. So then, um, then I just started running again and it healed. But for my, how I heal my body is cold plunge sauna. Yeah. It feels great. And just rest and water and,

Interesting. Yeah. BPC-157. I'm glad you brought that up because that specifically, I had a wrist injury that had plagued me for like fucking, I don't know, over half a decade that all of a sudden I did BPC because it kind of re-injured. Yeah. My doctor put me on it. It was done in 30 days. Yeah. Completely healed. And this had plagued me for years. I was like about to cry. I was so happy. I'm like, thank fucking God. Well, I think that like the peptides is, it's always funny because people are like, oh, you know, that's,

It's against the rules. Take pep. And at one point in time, I think it was TV 500 was not on a banned substance list of USADA. And then eventually it became banned for some fucking reason. I have no idea. All that stuff is doing is basically sending a response to your body to say, hey, release. Because our body has all it, right? It just sends a response to, hey, release more of it. Hey, shit's fucked.

- Yeah, yeah, go fix it, right? It's not like when you take steroids, it's like, hey. - Muscle, go! - Yeah, exactly. You're giving your body the opportunity to recover a lot more. So, like for me, I think for people, especially with the program of sport you're in, TB500 and BPC 157. I know Joe Rogan's a big fan of it. My coach just got stem cells in Tijuana.

And he said he loves it, but he didn't want to touch the TV 500 and the BPC 157. But yeah, I mean, if you do it, I think make sure you consult your doctor and have fun. The attorney's coming out a little bit later. Whatever your doctor says is okay. You're not their attorney. No, God, no. Dude, we'd be in prison if I was the attorney, man. Oh, God.

Now, this, you'll like actually this story. So Brandon never fought a day in his life, period, to like martial arts, anything. Outside of like, it was like a couple of bar fights. That was my fucking experience. Medal of Honor was the one. Oh, fuck that. So I get a call from him. Last year-ish? Yeah, last year. He's like, I took a fight. I was like, oh. He's like, boxing match. I was like, fuck yeah. Okay, hell yeah. He's like, will you help? I was like, yeah, I would love to help train. Like, okay.

What are we looking at? I'm thinking amateur fight. He's like, no, it's a pro fight. I was like, you're doing a pro boxing match? He's like, yeah. I was like, oh, okay. Well, we got some time. 10 hours, 49 yards. Yeah. I was like, well, we got time. How long? He's like, five weeks from now. I was like, bro, what the fuck, dog? And I was like, you have to come over like today and spar. Yeah. Literally, he's like, drive to my house right now.

I was like, oh my God, bro. I was like, we got five weeks to beat the shit out of you so you get comfortable in the ring. Yeah. And thankfully, he sparred three days. It was like six days a week. Like, we were fucking hitting it the whole time. And he won. Oh, good shit. Still looked a little sloppy. Like, I go back and I look at that fight and I'm like...

You can tell this motherfucker didn't know about the fight until six weeks ahead. It's pretty fucking rough. But, yeah, I feel like I can do better now. But, yeah. But at least you've done it, right? Like, that's a lot of people. A lot of people out there are saying, oh, fuck, I can do better than that. I was like, have you, though? Have you tried it, right? So props to you for actually getting there and doing it because there's a lot of people out there who wouldn't have the fucking balls to do it. And I enjoyed the shit out of it. It ended up being a third-round knockout on a jab. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, you knocked him out? Yeah. Oh, kudos to you. I was so pissed. I told him so many times. The double. The one thing I kept. We kept harping. I was like, you're never going to knock somebody out with a jab. And he's like, slip. And he hit him and just dropped the guy. I was like.

Well, he knocked him out with a jam. God damn. There you go. I think in the video it looked more like, oh! Dude, if I could just have, through every tribulation of life, if I could just have a cheerleader like Eli, dear God, he was going ape shit in the corner. Z.

Just yelling, kill them! Well, I mean, you know, it's the first time he ever did it. Six weeks to prepare for it. So, you know, he had a lot of heart and soul. Oh, yeah. All your preparation to hopefully see you succeed. And you succeeded. So that's... I wouldn't have without him. But I love our code word. He's like, dude, if you stagger him, if I see he's weak or whatever, he's like, I'm going to have a fucking code word. Like, just for you to go...

Ape shit, just give him everything you got. I think our code word was KILL! KILL! KILL! Did we just hear it echoing? KILL! Because the dude would like stagger. I'd be like KILL! Brian would be like, you just see Brian go, uh. I'd just walk towards him and just start swinging like, yeah! I love that. That was funny. Probably one of the best experiences of my life. That was fun.

Who was, with one of your fights, what was one of the worst fights where you, like that first time getting hit by somebody that hits way harder than the rest and you're like, oh, that didn't feel good. I would say John Dodson. He hit me and I was like, I got dropped. I was like, blah, blah, blah. And I, that was the first time I lost somebody in a fight.

And he hit me with the right hook. And I was like, oh, shit, I lost him. And I go, boom. And I'm like, fuck. And then I go, okay, we okay, baby? You okay? Let's get back in it. Yeah, I'm like, you talk to yourself. I was like, that's okay, ain't shit. And then he dropped me again. I was like, okay, we've been here before. Dropped me again. And I was like, and then he started getting tired. I was like, all right, it's my turn, motherfucker.

and then that's why i started putting on him but now it's like i that fight john dotson and when i fought kyoji horiguchi in montreal i was super sick i remember sick oh sick i got water poison oh no shit yeah um he dropped me no he didn't drop me he took me down i was like i don't want to be here right now i'm like i don't want to be here but those are only two other than that it's like i get hit i was like that's all you fucking got i was like or like you kick somebody and they check it and i you know your shins clash then i'm like that happened i was like okay it's

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The summer sun is here to stay, so trust Manscaped to keep those pubes at bay. It's weird that you like ghee so much now. Because like most MMA fighters, I feel like they hate ghee. Because they don't like the complexity of the ghee and how hard it is. Like for me, I like hard shit. Like I just like to try to solve a problem. And that's what ghee provides for me. It's so funny because I feel the exact opposite way about it.

Why don't you guys put it to the test? What Nick is saying is he wants to go into the other room. He was an MMA fighter and a wrestler beforehand. So like having a singular goal is probably easier for you because like wrestling, it's like, I'm going to put your shoulder blades on the mat, whether you fucking want me to or not. And MMA is easier for me because it's like, I have 50 different thousand options and a bag full of tricks to catch somebody. It's really hard for me to be like,

I only have one option and he knows what it is and I have to do it anyway. So like, that's hard for me. Cause I came from the exact opposite end. So you think about it though, like in the key, it, you know, how, what belt are you? Uh, purple, purple, right? So you have your last, you have your squid, you have your worm, you have all these, you have spider guard, you have trench, you have all these guards. And what I like to do is I like to have my, my game is about movement. Movement is like movement, you know,

The body in motion stays in motion. The body at rest lays at rest. It dies, right? So for me, when I start going and I start grabbing someone and I start working my judo and I try to do my sacrifice throw or high crotch or something. Which is insane, by the way. Yeah, so I start doing that. And then I start doing all that stuff and I add my movement. Then if I go, okay,

I guess the guy who's like you, who's a lot bigger, you know, I'll try to throw you, see how your balance is. Oh, he has good balance and I'll pull guard and see what you're going to do. You come to my guard. I'm okay. I'm going to do lasso. You go, you, you defeat the lasso. Okay. He's off balance. Like I just read your body mechanics and then I just,

I throw all these things at you and you see how you react and once you make that bad mistake then it's like hey this is this is the opening to get you so that's what I love about like I said the gi even in jiu-jitsu even in fighting they all correlate they all it's all one universe it's about like how the body moves when you started were you like training a lot more no gi and no gi at all my 18 years in jiu-jitsu was all no gi and then I transitioned into no gi into the gi

But my professor, my first professor, Bibiana, he was like, it's the same stuff. Like it's about patterns of movement in the body. So just cause you're in the gi, you're, you're not in the gi doesn't mean you don't know the curriculum in the gi. Because once I jumped into the gi, I was, when I was even doing no gi and I would jump into gi, I'll be,

black belt because of my movement and just submitting him. So it's like, he goes, you see what I mean, brother? He goes, it's all about the movement. You understand movement? You understand I'm locked? You understand armbar, triangle? You're black belt. You're good. So that's how it works. Good Asian accent. No, he's Brazilian actually. Brazilian accent. Nothing...

now that you do gi way more and then when you go back to no gi do you feel like you're even faster than you were before oh yeah yeah okay i felt yeah because like the the grips like i'm constantly doing this all day like grabbing grabbing grips and pulling so when i go back to no gi it's like i grab you but i'm like this and i'm like why is your hand sticking i was like because i'm used to grabbing you like this now i'm grabbing you like that and just

Yeah, I always try to tell like all the wrestlers that come in that hate G it's like it's like a turtle shell and Dragon Ball Z Yeah, you take it off your 10 times faster. No reason. It's crazy. So the hyperbolic a time chamber Yes, everything's harder, yeah, I agree but I love like I said, I love you It's a nice transition where I'm at now my career where it's like I don't want to get hit in the head anymore I just want to focus more building my brand

and staying healthy, spending time with the wife and kids, and competing in the gi. That's cool. Dude, and you got... How long have you been doing YouTube or pursuing that? Because your number... Oh, Jesus. We were talking about it. We were like, man, Homeboy's killing it. Your podcast is doing good, and then you have your reactions, and those numbers are climbing. How long have you been pursuing that? That's the crazy part. Just to add on that, onto the question, the people that I've talked to about you and having you on the podcast, they don't go immediately like, oh, this is the most dangerous fighter in the world, pound for pound. They go...

That's the guy who does the gaming shit, right? It's kind of funny that you've added to the brand in that way. Yeah. I mean, gaming was always my first passion. So when I started doing that on Twitch, I started streaming on Twitch. Yeah, dude, I love fucking gaming. Gaming is like my...

my first first love but when it started I started when I started fighting I started gaming and then when I started Twitch I did Twitch for nine years then I switched to YouTube and then once again I was doing YouTube I was when I first started doing YouTube seriously I started editing my own videos and just like kind of taking a little bit off and like following his footsteps with how he

um reacts to people who people getting fucked up and so i started doing that and then eventually i was like you know i'm gonna hire uh i met a guy named michael wandover and we're working together and he was somebody else's producer and then they had a falling out then i hired him and i was like once i hired him like at that point i had like 250 like 265 000 subscribers and

Then once I hired him like I just left I had no ego He was like you should do this you see this you do this and it's taken off And then we did the mighty cast the podcast. I was like, I love talking to people. I love knowing people stories I love that aspect of life and That's been something I've been really truly enjoying and now that's like I like where all my focus is it's just the podcast and

The reaction video is building YouTube because I can do that until I'm fucking 85 years old. Yeah. Right? I can't fight until I'm 85, so I'm trying to like slowly transition. Not with that attitude. Right.

You're just breaking bones. I'm slowly trying to transition. Come on, Lord. Let's break our wrists. Yeah. So I'm slowly trying to transition out of the mixed martial arts. But that's why I love jiu-jitsu because I can still do it and compete at a very high level and get that feeling of a purpose to train for and work out and then go there and see how good I am. And if I lose, I lose. If I win, I win. That's cool. Dude. So at what year did you really go into the YouTube game? I would say...

A year? A year? You're fucking killing it. It's been a year and a half. Yeah, I would say a year. God, you're one of those pieces of shit that just climb real fast. Well, look at me. Mr. Humble. We post three videos a day. Fuck me. Holy shit, dude. A week. A week. A week. Excuse me. I was like, I'm just thinking about your shit. Three videos a week.

Um, you know, we also have the gaming side of it. We have the reaction videos, we have the live breakdowns, we have all that stuff. So we try to make it be consistent as possible and also try to like give it like a live channel, right? Like there's so many guys out there that, you know, who do like YouTube's all about consistency, right? If you keep on pushing the content out there, then they'll come out there and they're going to watch it and they're going to love it. Right? Like, like, you know,

Hey, what's going on guys? Donut Operator here. Hi everyone. Hi everyone. I sit there and I'm like, oh shit. Two. Two is cut off. Once it comes on, you buckle the fuck up and you get ready to watch the concert. Sounded empty. Get him another one. No, no, no. That was good.

But you start to get used to watching that person curate content. Thank you. Thank you. Do the content. And so I've been trying to take a page out of those guys' books who have been successful in the YouTube space. Well, dude, as you were saying, it is consistency is key. And that's why we literally Saturday's episode was all about the guys, the boys, their journey on YouTube.

they're growing up in YouTube and actually finally making, because Eddie did 800 fucking videos. This dude did 800 videos. And then he was just living off his wife. He was like going broke. He made money and then it went away. He's like, he approached his wife, Gabby, and was like, hey, I got an idea. I'm starting a brand new channel, but it's going to work this time. And then in six months, Homeboy has 5 million subscribers. See? Yeah.

That's amazing. That's great. And that's what's crazy. It's the consistency and then it's seeing what works, what sticks. And like yours is your strongest one right now, the podcast, your biggest numbers? No. I think it's the whole thing because we kind of package it like –

as just the channel itself, I guess. Oh yeah, you are 100%. And like you just said, we go through what does well, what doesn't, and we're always learning from YouTube. We always ask other people who are also in the YouTube space what works for them, what didn't work for them. And we try to take all that data, sit down, digest it, and we just try to do our best to

you know, make great content. And then I tell, when I talk to my producer, I tell him like, I'm not going to do something that I don't feel comfortable with, or I don't think it's funny. Right. Like I'm like, I just don't. So oldest son is 10. Tyron. Has it like dawned on him that his dad is like pretty famous yet? Yeah. Yeah. Tyron and Maverick, they know they they're in my last fight and they understand. And, um, yeah, they're cool about it. Like I, the one thing I tell him, I was like, I don't take pictures when I was with my kids. And then I don't,

Yeah. That's the biggest thing I always tell them. I was like, I don't take pictures when I'm with you guys. My son's like, oh, it's okay, dad. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm like, no. I was like, and me and my father were talking about something here. It's like, I don't want my kids growing up to be like, oh, you always took time for your fans. You never cared about me, da, da, da, da. But that's what I want.

that's what i i focus on them not the fans and then and i tell the fans like when i'm on vacation i'm a hate like i'm with the kids right now but if you see me going to take a piss on my way back i'm one of the kids snag me i'll love to take a picture but when i'm with my kids i don't want their childhood being remember me taking pictures with fans i was like do you hate me for it i was like so you hate me for it don't buy a pay-per-view don't watch me it is what it is i'm gonna keep on fighting doing my thing and

How's their perspective been? Is it one of those things where because dad does it, it's not cool? So my oldest does jiu-jitsu. He loves it. He competes. He loves to compete. Middle, he does it because he has no choice. My daughter, she just does whatever she wants to do. But my oldest...

Yeah, he knows. They're going to know how to fight, damn it. Well, we just, like I said, in today's age, I feel that they need to have some type of hard discipline. Like when I fucking wrestled in high school, I showed the practice and my coach was like, go run five miles. You're not getting any water. Then we're going to start training.

You do that today, today's fucking age, ha, good luck at having a job. He's going to get fired the next day, right? Like they don't build them fucking tough like they used to, right? So for my boys, I'm like, you guys are going to do jiu-jitsu. It's the only sport. It's one of the only sports where you're going to go against another man your size. You guys are going to fight. Like no punches, but you're going to fight another man. And I can't step in and do anything. So-

They both have, they all three have to do jiu-jitsu. So he does jiu-jitsu and he feels the pressure when he competes and I'm in his corner. And so now I don't corner him anymore. I don't coach him anymore when he's competing because he's like, dude, like I just have to live up to your expectation. It's a big shadow. It's a big shadow. And I'm like, and I told my, well, he's like, hey, I want those steaks cooked good. Not, not, not overdone. I don't know.

I know, you just made fun of your shadow side.

I saw a cinematic shadow. It's a little shadow. So I tell him, I'm like, dude. I really don't want to fight later. No, it's okay. I tell him, I was like, dude, just relax, have fun. I just want you to be the best version of yourself. I don't want you to be like me, be better than me. And so he does a good job and he started to understand it now, but I don't coach him anymore. Like when it comes to competition, like I'll coach him in the gym.

But when it comes to competing. It's just bad for the relationship. Yeah. I mean, I don't think it's bad for the relationship. I just think he can't like put it all together when I'm in the corner. So I just stay away. Are we trying one of those right now? What the fuck is that? Oh, you got to have one. What the fuck are you doing? Spicy pickled quail eggs, bro. Nick bought quail eggs for everyone. We're going to do a quail egg. Do I have to break the shell? I think they're de-shelled already. Yeah, I think they're like soft boiled. I'll try one.

I mean, I've tried worse shit than fucking Manila, so... They're like, you want to try the Manila? Dude, how is... If you won't try a quail egg, I'm going to be upset. You want to try one, Alan? Yeah.

I like your raising your kids right in the... Cody, we all know this position right now. Our kids are fucking spoiled. The hardest part is not raising a spoiled kid. You're like, oh man, we all

All of us grew up poor as shit. All of us grew up poor as shit. Poor, poor. So it is that he grew up in a trailer. I grew up in a Mexican house. All of us, 600 square foot house for seven people. We grew up poor. That's why we all beat our children so they know what it's like. I know. That's what I'm talking about. I don't do that. Any opportunity I get to hit my son, I do it. That's one thing. That's one thing. They are good.

That's one thing I haven't done. Like, I haven't laid one finger on my kid. I should try it. No, I'm just kidding. I just want to put a reminder out there. This is a comedy podcast. Comedy podcast. This is an extra. Dimitri is punching kids. Oh, God. No. It's our best-selling merch. This is because my brother, he has schizophrenia. He's bipolar.

And so I think our upbringing, my stepdad, he was an old-timer. Your brother? My brother. Damn, he's flat. Oh, man. You're actually pretty good. Thanks, Nick. I know, right? Fuck yeah. Good choice, bro. Spicy pickled quail eggs. That's the hard part, though. I need some in fucking...

Like, I'm not super rich, but, like, I'm going to have money to give my kid money for the fucking book fair at school, which is, like, something I didn't really have. You know what I mean? The Scholastic Book Fair. I knew I made it when I had, like, appetizer money at Applebee's. That was, like, my fucking, like, that's how poor I grew up. Like, when I could get appetizers, ugh.

When I stopped- It's fantastic. When I stopped- Olive Garden is not a fancy restaurant, so when I knew I made it- I remember just being like, man, one day, I'm gonna be able to hit my girl there. Yes. When I went to a restaurant or bought food and shit and didn't look at the prices. Yeah. It's like, I don't care how much this costs. That was that click. The hard part with kids, though, is you're like-

He's not going to be poor. How hard do I have to be on him so he's at least funny still? If I'm not hard enough on him, he's not going to be funny. He's got to have some trauma. You know what I mean? Enforce that trauma. It's like a muscle. You've got to break it down to build it up, but you don't want to snap it in half. You were talking about your brother. Sorry. Oh, sorry, brother. Our upbringing, my stepdad, his dad was military. He was very, very abusive. Yeah.

I'm sure we all have had some type of abuse growing up as a kid, but he would abuse us for doing just stupid shit. And I think when he started to go down the path of his schizophrenic and bipolar came into play, he would do the things that our stepdad did to us when we were children. And so from that point on, just that trauma of us being kids, I never...

touch like hit my cage or anything like that and that's a cool thing like I do jujitsu so I can like fucking like give me a little like in this boom like damn that was that was on me hard today I don't know what's going on you don't have to hurt him I've met your father and while he'd shoot you we all know that story yeah yeah

It is crazy when you, like, because it's good. Like, you can discipline your kid in different ways. Yeah. And hey, I'm all for it. Like, my best friend, he whoops his kid's ass. I'm like, hey, you do that. You go, playboy. And my other best friend, he whoops his son's ass, too. And I'm like, hey, go ahead, do it. I think there's a difference between, like, discipline and abuse. There's definitely a very clear line. Yes, 1,000%. And like I said, for me, I've just never...

I've done it and now my buddy's dad who would... So my buddy's dad...

who whooped his son's ass, he goes, he goes, don't whoop my grandson's ass. Please don't do it. Please don't do it. And he goes, she whooped my ass. He goes, did you like it? No. He goes, then don't do it to him. Please don't. It's that word. I hated that shit. Autism, they don't. So it's a weird thing that they tell you. It's like, hey, with it, they're not going to understand that discipline. It's being spanked. They just don't understand. You're just hurting them for no reason. So like writing, it's just simply like, I'm going to throw away your shit. And he was like, that is...

I'm he's not doing that. I was like, I'll throw away your tablet. He's like, I am so sorry, Dachi. What do I need to do? Don't ever do that again. I will not do that again. I feel like there's a bell curve to that too. Where like, you're so young that you like,

At a certain age, you can understand reason. Yeah. And at that point, like, okay, beating your ass, like, when I can explain something to you, like, you know, you should never use force when you don't have to. And then it whips right back around when they get older where it's like, oh, no, I have to beat your ass because you're getting close to a grown man. That's the thing where I was talking to my father about it and I said, man –

It's like my oldest. He's getting, you know, I'm fucking 5'3". He's probably like 4'8". So he's getting up to my size. And I'm like, man, if I'm going to have to fight one of my kids, it's going to be this one. Because he's... Testosterone kicking in. Yeah, it's starting to kick in. I was like, oh, fuck, here we go. And I told my wife, I said, babe, I'm just going to let you know, I'm going to have to fight this one. She goes, don't fight her, baby. I was like...

As long as I win, we're good to go, right? You just play the flying knee. Yeah. I was like, have you seen this? This shit was happening to you. Out of the fuck. My favorite story with John, though, dude, we were in a grocery store one day and he's like, you know this one. He's like three years old.

And I'm like, I'm carrying him around and he just like, I wouldn't get him something. He slaps the shit out of me. And so I just slap his ass back. Not like hard knock him out slap. I just give him a little pop. Yeah. Because he did that to me. But the old lady that was coming around the corner just saw me fucking just like give him a little pop.

And so her and I make eye contact. And I'm like, oh, shit. She just saw me abuse my child. Keep walking, granny. I just like the story. He did it first. Yeah. Right? So she did it first. You know what happened, though? John never fucking slapped me again. Yeah. No, kids learn real quick. And like I said, it wasn't a hard. It wasn't a fucking. To this day, his nose is slightly crooked. Yeah. No, I just gave him a little fucking boop because he gave me a boop. And he never.

Hit me again. And I think it goes back to like what you said, like there's a line of like discipline and abuse, right? Like that. That's yeah. You fucking hit me. I'm gonna hit you back. I had a friend, he, uh, the, the, his nephew bit him like, you know, it's like, ah, bit him. He goes.

Bit her back! She goes, "How'd you like it?" She never bit him ever again. My fucking- my grandmother, who's now currently 92. Yeah. Old German lady, right? She fucking did that to me apparently when I was like two. Yeah, right. She bit her again. I bit her, she bit me back, and my mother was like, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I don't remember this, obviously I was two, but like, I never-

-Bitter back. -Yeah, there you go. So, I mean, even with my kids, like, I-- we try to do our best to discipline through action and just tell them, like, "Hey, like, it's not okay." And...

lead by example. And so far it's working good. He's 10 and he's very, and he has ADHD and he just, he's hyper, hyper focused on things, right? So right now he loves aviation. He loves jujitsu. And if he doesn't get an opportunity to actually grab somebody and throw and fight, he just has that testosterone, young teenager where he's like, man,

you know, I've got my hair off, I need two chains, not one. I need a new dunk. So I'm like, dog, you ain't getting all that shit. Like, you got to work, do some laundry. So going through that. And, you know, there's no, you know, pamphlet to fucking raise kids, right? God, I wish there was. Well, there's a lot of them. Actually. What did you say? No, I said that would be cool if there were pamphlets. This is a pamphlet that's like, do this. Ah, this is great. The problem is there's 10,000 of them and they all say different shit. Yeah. Yeah.

Your parents do something and then you're like, I don't want to do that to my kid ever. And then you don't do that. And then they're like, I'm going to do that to my kid. We're in a constant pendulum of overcorrection. They're always written by people that don't have fucking kids is the weird part to me. You know what I mean?

No, I want to say this. Alan agrees. Alan knows. There was one family friend that she did something to her daughter that I regret. I should have done it. I don't regret it. I love my daughter. I said, damn, my daughter keeps coming up. My kids keep coming out of the room every night when I put them to bed. We do bath time. We do story time. We do food time. Everything's good. We did everything by the book as we read it. But they keep coming out of the fucking room.

And then I asked my friend, I was like, man, how'd you get your kids to come to my room? He goes, how about the ass? So you come out of this room, you get your kick. And it wasn't, it was more on the line of abuse. It wasn't discipline.

That motherfucker never came out of the room ever again. Because daddy's a monster at night. Have you ever went in there? Scary ass monster. You just chase your kid on all the way. That kid will never leave that back. Fucking crab walking towards your kid. Kid will never go in your room again. But he did that. He said that's what I did. The fucking exorcist. Never came out again. Ever. No. Terror in there. Jesus.

That's one of the parallels I made between policing and having a kid. It's like with John. I could go to him and be like, hey, you're not going to do that again, right? And then if you did, you tased him. Bro, I pepper sprayed John like several times. Have you? No. You're like, all right, so I told you. He's questioning his friendship. He's like...

John, why don't we talk about closing your eyes? I'll see you, John. Wide open. Like I said, here comes the choo-choo. That's my shit. It's about the anime. Oh, yeah. It's about the anime. But that's fucked up that they did that to him. Yeah.

yeah oh we were talking about Shizuha yeah Shizuha my thing like I don't hate it I just I've never been a big anime person but like I said he gets hooked on some I get him on those ones he got me on he got me on solo leveling he got me on Attack on Titan have you watched Berserk yet no that's the next one that's the one you're telling us about Berserk Eli is king of anime I've already committed I'm gonna start it so don't so what are you gonna come and watch

I want him to watch the 98. I think 98, or if you read it, if you start at the golden age, I don't like... I want...

I wanted the eclipse to come out of nowhere for him. And he's like, what the fuck? Because I get a text from all my friends when they hit that. And they're like, yo, fuck this dude. I'm like, right. That is the betrayal at the utmost level. Don't say much. I won't. Berserk is just... This means nothing to me right now. It's the hardest. It's the best story. He's an anti-hero, but he is the best character development. Because you know why he hates people.

Like from his childhood you're like homeboy had a super one. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a great way Yeah, if you get that's probably like my all-time favorite Berserk like I watched it. I can't remember who got me into it So I was like, oh man watch Berserk. I was like, I'm watching I'm starting to watch it and next you know, I'm like what the fuck just happened I was like, I did look at the front and the back. I'm like this motherfucker. Okay. All right Did you read it? I did read it. I watched it

I watched the three-part series. So I didn't get introduced to it. Oh, you did the movie series. I did the movie series. The Netflix, right? They still did really good, I think. They did good at that. And then I watched the Crunchyroll version where it goes like Cascais, like, ah.

I can't remember what that arc is called. I watched that one. And then you see... So, like, multiple tellings of the same story? Yes. So, well, they have... The 98 version is more true to the manga, but they left out stuff. And then the movies actually added stuff that was left out. But the movies, I think, do a really good job of just, like, a condensed version of the Golden Age arc. Yes. And then...

The manga goes way past that. They just never adapted it. Yeah, they stopped. They did, like, I think two more arcs or three more arcs. They just did trash. They just did the worst. It was fucking horrible. Like, the CGI was just straight trash. Really? And then eventually, that's when I started reading the manga. And I read all through the manga to the very last manga. Then he died. And then... Fuckhead. I've been reading this shit since 98. And Homeboy died a few years ago. And I was...

I knew he died because my phone was just like, ugh. Everyone was like, Eli, did you hear? I'm like, yeah, yeah, fuck, dude. It's similar circumstance with you with that. I said that when Jimmy Buffett died, I'm like, damn, that was like 9-11 to white people with a boat. That was their 9-11? No. No. That was when Dale Earnhardt died.

Very close. Three lefts and a right. Wait, where were you? Jesus Christ! The one wall white people don't like? Oh no. Dude, it was like, bizarre. He's like, "I'm just gonna eat an egg real quick." Alan. Alan. Where were you when Dale Earnhardt died? When the world stopped turning. You don't know?

Ah, fuck. I thought for sure he'd know. I was hunting somewhere. All right. God. But it was a berserk fucking pinnacle of anime, especially character development. And then what are your... They've watched... So they've watched Attack on Titan. Attack on Titan was good. It got a little weird at the end. I didn't like it. The last season was fucking kind of weird. Yeah. Season...

Last half of season. Season one, season two was amazing. Season three was amazing. And then season four just fucking went the whole different way. I didn't mind it, but...

But like the ending was not bad, but very fucking weird. Yeah, I just felt like the beginning of one and two, season one, season two, it's like us against them. Like, and then why are we here? Why do the Titans exist? And then who is, you know, the armor Titan? Who's a colossal Titan? Then three, you kind of understand it. Then Zeke comes out, you see his brother. He's a nerd. And so you see all the fight in, he goes, Nanda, she knows that. And then you see like all my, then they all start fighting. It's like, this is fucking peak right here. And then it's like,

Then you see Aaron going a whole tangent, just change. I just don't think they explained it as well as I hoped. I agree. So it was supposed to have a dark-ass ending, right?

It was not supposed to do that good. So the artist was like, hey, you have to make this go. We're keeping the spoiler free, I think, right? Yeah. It's already been out. It's already been out. But it was still, he was supposed to, like, by season, I think, three is when they were like, hey, this has to keep going. This is doing really good. Yeah. He was like, what?

So he had to change the ending if I'm right. Yeah, he had to change the entire story because it was supposed to have a very dark ending. It had a dark ass. It had a no like way darker. Yeah, that wasn't dark. Like I met him in Japan and I was talking to him. What the fuck? Yeah. Oh my God. I talked to him. He was like, if you want proof of your fucking humility.

You just met the artist? You didn't open with that while we're talking about it? Oh, that's okay. So wait, is this true? This is what I heard back in 2017, 18. So it's very common for that to happen because it happened with Dragon Ball Z because after the Frieza saga, Toriyama, he was like, I'm done. He loaded the spirit bomb for like seven years. Those are three seasons of him just fucking...

Yeah. I hate it so much. It was supposed to end after the Freeza saga. He was, I'm done. Like, I don't want, that's why the saga was so fucking long, right? And he was, I was supposed to end. And then, they, he came back, did, what was that, the Freeza, it was the Android saga? The Cell. Android Cell. And then it went Majin, the,

Bobbidi, the Majin Buu, and all that stuff. But then that's when it finally fucking hit it. Krillin's banging a robot. Yeah. Then Dragon Ball GT was picked up by somebody else, totally different. But with Attack on Titan, when I met him, he was talking like, you know, it's like...

my prized possession what he really wants to do is he's taking all the money he made from that and he's opening a a very heightened wash house like a like you go like you know a wash house for me your face when he said that it's just like the the white guy gift like yeah and at the time he said the story the story was already done he was like it's done like when i met him this was back in 2000 and 2019 he was like the story is done like i've had it done

I'm just not going to release it. I have to release it, you know, how we do it. And it set in stone. He didn't really elaborate on like what the ending was going to be, but he was like, it's done. I'm already done. I'm just chilling and slowly releasing. He goes, and I have to draw it out. Like the verbiage wise, it's already done, but actual like drawing it hasn't been completely finished yet. He's got some Jack and Coke for you, buddy. Thank you, Mr. Trav.

Thanks for sharing. So, dude, are you like Hunter x Hunter? Are you big in like... I haven't watched Hunter x Hunter. Bro, oh my fucking god. What? I shall be down, right? Yeah. What? Really? Oh, dude, you're gonna... I thought you were gonna fight Eli. Eli's gonna fight you. Now, you're just... I'm like, what? Dude, if you watch Hunter x Hunter, that's going to be one of your top animes ever.

Really? I promise you, I will get a text from you after you watch it and be like, yo, this is like top five ever. No, it's just pretty fucking gay, dude. It's one of the top freakouts, like top freakouts, top three. Gone. Really? Gone.

Top 30 period. I've been hearing a lot of 100x100 and I know like, typically like, I like like the dark, like berserk style. I like where you're going with this. Oh really? 100x100, right? Dude, this is, you're gonna go, I've told the guys before, it's like for 15, 16 episodes, it is the

It's very kids. You're like, this is fucking stupid. This is gay. This is kids anime. And then all of a sudden, for whatever reason, and he's known for this, everyone starts dying. Like people just fucking start getting murdered. And you're like, hey, this is.

What was the other one like fucking jujitsu kaizen? That's amazing. Yeah. I don't drink bush. Oh come on. Do you read the anime? Yeah, I'm all kind of dating. The manga, I'm all kind of dating. See I still gotta do this. I'm gonna tell you why I don't drink bush. Okay. Because you have taste.

That is the main thing. Now me and Nick are gonna fight. I went fishing with my buddy, right? He goes, "Oh man, what you got? Fish with me?" If you got so drunk you puked all- No, no, you're gonna laugh. Well, you might not laugh, right? Nice party foul. Party foul. My mic ruined this for me. I'll blame my mic. Are you ready, babe? Let's bring out Big Daddy. What bad idea?

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This discount is specific to this podcast, so be sure to use code UNSUB at checkout. 100% off free shipping and get it fast with rush processing. Code UNSUB. So anyway, while we're talking about alcoholism, why not? Yeah, go on. So we go fishing. I go fishing with my buddy. And we go out there like 4 a.m. in the morning.

And he's out there. He's in his waders. He's out there fishing the Puyat River. He's out there fishing. And he pulls out. He goes, hey, man, you want a beer? I was like, no, man. It's like 4.30 in the morning. 5 o'clock in the morning. I need a beer. I just had my five-course meal. We're not. You're fishing. And he pulls out. I don't give a fuck. He pulls out. Dude, while you're fishing, that's like airport time. It doesn't fucking matter. You can drink. Yeah. And he pulls out a fucking, like, uh.

PBR. PBR. That's Washington booze right there. He had to be, he was, he was, what was that like? You get a banjo with every purchase. Yeah. He handed it to me and I said, man, I was like, you poor, I was like, where'd you get that weak ass beer? I was like, that's what I look like. Yeah. I was like, that's just, yeah.

I only get one chance in my life to shotgun a beer with Demetrius Johnson.

I will take a shot at something. I'm gonna guilt trip you. Can we do a shot? What do you have? Do you have tequila? Everything. Tequila, vodka. Do you have 1942? The one where you slap the top and it rings a bell. Oh, I'll do that one. That's Kazazul. Is this where we're shooting? It has a bell. Have you seen this one? I think so. Is that a bong? No, it's not.

Tequila. I think those stinks are going to be overdone, by the way. I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it. I was going to ask you, is 1FC the...

The organization that has a different weigh-in procedure? I was going to ask you if you liked it more or less. I like it more, to be honest with you. I think when it comes to the athletes, the health and safety of the athletes, also... What's the procedure, sorry? So you have the normal procedure, which is done in America, where you can cut weight as much as you want, and you can weigh in, dehydrate, and whatnot. One championship, they make you weigh in hydrated. So, for example... It's like right before the fight. Right.

Well, no, it's a day before the fight, but if you're hydrated, you're not dehydrated, right? So I typically walk around 150 pounds now, and if I was to cut to 135, I would have to diet down and be hydrated and weigh in at 135, hydrate it, and they test the gravity of your urine.

That's where they know. Oh, no shit. Oh, no shit. So they know whether or not you're hydrated. Yes, exactly. That's wild. That's super healthy, actually. Yeah. So you're not dying. So you're not dying. And it's good for the brain, too. You have a lot more fluid around your brain when you're competing. Right. That's what I was going to say. Like, CT, it helps a lot when your brain isn't dehydrated the entire time. Absolutely. So I like the procedure. It's good for athletes. And, you know, there's no reason, like, for me, when I was kind of 125, I was fucking...

Oh, God, dude. How were you feeling? Like, those are the ones where you're like, this is not... This is dangerous. Yeah, it's dangerous, but, you know, I did it right, but it still fucking sucks. Like, when you're, you know, there's not a lot of meat on you to lose to begin with, so it's like, you're...

You're cutting muscle. You're cutting everything out. And you're just fucking going on fumes at that point. Yeah. I got really lucky on that because for my fight, we were starting to dehydrate that morning. Eli was, again, like my coach, like everything I ate, drank, shat, whatever he fucking knew. And he was just like, okay, this is the last meal you're going to have. This is your last meal. You can't drink anything. You can't do anything. Like,

whole nine yards that morning we were fucking sweating shit out and you walked in and you were like done dude you like pooped and he wasn't making well i was like we did a prelim weight or whatever like just just to test it to see because i was expecting to have to sit there on the treadmill with the trash bag like that whole shit walked in i was already a pound underweight and i was like oh

still my favorite thing the day before the fight i was having him do the pendulum back uh-huh the whole time yeah he's like eli look i can punch offline yeah i can punch offline i can i can see it was his first time doing the pendulum i know that was great for the mic like it was it was our first time trying that and then about an hour into it you're like this is like super fucking important about an hour in i'm like i think i can

Like jab while I'm offline like that. That'd be kind of cool. Yeah. What won the fight? He literally won the fight because the dude would jab and Brandon was like, just hit him every time the dude would punch. I was like, oh, thank God. I would. Here you go. I didn't shock any beer with you, but I did take a shot with you guys. Good enough. What is this? Same one.

Cody! Cody! Cody! What's up? We're doing a shot. You're doing a shot with... Is there a shot over there? Yes, we're doing a shot. Do you have a shot for me? Yes! Well, he came and took your spot, so we better... Cody insisted I take his spot. I said no. I got scared. We're gonna get another shot, right? Oh, yeah. I'm only doing one. That's it. Oh, we're doing one. Trust me. Same, bro. For now. Fence work on it. For now. No, it wasn't that. Your necklace is messed up. Is it? Yeah.

I do it to the kids all the fucking time. You got some, there's me. I'm like, the kids, the karma, the eye of Sauron just went on you right now. He's beating all of us up. Cheers. Hey, everyone get in here. Get in the middle. Hey, to good friends. Great friends. This is what puts me over.

So good have you watched much of his content at all Brandon's I'm not okay So do you have any like particular gun you're excited to shoot honey badger honey badger. Yeah, we got that That's my dream guy. Oh really? I was actually kind of surprised by that. Yeah That's your dream delicious. You make what what we're going to the range tomorrow early how early my inner 10? for

Alright, we'll do it. So, if you want to go right before my, uh, uh, we, it doesn't matter. Where are you staying? Uh, I have to go work my, um, I turn right to Hilton, maybe? I'm not sure. Is it by, like, the rim? Oh, wait, show. Oh, you're at the nice, the nice little hotel. Okay. If you want to go to, if you want to go to the shop early before that, not early, but, like, right before,

I literally have a firearm. It's a manufacturing facility, and we have an arms library of basically any gun you could think of, anything from Call of Duty, whatever, anything from history. We have an arms library of literally over 1,000 firearms. If you want to pick out what you want or you just want to tell us what you want to shoot, we'll bring it out.

And what Al wants. I wanna go look. You wanna go look. You got like a gun from history that you wanna shoot, Al? Not with me, but...

Oh, you don't need it with you. No, I mean that you've ever wanted to shoot. I got to be real careful because I just had surgeries. Oh, okay. How about like a Thompson or an MP40 or an MG42? Yeah, I'd like those. Yeah. Perfect. He's going to get it and go, I'll take that one. Can we shoot this one too? You got the answer for that? Yeah, I think for me, like Honey Badger has always been one because it's super light. And I've seen videos on it and it's like the 300 blackout, you know, blah, blah, blah.

I own an AR, I own a CC Scorpion, I own some pistols, and I think an MP9 would be dope. I'm trying to think of all the guns I use in Escape from Tarkov now. Oh, I got a TP9. Oh, by the way. MP9? MP9. MP9, MP9. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got one. Pretty much most of the Tarkov guns we have, the UMP45, MP5, MP5K. I got my UUWU pink anime girl gun. Yes. It's my hog gun. It's my hog gun.

- It's called So Many Hogs. It's like a hundred plus hogs. - So you guys have hogs out here too? - Oh yeah. - How do you do that?

Helicopter. However. Who flies a helicopter? A buddy. Depends on who's had the least. I only have four beers. I'll be the pilot tonight. This is your captain speaking. We've reached the cruising BAC for the afternoon. Well, I didn't know hogs out here were super popular because Kevin Holland lives out here. And he, I was trying to get him. I was talking to him. He goes, oh, I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. I haven't been getting back to you. I'm not here.

hunting and he's out in the middle of the fucking night and it's like atv one i'm like do you hunt and i'm like my father goes he's probably hunting hogs dude and i'm like oh okay so yeah that sounds dope yeah because they're uh they're uh you know invasive species they're a nuisance out here you guys you can you can light them up and not feel bad about it well that's when he told me about that i'm like because he's all about hunting right i went hunting when i was a kid and my buddy he was big into hunt and he shot this fucking duck like the duck gun robbed his

house like he shot that duck oh my god i'm sorry you did that did you have to yell slurs at it while you were back up again like jesus christ i i was sitting you know once again like i i

I haven't met my father-in-law yet, so I was very terrified of guns. And next thing you know, we're walking and we're going along these banks or whatever, or these divots, and he's looking for a duck. And he gets there and the duck takes off. He's like, like fucking Duck Hunt on Nintendo. And he shoots it and the duck goes, then he runs up on the fucking duck and the duck's like trying to get its wits. And the duck gets up and takes off and he goes, boom, and duck, just fucking lands. And then I grab the duck and

out of my hands and a duck's neck was like kind of laying like this and it just died in my arms and never since then I just, you know, just. - Kind of hot no more? - Meanwhile he ripped it out of your hands. - I know. - Look man, we have drastically difference.

Oh, so my son Maverick, he recently went hunting with my father-in-law. He shot a buffalo? No, he shot a damn elk. Oh, he shot an elk. My bad shit. Hey, hey. He shot a damn elk. Hey, you know us black folks can't tell a damn single fucking animal? Is it a deer? An elk? A buffalo? Whatever it may be. It all just looks like, nah. Yeah, exactly. And you're like...

Like, shooting that damn elk, it's like, Jesus Christ, like, that's, yeah, like, that was me and Cody's, like, best. Still a large animal. Me and Cody's best hunting experience of our lives. And he's just like, oh, it's just a damn elk. Yeah. Alan, scoot closer. Scoot closer. That's us. Close to you. That was good. Make love to that mic.

You don't have to use that much tongue. Anyways, we're just using Demetrius to get you here. He's a cool guy. That guy's an asshole. No, so we're friends with Kevin. Brittingham. Yeah, Brittingham. He actually made the 300 Blackout and the Honey Badger. He was Talby. He said he has by his night...

We have to all have to go out and meet. Dude, Kevin, we have the most OGs. We have him.

trashed at the local bar here. He is like our- He fell asleep in the- He's our rich friend and we get him shit- Kevin loves to party. He fell asleep in the back of my Raptor, dude. Like, we was like, "I'm just gonna take a nap real quick." And just like in the back of my fucking truck in the parking lot, I'm like, "Is this actually happening?" Kevin's just like, "Wow." Although I was showing DJ the picture that I have of Kevin Brittingham laying in my bed with my bedside gun, which is a honey badger.

Yeah, we have a Honey Magic Sugar Wager 3 min- I have the Q minifigs. We have like- I want a boombox. We're getting boomboxes. I want a boombox. Boombox. We? Like, me too? So, a boombox. So, do you know, uh, have you heard of the 8.6 blackout? No. It's 300 blackouts, but for 308. Yeah. It's a big motherfucker that's super subsonic. Also-

Blow shit up when it which is just a life hack for energy for still being subsonic below a thousand feet per second or so We're talking I was like we were talking about the SWAT guy who shot that guy with 308 and my father I was like that's a 76 to brown knows that's a big fucking round big boy round to go through and I was talking about Father man, what'd you think about me using the AR for a home defense? I was like, it's a big fucking gun But you know, it's gonna stop so he goes you're gonna put holes in the mother

Like, that bullet's gonna go in him and go out and go somewhere else. It was like, 9mm is all you need. Unless you use a different kind of ammo. Yeah, if you use frange or...

Oh, yeah. You can fuck somebody up. Yeah. Right ammo. He was like, you don't want to use 5.56? You should. I'm still waiting on my fucking can, by the way. Silent Central. Send that shit. It's not them. It's a taxidermist. He's worried about making fucking noise when an intruder's in the house. At the end of the day, I want to be able to file a... I want to be able to... I want to be able to fill out a police report without...

Unfortunately, we have four bedside guns now. So we have my two 300 blackouts. I have my shorty shorty and then my

My other shorty and then she has the 12 gauge which is just slug. I'm like, "Babe, if I don't knock right, just shoot the door multiple times." You gotta sign it. But my guy- Is this me coming over tonight? I don't know. Hey, Eli, I forgot my camera. Dude! Cody's dead. I got shot through the fucking door?

But like, my girl won't wake up. And you won't know which one to use. I mean, it's good, right? That's America to me, you know? I'm with Alan, no silencer. You're going to be in court after the fact. Did you hear him say, no, please stop? No, I didn't. All I heard was, eh! After the first round. I didn't hear shit, actually. Please let us in.

Alan, did you know you get less time in prison for sexually assaulting the person breaking into your house than killing them? I'm going to jail. We taped out the meeting by just putting on a movie. Oh, my God. You're so stupid.

I'm so glad we're bringing in a range tank. You're so lucky. He's amazing. He said, let me show you something. Teach me something real quick. He goes, how do you choke a motherfucker out? I said, well, what you want to do is take him. Let me tell the story. Okay, you tell the story. Go ahead. They come up to the house one time for a holiday or something. I said, DJ, how does this fucking naked choke thing work?

So he takes my arm, puts it around his neck, and I locked it in. And he's like, and I went, and my dog's going, Dad! I'm just letting him know. I tapped this motherfucker out. I was on the ground, I was like, tap, tap, tap. So you know who the champ is, okay? And he got in his fucking chair and walked back and forth just like this.

I can't remember the first time I came over. I remember I had my Honda Civic and it was a barbecue. It was great. And then he came up and the only thing he said to me, he looked at my, because he remembered like, I don't remember, but when I met him, it was like,

Think about it. Like, if you have a daughter, it's like another guy coming to the house. Oh, yeah. Another guy coming to the house, right? And everybody is all chilled. He looked at my tires and my tires were bald as shit. And he goes...

I'm gonna change those tires, bub. And kick the tires and just walk there. It was great. Look at him from the ground. Yeah, absolutely. But he's amazing. You know you gotta change the filter in your furnace, right? How's that filter going? You gotta change the batteries in your smoke. I actually just changed those fucking things. They just went off. It was annoying. Chirp, chirp.

And he brings up his daughter. His daughter runs the house. I mean, just like her mama. Is the daughter the youngest? From the word go. He never understood with the boys the relationship I have with my daughter. But he gets it now. That girl can have anything. Even she knows it. And if daddy don't jump when she says daddy...

He's catching hell. So it sounds like you were pretty instrumental in getting him to jump on doing MMA full time. Did you know that at the time? It all started when I made that comment. It's pouring down the rain. And he says, you do this shit every day? I said, every fucking day.

So it was EFD from that point on? EFD is such a good, I love EFD. That's like the best terminology ever. Every day. Even one of our guys, our strength and conditioning coach, he was like EFD every fucking, because he worked with, he's worked with Seattle Seahawks athletes. He's worked with so many different athletes and he's like every fucking day. Now he runs an HRV Morpheus thing and now like he just bought a helicopter. He goes, I make way more money

Creating courses for people how does you about a train how to recover? Then training all the best athletes in the world and so but he was like EFD and that's where the the slogan came from was him was like every fucking day and I'm like I'm in the gym pushing weight pushing my heart rate training fighting grappling. So are you are you selling courses yet? No, sir. I'm not like why don't call me surgeon I don't want to

you can take so much money. Dude, I feel like even if it was just like a BJJ fanatics on the transition from MMA to Gi Jiu Jitsu. Yeah, I think Don Roby might, but I'm so focused on YouTube and the Mighty Cast that that's like where my heart is. You know, like if I'm going to do anything I want to put my heart into, I want to be my full self, full attention. And I think if I try to do too many things, one with a...

Slack and I don't want that. Have you interviewed? I feel like that's a patch. Don't call me sir, dude. Yeah. We're going to have so many clips of fucking Demetrius saluting our hero Brandon Herrera. I'm about to be the 23rd, dude. So veteran of you. What did you think at first about the cage fighting thing when it was like new?

It was, he was excellent. You know, he, the dedication, nobody sees behind the scenes. This man is so fucking dedicated to his training, to his success, to

I mean, it's just there. Nobody sees. I can't eat that. I can't do this. I can't do that. I got to do this. I got to do that. I can't eat this. I can't go here. Can't do this. It's just the discipline and the dedication and the effort. He didn't say, tell you, but he drives two fucking hours to train each way, dude, each way, you know, traffic that I, when I, when I do gutters there, I charge people an arm and a leg. I don't want to go up there.

And he does it twice a day, every day. And he says, it gives me that time to just focus on me and what I'm doing. And we've, we've said this multiple times on the podcast. It's like everyone, it's the amount of sacrifice you're willing to do to get where you want to be. Because a lot of people say,

I fucking despise the phrase. It's like, I don't have time to do that. It's like, if you work a nine to five, a seven to three, you have the fucking time to do anything. If this dude is getting a world championship fight,

While working a full-time job nine to five, shut the fuck up on. You don't have time to do something. This is what sacrifices it is. I'm going to make the time to be extraordinary and I'm going to figure out a way to make that possible.

That is how I'm going to get in the position of life you are. And then when your father-in-law, like he is, you're proud of him. He is the best human being that I've ever met. Humble. He's a good husband, a good great father. And couldn't ask for a better son-in-law. You know, I mean, he's just...

Meanwhile they bicker the whole flight here He respects me and I respect him and I

He has never done anything dishonorable to my daughter, any of the kids, anybody in the family. He would help anybody, anywhere, anytime. If they needed a hand and they reached out, he would pull them out of any mess they were in. And you can't ask for more than that. Hi, Eli. I'm here to talk about TACPAC.

TacPak is a monthly subscription service full of professional grade gear from a bunch of different brands. Don't hurt me. TacPak comes with equipment from Radiant, Reptilium, Battle Arms Development, plus cool merch! Oh, is it T-Rex? TacPak has two main tiers: Standard and Plus.

Standard costs $59.95 and typically has a value of $90 to $120. Plus, costs $139.95 shipped and typically has a value of $240 to $300. 300? That's right, Eli. Plus, new subscribers can use code UNSUB at checkout to get a freebie grab bag valued at $60 or more. That's code UNSUB for your $60 free tactical freebie. Just remember to sign up before the end of June to get this awesome box.

I'll never leave you. I've come to that realization. Dude, it's so awesome to see everything you guys, like, have accomplished. You, like, it speaks magnitudes of your person when your father-in-law is like, hey, this dude kicks ass. He's a father. He's a son-in-law. Like, everything. And he's amazing at it. So, fucking, dude. He's an honorable human being. And that's, you don't get any better than that. I mean...

If he was like one of them mouse yapping over here...

I'd have trouble having him over. And for me, like he's done so much in my life, not just as a father, you know, a father-in-law, but a father figure, you know, for me, for the longest time, like I said, I didn't know my father until I hit 30 years old. And so I've been with my wife since 21. So there's been a long time that I've looked up to him for a lot of things and not just, you know, that, but just understanding like how life works and like the guns was a huge thing.

and how the warm worked and like how, I mean, stupidity and like I'll ask him a stupid ask first. I'm like, why is it like that? He goes, because people are fucking stupid, DJ. That's why. Yeah.

That old man out there. That old man out there. But see, I see it as wisdom, right? Because at one point in time, the world was a certain way, right? And he turned out okay. He's a good man, right? Like, he raised his daughter, right? And so I feel like our world's trying to get away from that. Old school is like, oh, you don't want to mow the fucking lawn? Go inside and get my butt, but whoop your ass long enough until you want to mow the lawn.

So I feel like I learned a lot from him and I love him for it dearly and he knows that. And yeah, man, it's a good time. And you never had, Destiny told me many years ago, she goes, Dad, you know, you never had to spank me. And I said, I never did. She goes, that didn't mean that I didn't believe you weren't good. Yeah. Because you had that look. And the way you talk to me, you look me in the eye and you say, don't do that again. Yeah.

I knew I wasn't going to do that again. You don't have to do it, but you've got to make them believe that you're certainly going to do it. Alan, we're going to reshoot tomorrow. Have you shot a machine gun? Yes. I spent four years in the Marine Corps. Oh, my God. I was going to say Eli.

I was expecting his answer to be, last time I did it was out of anger. What was your service weapon? M14? Yes. So in Washington, it was funny because when, who's in fucking office and you were worried about all the ammo was going to go away. Who was that?

I don't know who it was. I think it was by Obama. Yeah. It was Obama. Every fucking day after he got done working, he'd go, hey, man, I'm going to stop by a Walters or I'm going to stop by... I'm going to stop by a... Right after Sandy Hook? Yeah, the ammo... Yes. So when there's going to be an ammo shortage, he would stop by every fucking day and grab a case of fucking ammo. Every day. He would... Smart man. I'm like, sure, pick me up somewhere. I got all this ammo.

I'm like, Al, who are we getting ready for? You know something I don't know? COVID hit you up.

I was just fucking, you need all the ammo? Let me know if you run out. Oh boy, they're in the stream club throwing five lives in the streamer. I would tell him, I said, Alan, why you got all this fucking ammo? He goes, you never fucking know. He goes, there was a shortage and I don't want to be fucking, have to gun somebody down and I ain't got enough ammo. Do you want some or not? I'm like, grab me a couple, okay? Love you, bye.

I'll never forget that. That's fucking hilarious. No, that was the way it was like after City Hook. Like, cause like ammo was available. You just couldn't like. Buy it. Yeah. If you went to Bass Pro, it's like everything was off the shelves. Like you just had to like be there early enough and shit like that. On the day they put it out. Yeah. And then, oh, you can only have two boxes. Yeah.

Yeah. Everybody was fucking worried about... What the fuck am I doing with two bosses? I want to kill more than a hundred people. And then it came a point in time where, like...

I think it was like 30 round magazines were, what's it now? Like 30 rounds. It's only 10 now, right? In Washington. Yeah. Washington. It was like 30, 30, 30. Like I remember right before it happened, like I got a 45 round magazine. I had a 30 round magazine. And then now it's like, you're lucky to get a fucking 10 round magazine. And so it's just changed completely in Washington state where now, like when I got my suppressor for my AR, I was like, Oh shit, I finally got it. And then now that's why I don't think my, uh,

my suppressor for my CC scorpion has got there because I think the laws have changed in Washington state and that's why it hasn't got there. - For reference, when I had my CCW in Washington state, all you needed was fingerprints. No tests, no nothing. You would walk in,

Man, I live in Iowa. It's constitutional carry. We knew her the whole time. Texas, motherfucker. Iowa's got better gun laws. You're probably right, yeah. Iowa and Indiana both do. I got a fucking bazooka. Texas has more room than Iowa.

That's fair. Man, I really fucking like Al. We've got less people to hit on accident, damn it. Well, I don't know. I've been to Iowa, but... We got like 17 people and some cows. It's awesome. And three of them speak English. That's right. The cows? Oh, man.

I'm glad you brought Alan, dude. This is some of the best people in the world. God damn it, dude. I went to a fight up in Montreal with him, and this one really blew me away. There's a lot of French-speaking people up there. Canadians? Yeah. Don't say the C word, dude. You go into the washroom up there in Montreal, and evidently that must be the chat room.

because every time I went in there somebody else would come in and they want to chat. I'm not in there for that. I came in here with a purpose.

What branch of the military were you in? Marine Corps. That adds up. I'm in here to piss with a purpose. He stands at parade rest when he pisses. I have a real good buddy that's retired Navy, right? Super guy. We banter back and forth like you could, I mean, like if you've been in the military, you've been. Oh, yeah. And, uh,

So I was at a Friends of the NRA banquet over in Idaho and I'm gonna show you this picture because this is a a navy urinal.

You're basically looking at his fucking eye and it's in her face. You have to send me that because I have to put that on the podcast. That has to pop up on the podcast. He was Navy. What years were you in? 75. Oh, fuck you.

Oh, thank you so much. What's your name again? I forget. I'm sorry. Destiny come down to a fight because I was going with DJ to a lot of fights because she had the babies. Yeah. So she comes to a fight with me and all the UFC officials are, you know, they know me. Hi, Alan. How you doing? Hey, how you doing, Alan?

He goes, "How do you know these people, Dad?" I said, "I pee a lot." When I would fight, I would be in the back and I'd say, "Hey, this is my problem. I'll take care of him." And so he'll sit right in the front row, right? And then he was like, "I gotta go pee." So they were like, "Hey." Someone would come and grab him, walk him in the back and you have all like, you know, people who work in the house.

"Hey, you okay? Can I get your AD?" So my wife's been gone for like maybe two, not two years, but she's been missing a lot of fights. And so when she comes back, she's walking in, he goes, "What's up, Bob? Hey, what's up, Reed? Hey, Dana, how you doing, baby?" This is like, how the fuck do you know all these people, honey? And then daddy goes, "Oh, I pee a lot, talk to them, hang out with them all the time." She goes, "That's not how it's supposed to be. You're supposed to come here and watch them fight and take your ass home, not make friends with all these people." But it's a good time.

I fucking love this. We're in Tokyo and we're on the shopping chaperone and she gets a bag for, you know, training camp because she has to do everything with the kids and it's a big, hard job. So we're at Louis Vuitton and I'm afraid to sit down and...

Destiny couldn't decide between this green bag and was that pink bag or something? And she goes, Dad, what do you think? And she's mulling. I said, hell, just get both of them. She goes, I'm going to call DJ and ask him which one I should get. And I said, just get both of them. Shitty English saying, no, he's got to fight in four hours. Yeah.

I'll never forget that. What you think, baby? This is a Japanese exclusive. That was the clincher. This is a Japanese exclusive. I love you. See you soon. Bye. My mind's in some place. Yeah. It worked out perfect. I'd have to beat a man to the death in like four hours. Get what makes you happy. Oh, shit. You know what we didn't do? What? We didn't give him a superpower.

We can do it. I hate to pick. I hate to quail eggs. Do you know about the offenders? I do not. We have a dollar general store offshoot of the Marvel Universe, and we all have superpowers. But the downside is our superpowers have an offset. So you get to pick your superpower. We get to pick the offset. Cody, what's your superpower? All right, as long as DJ is wondering.

So, I can fly. Yeah. Right? But I have to shout racial slurs. Okay. While he does it. Okay, that's fine. So, and... What's yours? That's fine. I like you. We're like, that's fine. This is... He's like, you fucking... Cody... It's really, really hard when I go to, like, low-income housing. Cody just brings a ladder. He's like... He's your crime cock. Yeah, so I can travel at the speed of light. Boom!

But then I can't do anything for five minutes, so I'm just like, I'm so sorry, ma'am. He just has to watch. That's not bad. Oh, so you get there. He just has to watch. That's not bad. I'm like, ha! Yeah. Phase through everything. Yeah. Man, just hold on for this terrible assault that's coming.

I chose Professor Xavier's powers. So telekinesis? Well, it like minored the whole nine yards, but it's only for like the eight seconds after I nut, so I'm post-nut clarity man. So what do you want your superpower to be? Branded committal.

He's better than me. Can I be Daywalker, half vampire, half human, like Blade? Yeah. Yeah. So what's my offset? Wait, hold on. No, no, no, no. I got it. I got it. I got it. Okay. You want to be half vampire, half man? Yep. You don't crave blood. You crave cum. Oh! No!

Get out of here! Get out of my room right now! Nope! Please! You just f*cked up! You have it all about you! Dude, our subreddit is gonna be great. It's gonna be your face over Wesley's sides, pulling out a pocket ******* just like that. You're beating a bad guy? You're like, "I can't wait to f*cking f*ck you up."

I love how your entire superhero offset is you're just Edward Cullen. Who's that? The funniest part about this is Alan definitely has Whistler vibes. Oh, Jesus Christ, he does. He does.

*laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *L* *

Alan's over there like, "You gotta do it, boy." "It's how you stay alive." "It's about to die." "You're steaming up the floor." "Yeah!" "Oh!"

He just falls into a vat of cum and goes super saiyan. I wish I could pick god damn blades. I was like, damn it. I thought I picked a good one too. I was like, I can fucking run, I can jump. I can. 100%. Yeah, I know I can. After I start feeding for some...

Tomorrow morning, like, we go to go to range day, and he's just like, dude, I got a headache. Somebody's like, there you go. The scariest part of all of this is, like, we're his friends. What happens when we're out in the desert shooting guns and he gets the craving? Demetrius, no! I can't stop him! Demetrius, no!

Why is he doing multiple guys? Bringing a whole new meaning to submission. This was a setup. That's what this was. Fucking setup. Holy shit, that's peak right there. Oh my god, this is going to be on the internet for a long time. That can't be the after show. That has to be in the main part. We're going to definitely put that in the main show. That's fucking peak comedy right there.

Cody, are you ready to close this out? You wanna do it? Let's do this. First off, Alan, Demetrius, thank you so goddamn much for coming. You are an amazing fucking guest. We couldn't have asked for better. I can't wait to watch you fight Brandon. I'm so excited. He's got great hair. Brandon's 1-0. He's a champ in boxing. With friends like these, man, I fucking tell you...

Cody, close us out. Guys, thank you so much for joining the unsubscribed podcast. I'm joined by Eli Double Tap, Mr. Fat Electrician, Demetrius Johnson, Brandon Herrera, and Alan. Thank you so fucking much. Make sure you stay for the after show. We're going to do like 10 minutes with the boys. And then we love you. Kisses.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.