cover of episode 144 - FAT & ANGRY 3: LAS VEGAS DRIFT ft. The Fat Electrician & Angry Cops

144 - FAT & ANGRY 3: LAS VEGAS DRIFT ft. The Fat Electrician & Angry Cops

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Angry Cops
Brandon Herrera
Donut Operator
Rich High
The Fat Electrician
Eli: 主要负责节目开场和串场,介绍嘉宾和话题,并参与一些讨论。 Angry Cops: 分享了在拉斯维加斯期间的经历,包括醉酒、与人冲突等,并讲述了关于一名海军士兵向中国出售情报的故事,以及对日本731部队暴行的评论。还讲述了在法庭上作证的经历,以及对毒品问题的看法。 The Fat Electrician: 主要参与讨论,对其他嘉宾的言论进行回应和补充,并分享了一些个人经历。 Brandon Herrera: 介绍了Joymode产品,并对其他嘉宾的言论进行回应,分享了自己对荣誉勋章、政治和各种趣事的看法。还谈到了自己正在制作的视频,以及对媒体报道的回应。 Rich High: 讲述了自己在一次退伍军人活动中与荣誉勋章获得者Clint Romashaw相遇的经历,以及自己佩戴复制品荣誉勋章的经历。还谈到了自己被媒体报道,以及对政治和各种趣事的看法。

Deep Dive

Two naval sailors were caught selling crucial information to China for a mere $15,000. One of them received the money over 14 payments, raising questions about the value of freedom and loyalty. The leaked information pertained to radar systems in Okinawa, Japan, highlighting the vulnerability of sensitive military data.
  • Two sailors sold information to China for $15,000.
  • The leaked information involved radar data for Okinawa, Japan.
  • One sailor received the money in 14 installments.

Shownotes Transcript


Did I call you or something? I was a Navy SEAL team Green Beret. How hard would it be to get Brandon the same license plates as you? Purple Heart one? Who wanted to get Simon Thumbelina? Like, f***ing Puzzletop. Hi everyone, welcome to the Unsubscribe Podcast. I'm joined by some of my best friends on the f***ing planet here in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have Eli, Angry Cops, Fat Electrician, and of course, myself. AK Man.

It came in. Hey, guys. Oh, we got the, which, what are we doing with this episode name? Oh, so what was the last one? The two fat, two angry. Two fat, two angry. So this is what? Fat and angry Las Vegas drift, I think. Vegas drift. Is this the fat and the angry? Or is it fast and furious three? So fat and angry. The good, the fat, and the angry. Yeah, we just started a whole series off of it. No, we need the furious.

Furious is gonna stand. Oh, we're back! All the boys are back! Nick had a fantastic evening last night. You could tell he was fucking hammered. Extremely sober. I'm wearing glasses because I was too fucked up this morning to put contacts on. Seriously? Yeah. I literally joked about you doing the Clark Kent bit yesterday, and then sure enough, you ended up in glasses. He was hurting. I haven't seen you that drunk, I don't think, ever. I haven't either. Well, I have. Yeah, I know you have.

That one time. Yeah. That one time at band camp? Yeah, that one time at that one bar. Yeah, the one we hit the sensor? I almost died. Yeah. I thought I was going to transcend to a higher plane of existence. We almost fought a guy that night. That was really funny. That was some funny shit. Which one was this?

We can't talk about it on the podcast, but it was really fun. Yeah, we went to a bar. It was a good time. Allegedly. Allegedly. Was that AT4 bar? I had to puke. No, not the AT4 bar. Different time. No, that was a different time, yeah. I had to puke at the bar, though. I was that drunk. And then I was like, I need to go puke. And I went to the bathroom, and I couldn't puke. I came back out, and...

The bouncer. Oh, I remember that. He's like, bro, he's a Marine. That was a fan of mine. He's like, I'll make you something. And I don't know what the fuck it was, but I drank it and it tastes like, I don't know, spicy water with lime in it, I guess. And I drank it. And like 10 minutes later, I took a shit and I got like 80% more sober, uh,

Like over the course of one dump. It was the weirdest thing on the planet. I forgot about that, but it was fucking great, bro. And then like 15 minutes later, I took another shit and I was completely sober. I was a hundred percent sober. What do you like? You're like, if I take one more shit after this, I'm going to transcend. Back to drunk. Shit wrecked again. He's taking a shit. His wife's in the other room. All of a sudden just this.

bright white light shines from underneath the door and he's there cross-legged just like floating above the dinner and there's just like angelic winds blowing everybody that's trying to stare at him shit number four like Morgan Freeman starts narrating we only used 12% of my mind most people only use 20% of their anus Nick used 110% that day

It's good to see you guys. Yeah, I'm happy. Dude, Nick is the kindest drunk. You are. I didn't know until you leaned on me. The second the head touched you. I was like, oh, my boy is feeling good right now. Yeah, I don't remember that. Oh, yeah. Let me do that one more time. I haven't felt hair on the top of my head in about 10 years. How does it feel? It's Hispanic. Oh, a bald head. I love it. I want to grab a Modelo right now and just start going after some lawns.

And if that sounds like you, vote early, vote often. San Antonio District 23 in Texas. I almost called you David Bowie. Hispanics for Brennan Herrera. Don't you want your run to look great? I know I do. The Jews have nothing to do with this. I don't know. I'm just going like Tijuana and everything. I haven't done a good Hispanic accent in forever.

We were having fun with the Asian ones down in the restaurant earlier. We're asking you about your last video. I'm a Japanese man. I'm a Japanese man.

What? Oh, that's another story. The bit that we haven't released on the podcast. Yeah, it's going for Patreon. Okay. It's an entire bit. Everyone got really shit wrecked. It was really bad. He did his Asian video about Zhu Zhao or whatever guy's name was. Oh, Zhao. Yeah, the guy that sold his soul to China for $15,000. Fucking dunce. You don't know this story? No. Long story short, there's two...

naval sailors that get caught selling information to the Chinese, the People's Republic of China. For 15 grand? So this is one. So one of them, and these are, some of the jokes are in the video and I get more into it, but one of them made $15,000 over 14 payments from August of 2021 to

Till like May of 2023. So, so literally I, and this is the joke I'm like, so you too can sacrifice your freedom and be a treason, be treasonous towards your country for the cost of a used 2016 Honda Civic.

We still have the death penalty for treason, right? I mean, I hope so. They only gave him like two years in prison. He leaked fucking important information. And a $5,500 fine. He gets to keep nine and a half grand.

The shit like this makes me feel really good about paying taxes. Guess what he leaked, though? Oh, yeah, exactly. Thank God it's for a great cause. He leaked radar information for Okinawa, which is in Japan, which I don't know if you guys know this. Next to China. Very close to China. I mean...

China and the Japanese are different states. You know they are two different countries? It is separated by the waters. Are you a Japanese man? Zero percent concerned about Japan's ability to defend itself. Not even a little. Yeah. You know what? I just think that we need to give them all samurai swords again.

Go on top. And just give a couple of those big, cool sailing ships with the red sail that's kind of slanted on the top. Let them go into China and, you know, just kind of make up for all the shit that happened in World War II to us, you know, for what they did to China. Wow. It's a history book that could be written on that. Yeah.

How many babies can you cut through with your sword today? What is it? Sector 742? 731. 731, thank you. One of the most violent things ever. Like, it's all atrocity. And then the U.S. government's like, well...

We won't try you. We just want to buy you the information. We'll let you go. But you have to give us the information, the science breakdowns of that. There was the Germans when they did it, all the information on like the Jewish kids and stuff like that. Yeah. Dr. Mengele. Yeah. I think the Holocaust. Yep. It was him. And then the unit 731 was a Japanese equivalent, but they were worse. Borderline worse. Yeah. It was probably some of the most fucked up things you've ever. What percent of the human body is water? 80%. Right. Yeah. You know why you know that?

Because they freeze-dried a person? No, they just took dudes, weighed them, and then put them in a convection oven until they were beef jerky and then weighed them again. That's where that info came from. They did everything. I mean, did they add, like, the colonel's, you know, 12 herbs and spices? That's not what you're talking about. That's a hell of a way to go. You mean your herbs and spices? Aren't you a colonel? I am. I'm a Kentucky colonel. I am too, motherfucker. Oh, yeah, you guys are?

Raise your glass for Kentucky Colonel. He's junior to me, so he still has to salute me. That's fair. I got that in the mail. I was so fucking happy. I'm like, get fucked, Cody and Rich. Jesus. You know that you're friends whenever you do a good accomplishment. You go, fuck my friends. I gotta do it too. Yeah, because you're just showing off to people you don't like. If you're like, oh, look at this cool accomplishment I got. But they're truly people that you love and respect. If you're like, look at what I got, you fucking piece of shit. Look at me, ****.

God, that word will always get me. I'll never get a good laugh out of it. I know I've got a guardian angel in there. I know. G-Van's our guardian angel. That's for fucking sure. He saves us. You were going to talk about... You really wanted to talk to us about a Medal of Honor situation. I forget. So it's come up a couple of times. Fucking...

Okay, so, and I think you were there for one. I think you were there for one. You're always there on every episode, so you were there for one. Brandon has one, I think. Yeah, he has three, guys. Three according to Reddit. Thank you, guys. Listen, it's a legitimate award. He served during NOM. Okay? He is a war fighter. I remember Normandy Beach. See?

That's his first stolen ballot. He was pinned by Gerald R. Ford. Yeah, the president Gerald Ford? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not watching it on you for that one. So the story though. Wait, he didn't know that Gerald Ford was the president? No, I did. I was super hammered and I'd recently done a video about Gerald Ford. Was he useless? No, it was just funny because he was like the only president that was never elected at all. Right.

Yeah, because he got he it was Nixon and Spyro Agnew was the VP. Spyro Agnew got busted for taking bribes. So he had to step down. And at that point, Secretary of State, right? No, the president can assign a new VP. So Nixon, who was homeboys with Ford, called him. I was like, hey, fill in whatever. And then Nixon got busted with the Watergate thing. So he had to step down. And then Gerald Ford became president, wasn't even fucking elected at all.

Take your shit, America. That's my favorite joke in that 70s show is when Red Foreman makes that thing where the mom in that show says something like, well, I didn't vote for him because of blah, blah, blah. Nobody voted for him. Nobody voted for him. It's such a subtle history joke. It's like, all right, that's clever. He's the only president on that. That is the only president that's just been put into power like that. Awesome.

Anywho. Anywho. Speaking of stolen valor. Fuck off, Richard. I was showing you the pictures today. I was like, oh, yeah, Reddit loves Brandon right now. Why do you think he's got all those Americana guns? Because he's pretending to be in the military. Not pretending. Yeah. He has legitimate metal alone. That's right. I forgot that you had your service redacted because of all the super cool missions you were on.

Oh, yeah. I was a Navy SEAL Team Green Beret. SEAL Team 7. SOG. 89. Oh, SEAL Team 69. Excuse me. Meme Team. 69 and a half. He was carried over. Didn't pass the first half of Bud's, but he came back for the second half. Cody? Yeah.

I miss you guys. Story? Oh, yeah. So I was like, it's going to register. I was like, no, he's just staring at the mic right now. Yeah. There's all these lights on here and I can't stop looking at them. Don't touch a fucking single one of those. I didn't touch a sound. I'm just watching the lights go up when I say words. See, it went up higher.

You and my son have a lot in common. It's like my wiener when women are around. What's that? You and my son have a lot in common. Tell the story. Yeah. That we both sound like we've been touched by you. Oh, Jesus Christ. What the fuck? No, Danny. Oh, my God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

Oh, man. All right. Back to the story. So I watched some of the episodes of Unsubscribe, obviously, because I catch up with what's going on through your guys' life. And then my fiance does, and so does her mom. Her mom loves all of you guys. Terrible. Not you. And especially you. And...

They're like, they're talking about Rich again. Hey, they keep talking about Rich. Oh, Rich, the guy's talked about you on subscribe. Oh, so cute. And I'm like, oh, what'd they talk about? And they're like, oh, I don't know. Here's the timestamp, you know? So I watch it. And on three different episodes, these fuckers are like, oh, fucking Rich High got drunk and took a medal of honor and wore it around his neck from Clint Romashaw. It was just walking up and down the Texas street just

Be bopping around With a dangling On his neck Like some sort Of rapper chain Just hey how you doing I did this for you All the children I saved That's what I got this for And

And I'm like, hold on. Crispy was just like, holy fuck, that's fucked up that he would wear that. I'm like, fuck it, you burnt Cheeto. No, I didn't just grab somebody's thing from Kmart and throw it on my fucking chest. You burnt Cheeto. Burnt Cheeto. Burnt Cheetos are my favorite, so it's not an insult. I'm changing Crispy's name in my phone now to Burnt Cheeto. Burnt Cheeto is all of us. So it's probably what his dick looks like now. So...

I always love hearing the audience react to jokes you make. Just like, Jesus fucking Christ. I got one from the fucking peanut gallery. So I got burnt Cheeto being all upset. I think Jack Mandeville talked about it. I forget if Jack did. I know Ethan talked about it. Or Evan. Evan Hafer talked about it.

And I was like, these fuckers are all making it seem like I just stole this medal off of some homeless guy in front of D.C., which is what they do with veterans in D.C. They hate you. Maybe somebody will change that. Brandon Herrera for Congress. I'm going to throw that in there. The Committee on Veterans Affairs. Brandon Herrera. Vote Brandon. Do you like to over-imbibe an alcohol? Brandon Herrera. I don't vote for him. I vote for alcohol. Okay.

A vote for Brandon is a vote for alcohol. Brandon has a t-shirt. That is a really good shirt. I can't wait until Twitter finds this fucking podcast. Well, what's funny is they're going to find it after the election and they're going to go fucking apeshit. Buffalo cop and congressman. Racist buffalo cop. Mexican congressman. It's my favorite thing because it's happening to me now what used to happen to you. It's my favorite thing because every fucking article written about me always starts with congressional candidate

Like, it's just every... I'm like, God damn it. Can't anybody say just, like, guy who makes dick jokes on the internet? You know, Brandon Herrera, whatever. It's a congressional candidate. Second amendment activist. I see congressional candidate, my fucking heart rate goes up. It's like, God damn it. Another...

you know, fucking article written. But it's like, Buffalo cop. Mine's always like, disgraced Buffalo police officer. Suspended for social media content. Oh my God. Jeez, that doesn't twist the article into something. Oh, anyway, metal button. No, yeah, because we got to talk about that. Involved in physical altercation with black men. Oh, hell, geez, it's almost like I just arrest everybody and one day it happened to be somebody else. You don't discriminate. Like, everyone's on the table. You beat the fuck out of everyone. Oh,

Oh, hey, whoa. I dispensed justice appropriately is the way that the Attorney General's office is going to try and frame it. I don't know. They don't know. Oh, I'm getting investigated by the Attorney General's office. I'll tell you that in a minute. What the fuck? Yeah, Letitia James is a person that was elected and in the Attorney General of New York. So that is a fact. That's not a negative. That's just a thing that is true.

Thank you. Yep. Words are important. We'll get to that. So why she didn't say that? But if she were, why would that be true? We'll talk about that later. We'll talk about that later. So Medal of Honor. Well, before we talk about Letitia James, the Attorney General, it's got my balls in a sling right now. We'll talk about Medal of Honor.

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It creates blood vessel support, cardiovascular and health, athletic performance. My erection is like a spry spring chicken now, thanks to Joy Mode. Redefine your intimacy by going over to and use code unsubscribe to save 20%. Ingredients with integrity, Joy Mode. So what happened is, is...

I was at an event like this where it was a veteran organization bringing a bunch of veteran and veteran-owned businesses together. I'm from New York. And so what they were doing in their business...

I was hanging out with Clint Romashaw, who happens to be a Medal of Honor recipient. Fantastic human. Yes. Was it Red Ridge or Red Wing? Operation Red Wing? Operation Red. No, that's the SEALs. Red. I thought it was Red. It was Red something. I'm blanking on it. Sorry, Clint. Off the record, was it Burbiz? Yes. Yeah. Also, Clint is one of the most... Read his story, that dude. And he's one of the most... Super cool dude. Kindest dude you'll ever meet. Kind, quiet guy. Likes to go dove hunting.

Super Minnesota and just down to the bit. So he's an awesome guy. And he has a couple. Is that cool to say on the record, actually? Yeah, that's fine. Okay. No, Burbis is great. Yeah, they're fantastic. Shout out Burbis. They're a great group. Yeah, I just didn't know if you wanted to. Oh, no, I'm all about them. This is fine. So Clint comes out with us. They take care of Clint, and they take care of all the veterans that they bring out there to support the Burbis event.

And, you know, we all have a couple of drinks. And I noticed that Clint is taking off his Medal of Honor and he's handing it to people. And he like, I don't know what's going on, but he's like opportunity. He's getting a rise out of him. And I'm like, all right, something's happening. I don't know what, but something's happening. And so then Clint comes over to me and he's like, Rich, what's going on, man? You want to see my medal? I don't know why he sounds like a fucking California dumbass, but he's just like, hey, Rich, you want to see my medal? You want to hold it? I was like, bro.

That would be very interesting. That is not something that I would ever thought I would be doing. Uh, yeah, sure. I'll hold it. And he hands it to me. And right away I can tell it's in two different pieces. So I'm like, this fucker is going to try and think that he's going to make people think I broke his medal of honor. And, and so, because, so the style with the statue of liberty on it can detach from the blue ribbon that you wear around your neck. And so he hands it to me and I'm like, and they're two separate. And I'm like,

Son of a bitch. You know, like I knew something was going to happen and I'm ready for it.

And then Clint goes, oh, you broke it. Oh, Rich broke it. Everybody's just like, oh, what? And I'm ready for it because I knew something was going to happen. He was setting me up. And I go, oh, man. And I flip over the Medal of Honor. And on the back, it usually has the inscribed given to Clint Romeshaw, blah, blah, blah. I go, oh, no wonder it's broken. It says made in China. What a cheap piece of shit. And he's just like, what? And everybody's like, holy shit, what did he say? What?

And so then, but on the back of it, it actually says replica given to Clint Romashaw because the real one he wears with his uniform and then the replica is when he wears to events because obviously. So you stole valor on stolen valor? I was gifted. It's a fake medal.

You didn't even earn the real medal, but you stole the fake medal? Brandon, can you make a replica pistol fire? I don't answer that. So I guess this medal was real. So I guess this medal was real. And, I mean, it'd still get me free wings at Chili's. Wait, did you keep it? They still gave me the... Hold on, hold on. I was like, wait, did you keep it? I bet you flew home with it. They still gave me a 100% discount at 7-Eleven, so it's a real pistol. It works. It works.

So I forget how, but then I think Clint put it on me.

And because I do, I don't know how I got it on me, but I think I'm pretty sure he put it on me because who else would put their Medal of Honor around somebody else's neck that isn't the recipient? And you don't tell a Medal of Honor recipient not to put it on you. Yeah, what am I going to do? No, Clint, don't do what you want to do with the thing that you got. Brandon did that to me when I tried to pin him with my prop art. Well, even though he's got... Well, yeah. I mean, although rude. Although Medal of Honor recipient himself...

How hard would it be to get Brandon the same license plates as you? A Purple Heart one? Let's start making a hat. Well, as long as I have premier parking at Beach Bay. I love it. That's my favorite part about it. It's the best parking in the world. You guys have strong-armed me into Stolen Valor, and it really pisses me off. Oh, no. Don't. Stop. The free 7-Eleven. The great parking. Ah.

But yeah, so I wore his Medal of Honor, and I'm just walking up and down the street in Texas for about 20 minutes just being like, I did this for you. And just having fun, pretending to be a Medal of Honor recipient, but kind of being a Medal of Honor recipient because I was given it by the recipient. So technically, I'm half of a Medal of Honor recipient. Did anyone see it and were like,

I don't know. I was a little sauced at that point. I just knew that I was getting set up. And then once I knew that the setup was okay and everybody was chill with it, especially Clint, then I was like, oh, I'm going to have fun with this. That dude keeps the pocket medal of honor.

Like Oompa has ginger. Yeah, it's like pocket sand. He's just like, middle of honor, pocket sand. It is all wrinkled up. I love it. It's a spare one. Back in the day, it was actually the nice one. You just keep it in his wallet. You're actually better off because you're one of the only people that's ever been actually awarded the Medal of Honor without being touched by Obama in recent years. And the other one. How many Medal of Honors have been actually distributed in the last five years? Oh, geez. Not many, I don't think.

Yeah, post is like very rare. I mean, well, you got yours in the 70s, right? Fuck off. Each administration gives Brandon one. I'm like, I'll hit you under the table, Richard. I'm sorry, Brandon. I'm sorry, Brandon. I'll steal some Valor later with you. My consultant, I just always imagine watching the podcast like fucking, what's his name, Ben Affleck with the cigarette just...

Fuck my life. Dude, this is fucking burning this goddamn ground. So I've been on the stand a couple of times for...

Obviously for arrests that I've made and then also for like social media stuff. Well, no, no, no, not for my social media stuff. Like really? The intent isn't that I'm there for social media. The intent is there. I'm in a law enforcement capacity. Right. I just mean they don't they don't bring up the social media stuff. So they do. So a couple of times and I'm ready for it. I forgot you guys never done a podcast. We were talking about that. I forgot. This is the first one with Brandon, isn't it?

Is it? Yeah. I think it's our first podcast. I never really liked him anyway. Oh, fuck you, dude. I was just going to say, Rich is one of my favorite people. I really, I enjoy him, but you know, fuck him. Nevermind. Mexicans. Now we know who has the power in the relationship.

Always wants my approval. Oh, I'm never going to give it. Brown people. You'll never get this. You'll never get this. You'll never get this. See, brought it right back. My little bitch. My little Hispanic maid. You know, the power of the relationship lies with whoever cares the least. Cares the least? Fuck you. Okay. Every photo we're in, the green line's always leaning this way. I know about the green line. It's so...

You're in the middle of the fucking table, asshole. And I held all the power.

23 and 8? Yeah, 23 and 8. That's why we do push-ups is for Brandon. Yeah, to do it. We don't do it to prevent him. We do it so that he does it. We're on 22. Maybe he'll do it today. Congressional candidate takes a stand against obesity. He just keeps getting videos from all of us doing push-ups, just staring at the camera being like, do it, Brandon. Do it for the veterans.

of which you are. I just want to make sure those medal of honor winners, I just want to make sure they're safe, you know? We are. Just take me to stand. So yeah, I've taken the stand for criminal proceedings and also like civil suits against like the city and the department when somebody gets their butthole in a bunch and they're like, you didn't, and we're like, whatever.

So you'll get, you have to go up for a deposition. And one time in particular, which was great, um, because I was called to court and I had to testify, I was being paid to show up to court. So I got paid. Unfortunately, it was eight hours of a deposition, which was forever, but I got paid to watch my videos in court and,

And they broke them down and they were like, and specifically, they were after, get ready for this, they were after the crack house videos. Really? They're like, what is a crack house? And I'm like, oh, it's a house with crack in it. Yeah, I'm like, it's any dilapidated building. You just see a dilapidated building, they're like, oh, okay, are there a lot of crack houses on the east side of Buffalo? Where there's black!

Black people! And I'm like, yes. I'm like, yeah? You're just like, yeah? There's crack houses everywhere. You're the one with the data sheet. You tell me. So then, like, what do the numbers say? So they play the video again, and they're like, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You just have to look them in the eye like, I don't know. I don't see color. Did...

Did you hit them with the crack home line? It's not crack house, it's crack home. Yeah. No. That would have been hilarious. No, but they were like, and, uh... They're like, who, uh... Does any, like, one group of people typically do, you know, crack more than the other? And I swear to God, my answer was, I go...

"Oh no, everybody loves crack." "White people, black people, Hispanic people, crack is king." "Oh yeah, 'cause everybody loves crack." What was the response to that? We were like, "Oh wow." "Crack is fucking dope. Angry Cops 2024."

You like crack. Boca Brandon is a vote for crack. Eli, wake up. I know that the GhostBed pillow is super comfortable and has cooling technology, but we're shooting an ad right now. You mean this GhostBed pillow? That one. Cooling technology?

Cooling technology. It's hot in Texas, but that's cool. Eli, I know you're cooler than the backside of a pillow, but with GhostBed, you don't have to turn the pillow over. It has cooling technology. Every mattress has a 20-year warranty. Some even have 25. And you can try it out for 101 nights. If you don't like it, you can send it back. No hard feelings. No hard feelings.

I have hard feelings for Ghostbed. I have a hard feeling for you. I'm really hard. The pillows have cooling technology. And so do the mattresses. The mattresses do too! Hey Cody, did you know Ghostbed also offers bundles? Bundles?! You get everything you need! Just choose from your four mattresses and pick your bundle. So whether you need a mattress and a frame, or you just want to choose it all, like their cooling pillows and sheets, you can get the best bang for your buck. Right now, Ghostbed is offering 50% off

off everything if you use the code unsubscribe click the link in the description or go to slash unsubscribe that's right slash unsubscribe and get 50 off right now i don't think it's quite right oh the memes are gonna be good ever again so could we we release this episode after march 5th

Oh, I thought he was going to say June 6th again. January 6th. Yeah, but June 6th is the one that you're planning for the upcoming.

Oh, we shouldn't talk about the crisis. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought he wanted to do it six months later so we could do it biannually. I would prefer... He talked me in the elevator all about it. We're going to rise again. Yeah, June 4th. We're going to invade France again. Yeah, he was saying the South will rise again June 6th. Because he's going for Texas. And it's on the southern border. I don't understand. Why is everybody pushing back on this? Brandon?

You gave me the elevator talk. You're like, no, it's going to be great. You're not going to go make the South great again? He's really focused on it. It's not your marketing strategy. Stop smiling about this. You need to say this is not true, not just stare at him and laugh with a smile. I'm just overwhelmed by how much I missed Rich. I know. He's like the best of people. Side note, congratulations on getting on that local paper in the vegan restaurant. We were so proud of you for that fucking paper. How many times are you going to spit out your drink today?

You're those like four. I haven't had breakfast, dude. You're really having a ball. I'm having a ball. It's a great shot. You're a special guy. Three in the afternoon. It's great that we're finally going to vote one of those people in. You know, they can do anything. They just did that. Who was it? France or Spain? Oh, yeah. Down syndrome. Somebody with Down syndrome. Yeah. Yeah, it was a female. Let me see them cheeseburgers. What are you doing with that green cheese sandwich? Green cheese sandwich, Danny. Yeah.

I'm not making them at night, Dad! I'm making them at night. Thank you, Mr. King Trout. King Trout, everyone. This is Brandon's campaign manager.

Explains so fucking much. Did you? I love your dress like I got that group. He's dressed like a guy from Detroit that's in Las Vegas. That's what it's dressed like. My first time here, really exciting. Brandon's got fat burger. Brandon Herrera. Is it up to his standard? Yeah, take a bite. Is it in and out? No, it's fat burger. How is fat burger? It's good. Oh, fuck yeah. Hey, man. A vote for Brandon is a vote for burgers.

I got what I need. A vote for a stranger's meat in your mouth is a vote for Brandon. So how was when, who told you about the article? And I said pig. What was it? It was like pig. Pig in. There's my face.

The ugliest photo I think they could have used, which, I mean, makes sense. So the top of it in big bold letters said pig in and the bottom said pig out. And the top half of the top third of the page was all about me. And it was like it was just total propaganda of like how I'm a shitty person and how he's done all these things. And like none of it's you know, it's all just so slanted on one side. If I pulled over somebody and gave them a ticket, they'd be like, oh,

pulled an Asian-American elderly female with diabetes over and gave her a ticket for speeding. And I'm like, when you say it like that, it sounds horrible, but I just gave somebody a ticket for speeding. All I did was hit her. Ha ha ha!

You just described the most dangerous... A vote for domestic violence is a vote for right. It's all either Twitter or political campaigns. They're the richest channels. I remember reading that out loud. I was with my family at Christmas when that came out. Reading what? The article when it came out. Which article? My thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was funny as shit. My brothers were like,

Did he really do all that stuff? I mean, kind of, but not really. Don't say it like that, but yeah. He hit somebody on a motorcycle. It's called a fucking accident for a reason. Yeah, it's a motor vehicle accident. Wait, you hit somebody on a motorcycle? Yeah, like three years ago. On purpose? No, it's called an accident.

He died, though, in Asian? No, he was fine. He tried to fight me in the hospital. What? Yeah, and then he said that he sued the city and me. What? Yeah, he's just like, you broke me. And I was like, when I gave you your tickets in the hospital because I immediately gave you aid, like, you tried to, you literally jumped out of bed and tried to fight me. And then his suit's going nowhere because when he was interviewed by, like, the Cheryl 4 News, not a fan of me, he...

brilliantly stated, well, yeah, the officer had his lights on and my friends and I all flew away from him on our motorcycles. I'm like, did you just admit on the interview fleeing from me when I'm trying to stop you from being jackasses on your motorcycles, zipping in and out of cars?

Potentially hurting somebody. Anyway, so anyway. Oh, they were running. What's the great part about motorcycles is that you're not going to hurt somebody else. No. You don't have to have insurance on them. Kind of like one of the few motor vehicles. Well, in Washington and L.A. and everything, you didn't have to have insurance. I don't need to pay insurance in Texas. Fuck.

Yeah, because chances are you're just going to die if you wreck. That's how they look at it. I think you still need liability, at least in Texas anyway. But yeah, you're just going to, you know, what are you going to do? Hurt a minivan, right? Brandon, you know, a Mexican not paying insurance is unheard of in Texas. This is a one-off.

From what I'm told. I don't know. I don't know. Well, we're starting to import them up to New York now, so. Oh, no. Mexicans do not. They don't. Mexicans get forced out by Puerto Ricans. And Puerto Ricans do not like Mexicans because people confuse Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

But unless you're in New York, because if you're in New York, then everybody's Puerto Rican. And then the Mexicans are like, no, man, I'm Mexican, you know? I love your Mexican accent. It's so terrible. It's so bad. It makes me so mad. It's so bad. What are you doing? What do you mean? But that place was in a breakfast place, and they're like, here's just a fucking article about it. So you're a Sofia Vergara accent? Beautiful. Recently single, Sophie. How are you doing? Shit, I'm taken. What happened to Ed O'Neill?

So anywho, article comes out, says all these things about me and makes it in a bad light. And then the middle article, and you can tell it's just horrible propaganda. They talk about Cop City in Atlanta. And now they're like, they're spending $100 million on these cop training facilities to train them how to shoot. You're like,

Yeah, that should be a good thing. Don't you fucking want them to know how to shoot? And that's its own thing because it's all about fire and their fire department and their city and stuff like that. So everything in there is just slanted towards anti-cop hate. And the bottom says pig out, and it's our retired sheriff because he retired and didn't run again on the last term. And they were like, he's a piece of shit because he was –

taking uh photos with people at a protest and they were white supremacists three of them and so since he was there he's he supports that you're like no dude he's just the sheriff making sure that there's law and order during a protest which anybody could do racist or not and he's just like okay cool enjoy your protest and then walked away and they're like big hit that thing he's like legally required to do yeah so just in a photo just getting fucked you

So the sheriff was there making sure there was no violence at a protest. Doing his job. Did you thank them for the article when you picked it up? No, I got one. That was my favorite part. You went and picked one up in person. I picked up the only one that I saw. So I went to the coffee place because it was on a community bulletin board. And my friend sent a photo of it to me. And I was like, where is it? She's like, it's at this coffee shop. I'm like, of course it's at that coffee shop. So there's a fat coffee shop in Texas?

It's got really good coffee, but everybody should go there and f***. No. Jesus Christ. They're good people. Of course the Irish laughed at that. He's like, shut up, Protestant. There's a drink in the background. I'm like...

We're just here at a Catholic coffee shop. You know what? I heard him talk about it at lunch. He's like, I can't stand it. The Arabs brown-washed car bombs forever. It's like, we started it. You know? Don't take away our history. Bye, Dave. Enjoy your pee.

ATF is still coming, bud. He's building a bomb right now. The next person who goes to the bathroom just blows up. Jesus, James! That's not how you blow up a bathroom.

Jesus Christ. Good. It is if they're not Catholic. Now, Nick, we were talking earlier. I wanted to deep dive onto your the the guy you just did a video about of the best antihero now. He's one of them. You said it in the fucking. I said he's one of the best. OK, well, it's a fucking dope ass story. I never heard that. How long did you do something deep dive for that?

How do you get all those tangents where you're like, this one individual? How'd they get tanks on the beach at D-Day? And then I Googled it, and I was like, oh.

Oh, shit. You text me at like 2 in the morning. You're like, I'm working on a video. Yeah, it was. I was fucking freaking out for like four hours. I was like, oh, shit. The Germans didn't invent the Blitzkrieg. It was this guy. See, I didn't know that. Why did you text me about that? I was curious. Because I don't have many people that are up that late that would understand. That's fair. I don't have that many autistic friends. What those words are, yeah. You're like, so the Blitzkrieg. I was going to text the German guy what Blitzkrieg might be. Yeah, I'm not interested at all. Jerk. You're asleep.

I'm up until 2 in the morning. Oh, there you go. Eastern Standard Time. A vote for Eastern Standard Time is a vote for Brandon Herrera. Oh, God. A vote for Carbombs Brandon. It's the most offensive one yet. So this gentleman is named... Percy Hobart. Sir, Major General Sir...

Percy Stanley Clark horn Hobart. So is it ranked then? Ranked then Knight Hood. Yeah, because like Knight Hood is like part of your name. I think he came out of retirement for this, correct? Like rank changes. So right after he fought in World War One, got a military cross, came out of World War One, went to college, and then he is like volunteered to be in the tank corps. And nobody else wanted that job because it was like, oh, tanks are just for going from one trench to the other. We're not going to do anything else with them ever again. And

The military was mostly ran by, like, cavalry guys. That was when horses were huge in World War I. So they, like, didn't believe in tanks. And then, so yeah, he, like, developed all these fucking tactics. Nobody wanted to listen to him. So they hated him. And then he ended up banging some other officer's wife. They divorced. He married her. So now they all really hate him. What a chad. Yeah, I know. So. Miriam, I would like to stuff you while your husband's away on training. What say you?

Your husband's on a horse. I got a tank. We can run it. I don't care. Have you seen the size of his horse's cock? Have you seen the barrel?

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Now, resolutions may come and go, but a well-groomed you is here to stay thanks to Manscaped's latest and greatest. That's 20% off and free shipping at with code UNZE. Happy New Year's to your balls. Anyways, no, yeah, he got forced into retirement and then the Germans...

fucked up France in like six weeks, beat the shit out of the British using his tactic that he developed that they told him wasn't going to work. And then Churchill himself pulled him out of retirement.

So the blitzkrieg, he actually had that before it was they started using that tactic. He was like, hey, this is what you need to do. And they didn't listen. He developed it and then convinced the British military to let him do like a humongous training exercise. And all the umpires were officers. So they made it be like, no, that didn't work. No, that's wrong. That didn't work. So like shot down his blitzkrieg. And then all the officers are basically like, yeah, you just don't you don't want to be fast and violent.

Yeah, exactly. Those two things are really, really terrible. You've got to be gentlemanly. Terrible. Would you agree? Would you compare it to the more recent wargaming kind of strategy where it was a Marine general and he had to act like an insurgency to take on all the American forces? That's overblown. I looked into it. Is it really? It's overblown. Really? I was told that the first time he did phenomenal and the second time they wargamed it so that he was just...

They tied his hands behind his back. Yeah, so I looked into it because that's exactly... So what's the original story for those who don't know? So the original story is that they brought this Marine general out of retirement to be the bad guy, lead forces for a war game. And apparently he won. And then they called the whole thing off as a fluke and canned it. And then this guy wrote a scathing letter. It was this big dramatic piece. So I was going to do a video on it and actually...

Actually looking into it, it didn't take long to kind of realize that like, no, a lot of that shit that guy did didn't make any sense. It was like, well, you're not going to get you. You can't intercept my communications because I'm not going to use any electronic devices. I'm going to send a letter carrier on a motorcycle. Yeah. But also that letter carrier is going to get there in three fucking seconds.

So, like, he was, like, saying, like, I'm not using technology, but he was treating it like it was technology. So they're like, no, that's bullshit. Like, you don't get to claim that you're doing the math for targeting data in enough time to intercept a fucking missile traveling. No, no, no. While they're driving, they're doing hand and arm signals with the flag. So it's...

Simultaneous. I love how Ryan just stimming. They're like, I don't know what's going on. Their coordinates are 1375 by North chocolate milk. I want some Skittles. What? Air raid. Donald Trump has funny looking hair. Why orange man? I want more. The 7th tank division needs chicken nuggies. And a milkshake.

The flying man is not making eye contact with me. He never will. I just love the fact that when you came to my house...

I have a whiteboard full of fucking schedule shit that I gotta work out, but video ideas and things I have. I was talking about doing a video on the Pepsi Navy thing, and you're just like, faking gay. Sick of hearing about it. Looked into it. Not that big of a deal. What was the original story with the Pepsi Navy? Can I tell it? Because I never get to make the fucking video now, so that's really cool. Sorry. I was going to do a video, and...

It is overblown. Like, you're right. You're right. Like, people don't really know the nuance. But basically, essentially, the Soviet Union, once they, you know, were collapsing because they kind of did that because they're communist, they... Communism doesn't work? No. Nick loves communism. I mean, it works against your will while you're hungry. He loves it. They wanted Coca-Cola. They just wanted fucking soda. And so they, just like every restaurant in the country, when they can't get Coca-Cola, they talk to Pepsi.

And so they actually made a deal with some of their old warships and things like that, and they ended up basically trading warships, like battleships and things like that, for...

or for soda. The Russians gave battleships away? Yeah. Well, they were trash then. Yeah, they were trash. They were scrapping. There was like full military giveaways for soda. So for a technical period, Pepsi had the seventh largest navy in the world. By like tonnage, yeah. Yeah. Which is fucking ridiculous. But it was also just fucking scrap old warships. Can you imagine the owner of PepsiCo just like looking outside of his window one day and be like,


Who wanted to get seven fucking submarines? It was Kylo Ren from the new Star Wars. I know what I have to do. I just don't know if I have the strength to do it. It's just this guy just coming sitting down. He's just like, we're never going to financially recover from this. What the fuck are we going to do with these things? It's Russian steel. You can put your finger through it.

Okay, so the funny part about that, it wasn't Coke that they wanted. They wanted Pepsi because fucking, I think it was Gorbachev came over to America and they were like giving him the tour of like, hey, here's how not being a communist looks. And he like thought it was awful. Before he did Papa John's commercials. Yeah. Did Gorbachev do a Papa John's commercial? No, wait, Papa John wasn't around over then. Why are you feeding into my ego like this? It was, right? I don't know what's happening. You don't.

Pizza Hut. There we go. Pizza Hut. Gorbachev did a Pizza Hut commercial. That's what it was. Yeah.

Big fucking liver spot motherfucker. You know who else works with Pizza Hut? It's DMI, Rich. DMI works with Pizza Hut. What's DMI? Nothing. We can't get into it now. Is it DEI? Dairy Management Incorporated. Oh, that's right. The cheese. I also found out they have a slot team. Where do you get that cheese, Danny? The cave in Springfield, Missouri.

All right. Anyway. So, yeah, no, he came over and they're like, I don't know. He was trying different sodas. And I think I don't remember exactly. I was. But like Pepsi came out and they're like, here's our here's our cola. We made it with water from the USSR. And he's like, this is fucking delicious. And then he got the only thing Gorbachev was ever wrong about. Yeah.

Water? He was joking. He was running out of water. Yeah, so I'm like, that's why Pepsi became super popular. It's because they literally just tricked him into getting that famous picture of him drinking Pepsi. You're shitting me. No. Oh, my God. Yeah, so that was the whole deal. And then originally they were trading...

The USSR was trading vodka in exchange for Pepsi, and then Pepsi was selling the Soviet vodka, and they had a licensing agreement. They were the only ones allowed to sell it in America. But then after the whole, like, fucking Cold War and human rights violations thing, it became less popular to drink that. So then they had to trade them battleships, yeah. It's a good time. That's fucking insane, just trading battleships, which I would definitely take. I mean, fuck it, why not? And thus began the Russian oligarchy's norm of...

Do you want some military equipment for good shit that we could actually use? We'll trade you 10 soda pops. We've got this AK that's kind of a rifle, kind of long sniping, very, very quiet. It can't go through anything, but it sounds and looks neat. You could be talking about three things right now. And that's why it's funny. A vote for Russian propaganda is a vote for Brandon Herrera.

There's actually conspiracy theorists. I'm dead fucking serious. There are left-wing fucking asshole conspiracy theorists saying that I'm a Russian plant right now, which is the funniest shit in the world. Like, never been to Russia. Don't fucking... Next to Nick, I'm one of the biggest people who just talk shit about communism all day long. It's just like the opposite of my ideology. But they're now saying because obviously the AK sphere...

It's like, he's been seen around known Russian military operatives. He's a plant from Russia and Putin. Like, I legitimately have people that comment on every fucking thing I do calling me a Russian plant. It is weird. It's... Well, even reading some of your articles that they're like, your attack articles, I'm like...

What? This is not my homie at all. I have no idea what they're talking about, but it's hilarious. It is fucking crazy how much shit they just make up just for an article. I think I need to get an AK guy shirt. I hate where this is going. And a wig where I can slick back my hair and wear his glasses. I gave you a pair. I know. I still have them. Good. Yes, of course. Get a good tan going. My $7 Amazon shades. I'll just grab my wifey's like...

Oh, no. Yeah, yeah. That's like... Almost got me. You almost got me. Almost. I'm just getting my line. No, no. That was like a tan. A tan. A tan. An olive-skinned person. You're training for a bodybuilding competition. Yes. Yes. Just anyway. And then it's not racist if you have a six-pack. Directly. Oh, man.

I'm pretty sure that's the rule. We'll see. Nick coming out with a black face with an abs. That's still racist, buddy. He's not going to get me. I don't have abs. It's not going to work. If only Trudeau was fit. I'm not even going to try.

But just address all of, like, the obscure, random, like, outlandish things. They're like, he's the Russian plan. I just sit there and be like, as the AK guy, I see no way that I'm connected with Russia. Rack an AK, just throw up a bunch of Ruples in the air. Lasvidania, do a shot of fucking Stoli. What's funny is I wanted, I needed to, like, have a random video where I'm in front of the, we have a giant Russian, like, Russian flag in our, in the shop.

Vote for Russia. Because we have every country that the AK has ever been made in. From start to finish. From 1947 until now. Was that like 12 countries? It's an entire wall. It's a big... How many of them are still around?

Well, so the thing about ComBlock countries, they tend to break off into smaller ones. They have a life cycle. Well, because it's like the jar thing with Yugoslavia. Oh, I thought he was talking about like where the guy sits on it. No. That's actually one of my favorite videos. Stop it. Rich, do you know the story of? One guy, one jar? That's what happened.

Wait, I don't know what's going on. What are you talking about? With Yugoslavia? That's where he did that. Mr. Truslaw. There was a Yugoslavia? No, that's what started the entire Yugoslav Civil War. Oh, that video? Yeah. No, not the video, but... I've told you this on the podcast, I'm sure, right? Start at the beginning, Brandon. I'm confused. So, the reason why Yugoslavia broke off into five different fucking countries, like Slovenia, fucking Macedonia, a bunch of other... Lithuania. Yeah. Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia, of course. There's a lot of Anias. There's...

A vote for India is a vote for Britain. Never mind. So he puts a jar up his ass. Yes. So there was a lot of regional tension in the area at that time. And the guy decided to, I guess, to be funny. I want to create peace.

He's like, I'll just do a funny internet video that sits on it. It wasn't a video. He was literally just fisting himself with a fucking glass. It broke. Really, like, medical problem if you've never had broken glass in your ass. So.

So the guy goes, and he claims that I think like a Slovenian gang did it to him, like fisted him with a fucking glass, claims that happened. That started the entire Yugoslav civil war that ended up killing a lot of people. Because he lied and he was embarrassed. Yes, he was embarrassed. He was afraid to say, I fisted myself with a fucking mason jar. That sound of that popping of the glass, I will never forget. There's one video on. You were there? Yeah. No, fuck it, I'll do that video. Fuck.

Brandon was like, Eli started the Yugoslav Civil War. I was like, these settings aren't right. Let's do it again. One more. Tism took over. All right. Dude, he's just pulling the shards. He's just like.

Dude, if that video came out now, the comments underneath it would be like, that's ketchup, not real blood, Russian plant. Side note, the comments right now on a lot of videos, we were talking about Cody, who just had, who, fuck, Bert Kreischer and who's the other guy? Tom Segura? Tom Segura talking about those comments in the new YouTube algorithm, or not YouTube, IG. Have you seen them where it's like, you'll see somebody pop up.

And they're trying to be like body positivity or something. And you're like, why is that showing up in my feed? You click it. 8,000 comments. And you're like,

I know where this goes. That one roly-poly woman with the coffee that they talk about. She's from France. She's, by the way, go Bills. She's a Bills fan. Sorry that we lost again. Again. Again. So she, I guess they said that she's like huge on TikTok and like TikTok is a very different space than Instagram because TikTok's like, everybody support one another. And you know, is that your dick? Oh, it's so nice.

And then Instagram is kind of like the photography. Did you say that again? Like slower? Yeah. A vote for sucking dick is a vote for Brandon. Buffalo PD endorses congressional candidate Brandon Herrera, Texas District 23. I'm not going to lie. I think I could get our union to to poll for that.

That would actually be really funny just for me personally. I would love that. I'll bring it up in a union meeting. Let's make that happen. Well, if you can do it soon, I'll put that on my wall forever. Just because it's yours. That's why it has a special importance for me. It's kind of like a replica Medal of Honor. It does something. But does it? Not quite yet. Republicans love being supported by unions. Yeah.

My best joke might have been like the Pepsi thing, but that was not me. You're proud of that one. An endorsement from an out-of-state union is a lot like a replica of Alvan. It'll get you something at Applebee's. It's a good cult. But everybody else knows it's not the real thing. It's great when you go to Denny's.

We love it. I love Dennis. If the viewers don't know, you get a lot of free meals. There's an entire journey you can go on, which we're trying to take. Oh, we talked about that. We want to take Brandon. I always wanted to have the idea. Let's go from like 7 a.m. to fucking like 7 p.m., just the entire 12 hours, just going from free meal to free meal. Oh, people map that out. I'm sure they do. But you can meal prep.

Because you just take it to go. That's what I like the most. I don't think you can take it to go. I think you can sit down, you can order it, you can have a drink, and then you can get it to go box. But I don't believe you can get them to go. Yeah, yeah. You sit down for, you know, 20 minutes and then just... We're just talking about your whole, like, two weeks planned out. Fucking a whole day. A vote for ripping off normal restaurants is a vote for Brendan Herrera. Fuck you.

This is why I love Rich. He just pokes everyone. He's like, no, this is good. I do things where I'll do something and I'll do it a bunch and it'll be funny at peaks and then it starts to get lame and then I continue to do it and then all of a sudden it just gets even better after that down peak. I hope. That's what he thinks. You will carry a joke channel right there. I'm really hoping that my sex life wasn't a total lie. That's...

Don't touch me. Oh, God. Vote for bad sexes. Vote for Brandon. Will you please make that skit that I sent you? I want you to make that video. I will give you the best fucking mediocre wienering of your life, buddy. I don't... Hey, that's mine. Fine.

I don't remember the company, but there's a company selling powdered caffeine now, and it comes with like a little spoon for you to snort. Yes. And they're like doing... It's called Blow. It's called Blow. They're doing ads on Instagram. That's hilarious. It came across my shit, and I sent it to Rich, and I was like, will you please... It's also extremely dangerous. It's horrible for you. Will you please make a video of somebody pulled over trying to explain to you that it's not cocaine? It's just Blow. I can hear a bitch, and... It's caffeine. Really? Is it, guy? Yeah.

It's caffeine. That's your nose coffee. You need to do it. Guy. Wait, hold on. Are you sure it's Guy? Is that, wait. It's called Bump. That's what it's called. What that little wallet was that you got?

You remember we had the fucking... Right over there? Oh, Jesus. I'm like, don't blow up my spot. What are you talking about? You were already like... Dude, your people was like... I get piss-tested regularly because my last name is Ty. No, we must do it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, no. Yeah, kind of. They have it in... Like, literally, the commercial was they had, like, this little...

Clear glass bottle. What the fuck? That shit kills you. And it says bump. And they put it on their hand and they're like, it's caffeine for kids. Are you fucking serious? Well, I didn't say that. I'm like, Jesus Christ. But was it like put it on here and snort? Yeah. They actually showed that in the video. Like you snort it. It's caffeine. It's like straight caffeine. And so you got your. There you go. I love your fucking. It might sound crazy. It is. That doesn't. Try to bump on the hand.

And then they show Ric Flair on cocaine. On cocaine. I think it's a trash product because they take all these, like, you know that WWE didn't allow them to use that from Ric Flair. So this is some weird Chinese company that's making some gimmicky bullshit for everybody to buy, like fucking fidget spinners. So they can wait for it to get super popular like Zins did and then just put fentanyl in it so it kills all of us. Yeah, Chinese government, I see you.

Oh, please go. I like in your home videos, you will not do the accent. We talked about this with the video about the Chinese guy. I was like, did you want to do the accent? No, I was. I'm a Japanese man. I'm a Japanese man. Ugh.

Chippy says, very good. And he comes up from down here. Arigato gozaimasu. And then my Chinese accent is just Mr. Kim from South Park. You want a shitty beef? Okay. You want a shitty walker? You need a shitty plane? A shitty airplane's right here? You want to take the caffeine bump? There, go for it. Make you, there.

Have you ever heard of Fort Drum? Not the one in New York, the one in the Philippines. No. I'm doing a video on it. Or I did it already. It's getting edited. It's fucking... Go on.

America, right after the Spanish-American War, they took an island at the mouth of Manila Bay called El Frale Island. They cut it down to eight feet above the waterline, completely leveled it, built a giant concrete bunker with battleship guns on top. So it looks like a battleship, but it's just sitting in the mouth of this. You mentioned that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's just sitting there, and it's been there forever. And then in World War II, they were literally the last people to surrender when the Philippines fell to Japan. Yeah.

because they couldn't, like the Japanese kept trying to get them, but the concrete was 36 feet thick and it was reinforced with steel. Yes, I know what you're talking about. They couldn't fucking touch them at all. Because it's technically a ship, isn't it? No, it's an island. They call it the concrete battleship because it looks like a battleship though. Was that in your last video that you mentioned that? No, I think I told you yesterday. He's just repeating old content now. No, he doesn't even come out yet. Dude, this is crazy because it is America being as America as possible.

So the whole moral of the story was like, don't fuck with America's boats. Well, technically not a boat, but it's close enough because the Japanese, you know, they... It's in the water and it has guns. Yeah, exactly. So the Japanese were in it in 1945 when we came back to the Philippines and they opened up on a PT boat with machine gun fire. And that went up the chain of command and they're like, oh, let's get it. So they tried to drop bombs on it. Obviously didn't work. Tried to shoot with naval guns. Obviously didn't work. And then the chain of command's like, fucking...

Get the blueprints and give it to a platoon of combat engineers and see what they come up with. Fucking combat engineers are like, I need a company of infantry. I need 4,000 gallons of gas and diesel, 600 pounds of TNT and some white phosphorus grenades. And then they put 4,000 gallons of shit in the air vents. It smells very strong like a gasoline now. So how did they deploy the gas in the vents?

Did they fucking land? No, they had two boats. They landed and the guys ran out. Actually, they built showers. A vote for the Holocaust is a vote for Rich High. I was like, come on, it's a World War II job. Nobody gets the showers. How do we gas them out? Well, there's been some people that were doing it. Well, you guys are working on that in New York with your tunnels. Let's figure out how to work that out. Right when the hell did... Underground Jews are just popping up

They saw their shadow nine more years of inflation. They scurried back down.

Don't look at me and tell me that Christianity is crazy when there's Jews rising out of the ground like crazy in Central Park. Did you hear the tweet, though? The one guy that, like, six months before this, there was a tweet from a guy, and he's like, I swear to God I hear Yemen under my house, and I'm on the basement floor. You hear Yemen? Or whatever. Yiddish. Yiddish. Yiddish. They're just doing the railing wall in the basement. These Houthis are getting out of hand. What?

But it's a dude on the basement floor. He's like, I swear to God, I hear Yiddish under me. Three months later, there's fucking Jews under my house and I'm on the basement floor. What the fuck? Then his last tweet was like, y'all owe me apology. Link the article.

fucking amazing there's a video of uh nypd sergeant just standing he's a total beautiful italian man just yoked and he's got his sergeant stripes on his all his patrol officers are around him and like these you know uh these jewish cats are just like what are we doing let us in here he's like hey yo no we're getting everybody out of here we're filling it up tonight you

You can't do this without a payment. Yeah. They're like, you can't do this. It's like, you can't be digging random things into the ground. We're filling it up. They're like, when are you going to fill it up? Like, we're getting everybody out and we're filling it up tonight. And it was just like, yeah. I love Shane Gillis and Theo Vaughn talked about that on their podcast. They're like, this is the most anti-Semitic thing I've ever seen in my life. They did it. They did it.

Like, now you're going to have, like, children growing up in New York City. Beware, the ground Jews will get you. You better eat your candy, otherwise the ground Jews are going to get you, little Jimmy.

If you don't go to church on Sunday or Easter Sunday, God forbid you miss it. The ground Jews are going to come up on the 15th and they're going to snag it and they're going to drag it back down. They're going to drag it down in the tunnels. You remember Jonathan? Nobody sees Jonathan anymore. You know why? Because he was a bad kid, never listened to his parents. And I bet you the ground Jews got him. I can't wait to see Wendigo's new cryptid tier list and the ground Jews are on it.

can you can you imagine like nyp special victims unit be like you know ice cube comes out they're saying that the ground juice came out of the ground just that's this kid no we haven't seen the ground juice in 13 years

All I can picture is you getting sent into the tunnels as you use a... What's the... The alfage light? No, the... Not menorah. The candle light. Seven of them go out. Wait, wait, wait. Seven of them go out. I want you to hold this like it's a candle. All right? Puzzle top. That's what's going to happen. Somebody's going to come up with the danglies and they're just going to go...

It's like the conjuring. It's like, Malzahar, yep. Credited. Fucking Christ. In New York City, there's a special group dedicated to special crimes. This group is called SGU. Special Ground Shoot Unit. Special Ground Shoot Unit.

All right, so before my book, I guess that this ground wasn't kosher. Before my credit score gets any lower, do you want to continue a different conversation? Okay. So Kanye West. Jesus fucking Christ. Yeah, he was a Jew and a ground Jew. He rose again, rising again.

It's a vote for red. I just can't wait for me to be on the stand and them to pull up this podcast. Because they pulled up a Black Rifle podcast. Really? Yeah. No shit. What was it? I was talking about... Was that at the ranch house? No, no. It was a different one. But they... Oh, I was on the stand. And they pulled up something. I was talking about pulling somebody over.

No, I think it was this podcast. It was this one. It was unsubscribed. I pulled over a car, and it took a while for them to pull over. I'll never continue. And, you know, I'm looking at the rookie next to me. I'm like, yo, get ready to run. Because if they're taking three blocks to pull over, we're only going to be 30 miles an hour.

they're ditching something or hiding something you know get on alert and he's like okay okay i'm like when i stop this car you get out right away just in case they try to run he's like okay so we get out it's chill they're young they got no license i'm like i'll get you out of the car i'm gonna tow the car because you're suspended you got no license you know easy peasy and then there's two guns in the car so not so simple so did you just fucking say womp womp womp womp

Was there like a sling against Italians? I don't know. No, it's different. Have you seen that interview? It's like Fox or something like that. And the guy's just like talking about like, oh, you know, these immigrants are separated from their families. And the guy just goes, womp womp. And the guy just like loses his shit. Did you just say womp womp? Yeah.

So, yeah, anyway, they bring up on the stand. They're like, isn't that a pre-contextualized stop? I go, what? And for those of you who don't know what a pre-contextualized stop is, that means I look at a car and instead of stopping it for its, you know, having a taillight out or something, I like see Brandon and I go, I bet you that looking Mexican doesn't have a license, you know, or some other thing. It's true. You don't have a license? Or insurance. Or insurance or, you know. Oh,

Vote for driving without a license. I guarantee you vote for Braden Herrera. I guarantee you I've got a gun. Unregistered. Because he's an American. There's nothing funnier than your car breaking down with guns in the backseat. You not being able to leave your car. I just remember you telling the story. I was on my way back from drive tanks in Uvalde. On my way back to San Antonio. Uvalde. That sounds familiar. Go on. It's in my district, Rich. Shut up.

We were on our way back. Don't laugh about it! We were on our way back. That sounds familiar. We were on our way back, and I... Oh, some Australian made a video about it. Oh yeah, some Australians. Fucking asshole. That I'd love to fucking fight. So I was... My fucking Raptor motor blew. Like, my motor straight up fucking just no good. Pulled over on the side of the road. I have a fucking M203 on the bottom of a full-auto M16.

Cannot fucking leave the vehicle or the otherwise. I mean they're fucking strapping it over my shoulder and like trying to hitchhike I mean, Texas is an open carry state it is yeah, it's constitutional constitutional carry now mm-hmm of America a vote for constitutional carry is a vote for Brenton That's actually true. That's the first one so far. I think that was that was actually correct. I didn't think that he okay I thought the ground you one was gonna be one Chainsmoking and having a panic attack you think?

Yeah! Yes! One of the things that I like! But no, I was literally having to chill and watching like Narcos on Netflix on my phone, like as I'm just sitting there just like drinking water, trying not to die at 100 degree temperature, as I have a grenade launcher, three machine guns, whatever in the back of my fucking car.

And very much in the middle of nowhere. That's not the beginning to a good corner. I don't know what it is. Middle of fucking nowhere. Some hot officer just, like, pulls up. You need some engine help, sir? I do. Do you have any registered weapons in this car? I do. Machine gun? Something else. Sir, before we continue this conversation, I think we need to put me in handcuffs. I'm going to patch you down for weapons. Ow, ow, ow.

There's a lot of people in both me and Buffalo New York they're like he missed his calling you know he's I mean because they don't want me to be a cop not because Or because of what you did as a cop allegedly

They never found the bodies. You haven't been in much news lately. Because I'm a detective. Congratulations on stepping up. Actually, I got a good pat on the back the other day because I can't talk about it because it's still an ongoing investigation. Jesus Christ. No, I mean, in a good way. What? I was the detective investigating. It's not about him, Brandon. Yeah. Brandon's like, Jesus, fuck. You're a detective. You talk about an investigation. We automatically assume it's against you. That makes sense.

Oh, there is the AG's office. I forgot about that. Letitia James is a lady.

I didn't say that. But yeah, I know there was an incident where it was a big pain in the ass and I had to stay late. I don't think I got out until four in the morning. And I was very, very tired. And it started at like 8 p.m. So it just took forever for us to get everything and do all the stuff and find all the things. And it was a lot of good patrol officers work. But like I was...

I don't want to say I was heading it. That sounds a little big headed, but I was a major point in assisting everybody and doing stuff. And we had to get it done right. It was a pain in the ass. A poor aim. So, yeah. Well, at least you're crushing it. Hey, crime doesn't stop. I vote for crime, not stopping. Is it vote for Brandon Herrera? No. I vote for stopping crime. Is it vote for Brandon Herrera? There you go. Closer. Yeah.

Brandon what videos are you working on next that horse tilts cool? Well, we talked about last night the the gyro jet video that's what I'm really excited for is that the the one where the bullet has the propellant in it and it goes Yeah, it's like a rock rock little rock. I had to assume to it So then they would know how much I knew about it Sounds like rockets make Because it's high speed we're gonna have to do our own fucking sound design for that we're probably gonna have to add like fake rock

Oh, 100%. It's all going to be over-the-top sound design. Feel free to use... Because people don't... I will actually use that exact sound. It's just your voice in slow motion. That's exactly what it sounds like. That's Rich High actually doing the voice. What's funny is if you slow it down enough, people probably couldn't tell. Mm-hmm.

Make a really good sound. But what is the other one? You have that one and then... I've got the Liberator one that we talked about again last time. One of those dropped in France. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It shot like what? Six rounds or just the one? One. It's a single. But it held six. It held three or so. It rattled three. It held some in the...

The loudest gun ever. Take them out in a single load. It was pretty much just to pop Germans and take their gun. Yeah, like a saturation weapon, yeah. I'm told that loading it was so difficult, you were better off just popping and then ditching it immediately because loading it was so difficult. I'll put it this way. It's a single-shot gun, so you're popping and fucking ditching it anyway. You're better throwing hands. You're literally sliding a metal slide at the bottom. I mean, it looks like a pair of brass knuckles, honestly.

Doesn't it have, like, the ridge in front of the knuckles? It's, yeah, it's the trigger guard. So it was done by the gas lamp division of GM. So General Motors fucking just stamped this shit out for three bucks. So you're saying that General Motors gas lit the Second World War.

Dun, dun, dun, dun. That one was for me. Wait, so I have a legitimate question with the rocket bullets. Still just fucking recovering from that. But yeah, what's up? Isn't it?

How difficult is it to get the rocket balls? Because they're like, they don't make them anymore. Impossible. So then I have 17 rounds and they're over 150 bucks a piece. I was going to ask that. And I thought they were more than, I think, did it come with the 17 rounds? It came with the 17 rounds. Like if you can find them for the cheapest, it's, it's like a buck 75. Yeah. I thought like,

I thought they were extremely expensive. $1.75 for a single bullet is a lot of money. Yeah, like 50 cal is like $4 a round. I still think that's cheap for rocket bullets. For 50 cal? No, it's about that, unless you're getting really expensive shit. 338 Lapua is like $10. That's the expensive boys right now.

3.28 is more than 50, Cal, right? Yeah, usually, yeah. And then you go for this rocket round, which is $100 and something per bullet. Because they don't make them anymore. It's literally cheaper to buy 20 mil. It's a really cool design, though. Have you watched it at all? Somebody else made a video on it. Yeah, I know.

Was it? No. Who? Because it was in-depth. And it's great. Matt's great at stuff. I'm not saying Matt's bad. This one was like an in-depth look at the bullet. How it works. How it fires. Tal Flatermouse, I think. I know. I think it was somebody else. Honestly, I think it was like something legitimate, like a Discovery Channel. Somebody legitimate. Bitbusters, yeah. Not like some chump like us that just buys a camera on eBay and then goes, you know what? I'm just going to figure it all out. No, it was just like somebody that like... Do they have to talk like Kermit the Frog? Yeah, man. No.

Miss Piggy, don't shoot the round. It's $125. Fine. I'm going to permit.

I'm wearing a shirt that says, "Cermitting war crimes." No shit. Holy shit, that's such a good fucking shirt. I have a shirt and it's Kermit, looks like a Vietnam guy, and it says, "Cermitting war crimes." I just love, like, our fucking editor is sitting here in the corner just like, "Fucking Jesus." He's doing the bad ass like, "Post-it notes, write down timestamps." That's gotta go. Lawyer's laughing though, that's a good sign.

As long as the lawyer's laughing, we're good. That's a nervous laugh. He's wearing a campaign shirt of mine. What's it say? Vote for Pedro. Yeah, close. Vote for Pedro. I love you're brown enough to be able to do that shirt and just make it... Brown enough...

I mean, Herrera. A vote for Brown enough is a vote for Herrera. A vote for Herrera is Brown enough. You ain't Brown enough if you don't vote for Brandon Herrera. That's Joe Biden. If you don't vote for me, you ain't black. That's a fucking excuse. I voted for Brandon.

Okay, so I want to circle back to your Blitzkrieg thing because I still don't know any of that shit. Period. The Blitzkrieg and him developing it and then the actual Germans using it. Did Germans study his tech or did they learn the technique? Yeah, so like Heinz Guderian, the guy that was like the architect of the German Blitzkrieg, it was like well-known because Hobart had been doing tank stuff for decades.

25 years at this point, 20 years. And he had published papers about tactics and everything. And Heinz Guderian had all of his papers translated into German and like had them with him everywhere. He went like on mission, like it was part of his like documents that he kept on him.

Whenever he needed them. So like, yeah, no, they straight up just jacked Hobart's homework. And then he literally just writes like, hey, this is how we do it. Because if you don't know, the Blitzkrieg was highly effective. Yeah, super effective. Entire world. You want to know who's super mad at that video? All the fucking weird people that like jerk off to the German military from World War Two. They're really upset. The Weiraboos? Yeah. Yeah.

It's when a high school kid was like this close to being a school shooter but just edged it out and he decided I'm just going to simp over the German military in World War II because I'm a fucking moron. That's what those are. To be fair, they were really good at a lot of shit. Not winning. Fuck off.

Get the fuck out of here. More like picking friends. The Achilles? I love the one guy who was just like, yeah, you know, I'm from Germany, yeah, but our military decided to take a war to the rest of the world. Declare war on the rest of the world. And it was close. Very close.

Very close. To be fair, yeah. Listen, we're not all doing meth in our Panzers. So, yeah, we were a little caught off guard. How dare you talk shit on the Panzer Chocolata?

Yeah, it was like Panzer something. Panzerfaust or something like that. Panzer chocolate. Yeah. Panzerfaust. I still have actually some of that stuff. You still have some Panzer chocolate? Yeah. Literally. Veristaleka, the Finnish company, actually sells the caffeine chocolate that they would give to pilots and shit like that. Still? I think it's the same company. Yeah. They're very proud of their heritage.

It's like each one of the little bricks, it's like 12 bricks per little tin. Each one of them is like a cup of coffee. That's like 120 grams or 60 grams. I don't remember, but I've got actually I've got a shitload of them back of the house if you want some. Fuck yeah, I do. Am I fucking keyed up for a podcast? A letter signed by Mussolini. No shit. Framed in his house. I mean, like, not like a sense of pride, like, I really like this guy, but like...

He's a total goomba. Why not? What happened? Well, you know, fascism does not work so well in Italy because you get hung upside down and gutted. And that's how it ended for them. They had one of the best buildings in all of American or in all of God damn it, American history and all of world history. It's basically ours. We just gave it back. You're welcome, Europe.

As far as like, what is fascism like? Their fucking capital building or whatever that was. Have you seen that? Yeah, literally, it's a giant fucking face that looks like Big Brother is watching. I haven't seen that. Jamie, pull that shit up. I can't believe they got you from Rogan. We got so lucky. Thank you, Jamie. No, no, no, don't.

We would have to go through another hiring process. It would be really, really uncomfortable. But it would be cool. Speaking of people. What the fuck? Jesus Christ. Hey, man. That's badass. That's a quote from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. No, you shouldn't have taken it from Brandon. I'm going for Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This is for Brandon Herrera.

Medal of Honor recipient. I also like watching all the people get mad because they simp over Soviet bullshit and then watch all the Soviet equipment that they've been talking up for the last 50 years just get shit wrecked.

To be fair, the only thing the Soviets were ever good at designing was small arms. Whether it came to fucking vehicles, armored vehicles, airplanes, fucking anything. They always kind of sucked at it. Small arms, they actually had some good stuff. The Soviets are the T-Rexes of the dinosaurs because they've got small arms. And that's about it. Hey, yo. Oh, shit.

No, I was in class. You are a dad, dude. I fucking hated that joke. I'm for pain.

Like I said, some of them are just for me. I mean, America designed their tanks anyway, so. What? Which one? Fucking whatever the fuck one they had in World War II. The T-34. Yeah. The T-34 is fucking trash. It's cool. It's cool for like history reasons, but it's fucking trash. The T-70 is trash. T-72 is trash. Where did the Blitz come from?

Blitzcrank. I almost said it. Blitzcrank. Yeah, it's a legal legend. That's a different video. That's a different video. Oh, oh, God. Do you want to see my Blitzcrank?

I'm coming over your French border with my blitzcrank. But it was England, right? Where it really just like punched through. France. France, yep. England's done. It's hard to drive there. It's an island the size of Michigan, you know? I don't know. I literally just got interrupted on the podcast by my own campaign email. He feels it right now. He's unfazed by bodies of water. He'll get where he wants.

What videos do you have coming up next? Or are we just waiting for the government to fuck up more? Oh, I think my YouTube's gonna be cancelled soon. Not if I have anything to say about it. When this comes out. Did I call you a what? A vote for... When did I call you? I don't remember that. Everything is like it should have happened. You say the words just in case I can't. A vote for... Is a vote for Brandon Herrera. No! No!

Here's your political ad. I love how we have a habit of milking slurs out of our guests. I feel. That's the unsub podcast. Is that a slur? I think it's just like, I mean, it's not really a slur. It's a cleaner. Yeah, it is. Is it really that negative? Oh, yeah, it's a bad. Yeah, that's like, that is. You don't want to call the Mexican that, folk. I'm here to learn and listen, and he's just explaining it for you. What's up? Oh, God, fuck you.

It's not that bad. Honestly, I don't hear it ever. You're in Buffalo. We've got Puerto Ricans. We don't have Mexicans. You have more snow Mexicans than Mexicans. What's a snow Mexican? Canadians. He's like, well, that's very true. They are obnoxious. I'll tell you what. They're supposed to be the most polite people ever. They come down for football games and hockey games. And they are some fucking drunken assholes, man. And they can't drive. It's going to be really expensive to build that wall.

But I'm not saying we shouldn't do it. They don't really let us in, actually. Yeah, that's true. I had a buddy. We won't let you in. I was like, to Toronto?

Keep it going. I got a pee-pee. Oh, wow. I really just don't know what I'm going to do with my life if I can't go to Vancouver. Well, I had a buddy that had a fight in Canada, and like eight dudes were in a van driving up there. One of them had a DUI, and they're like, that motherfucker can't come in. They had to drive back, leave him at a hotel room over the weekend, and go there themselves without him. You can't get in, period. What the fuck? And they have a zero tolerance. If you have any alcohol in your system, when you get pulled over, you'll get a DUI.

Meanwhile, we have like four times over like murderers getting stopped at the border. We're just like, oh, well, we'll deport you back. They'll deal with it. Oh, do you want to talk about crime, Congressman? Because I can talk about crime, Congressman. I would love to talk to you about crime. Let's do some crime. Okay. Let's do some crime. Let's do some crime. The world is our oyster, Rich. I feel like I think it's appropriate that we talk about crime with Trump Tower in the background. Well, apparently he's, well, I mean, New York, you know. New York, New York. A place so nice.

It's riddled grinder. A vote for New York. No, a vote for not New York is a vote for Brandon Herrera. That one's true, too. That's fair. It's not bad. Texas. Make Texas Texas again. Have you guys seen the...

The British zombie knives news shit. I did a live stream on it. It's so funny. Dude, my best joke that came out of it wasn't even mine. Somebody put it in the comments. Isn't a lawnmower just an automatic knife? A fully automatic machete. And I'm like, oh my god, how are these people mowing their lawns in England when they've got a fully automatic knife just sitting in the garage? It's not wrong. It's just the mindset.

Yeah, I look at the zombie knife bullshit going on in the UK right now, and I think, like, this is what other countries think of when they hear about our fucking arm brace bullshit. So it's such a weird fucking loophole. Another part of that story is there's this guy. He's on the news as news anchor, and there's an elderly gentleman that's also a news anchor across from him because they're doing this interview as news anchors. And the guy pulls out.

a massive knife. It's just, it's probably like a 16 inch knife, right? He's like, what do you think when you see this? He's like, oh, and the old guy's like, oh, I'm a fright from a life, you know? And the guy's like, yes, you are. I'm like, so you just fucking threatened him with a knife and created a felony on camera. Even better than that, you just said, yes, you are. Like, you're confirming it. And he goes, no, you can get this knife. I don't know why he's Australian. I was like, well, you can get this knife.

And this is a knife. You can get this knife. So he's like, you can get this on Amazon, but you can only get it if it doesn't have any zombie lettering on it. And I was like, so wait a second. If I scrub off the name zombie, have I deserialized the knife and now made it a

A felonious knife? That's a ghost knife. It's a ghost knife. How are we going to track these knives? That's their rule. They can't be manufactured with any lettering on it. Because you know those shitty gas station knives that are like zombie murderer, it can't say any words. It can be that knife, but as long as it doesn't have the word on it, it's completely legal to them. That's like their loophole.

So they just buy a large knife that has no anything on it. Imagine conquering most of the known world and now you're not allowed to open a fucking Amazon package in your own house. Right. The fuck?

That's my favorite thing. When we like I do any sort of range video, people from the UK like, I just don't understand why. At least our schools ain't a fucking shooting gallery. They do that fucking bullshit. It's like, bro, you have a fucking butter knife epidemic. Chill out. Yeah. You got three guys to scream a lot who act by on the street and 30 people could stay up. How do we defend ourselves?

All of those videos I see are always from the fucking UK where it's like somebody just sitting there just going to town, just like stabbing the shit out of somebody. And like, there's like 18 people around like, hey, stop it. Stop. Hey, to you, crumpets. Hey, maybe you should stop stabbing that woman over there. And the cops show up and they're like, hey, stop or I'll yell stop again. I've got a taser.

Fuck the UK. Do they have any firearms, period, there? Of course the Irish like that. It has to be registered. You have to have a reason, and it's always like fucking like break action, like single fire type shit. Like shotguns. It's old, old, old stuff. .22s are real popular over there. What's really funny, though, what's funny about their gun laws is that like suppressors are considered, you know, courtesy. Require, yeah. Yeah.

Like, they're not only not regulated, they're, like, encouraged. Suppressor laws are so fucking stupid. Truly a gentleman would own a suppressor. Of course. But of course. A fine Chinese mule. A succulent Chinese male. You know your judo well, sir. Quit touching my penis. Let this man grab me on the penis.

I love that fucking video. It's the best. It's like $12. No, thank you. This is from the fridge. Never mind. I don't suck. He's like $6 per a case. Oh, I know. Well, that's like a bud. Jesus. You just sounded like a wake up on the 90s. Like, oh, that gives me the $6 per. It's all done. So you're good. Who else needs an expensive beer?

Oh, I'm just drinking tequila. $12 to Secchi's. What was it like downstairs? How much was Bud? It was $10 for a fucking Coors Light Tallboy downstairs. Dude, every time I buy, I buy like two drinks at Circle Bar, and it's like $100. Yeah. It's insane. It's fucking retarded. That's what people last night, they're offering to buy drinks. I'm like, I got it. I am good. I don't want you to be poor after buying me one. They are $30 per drink at Circle Bar. I went to the Atomic Museum yesterday. Oh. That was cool. That sounds super fucking cool.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like six minutes away. I hear it'll blow your mind. Oh, no, they have that. They have, uh, what did you, they have the mob museum. Stop holding the pigeon. What all could you buy there? It was like the tritium or any of that. I didn't really look at the gift shop. I was mostly just looking at all the little shit. It was kind of cool. Cause like, I don't know. All the little side exhibits were the coolest part to me. Cause I, it like tied in all the history. What the fuck is wrong with you? Joke about wanting to buy adamantium. Yeah.

You okay, bud? No. Why were you thinking Wolverine? I don't know. I was trying to think of a joke to go with Adams, and I was just like, Adamantium. And then my brain was just like, you're stupid. And then I laughed at myself calling myself stupid. I tried to record it. They wouldn't let me record in there. That sucked. But whatever. I guess. They specifically were like, no recording, period. But I took a bunch of pictures. It was good.

It's a good ship. How far is Trinity site from here? I don't know. I guess I think we, I think I was drunk and I did this yesterday on a podcast. Guess what percent of Nevada is federal property. I want to say like 85, 80. That was the, I think my, the exact guess I made. That's weird. 80% of Nevada, federal, federal property. Can you imagine like aliens and 45% of a state that's bigger than all of the UK? Um, wait,

You could just do whatever you wanted. Like, hey, no fly zone. Fly over this area. We're just like flexing on Europe. We're just like, hey, by the way, the size of your country, we just decided nobody owns that. Yeah, that's for making glass and not going there. It's called protecting NATO. You're fucking welcome. Random thing, kind of building this all together. So government land. I went to Camp Shelby, Mississippi one time. It's in Mississippi. It's horrible. Really? Wow. And they used to ship...

Nazi POWs from Germany to the States and put them at Camp Shelby and have them do work parties and shit like that. So from the sky... What's a work party? A work party? Yeah. A work party. You do work.

I like that he's attached party to that. Yeah, it's not a party. A group of people that do a job. You're not getting pepperoni pizza. This is a work party. Voluntold. Yeah, voluntold. Oh, he has the work party. There was a German POW camp in the town I grew up in, in Iowa. And that's how you got here. Thanks, Grandpa. Nope. And my great uncle actually got sent out as a POW because he was captured in El Alamein.

Again, fighting under Rommel. So he got sent out to Texas. And so it's kind of funny how different areas of my family got... But he went back, right? Yeah. He didn't end up living there. But yeah, it's kind of funny how all that shit works out. Well, still in Camp Shelby, Mississippi, there is a large mound that's about... I want to say about a football field long. And it is a swastika. It's about five feet high by about ten feet wide. Like each branch of the swastika. So the jokes that you're not about to make, what...

I saw that hesitation on the beer. It's like, and I know like three things you were going to say. You know what you're thinking of all the states to have a swastika that big Mississippi. I expect that too. Like being an electrician, you run into a swastika once in a while. There's so many yeses in Mississippi.

I like it's normal font, but the SSR is a different font. You thought the SS was bad? Get ready for the NYSR. Man, I'm making my attack ads so fucking easy. So easy. Jesus Christ. There's a factory in the town that I live in, in Iowa, and in one of the fucking mechanical rooms, super old factory, there's like old valves and shit that have swastikas on them.

No shit. They've just been in use for that fucking long. It was way before World War II happened. Bought and installed in like the 1930s. German industry. Impeccable. The swastika has many meanings. It was like Christianity. Not anymore. Well, I mean, depending on the angle. No, we're not going there. It was originally like it was Hindu. Hindu Christianity. Was it Christian? Christianity is erotic.

when it's downturned on the left side when you're looking at if it's going down that's christianity so clockwise yeah yeah and then if it's angled nazi hindu is straight but uh same nazi symbol there is like eight different ones all with the exact same logo yeah mind's curved too christianity is just like yeah but do their trains run on time

J-Wolf, you need to just come and show how big you are on camera. This is our fucking bodyguard. This is my head of security. J-Wolf is our homie. J-Wolf, what's your stream? What's your stream?

G-Man comes next to him for reference. Just for scale, I'm 250 and I'm 5'10". And this is my friend, Jay Wolf. Am I out of frame or? Fucking Christ, dude. Stand on top of the bench, you fuck. I'm almost his height. Like, fucking ridiculous. Sorry to the Spotify listeners. That's a big white motherfucker. Damn. Oh, shit. Pete, Pete.

He had to duck under the light. Damn, you got bigger titties than my woman. I'm trying to bully that guy into starting a YouTube channel. What's up? I'm trying to bully him into starting a YouTube channel. He'd be really good at it. Dude, the mountain I love. I love. It's true. What's the name we came up with? Size Matters. Size Matters. Yeah. Bro, if we did like a year and we just load you up on roids.

And just get you jacked as fuck. That would be terrifying. He's like the fucking mountain. Yeah. I would just watch you falling on things. With slow motion.

I already swore at you. Do you want him to fall on you? Yeah. Welcome to episode 14 of the Gravity Podcast. A little person. Hydraulic press channel, but it's his feet just stepping on stuff in slow motion. You can wear body armor and, like, fall on light bulbs, bouncy balls. A mason jar in Slovenia. The big-ass feet just stepping in. Boom, boom. No, we need to get him to shoot...

Scott's big-ass gun, that 4-4, that he lets Eddie Hall and all the other big dudes shoot. Normal size in my hands. I would like to see you do it shirtless, though. I'd like to see the ripple. Yeah! That's entertainment. Dude, you have to bend down every door. Every door this dude has to actually bend down and go through. I hit my head on that time. When you came over to my house, that was the time you were like,

It felt nice because I didn't have to duck under a door for the first time in like four years. So that was Eli bragging about having a nice house with the big ass ceilings. I feel like a hobbit in that house. It's fucking dope. You feel like a hobbit in a normal house.

They got Harry Potter underneath here. A master bedroom is underneath the stairs for them. Master has given Dobby a clock. Your texts are early. Dobby's are free. What? What? Do what? That will be for after the podcast. What, Dobby?

I love this group of humans so much. Are we going to gamble more? We had Jake, the lawyer, lose all. Jake, how much did you walk away with yesterday? A negative 600. Oh, that's not bad. Plus my money. Jake, so you lost it, gained it back, and then decided to bet it all? If that's not Las Vegas in a sentence. Oh. Oh.

He told me to put it all in red. I said 20 on 7. Oh. Oh. I love my friends just watching him get drunk and then not try. Dude, Tweek was having the time of his life. I just seen you like just lighting up like this isn't my money. I'm gambling. Like, oh, our boy's going hard last night. That was funny. Yeah.

Dude, everyone's just having a blast. That's what I love in Vegas is everyone just is their best version of themselves. It's like, well, let's get fucking shit wrecked and see what happens. Nick, fucking shit wreck. I didn't get the memo. I got the emails. I just didn't open them. I didn't know that it was like a formal event. I showed up dressed like this. Everybody else is in suits and shit. Well, last night I did. He's like the veteran version of Pat McAfee.

It's just always in shirtless, always has something to say that's intelligent. And if you don't like him, he's obnoxious as shit. Yeah, that's fair. You were supposed to go to Tim's dinner. You didn't. Well, you didn't. I got told I had to wear a blazer. I'm not doing it. I know. You were told you had to wear a blazer. You got told you had to wear sleeves.

I'm not doing it. Right to bear arms. What are you talking about? You were like, I want to be on that list. He's like, you got to find a blazer. But you're like, never mind. Never mind. I'm going to go drink with Chris the magician and smoke cigars. I texted him. I go, hey, what are we doing for dinner? What are you doing? He's like, oh, I'm at this thing. You need a, you got a blazer? I was like, no. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I came to Vegas. Yeah. I packed my fucking blazer. No. Yeah. I'm a dad. Fuck you, man. I'm not running for Congress. Fuck off. You wear jeans and a blazer. You're a chode.

I said it. Hey, fuck you, dude. That's my uniform. He looked really good. Case in point. A vote for Chodes is a vote for Brandon Herrera. I'll endorse that one, too. Brandon, you want to close? Oh, wait. I was going to say, now you can actually, with that Chode line, you can be like, yeah, I got a gun and a small penis. Vote for Brandon Herrera. Yep. Take that, libtards. I'll disappoint any woman you want.

Jesus fucking Christ. Yeah, so glad we extended the podcast for that. I know that joke really landed. It was fucking great. The audience is now wanting more. I'm just picturing my fucking parents watching this episode. Just like, uh... A vote for Unsub is a vote for Brandon Herrera. Correct. Thank you guys so much for watching the Unsubscribe podcast. I am joined by Fat Electrician, Angry Cops, and Eli. Thank you so much, and we'll probably see you sexy YouTube mother-lovers later. Fuck you. Correct, man.

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