cover of episode The Ultimate "What If?" feat. RaeLynn

The Ultimate "What If?" feat. RaeLynn

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Unlocked with Savannah Chrisley

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Savannah Chrisley
RaeLynn: 本期播客将分享我和Savannah以及Chrisley家族之间深厚友谊的鲜为人知的故事,以及我个人成长经历对音乐创作的影响。从Todd Chrisley在Twitter上的一条私信开始,我们建立了深厚的友谊,并分享了许多难忘的时光,包括假期、旅行和工作上的合作。多年来,我们如同家人一般亲密无间。在音乐创作方面,我的歌曲创作灵感大多源于我的人生经历,包括童年创伤、婚姻生活以及为人父母的感受。歌曲《Love Triangle》讲述了我童年父母离异的经历,以及这种经历带给我的情感冲击;歌曲《Broken One》则表达了我对婚姻和家庭的理解,以及对那些经历过创伤的人的鼓励;歌曲《She Chose Me》则讲述了我母亲在怀孕期间面临的抉择,以及她最终选择生下我的故事,这首歌也引发了关于堕胎的广泛讨论和争议。我的音乐创作始终围绕着真实的情感和经历,旨在为那些有相似经历的人提供共鸣和慰藉。成为母亲后,我的生活发生了巨大的变化,但这也激发了我更多的创作灵感,我将继续创作更多关于婚姻、母性和追逐梦想的歌曲。 Savannah Chrisley: 我和RaeLynn是多年的好友,如同家人一般亲密无间。我们分享了许多难忘的时光,包括假期、旅行和工作上的合作。RaeLynn的音乐创作才华令人惊叹,她的歌曲真实地反映了她的人生经历和情感,能够引起听众的强烈共鸣。她的歌曲《Love Triangle》、《Broken One》和《She Chose Me》都给我留下了深刻的印象,特别是《She Chose Me》这首歌,它讲述了一个关于生命和选择的动人故事,引发了关于堕胎的讨论和反思。RaeLynn是一位出色的艺术家和母亲,她的生活经历和音乐创作都充满了力量和感染力。

Deep Dive

Savannah and RaeLynn's friendship started when Todd Chrisley reached out to RaeLynn on Twitter, leading to a lunch meeting where they bonded over family stories.

Shownotes Transcript


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Okay, today's episode is going to be fun because I have Rae Lynn on. Welcome. Hey, hey. It's so weird to even talk to you formal. It's, um, yeah, we're not, I mean, you're formally really cool, so, uh, I'm just kidding.

It did feel kind of weird. I know. I was telling Josh, I was like, this podcast is just, he's like, what are y'all going to talk about? I was like, I already know everything about each other. Exactly. But it's about what people don't know. Yes. And I think people don't realize that me and you have been friends, or I think we're more like family for a really long time now, for almost 10 years. I mean, eight years. Yeah. I mean, I've been ever since I moved to Nashville. Well, I think we moved to Nashville at around the same time. Wow. Ew. I hate this. We might need to stop the podcast.

No, but we did because I had just moved to Nashville. I've been here for like maybe not even two years. And your dad messaged me. I'll never forget this. A cold message on Twitter back in the day on Twitter. I slid into my Twitter DMs. And.

And he said that, no, no, I'm so sorry. He mentioned me, he tweeted me and said, and posted my lyrics to kissing frogs. Oh my God, that song. It's my favorite song ever. And, um, I will hit you if you try to play that. I'm just kidding. Um, but he posted it and he said, my girl Savannah's coming to Nashville and I'm trying to get her to, you know, like listen to this song or whatever. And of course your dad's being funny. And, um,

And I was like, who is this guy messaging me? Like who and why is he verified? And why does he have all these followers? And I was like, he seems hilarious. I was like, and who is this girl? And I feel bad because I just didn't watch the show. I didn't know much about it. And so anyways, I ended up, you know, obviously following your dad back. We were talking on Instagram and he's like, well, my daughter's about to move to town. Like y'all should hang out and classic Todd going in and just like creating

creating besties for you, but he knew, he just knew we had, we did. Yeah, we did. But, um, anyways, and then we met up, me and your dad, like met up with my husband. Like we went to lunch together. He's like, I'd love to take you and your husband to lunch. And I remember we sat there for almost four hours just talking. Um, and it was at the copper kettle grill. I mean like the, um, brunch. Yes. Remember copper kettle. It's so, I think it's still there. And, um,

in Green Hills. - Yes. - Was it Green Hills or it's like right on that road, Leland Street, I think. - Okay. - But we, it's right across from Lipscomb. And your dad was such a delight and all he did was talk about, you know, his family and Julie and I really do believe like there's those divine appointments that God puts in your life. And from that moment on, like, I mean, 'cause I, yeah, 'cause you know, my wedding was in 2012. - Yeah.

No, I'm sorry. It was 2015. It was 2015. I got confused. I was like, I moved in 2012. It was 2015 and y'all were supposed to come to the wedding, but y'all had something to say. It's like, it's been a while. It has. It's been crazy. Y'all fought.

Y'all have like spent holidays at our house. Yes, we came to Thanksgiving. Yes. Yeah, we were at your house for Thanksgiving one year. Because we couldn't make it back home. And, you know, we've been on vacations together. We've done so much. You remember, I have a video of my birthday in the Bahamas. And you were asleep. Yeah, and they poured water on my face. Dad did. And you go, you bitch.

Yeah, I was so pissed. Me and Nanny, we kept drinking. We put Nanny on that bike that when she would move, it would blend her margarita. And we didn't want Todd to know we were drinking. And Nanny was like, I'm going to drink. And she was like drinking and she was riding the bike.

That was so much fun. Oh my God. That was a blast. And also, we have so many memories, but Savannah, we'd miss each other because we hadn't seen each other in a while. And I was like, come out on the road with me this weekend. And I also opened up for Cole Swindell that weekend and you came out and-

She had to get in like, and you know, Savannah loves her bougie things, right? She, and she had to share it. We put her in a bunk. She had to work. I think it was the best sleep. We had so much. It is really good sleep. It is really good. And you had so, we had, didn't we have so much fun? We had so much fun. You remember, then we had our ponytails in. Yes. I think I had a video of us like. She, she wanted a ponytail. So my, my hair and makeup girl, she put a ponytail on you and you were flipping that hair around to Justin Bieber. I still have that video. Stop.

Oh my God. But it's been a wild journey. It's crazy. And it's so funny. I typed in one time because I was trying to find a picture of me and I think it was, I was trying to find a picture of me and your dad for his birthday. Yeah. And I was like, I'm just going to type it into Google because you know Google's kept that shit. And so I typed it into Google and when I said, Raelynn and Todd, and it said, and then I saw in the Google search is Raelynn, Todd, and Julie's daughter. Stop!

Or is Raelynn their child? Because it's like, we obviously hang out a lot. And we look like sisters. Whenever. My hair was short. Yeah. When our, when your hair was short, it was crazy. Yeah. Like we really do. And two, let's just face it. We're blonde and we're, we're pretty smart, but we've got our moments. Yeah, we do. We've had our moments. It's,

It's fun though. It's fun. You're an amazing, you're an amazing person. An amazing friend. I really do love you. I love you so much. I love you. We've had a lot of fun. Now I'm just thinking back on all the things. And there's things that you forget about. You know what I mean? Like, uh, it's just, it's, it's been wild. And then my husband, um, is super close to Grayson. It's great. They're on the phone all the time. Always talking about fantasy football or they, they're always doing leagues together. And,

And I mean, it's just, it's amazing. It's amazing. But that's a good thing is like having friends like y'all like during this time, cause you know, I've been doing all I can do just to like, yeah, Chloe sitting in the other room while we're doing this. And so, but Josh has like been there for Grayson consistently. Josh is awesome. Which is amazing. And Grayson's just such a good kid. I mean, he's been, I have a video of Grayson.

because I always say I love my husband my hot husband you know I was just always joking about Josh and Todd would always tease me and I have a video of Grayson making fun of me and he goes my hot husband Josh and he's like and he's literally like 11 years old he's so little no he's so little and so cute oh my god it's just he's gotten so big it's crazy it's so and I remember like Josh us coming over to the house to eat dinner years ago and

And Josh like throwing ball with him in the front. And it's just like, he's gotten so big. I'm so proud of him. And too, Chloe, when you pulled up, she's almost as tall. My child, my two year old is almost as tall as me. Okay. Like I'm fun size. You're fun size. It's great. I know my daughter's going to, Daisy's definitely going to be like, you know, five, 10. Yeah. She's going to be a supermodel. Wow. Jinx, you owe me a soda. Again. Okay.

- Second time. - Second time. - If we had drinks, we'd be hammered by the end of this. If there's a drinking game. - We really would. Oh my God. Okay, so for people that don't know you. - Yes. Oh, you want me to talk about myself? - Yeah, I want you to talk about yourself. For people that don't know you. - Yes, okay, so my name is Raelynn. That's my stage name. - My stage name. - And my stage name, my real name is Rachel Lynn Davis. The way I got my name Raelynn was because my grandmother,

She used to call me Raelynn as a nickname. And so I was on The Voice when I was 16 years old. That's crazy. And they, when I was filling out all my paperwork for the show, I, they had your name and then it said stage name. And I was like, let me think about this. Like, I don't want to go by Rachel Woodward because my maiden name was Woodward. I'm like, that doesn't sound like a star's name. And I really had high hopes for my life, okay?

And so I was like, Rachel Woodward, Woodward. I was like, I was like, I want to be like, like Dolly, Reba, one Loretta, Loretta. Like I just, one word, like something easy, simple. And it's so funny. Cause when I think back about that, like what 17 year old thinks about branding themselves, like truly, like, you know, like, you know, very few people have that like mindset of like, Oh, I'm a business woman at a very young age. And I,

At the time it was so normal to me, but when I get older, I'm like, oh my gosh, like it was crazy that I was branding myself at a young age because I knew the importance of that. - And especially with where you grew up. - Yes, yeah, it's just like, it was not around me to do that. So anyways, I was like, well, my grandmother, she's not with us anymore, but I was like, she used to call me Raelynn and Raelynn seems like a fun name. Then I looked up the meaning and it meant full of life and popular. And I was like, I wanna be popular.

That's fun. I decided in that moment to just put Raelyn. I was like, okay, cool. And, but I literally decided it within, you know,

like 10 minutes. Like I just was, I remember I was doing like wardrobe and I was like thinking about it. And, um, so at that moment I was railing and it's so funny because I remember they had to, they had to edit my episode because I was so nervous. So I, you know, I auditioned for the show and I'm on stage. So I'll tell you about that and then I'll tell you what I did. But, um, so I, I mean, I never thought that I would be on a show like The Voice because all those shows, um,

they have people like they have crazy Mariah Carey voices and I'm like I have a unique voice I can't hit a note like that but I have a cool tone to my voice right and so I was like but that's what I liked about the voices because you didn't it was like they had a range of talent so anyways I'm on the stage my dad and mom are back backstage and my mom looked at me and she goes honey breathe pray and shake your shit and I was like I'm gonna do it so I went out there

And I like had this total out of body experience. And I'm like on stage and I'm singing. I'm saying saying Hell on Heels by the Pistolannies. And I hit that first note and I practiced that song. I love that song. And when that song came out, my dad was like, this is you. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We're totally we're Hell on Wheels and Hell on Heels. And so I remember practicing the song so much that when I started it, I had like.

I don't even remember finishing the rest of the song because I was so in the moment I was like oh my gosh I'm on the voice and then I'm turning and I was like oh my god I made it on the show because Adam turned around first Adam Levine and I was like oh my god that's Adam Levine oh my gosh that's his face and he's staring at me and he's really smiling what do I do I'm so nervous I'm 17 years old and then I'm singing and then I'm getting revved up because I made I was like I

and I'm like growling and I think this is back when I growled a lot when I sang and then I looked and I was like oh my god it's music and I'm freaking the hell out and um and then they you know everything is done then CeeLo and um Christina turn around they didn't turn around for me but everybody's chairs turn around and they were like what's your name and I go Rachel and I said Rachel but I was like wait and they were like say it again I was like oh I'm Raelynn and

edited it because I didn't you know I'd never used that name before and then um I it was really hard because I really liked the things that Adam said to me at 17 like he's he heard that even though I'm a country singer like I feel like I can do other genres and I have a cool like you know I'm always gonna stay country with my tone but I could do other things and try different things and with you know with music and so he's he heard that and um but I had to go with Blake I just knew I

if he turned around for me, he was the person I wanted to be, you know, with and his team was awesome. And, and I just think everything that he stands for and the person that he is, and he's just so kind to everybody. And, and I knew that he could really help me break into the industry. And so I, you know, I chose Blake and that's kind of what started my journey here in Nashville. So

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Oh, a lot has happened since we last did a hint ad. Yes. If you if you if you did not see this on social or in Savannah's podcast, Savannah made one of the biggest blunders of all time. And she was trying to say that her favorite hint flavor was cherry water. And she accidentally didn't say that exactly how she meant to. It came out a little inappropriate on Aaron's errands in the gutter. It was not mine because I

love my cherry hemp water it's absolutely amazing considering the fact I hate water but I love it well and we went hiking which just like weighed ourself down with like every pre chilled flavor of hint so we could actually like motivate ourself to get through this hike you know

I bet you didn't know the doctors and nutritionists recommend 64 ounces of water a day. That's actually a minimum. That's a lot of water. It's eight glasses. I did know that most people do. You don't. I don't. I don't. But that's a lot of water and water is extremely boring.

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Hint tastes so good that people start thinking of water as a treat rather than an obligation. Hint makes it so easy and there's 25 different flavors. Classics like watermelon, blackberry, and pineapple, as well as delicious smash-ups like blueberry lemon and peach raspberry, plus my favorite cherry. Hint water is an obsession that's actually

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I don't take for granted the relationship that we have. He's been somebody kind of like you. I think some relationships you think that they're just gonna be kind of a work relationship and then he became family. I mean, he is somebody that was really invested in wanting to see me succeed, but personally and professionally.

And you don't see many people like that. No, not at all. And through every, you know, management change or label change or publishing every, I mean, I've been through a lot of changes in this town and through all of those changes, he's always given me guidance and he's just an incredible person. Which is amazing. And too, as a woman in country music, it is more difficult. Yeah. And people don't really realize that. It is. I think, you know,

I think the best thing that we can do as women is just to put out great music. And I've been very fortunate to have really awesome fans. And I think the cool thing about my fans now is they've kind of grown up with me. And it's like a cult following. Oh, yeah. They're awesome. And I'm sure you feel the same way growing up on television. They grew up with you. They have seen your life and seen you flourish into the woman you are. And I think that...

I think it's hard though. I think it, I don't, I mean, I admitted this recently.

I never thought that I grew up in the industry until I'm now 29, you know, married with a baby. And I was a child when I was on The Voice. I was 17. I was, I moved to Nashville at 18. That's a very young age. Like, and I think it's because I was so career driven and I've always been an old soul. Me and you have so many parallels in our personality. Like we've always thought

light years above what we should have probably with our age. And at times it was like sad because you're like, I wish I could just live in the moment with these people, but I can't. Absolutely. Like all my friends besides you, like a lot of my friends were always older than me because I couldn't connect with people my age unless I grew up with them. And so when it came to just really realizing that

Oh, the reason why I'm getting some of this criticism is because some people truly only see me as the 17 year old girl on The Voice with the flower in her hair. I mean, I remember the first time I wore jeans and somebody was like, what are you doing wearing jeans? You're trying to over, you know, sexualize. What are you talking about? I'm just wearing tight jeans. I'm freaking 21 now. Like, I mean, it was like, but they want to pigeonhole you. And so like, that's the part that that was hard for me was like,

when I did start coming into my own and the things that I wanted to say and the things that I wanted to write and getting married young, I mean like that, everybody was like, oh, it's not gonna last. Like you're not, this is like, you're getting married at 21. Like you need to stay young. Like if you wanna be relevant, if you wanna be a star, you gotta be single. So men want you. I was like, I don't want,

men to want me. I want Josh to want me like, and it's okay to feel beautiful. And like, yeah, that's flattering. Thank you. Like, I mean, my husband's a very good looking guy. I mean, girls look at him too, but like, but who wants someone that no one else is going to look at? No, but that's, yeah, nobody does. Okay. Point like, is it, and I always kind of like, and now that I'm older and I've gone through some therapy, um, I've realized that like, I've,

I've always in my mind and wanted a career, a family and like,

And to do what I love and to be married. And I, I'm so thankful. And the cool thing about it is I didn't even realize at 18, I mean, not 18 at 21, that I was being such a rebel because it was kind of a rebel thing to do to be like, yo, you know what? My label can kiss my ass. I'm actually going to go get married and I'm going to show you that there is, I, I am doing the right thing for me. And cause not a lot of people,

Not a lot of artists have the guts to do that. They listen to everybody around them where, and I'm not saying you can't take advice, but when people, when, when your team or people are trying to tell you what to do with your personal life and things that are gonna be good for your mental health and, and the things that are your core values, you need to find a new team because it ain't about, this is my business. This is my life. I'm not going to wake up in 20 years,

And have this huge career and be lonely as shit. Like, I'm just not going to do that. That's what a lot of people don't realize. When you're in this world, it's not just about going out and singing and up. That's all you do. No, you have a whole team of people behind you that are telling you every single move to make in your life. Yes. And they all have their own opinions of what you should be. And the only way that you can fully create the environment that you want is by just making it happen. And now, you know, being...

Almost 30. You're almost 30? No, I'm not almost 30. I just turned 29, okay? May 4th, I just turned 29. I'm basically almost. Okay, stop it. Almost. Stop it. We're going to have a big 30th birthday. We should go somewhere fun. Okay, we'll talk about that later. Your birthday? What? Come on. What? Remember? Last year, my birthday? Yes. Last year. I remember everybody was like, this is your 28th birthday? What are you going to do on your 30th? I was like, yeah. Like, who doesn't want to be celebrated on their birthday? It was actually very sweet because, by the way, I'm such like a squirrel with changing topics. I know, so am I. But...

I had just had Daisy, this is how awesome of a friend you are. Like I just had Daisy and like you had texted me and you were like, "Hey, what are we doing for your birthday?"

And I was like, girl, we're probably gonna... I want to eat ice cream, drink some margaritas, homemade margaritas, eat some Mexican food. Like, I ain't trying to, like, get crazy. And you were like, let's do something fun. Like, you just, you know, had Daisy. Like, you should be celebrating. And I was like, no, Savannah. I was like, I'm not doing that. You're, like, you're crazy. Like, that's too much work. I have Daisy. And she was like, I want to do it. Like, let me do it. And you made me feel so special. You truly did. Like, and we sang karaoke. We had so much fun. I even sang karaoke. Yeah, I mean, honestly...

those are the best karaoke songs like nobody wants to hear actual good singers sing they want to hear the people that think they can sing or you know you can't sing but we're just there to have a good time yeah no it was drunken barbie yeah drunken barbie theme oh my god it was so much fun so fun but but no you were saying growing from 16 now 17 on the voice now you're 29 and your music is evolving with you now you're not talking about kissing frogs no like obviously not

- Yeah, it's-- - And you're married, you have a kid. And one of the songs that I, well, first off, let's go back. So "Love Triangle." - Yes. - Was a big, big song for you. - Big, big moment for me. - That music video literally sends me to tears. - It wrecks me. I can't, you know, I've only watched that video three times. I watched the first edit. I watched when I had to watch it with my team for like, we did like a big launch party. - Yeah. - And then I watched it like last year.

And I. So explain that song and the significance behind it. Yes. So I have been writing my own music my whole life. And I came to Nashville even before The Voice just to song write with anybody who would write with me. And I am I'll never forget when I wrote Love Triangle because I've my favorite thing about country music is true love.

the true songwriting and just the realness of it. You know, I think about songs like "The House That Built Me." I think about songs like "I Drive Your Truck." Those songs that when you hear them, mine would be you. Oh my God, that song is just like, ugh. But you hear them and you just like, you feel it in your bones, right? - It's therapy. - And it's healing, it's therapy. And I, my parents got divorced when I was three years old and I always felt, you know,

I had the best childhood though. But I think that sometimes even when you have a good, really good childhood, you don't process the things that were actually hard. - Yeah. - And because you're like, oh, but it was good. There's more good than there was bad. But there, I think the hardest part for me was

having to feel like I was juggling two people's feelings all the time and always feeling like I was stuck in the middle of my mom and my dad. And I was headed to a writing session in Nashville and obviously we're in Nashville, but I headed to a writing session and I didn't know what I was going to write that day. And I almost canceled because my mom was arguing about something and my dad was irritated. And my dad always kind of like, he would try to diffuse it, but you know, you know how it is. It's just hard. And so I

Anyways, I almost canceled my ride, but I was like, no, you know what? Best advice I got songwriting is you always show up and wherever you're at, that's what you write about. Cause that's when you get the best music right where you're at. And so I did that showed up. I was upset and I went into a writing session with Jimmy Robbins and Nicole Galleon. And, uh, we started talking and

And they could tell that I was a little upset, but I just didn't wanna talk about it. I wasn't really close with them. I was kind of close to Nicole, but not really with Jimmy at the moment. Maybe, well, we were friends, but I wasn't talking about stuff like that. - I'm not gonna divulge. - Yeah, and two, I didn't wanna bring down the mood. And so I was going through my titles and I was like, "Oh, Love Triangle will be fun." At that time, I was just writing songs about boys. I was like, "It could be a song about me liking two guys or something funny, you know, I'm in a love triangle."

And then they were like, oh, that's cute. And they were like, they probably like hated that idea. And then I was like feeling really heavy again. I was like, hey, I have to be honest. And then I just started divulging all my childhood trauma on Nicole and Jimmy, which is every song, you know, every songwriting session. And then we were all talking and then I re-brought up Love Triangle. And then it just like, we all looked at each other. We were like, this is how we write this song. And it like clicked. And-

We wrote that song and maybe two hours, like it was so fast. That's insane. Jimmy started playing the na na na na, like that, that lick. And it just, I would say just like it flew out of all of us. Like a songbird was just sitting on my shoulder. Like it was, I mean, I still get chills talking about that experience because I, I literally, the Lord was just in the room that day and the song was meant to be in the world. And so I, when I wrote that song,

I was meeting with managers at the time and that song really put me on the map in this town as a great songwriter because I think everybody's like, oh, she's from The Voice or oh, she got a hall pass almost like, oh, can she really write or can she really perform? Can she really do those things? And I understand that.

why I have to prove myself. I've never been shy to work. I didn't even win the show. So it was like, I get, I get it. You know, I'm, I'm here to work. I'm here to work hard. Whatever I need to do, I'll do it. I'll prove myself. And so love trying to really set that tone for me in this town. And I was getting so many opportunities with awesome songwriters. And then, um,

you know, I was able to get a record deal off that song. And it was just kind of all of these things just started happening in Nashville for me. They were kind of happening before, but it really, it really does change with that. It changes with the song. With that song, because that song, I remember watching the video and I literally was like in tears because you see the pain of like a kid that comes from a divorced household and feeling like, all right,

I have to be dropped off at this person's house and this person's. And if you don't know the video, so you should watch it. The video is basically, um, TK Mikami. He's, he's the one that directed it. Basically. It's like a girl wearing a GoPro on her back type. So you're basically seeing everything from her point of view. And, um,

So it's like, it's my performance stuff, but you don't even see the girl's face. You just see her playing with her mom. And like, it's all from her. She like wore the, like the girl was so awesome that did the video and she wore like the camera on her back. And so she was doing all these things. So it's like, you feel like you're the child. That's probably why I can't even talk about it. And then now,

Now that I have a daughter, like when I sang it, I did the Nashville, I did a residency downtown at Old Red. And when I sang it being pregnant and Daisy would literally move in my stomach and I'm singing Love Triangle, I like cried two different times because she was moving while I was singing it. And I'm just like... You couldn't imagine putting her through that. Oh my God, I can't imagine. And I know sometimes it just happens, right? Yeah. But...

you don't realize the impact of it until you have your own child. And, and that song really did just lay the foundation for me here. Well, what I love though, is now you have like your followup song to love. Broken one. Yes. So I, I had this idea because I was talking to Josh and I was just like, I'm so thankful. Like my husband found a home and a girl from a broken one, like not every, every,

You know, like he could have looked at me and thought that girl's got, you know, that girl's got daddy issues or that girl's got this or, you know, you always get labeled. You do. You get labeled automatically when you come, when you have, you know, any kind of situation, even though my family was awesome, epic family. They all love Jesus. I grew up right. It was awesome. But still, there's that little bit of, you know, you get labeled a little bit. You still have your stuff. And my husband didn't do that. He didn't.

He saw the wife in me. He saw the mother in me. Like he, he saw that. And it's like, he didn't see brokenness. He didn't see somebody that wasn't going to be there for him. Like he really did see somebody that he could spend the rest of his life with. But it's just like, and like, I am so thankful he saw a home and a girl from a broken one. And I,

when I was thinking about Love Triangle and thinking about this song, I was like, damn, like, what about all those girls and even men that like feel like, will I ever find somebody that's truly going to love me and like doesn't think that I'm damaged goods? And I went to write with Jason Duke and Justin Morgan, and I was telling about the idea and I was like, I know this is really sad, but this is kind of what I'm feeling to write.

And I said, I want it to be a follow up to love triangle. Like, this is what your life can look like. It's a second like you're this doesn't have to be your ending. This doesn't like have to define. This doesn't have to define you. And it was crazy because Justin's wife came from a divorced home and he his wife, his parents have been married for years. Jason's wife came from a divorced home and his parents were married for years. So it was literally like.

- The opposite of your-- - No, it was the same thing for me, 'cause Josh's parents have been married for 40 years and I came from a divorced home, so both of their wives had went through what I went through. And so they saw the front row seat of the stuff that their spouse went through. And they were like, absolutely, I wanna write this. Because sometimes, especially when I first got married,

I always just had this fear that Josh was going to leave me. Like, like, you know, he's going to go out. I mean, we got in our first fight. I was like, you know, like, and I never was like, no, like I'm, I don't leave. Like, that's not what you do. Like you stick it out. Like, and then you come out on the other side. But when you're, when you come from that, you're like, you don't believe it. You don't believe it. And it's hard for you to be loved almost. And, um,

and they felt the same thing with, with their wives. And so anyways, I, uh,

Yeah. I mean, it's so cool to have that point of view though, that they can speak, you can speak from the woman's point of view. They can speak from the man's point of view. And that's what made the song so special because, and two, I was like, oh, it is going to relate to a lot of people. Like when they heard it, when they heard the idea, they were like, my wife needs a song like this. And it's not even, you don't even have to come from a divorced home to feel that song. Like you can literally think of any trauma you've endured. Yeah. Or like, what if you're a kid that's never,

been like loved truly and you and then you went to somebody's like let's say they're your friend's house and you met their mom and their dad together and you see this love picture and then you are walking through their house and these all the kids are there and they're like you see this family unit that's different than yours like that would impact me as a kid you know and and the thing is is I am

I do write really deep songs, but I did have an incredible childhood. Like I, I didn't, my mom is amazing. My dad's amazing. Um, my family's in ministry. Like we, we all endure trauma, but we all endure trauma in our own way. And just because like, I, I,

one thing that I love to be is because I'm a songwriter, I love to dig into that and to be able to be a voice for people that can't quite put a song to what they're feeling. And we know that songs are soundtracks to our life and they can help people. And so those are the feelings that I kind of would just dig into. And anything that I'm kind of going through, I process it through writing. I haven't like if,

I never fully process something until I write about it. That's just kind of me. See, that's amazing. And two. So you've got those two songs. And then another song, which kind of, it definitely put you in the news. Yeah. Lord help us. Lord help us. We all love the news. She Chose Me. Yes. She Chose Me. I remember hearing that song back in the day. Because you wrote it. Years ago. Years ago. And I remember hearing it and just like sobbing. I sent it to your dad. Yeah. Because I was thinking to myself like, oh my God. Mm-hmm.

what if she chose differently yeah and you weren't here like that's how I think of it being like one of your looking at you as like a family member like what would life be without you absolutely well thank you thank god my mom chose me um I so explain the song yes and then we'll talk about kind of how it went yeah this whole controversy absolutely

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I found out about maybe two years into me and Josh's marriage. We've been married for almost eight years. That's crazy! But...

My mom was married previously before my dad, and she was married for almost 12 years. She had four kids with him. They grew up in the Pentecostal church, which if you don't know what the Pentecostal church is, it's hair down to your ass. You know, you don't wear makeup. My grandpa, my papa told my mom because she kept getting pregnant and they don't believe in having TVs. He goes, Lord, y'all got to get a TV. Y'all are too bored. Like,

They were just getting pregnant all the time. Y'all are too. Y'all got to get a TV. I think that's so funny. But yeah,

Anyways, my mom was just kind of going through a season in her life and she like I guess her and Joe at the time that was her first husband's name. They were just they were going to split up. And so in that time, my mom was like, I'm going to sell insurance. My mom is very much a businesswoman. She's, you know, go getter. I get a lot of my go getterness from her. And

And go get her now. Go get her now. That was the most random thing. Go get her now. But anyways, she was she was selling insurance, kind of going door to door, doing this job. And my dad had just got off the phone two days before with this insurance lady. And she was like, I'm going to come over this day. And he was like, awesome. I'll see you then. You know, whatever. So my mom walks in.

And he thinks that that's the insurance lady. Like, and so my mom's telling about this insurance, whatever. He buys it from her because obviously they had a good time. And my mom, my mom's a charmer and my dad was charmed. And so,

Anyways, he gets the insurance from her and then it's so funny. Then she leaves. Of course he got her number. And then the next day, the actual insurance lady that was supposed to, that he was supposed to buy it from like, cause he probably wouldn't have given her the time of day. He probably was feeling like, eh, like whatever. And so she's like, oh, I just talked on the phone. He goes, wait, I just bought insurance from you yesterday. And he was like, she was like, no. And she was like, it was this lady. He was like,

No, that's not me. It must've been somebody else. And so he'd already, anyways, I thought that was kind of a funny thing. Cause it's such a God thing. My dad wouldn't have talked to my mom or spent that much time with her. If he didn't like, yeah. Yeah. If he didn't think that that was the girl that he was supposed to talk to. And so, um,

After that, like, I guess my dad, like, called her and was like, what? This is crazy. And thought it was funny. So then they ended up planning a date. They went to Galveston for the weekend with all their kids. And then, you know, wham, bam, got pregnant with me. Wham, bam. I don't actually think. I think it was just them. It was, like, Galveston.

Yeah, it was just them that went to Galveston. And so my mom didn't know that she was pregnant. And my mom didn't, my mom like thought my dad was fun and stuff, but she didn't think that she was going to marry my dad. Like she didn't love my dad. She was just having a good time. She was just doing her. And so I, so anyways, my mom and her husband at the time, because they weren't fully divorced yet. They were, you know, they were separated. They were going to get divorced, but they were separated. And-

She was like, I'm late. Like, I feel like sick. Like, she's like, I thought she goes, I thought that had the flu. You know, she was because she wasn't the skinniest woman. But she was like, you know, I just and she's my mom doesn't. If you know my mom, she doesn't pay attention to stuff like that. Like, I would pay attention to stuff like that because I'm so like regular and all those things. My mom just like flies by the seat of her pants and everything. She probably was like, oh, I'm late. What's going on? That's me. Like, you know, that's me.

So she didn't notice. And I kind of get that. And she has four kids. Like, you don't even think about a period. You know what I mean? You're just like living your life. And so she was like, I think I'm pregnant. And so she takes a test. She finds out she's pregnant. And she knew that she, you know, hadn't been with Joe. And so...

She was like, oh my God, I like, I have to nip this in the butt. Like, because, and the reason why she felt that is because her and Joe were going to get back together. They were like, you know, let's try to make this work. We have four kids. Like, this is something we can work through. We can do this. Like, and, um, but she, um,

got kind of caught up in the, in our feels about it. And like, you know, what if, how are people going to perceive this child? Like, you know, I would rather have

four kids with my husband that, you know, they have a family unit then have this random kid. Like I, and I understand all those thought process. I get the fear in that. Like I understand her fear. I understand. Cause how do you explain, how do you explain that? And is her, what's Joe going to say? And so she told Joe and she told my aunt and Joe,

Joe is a, I think he was upset at first, obviously. Like, I mean, who wouldn't be, who wouldn't be like, I'd be like, peace. I'm not gonna, but you know, what's so cool is like, Joe was like, Hey, we'll say it's mine. Like, don't do this. Like I incredible man. Like he's like that baby has a purpose. Like don't,

you know, you can't blame the child. Like, you know, this is, this is, you know, obviously it's not what we wanted and we didn't expect this, but it's not the baby's fault. And I agree with him, you know? And so, but she was like, I can't do it. Like, I feel weird. Like, cause then, you know,

this baby's like she was just thinking of all the things and she there was fear it was that's fearful I mean like and also too now we're in you know it's 2023 like yeah and you can like be with a man and have kids and have different baby dad nobody cares like and like but back then it was different like you have to admit like you had to wear that shame where they were where they were in Texas like it was you know Bible Belt all that stuff like even though at the end of the day

you're going to love that person. And I think that's sad that she, I think the saddest part for me to think about my mom is that she didn't think that she was going to be loved and that she had to make that decision when. And that decision was. A lot. To get an abortion. Yeah. To get an abortion. Absolutely. And so anyways, the fact, but the fact that she felt so low that everybody would think so low of her just for getting pregnant when, you know, things happen, you know? And so anyways, um,

She decided that she was going to do it. My dad knew my dad didn't want her to do it. And, um, but she's determined. She made the decision in her head. She's driving to the appointment and, um, literally gets a call from one of her friends that had a dream. And her friend was basically like, Hey, like I had a dream. You were pregnant. Is that true? And my mom was like, yeah. And she was like, I don't know what you're about to do. And she said, but that baby in your stomach has the call of God on its life.

And I'm telling you, like, that child is going to be the light of your life and your family's. And this is not what you need to do. And she was saying, and if you do this, you will always think about it for the rest of your life. Like, you're not going to you don't understand. Like, you will never not think about that child. And of course, my mom is bawling her eyes out. Yeah. And she was like.

"All right, I'm not gonna do it." And so she decided to make the decision not to abort me. And I was, so when I found this out, I was like, damn.

Like that is some, that is some hard stuff. That's some hard stuff to process for you. You know, did I, was I not wanted? Was I not this? And actually like, and I've worked through that. Cause I know that I'm wanted. I know that the Lord had a plan for me. And then I quickly realized, okay,

why am I here? Why is this my story? You know why it's my story? Because I'm meant to talk about it and I'm meant to write about it. Because you know what? God doesn't do anything by mistake. He does everything on purpose. His plan is always greater than what we can ever imagine. And

Took a second, of course, went through all the stages of grief or whatever. And that you have to go through and talking through. I'm so thankful I was married at the time so I could go through with Josh. And it honestly makes so much sense now, though, because I don't know if I knew you found that story out.

When I first met you, I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah. Because I know you went through a very angry stage towards your parents or your mom specifically. Just like my whole family. Like I was just irritated. Yeah. Yeah. And that was that time. Yeah. Because I just didn't know. Like I was like, ah, it was, it was, that was just a hard time in my life. It was a lot. Yeah. And I think like the great thing is my parents did let me process it and they let me process it with,

you know, my husband, which is what they should do. But I took that story and I was like, okay, or what, what can I say in this moment? And I prayed about it. And then I had the title, She Chose Me. And I was like, how do you write this song? Like, like, how do you do it? Like, this is, this is a very hard subject to write about. And so I prayed about that. Like, God, how do I write a song that talks about such a hard subject?

and I just kept going back to it's my story make it as plain as you can as your story and then too I didn't want the song to come off judgmental like and that's why I started the song you know if it went the other way nobody would have blamed her think of all the small town talk it would have saved her like I wanted like to open it up

to everyone, to everyone, because I didn't want, even though I am unapologetically pro-life and that is my story. Yeah. I didn't want anybody that made that decision. I have a friend and her mom made that decision because she was with an abusive man, but I've

Her mom is still thinks about that child every single day. And I think the importance is the conversation of the after the aftermath. People don't want to talk about that. They just want to talk about the fix, all this stuff. But a lot of these women go through a lot of mental battles when they, when they make that decision and nobody talks to them about it. They just do it and they don't follow up with, how are you? How, how are you doing? And, and,

So I really was very particular about, you know, how I wrote it. And that's why I was like, you know, I wrote this song. And so I, when I listened to it back, I just started like bawling my eyes out. And I was like,

Damn, this song I know is going to change so many lives. And I did. And I didn't want it to be like this. I'm pro-life. I'm this. I wanted it to really. Because when you tell your story, you're always going to win. And that's why I did not veer from telling the truth and speaking the truth. Every line, every line.

the verses, the chorus, all of it is my story. And so, you know, we put this song out and I did sit on the song for a while. I sat on it for about four years. A long time. And I wasn't going to put it out. I'm like, I'm not putting it out. It's automatically going to make me be honest. You're going to get canceled. I'm going to get canceled. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that. Like people are going to view me this way.

And so I just did it. I've sat on it. And when I was picking out songs for Baytown, my record that I released in 2021, I was 2020. It was on my EP first. She chose me. I had I mean, the Lord like speaks to me through dreams. He always has since I was a little girl. And I had multiple dreams, like four back to back dreams.

of me picking out songs with my team and I'm like, she chose me has to be on there. Like we have to fight for this song. Like I'm telling you this song is gonna chase people alive. And I was like, and then I woke up one day, I was like, damn, that's kind of crazy that I had that dream. Second day, dream again. Third day, dream again. The fourth day, I'm like, okay, God, I get you. Like, all right, I'm gonna do it. Like, cool. And so I went to my team and my team was so awesome. They were like...

Absolutely. This is your story. And if this is what you feel like you should do, you should do it. And the label I was with at the time, this is what's so cool about She Chose Me is the label that I was with at the time when I wrote it. Cause I was with a different label when I released it. I had multiple people in the company call me crying,

Telling me their story. I mean, like people that you would never know went through that. Like one person that, I mean, I'm not going to name any names, but one person that I know that's been in this industry for a really long time, you know, he didn't know that his, he found out a long time, like, like years later that his high school girlfriend had an abortion and he never knew. And he's like, I didn't know how to process that. And he's like, but your song just brought up all those emotions. Yeah.

of my love for her and the fact that we could have had a child and I love my, my, my babies now so much. And to think that there could have been another, like, I just think about that. And then I had other stories. Like, I mean, there was like four or five people from the label that called me. So I know it touched them. But at that time I was just like, I'm not going to do it. But fast forward, uh, I released the song and within, I mean, a week, uh,

thousands and thousands of videos on Instagram and TikTok and Facebook were being made of women telling their stories and choosing life. It gives me goosebumps every time I see it. When I talk about it and I'm like, oh my gosh. And then my favorite ones were the adoptive ones. Like the ones where the girl was like, I mean, I start crying because it literally is the most emotional thing. Like

Hear that? Yeah, that's the sound of you relaxing because now you're managing diabetes with the Freestyle Libre 3 system. You get to know your glucose levels and where it's headed. Manage your diabetes with more confidence with the Freestyle Libre 3 system. Ready to learn more about the number one prescribed CGM in the U.S.? Visit to learn more. Based on retail sales data for patients' last full prescription by manufacturer. Refer to the FLARE NL4 study published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2019. Safety info found at ♪

Hear that? Pumpkin. That's fall calling. And the pumpkin spice latte is back at Starbucks. From that first sweater to late autumn weather, it's all a fall in just one sip. Order ahead on the Starbucks app. These children that were chosen by a family that all they wanted is to be a parent, and now they have this child. That's literally what I remember playing dad playing your song for Chloe.

And it was, dad was like, you're even more special. Yeah. Because we chose you. Like we, we wanted you. So you're even more special. Yeah. And it's so true. And that song, like. And she was meant to be on earth. Chloe was not a mistake. No. Chloe is going to do amazing things with her life. Oh. And she's going to build a legacy for her own. Yeah. And like, think about if somebody would have made that choice. Like they, they,

- So sad to think about. - And I think that's the thing, like that's the conversation, that's the only thing I wanted, she chose me to do, was to be somebody's soundtrack and maybe somebody thought, I can't do this. I wanted to be like, here I am, yes you can. - Yeah. - You can do it. You're here.

And it's not to discredit the journey that goes along with making that decision. And it's not to say that in certain circumstances. No, and that's the thing. It's like, what do you think if somebody has to get an emergency this or whatever? I'm like, just because I say that I believe in life is

Does it mean that I don't have empathy for others and that I don't agree with, you know, the way that some people have to handle situations like they when, you know, sometimes when you release and you put yourself out there, people automatically pigeonhole you into this one thing. And that is so unfortunate. I think that's the hardest thing about where we are in the world right now is you get put in this box because you see this one, you know,

I guess you could call it or one issue a different way than everybody else. Yeah. And well, when that song came out, it immediately. And it got a lot of love. It got a lot of love. But it also got a lot of hate. Yeah. Because it's,

People automatically thought just this negative thing about it. And to me, I was like, this is so wrong on so many levels. It's not like you're speaking out against it. You're just saying, this is my story. Imagine if she, I would have understood. I wouldn't exist. The best way that I talk about it is the way that I, you know, view being pro-life is I almost didn't exist. So, yeah.

let's have a conversation. There's almost children that could be the next president or that could be somebody's wife, somebody's husband. That's what you say in the song. And I say that in the song because I think about all of the people that would have been affected by that decision. Well, you say, I'm the daughter. Me, the daughter. Me, the sister. Me, the dreamer with pigtails and pictures. Me, the wife my husband loves. I'm thankful because she chose me. Like...

Those are the things. It's like my husband wouldn't have the wife that the Lord wanted him to have if my mom would have made that decision. And so- - But also I love though, like you said at the beginning of the song, you said, "I wouldn't blame you." - Yes. 'Cause it's like, I'm not in your head. I'm not like, I don't know what your story is. I don't know what would bring somebody to get to that decision. But it does break my heart though, that everybody just has to go straight to that. I think it would be important

for everybody to just talk about, you know, the repercussions of that mentally and what, what,

actually happens when you do it and when we're not talking about that. - Let's give you the resources to-- - And give me the resources, fully educate a woman before they make that decision and there's no education behind it. It's, oh, you know what? If you get pregnant, you won't be able to be the person that you wanna be. You won't be able to do this. You won't be able to do that. And like, that's so not true. Like, I mean,

I am a mom and like, I know, you know, it's hard to be, it's hard being a mom. Yeah. You know, it's hard. It's to juggle it all. But it's a good heart. It's not like a, it's not a heart that you don't want. It's a, you have to just manage your time better. You have to figure out life. Life looks differently, but that doesn't mean that life isn't,

that but nobody talks about the sweetness of children and like what they teach you like being a mom is

I think another big lie that I believed is that being a mom would, you know, first it was my marriage when I moved to Nashville and then it was like, don't have kids too young. I wish I would've had kids the first three years of my marriage. Not even kidding you. Because I love Daisy Ray so much. She has brought me so much joy. She has taught me so much about myself. It makes you so, and I'm sure you felt this with Chloe and Grayson, you know, when you're thinking about somebody other than yourself, you are a better person.

And it makes us, it like, it brings us, um,

like a selflessness to the, everybody, I feel like everybody should go through it because it's, and first of all, it's such a rewarding job. Like that's what, you know, what dad's even said. He was like, Savannah, what you're about to do, he said, is going to be the toughest thing you've ever done, but it's going to be the most rewarding. And literally I was laying in bed with Chloe the other night and she literally hugged me up, put her arm around me. And she goes, I just want to let you know, you're doing a really good job with mom and dad gone.

And I literally was like that kids like that's what it's all about. It can be so hard. But when they feel the love and you see a smile on their face, doesn't matter. You can be having the crappiest day in the world. It literally changes everything.

And nobody, like, you can't even describe that kind of love. I mean, Daisy went up a slide backwards. And she was just so strong. Like, we were at this party for Memorial Day. And she was just doing it. Like, I mean, she's just a strong girl. And she got up the slide, and I was like, hell!

girl like and I was just so proud of her like for going up a slide like she didn't go up the ladder she went up the freaking slide she was determined you know she slid down at three times but she was determined but it's like you're so proud of your kid and and honestly like since having Daisy I was like am I gonna what am I gonna write about like what am I gonna do like what I have been more inspired I feel the best I've ever felt in my life and

I'm just, I have a purpose in life other than Ray Lynn. And I needed that. I needed that. And so I, yeah, I'm just, I tell you, I have said too, it's been so fun to watch you because I have said you are the best mom and like your life doesn't stop. Like you, I mean like you, she's,

the cutest, sweetest baby in the world. But like she was a few months old and you came to my house for dinner. You just brought your, her stuff with you. You like, I popped her up in your room, let her take a nap in there. Yeah. Like you still live your life. And because of that though, it's made her such a good baby. She's such a good kid. And she's go with the flow. And like, I've,

you know i do believe in routines and all that stuff whatever but like but i don't at the same time because i'm not gonna quit like i want daisy to be able to be you know like sometimes you're gonna be tired sometimes you're not gonna get a nap sometimes that's how life works you know what i mean and we do go all the time like i have i definitely have somebody that helps me but i only have like a nanny three days a week and i don't think i would want that more than that because

I want to juggle what it's like to be a mom and to be a working mom. Like I take Daisy with me to lunch meetings. I, you know, take her with me to dinners and she might be going to sleep a little later that day, but you know what? She is such a versatile kid and she's so great. She's not like, you know, and I, and I know that my second one's probably gonna be a hellion knock on this couch. It doesn't happen, but I'm just saying like, I think like I'm saying, like I, like I said, that we always were told that,

that when you have a child, your life's over and it's not about this. And it's not that your life's over, your life just looks different and that's okay. Like, but it doesn't,

You don't have to. And also, too, it is good for kids to see their parents do what they love. 100%. Because I almost was like, I mean, I actually went through, after I had Daisy, I was so, it was like a new, like infant land. And you remember coming to see me. I had my compression socks on. I was just like, you know, in my thing. I'm nursing. I'm just loving life. Like, I never want to go on music again. I just want to be a mom. I want to live on a farm.

and have a bunch of cars, which I still wanna do. But anyways, like I wanna have all these babies, I wanna get knocked up all the time. Like I just loved being a mom and I didn't even, I was like, am I gonna even wanna go back to music? Like-

know if I want to do this and um and Josh was like no that's what you're called to do like you you know right now you're in this moment but give it time and so but then I was thinking about that and I went on the road with Kane a couple months later and uh him and his wife and they brought out their babies and stuff and watching Daisy watch me from side stage the sweetest pictures and videos Josh is holding her she has her little headphones on for you crazy moms that well

But she had her little headphones on so her ears were protected. And she's watching me and I'm like, this is like, this is going to instill in Daisy that, you know, you can literally have a family and you can do what you love. And she's seeing that. And you can be a strong woman. And you can be a strong woman and still be, and still be a mother and still like,

want this for your life and I am and I know that that's gonna really empower her when she gets older and if she decides to be a stay-at-home mom I think stay-at-home moms rule the world Julie rules the world literally I mean like being a mom is a full-time job in itself yeah but you know this whole like it's okay you have to choose one you don't have to choose one yeah is it work absolutely it's work but it's not anything that you can't get no that is amazing Daisy's epic

I love you. I love you. I really do because that's, and too, I feel like there's such a misconception of like, well, it's you and I've always talked about it. A ditzy blonde, whatever. Yeah. But it's, there's so much depth to you that it's, I've always loved it. And now with this new record that I'm writing, like I was really thinking like, what do I want this like project to be about? Like, what do I want my music to be about these days? And yeah,

I really felt like when I was praying, because I always go back to God, even though, listen, I can be ratchet and I can pop off, do it all the time. I'm not. You like Jesus, but you love to cuss a little? Very much so. I'm surprised that I haven't said the F word. Thank you, Jesus. Like, look at me. I'm so much a Christian. But no, I...

I like was at like trying to figure out what do I want to write about? What do I want to do? And, you know, we were talking about our fan bases, you know, they've grown up with you, right? I saw you on television. Now you're this beautiful woman and you own multiple businesses and you've made a name for yourself and you're so confident and so beautiful. And okay. My, my fans have, they're 29, 28, 27, 30, early thirties. They've watched me since I was on the voice. They probably, um,

are married, they probably have children. Like they're like, who is the artist that is speaking to them? Like where is their music? - Yeah. - And that's kind of the mindset I've been in. I'm not saying I'm not gonna have a heartbreak song or I'm not gonna have a song about having a good time 'cause that's, you know, that's me too. - That's you. - And I can pull from those emotions, right? Or those feelings, but I've really been digging into like, I wanna write exactly where I'm at 'cause I know my fans are here too. Like I'm gonna write about

What it's like to, you know, stay in a marriage because, you know, some days are hard, some days are great, but that doesn't mean you just leave. Right. Like what it means to stay. I'm going to talk about, you know, being a mom and like raising your kids like in this crazy world. How do you do that? Like always finding hope and in every circumstance, I'm going to write about chasing your dreams and all this. Like I'm always going to like find.

focus on those things. And my whole goal with this new phase of life is to make it cool to be like, not even cool to be married and happy and like, but talk about the realness of that. And because I feel like not a lot of people talk about it. And that's really what I feel like my mission in this next phase of life is to be like, Hey,

I'm not perfect. I'm far from it. I've made mistakes. I've opened my mouth when I shouldn't have. I've done things that, you know, like I wish I could take back and in my life, but also like I'm human and I've also done some really awesome things. And I've, and I've done things when they were probably not cool. They were like not cool at the time. Like I look at my life now and I'm reaping all the blessings of doing things at the moment when I was like,

told not to. And I see my life now and I always trust that. And so I've been really like excited about this new journey because I know that it's just going to be a really cool one. I'm so excited. I really am because also all these country songs are about, oh, being single and partying and heartbreak. And I need those songs. Hey, trust me. I

I need that. Like I need it. But there's also fans out there that, you know, have a baby nursing on their boobie and they're watching Netflix and,

and they're exhausted and there's crap happening in the world and they're like where's my kid going to fit into this and you know or how do I stay in a marriage when it's hard nobody's talking about that stuff and there are some people that do but I relate to those songs but also too we all love a good breakup song I love a good breakup song that you can like post

Post and make a date to your ex. A, B, C, D, E. You suck. Everybody hates you. Like, oh, I love songs like that. I am obsessed with all that stuff. But I also think it's important, though, to...

you know, right about the season you're in. And this is like the season I'm in. And I'm like, I'm going to make being married and have kids cool. Like I'm gonna be the cool mom. I'm like, I'm not a regular mom. I'm a cool mom. You're a cool mom. Oh my God. Well, I love you so much. I love you more. And thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. This is going to be so good. And we did not plan for this. We didn't plan for it. We just have...

You know, we said the same thing about two or three times. So we did. We only had two times. So that only been like two shots. But that had gotten us. Dad, I love you. I love you. You're awesome.


See you next Tuesday.

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