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Why is horror so fun?

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Marc Andersen
Matthias Clasen
Matthias Clasen:对恐怖的热爱与进化论相悖,因为害怕本应让人远离危险,但人们却主动寻求恐怖体验。他从自身经历出发,描述了青少年时期对恐怖作品的迷恋,以及这种迷恋带来的困惑和矛盾感。这种对恐怖的主动寻求,与进化论中“趋利避害”的本能相冲突,引发了对人类心理机制的深入思考。 Marc Andersen:人们被负面体验吸引的现象是一个悖论,值得研究。他与Matthias Clasen合作,从科学的角度探索“娱乐性恐惧”这一现象,试图解释人们为何会被那些本应令人不快的事物所吸引。他强调了跨学科研究的重要性,以及科学方法在解释这一复杂现象中的作用。两人合作研究“娱乐性恐惧”,结合各自的文学和科学背景,优势互补。他们认为,对“娱乐性恐惧”的研究,不仅能揭示人类心理的奥秘,还能为焦虑症等心理疾病的治疗提供新的思路。 Marc Andersen:研究表明,适度的恐惧能带来乐趣,这种关系呈倒U型曲线,过量或不足的恐惧都无法带来最佳体验。他参与设计了在闹鬼屋进行的研究,通过生理指标和问卷调查,证实了适度恐惧与乐趣之间的关联性。他还提出了“娱乐性恐惧”的潜在目的:通过游戏学习如何应对恐惧,从而更好地掌控自己的身体反应。大脑倾向于抑制可预测的输入,重复的体验会降低其强度。娱乐性恐惧可以帮助人们学习并更有效地应对恐惧。疫情期间恐怖电影票房大涨,这可能与人们寻求应对焦虑的方式有关。未来研究方向:通过纵向研究和随机对照组,检验娱乐性恐惧是否能降低压力,并探索其在焦虑症治疗中的应用。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do people enjoy horror?

Horror offers a controlled environment to experience fear, which can be enjoyable in moderation.

What is the Goldilocks principle of horror?

The optimal level of fear is moderate; too little or too much fear diminishes enjoyment.

How does recreational fear help us?

It allows us to learn and practice handling fear, potentially improving our ability to cope with real-life stressors.

Did horror movie consumption during the pandemic correlate with lower stress levels?

People who watched more horror movies reported feeling less psychological distress during the pandemic.

What is the hypothesis about the purpose of recreational fear?

Recreational fear might help us learn how to handle fear better by simulating and practicing fear responses.

Matthias Klassen and Mark Anderson explore the paradox of why humans are both repelled and attracted to scary things, leading them to co-direct the Recreational Fear Lab at Aarhus University.
  • Matthias Klassen's personal experience with horror and curiosity about its appeal.
  • The evolutionary paradox of running away from and towards scary things.
  • The formation of the Recreational Fear Lab to study recreational fear scientifically.

Shownotes Transcript

It makes sense that we run away from scary things. That’s a good way to stay alive. But why do some people also love scary things? Why do people gravitate toward horror?

Guests: Mathias Clasen) and Marc Andersen), co-directors of the Recreational Fear Lab at Aarhus University

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