cover of episode Single: A compelling answer to the question "What's wrong with the world?"

Single: A compelling answer to the question "What's wrong with the world?"

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Undeceptions with John Dickson

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John Dickson
John Dickson认为世界面临诸多问题,例如战争、犯罪、贫困、环境破坏等。他认为这些问题并非源于社会制度或其他外部因素,而是根植于人类内心的罪恶。他引用基督教教义,指出人类皆因罪而受损,内心存在傲慢、自私、贪婪等负面特质,即使行善也无法完全弥补。他认为,仅靠法律、教育等手段无法根治这一问题,唯有通过‘重生’,即接受基督教的救赎,才能获得新的生命,解决人类内心的根本问题,从而改善世界。他批判了那些认为可以通过自身努力获得救赎的观点,认为即使是受过良好教育、富有的人也可能犯下罪行。他强调,基督教提供了对人类问题的准确诊断和最佳解决方案,即承认自身罪恶并寻求上帝的救赎。 John Dickson 详细阐述了罪恶的四个后果:与上帝关系破裂,人际关系破裂,身体衰败,世界破败。他认为,人类的骄傲导致了这些后果,人类背离上帝,选择自主,最终导致了自身和世界的堕落。他引用圣经中的故事和教义,说明人类无法通过自身努力来解决罪恶问题,需要彻底改变内心,获得一颗新的心。他认为,基督教的教义提供了对人类问题的最准确的诊断,并提出了‘重生’作为解决问题的最佳方案。他认为,只有通过‘重生’,才能解决人类内心的根本问题,从而改善世界。他驳斥了那些认为可以通过教育、财富等外部因素来解决人类问题的观点,认为这些因素并不能解决人类内心的罪恶问题。他认为,基督教的教义是解决人类问题最有效的途径,因为它提供了对人类问题的准确诊断和最佳解决方案。

Deep Dive

The world is filled with issues like war, crime, and environmental disasters, but the root cause of these problems is not clearly understood or agreed upon by society.

Shownotes Transcript

Most of us can agree that the world is a pretty messed up place.

But what’s the problem with humanity? What’s wrong with the world? What’s causing all this crime, suffering, destruction and chaos? 

John Dickson brings you the words of his dear friend Ben Shaw, who on this special episode challenges us to see that what’s required to make meaningful change is a totally new heart, or, as Jesus taught, to be born again: to become a new person.