John Walton
John Walton: 解读旧约圣经需要从古代以色列人的视角出发,而非现代科学的视角。创世纪的创造叙事关注的是秩序的建立,而非物质的创造。古代近东文化也重视秩序,这在创世纪的七日创造结构中可见一斑。 族长叙事核心是"约",它展现了寻找秩序的历程,与创世纪1-11章中人类寻找秩序的方式形成对比。出埃及记是上帝实现其计划的下一步,旨在为以色列人带来秩序,尽管其计划是长期的。 摩西五经(Torah)并非现代意义上的成文法典,而是关于智慧的教导,旨在帮助以色列人在其社会中建立秩序,这并非一个理想化的秩序,而是符合其特定历史文化背景的秩序。征服迦南并非种族灭绝或圣战,而是为了清除阻碍上帝同以色列人建立关系的因素,为上帝的临在预备空间。 士师时期反复出现的主题是"那时以色列中没有王,各人任意而行",这与上帝所建立的秩序相违背,体现了以色列人对约的背叛。阅读士师记等旧约叙事时,应关注叙述者的意图,而非简单地效仿书中人物的行为。这些叙事旨在展现上帝如何在世界中工作及其计划的实现。 先知书并非单纯的未来预言,而是上帝的代言,他们通过谴责、教导和对未来的希望来维护上帝与以色列人之间的约。流亡并非单纯的惩罚,而是为了以色列人的洁净和净化,因为他们没有在应许之地尊荣上帝。 智慧文学(箴言、传道书、约伯记、雅歌)探讨了通往秩序的不同途径,箴言关注社会秩序,约伯记关注在苦难中如何理解上帝,传道书探讨人生意义和满足感,雅歌则以爱情诗歌的方式展现爱的力量。诗篇并非祈祷的范本,而是展现了人与上帝之间关系的各种面向,包括赞美、疑问、抱怨等,其核心在于与上帝建立关系和交通。 旧约圣经帮助我们了解新约圣经,因为它是上帝的故事,了解上帝需要了解他的故事,而旧约圣经正是上帝故事的开始。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to approach the creation stories in the Old Testament with an ancient mindset?

The creation narratives in Genesis focus on order rather than materiality, reflecting ancient Near Eastern thought. Reading them through a modern scientific lens misses their intended meaning, which emphasizes God's role in establishing divine order and sanctity.

What is the central theme of the patriarchal narratives in the Old Testament?

The patriarchal narratives revolve around the concept of covenant, which is the foundation of order. These stories are not just about the ancestors but about how God establishes a relationship with humanity through the covenant, leading to His presence and order in the world.

How does the Exodus narrative fit into the theme of order in the Old Testament?

The Exodus is a pivotal event where God brings order to His people by freeing them from Egyptian slavery. It is part of God's long-term plan to establish order through the covenant, showing His faithfulness and working out His purposes for Israel.

What is the purpose of the Torah in the Old Testament?

The Torah, often translated as 'law,' serves as a source of wisdom for bringing order to society. It is not about modern legislation but about customary law and wisdom that helps Israel maintain order in their covenant relationship with God.

How should the conquest narratives in the Old Testament be understood?

The conquest narratives are about clearing the land for God's presence, not about genocide or holy war. The term 'utterly destroy' refers to eliminating people from human use, not annihilation, as part of creating a space for God's order and presence in the land.

What is the recurring theme in the period of the Judges in the Old Testament?

The recurring theme in the Judges period is disorder, as the people fail to follow the covenant and do what is right in their own eyes. This reflects their unfaithfulness to God and the need for a return to covenantal order.

What role do the prophets play in the Old Testament?

The prophets are champions of the covenant, speaking on behalf of God to call the people back to faithfulness. They deliver messages of indictment, judgment, instruction, and hope, all centered on the covenant and God's plans for His people.

What is the significance of the exile in the Old Testament?

The exile is a punitive action by God as judgment for Israel's unfaithfulness to the covenant. It serves as a purification process, removing the people from the land to restore order and prepare for future restoration.

How should the wisdom literature in the Old Testament be read?

The wisdom literature, including books like Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, provides pathways to order. It teaches how to live wisely, think about God, and understand His plans, emphasizing that true wisdom and order come from a relationship with God.

What is the purpose of the Psalms in the Old Testament?

The Psalms are a collection of prayers and songs that reflect the relationship between humans and God. They show various responses to God, from praise to questioning, and emphasize the importance of communion and relationship over communication or results.

How does the Old Testament help us understand the New Testament?

The Old Testament provides God's story, which is essential for understanding Him. It reveals how God works in the world and establishes His covenant, setting the stage for the New Testament and Jesus' role in fulfilling God's plans.

Professor Walton emphasizes understanding ancient texts within their historical and cultural context. He explains that the creation narrative in Genesis focuses on establishing order rather than materiality, drawing parallels to ancient temple dedications.
  • The creation narrative focuses on order, not materiality.
  • Genesis 1's seven days relate to temple dedications, not the universe's chronology.
  • Creation is presented as a divinely ordered space, a temple.

Shownotes Transcript

The Old Testament is sacred not just to the Christian but also to the Jewish religion. Its 39 books cover thousands of years with an array of literary genres including poetry, history, creation myth, apocalyptic, and song. 

It can be confusing and overwhelming - but luckily, John happens to work in the same building as a leading expert on it all who gives us a quick rundown in this special Single.