Brendan Haug
John Dickson
John Dickson: 本集节目探讨了公元一世纪的纸莎草文书,特别是保罗书信的抄本P.46,以及这些文献对研究早期基督教圣经正典形成过程的重要性。节目中,John Dickson采访了密歇根大学纸莎草文书收藏馆馆长Brendan Haug,并对P.46进行了实物考察。通过对P.46的分析,节目探讨了早期基督教文献的抄写方式、文本变异以及正典形成的复杂过程。John Dickson还介绍了新约圣经的多个抄本,以及通过比较这些抄本,可以确定文本的变异情况,从而还原原始文本。节目最后,John Dickson总结了本集节目的核心观点,即对P.46的研究是理解基督教的基础,误解这一基础会导致对基督教的误解。 Brendan Haug: Brendan Haug作为密歇根大学纸莎草文书收藏馆馆长,主要介绍了密歇根大学纸莎草文书收藏的规模、内容和历史,以及P.46的收藏经过。他详细解释了纸莎草文书的制作过程,以及如何通过笔迹判断文书的年代。他还介绍了早期基督教文献的抄写方式,以及抄写员的工作特点。此外,他还谈到了文物市场上文献分散的问题,以及这对于文献完整性保存的不利影响。

Deep Dive

The episode introduces the concept of ancient papyri, specifically P46, which contains the letters of the Apostle Paul. These documents provide a window into ancient life and help understand how parts of the Bible were copied and preserved.

Shownotes Transcript

Thousands of scraps of paper that have been buried in the sands of Egypt for over two millennia are now stored in museums and universities all around the world.

These little scraps - often no bigger than your mobile phone - provide a powerful window into ancient life - its troubles, its personalities and its ethics.

One of the most important of these pieces of paper - or papyrus - is 86 pages of the letters of the Apostle Paul, the author of much of the New Testament of the Christian Bible.

These 86 pages are known as P.46, and they are among the most precious artefacts of ancient history.

In our first episode, we got to play with them.

We speak with Dr Brendan Haug, from the University of Michigan's Papyrology department, and the home of some of the letters of Paul known as P46.

One of the biggest myths about the Bible is that it's been changed throughout history, like a kind of Chinese whispers. What we see in our Bibles today is nothing like the original.

Artefacts like P46 give great insight into how parts of the Bible were copied. With P46 being dated somewhere around the third century, we can also compare it to other later copies - and our Bibles today - to see what exactly *is *different. "Here's the cool thing about New Testament studies: we have so many copies! We've just been talking about P.46 in this episode, the earliest. But we have hundreds of manuscripts, fragments and huge portions from different periods of Roman history and different parts of the empire, and we can line them up all together and work out where the variations have taken place." -- John Dickson, episode 1 Find photos related to this episode at

**Links related to this episode: **

  • Read more) about P46 from UM's collection.
  • Find out more about Hilarion's letter to Alis), that John mentions in his introduction.
  • Discover) the extent of the University of Michigan's Papyrology Collection, a world-renowned collection of ancient texts dating from about 1000 BCE to 1000 CE.
  • Check out "the maserati" of biblical copies - the Codex Sinaiticus).

Get to know our guest

Dr Brendan Haug is the archivist at the University of Michigan's Papyrology Collection and Assistant Professor in the Department of Classical Studies. He is particularly interested in papyrology and the history of Graeco-Roman Egypt, Egyptology and Egypt in the European colonial period.

About the University of Michigan's Papyrology Collection

The Papyrology Collection at UM houses an estimated 18,000 pieces of papyrus. Just this year, the collection was valued) at approximately $100 million. It's the largest collection of papyri in North America and the 5th largest in the world.

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