John Dixon
Luke Barnes
John Dixon: 本期节目探讨了圣诞节的起源和一些普遍存在的误解。许多人认为圣诞节的传统说法并非历史事实,例如耶稣的出生日期、地点以及伯利恒之星等。节目中,John Dixon 结合历史文献和考古发现,对这些说法进行了详细的考证,并指出许多传统说法是后世逐渐演变而来的,并非耶稣诞生时的真实情况。他强调,理解圣诞节的历史背景,有助于我们更深刻地理解其精神内涵。 Luke Barnes: 从天文学角度分析了伯利恒之星的可能性。他指出,历史上关于伯利恒之星的记载仅出现在马太福音中,因此许多历史学家将其视为后世添加的成分。然而,Luke Barnes 结合天文学知识,探讨了三种可能的解释:木星和土星的会合、超新星或新星以及彗星。他指出,每种解释都存在一定的局限性,目前尚无法确定伯利恒之星的真实身份。

Deep Dive

The debate over whether Jesus was truly born in Bethlehem, as depicted in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, explores the historical accuracy and the motivations behind the Gospel writers' accounts.

Shownotes Transcript

Jesus was born in a manger, right? But what does that mean exactly? And how about that inn? Or the star hovering over the stable? How does history address our most cherished images of the birth of the King of Kings? And what did The Life Of Brian get right? Join John as he undeceives us about everything that can and can't be said about the birth of Jesus.

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