理查德·道金斯认为新约圣经是由数百位匿名作者、编辑和抄写员在九个世纪里拼凑、修改、翻译、歪曲和改进而成的混乱汇编。 克里斯·福布斯博士指出,君士坦丁大帝决定新约圣经内容的说法是历史虚构,尼西亚会议并未讨论圣经书籍内容。他认为,关于君士坦丁大帝及其主教强加圣经和教条的阴谋论是无稽之谈。 迈克尔·伯德博士详细阐述了新约圣经的形成过程,指出福音书和保罗书信在被写成后就立即被公开朗读并被视为权威。他引用了殉道者游斯丁、爱任纽等人的著作,以及穆拉托里正典和反马吉安序言等文献,证明了早期教会对福音书和保罗书信权威性地位的认可。他还解释了其他书信的收录过程,以及一些未被收录的著作(如《牧羊人》、《教导》和《巴拿巴书信》)在早期教会中的地位和影响。 约翰·迪克森总结了新约圣经的形成过程,强调这是一个基于共识的历史过程,而非政治阴谋。他指出,早期基督徒成功地收集了反映耶稣及其使徒信息的第一手资料,并通过共识确定了新约圣经的27卷书。他认为,新约圣经的形成过程是基于对使徒权威的追求,以及对耶稣教导的传承。 虚构角色朗读的观点是圣经是人类创造的历史记录,而非神创造的,并经历了无数次的翻译、增补和修订。 耶柔米认为公元二世纪中后期,四福音书在教会中被普遍阅读。

Deep Dive

The New Testament's compilation is often misunderstood, with some viewing it as a chaotic and politically motivated process. This chapter sets the stage by questioning how the Bible actually came together and who influenced its formation.

Shownotes Transcript

How did the New Testament actually come together? Some have argued that is a “chaotically cobbled-together anthology of disjointed documents” that has been revised and ‘improved’ over centuries.

Others have argued it is a deeply political document, created to quell rebellions and placate a growing and agitated movement. 

Millions of people put their trust in the New Testament. It’s time to get to the bottom of how it was created. 

This episode of Undeceptions is brought to you by Zondervan Academic, publishers of 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity) by John Lennox. 


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Undeceptions is part of the Eternity Podcast Network), an audio collection showcasing the seriously good news of faith today.