cover of episode Beyond Business: How Prioritizing Health and Relationships Elevates Leadership and Growth Featuring Chris Gannon

Beyond Business: How Prioritizing Health and Relationships Elevates Leadership and Growth Featuring Chris Gannon

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Chris Gannon
Chris Gannon:保持健康不仅是为了个人,更是为了更好地陪伴家人和领导团队。我将健康与职业目标紧密联系,认为只有身心健康才能在事业上取得更大的成就。我通过冷水浴等方式保持健康,并坚持不懈,即使在困难时期也努力保持健康习惯。我将此视为一种投资,投资于我的未来和我的事业。 Chris Gannon:在高度竞争的商业环境中,建立真正的人际关系而非单纯的交易关系至关重要。我重视与合作伙伴建立长期的、互相信任的关系,这使得商业决策更加容易。我期望我的团队成员也能以同样的方式对待客户,避免短视行为,着眼于长远发展。我坚信,只有建立在相互信任和理解基础上的合作关系才能带来持续的成功。 Chris Gannon:领导者应以身作则,注重自身身心健康,才能更好地领导团队并为员工创造价值。我将领导力定义为照顾好自己,从而更好地照顾他人。只有当领导者以最佳状态示人,才能激励团队成员,并为企业创造更长远的发展。 Chris Gannon:在商业合作中,应注重关系的持续发展,而非仅仅关注交易本身。我建议将商业关系视为一个不断发展的过程,从潜在客户到合作伙伴,再到朋友,不断提升关系的层次,才能获得更长久和更深度的合作。 Poya:作为访谈者,Poya主要引导Chris Gannon阐述其观点,并就相关话题进行深入探讨。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Chris Gannon start prioritizing his health?

He wanted to be able to enjoy activities with his daughter when she grows up and realized he was not taking care of himself physically or mentally.

What is Captivate Talent's specialty?

Captivate Talent specializes in placing GTM (go-to-market) executives and contributors at high-growth B2B tech companies, including customer success and RevOps roles.

How does Chris Gannon stay consistent with his health goals?

He focuses on having a North Star, such as his daughter and business, and makes incremental changes like working out while traveling to maintain consistency.

What does Chris Gannon look for in business development partnerships?

He values relationships where partners prioritize solving problems and helping customers over simply closing deals or making money.

How does Chris Gannon differentiate Captivate Talent in a highly commoditized industry?

He emphasizes building genuine relationships with clients and ensuring that his team prioritizes long-term success over short-term gains.

What advice would the older Chris Gannon give his younger self?

He would advise his younger self to prioritize self-care, both physically and mentally, to show up as the best leader possible for his team and business.

What is Chris Gannon's approach to advancing relationships in business?

He believes in progressively building relationships, starting from leads to prospects, clients, partners, champions, and ultimately friends, rather than viewing them as transactions.

Chris Gannon's health journey began with a back injury that made him realize the importance of prioritizing his well-being for both personal and professional success. He discusses the impact of this journey on his leadership abilities and how consistency is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He emphasizes the importance of a 'North Star' goal to stay motivated.
  • Back injury prompted focus on health
  • Improved physical and mental health positively impacted leadership and business performance
  • Consistency is key, aided by a North Star goal and mindful choices

Shownotes Transcript

Chris Gannon is the Founder of Captivate Talent), a recruiting firm specializing in hiring top-tier go to market talent. In this episode, Chris dives into the importance of culture, importance of healthy decisions and the value of bringing authenticity to business. Genuine, insightful, and refreshingly no-nonsense, Chris is a leader who truly walks the talk.

This episode is brought to you with support from Oracle Netsuite. Learn more at that is NetSuite dot com slash SCALE

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