Alan Cross
Alan Cross: 本节目探讨了音乐行业中一些经纪人利用艺术家对他们的信任,进行诈骗和财务欺诈等不法行为。节目中讲述了三位经纪人的故事:汤姆上校,他通过各种手段剥削埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的收入和艺术自由;托尼·德弗里斯,他虽然帮助大卫·鲍伊成为巨星,但也让他深陷财务困境;弗兰克·韦伯,他作为比利·乔尔的经纪人严重渎职,挪用公款,最终被比利·乔尔起诉并败诉。这三个案例都说明了在选择经纪人时,艺术家需要谨慎,并确保建立在相互信任和透明的基础上,以保护自身的权益。 Alan Cross: 节目中还提到了其他一些不诚实的经纪人,例如艾伦·克莱因(The Beatles),基特·兰伯特和克里斯·斯坦普(The Who),阿尔伯特·格罗斯曼(Bob Dylan),以及一些不诚实的会计师和财务管理人员。这些案例都提醒我们,音乐行业中存在着各种风险,艺术家需要提高警惕,保护自身的利益。

Deep Dive

Managers handle various aspects of an artist's career, including booking gigs, devising career strategies, and managing finances. They are incentivized by the artist's success, typically earning a 15% commission.

Shownotes Transcript

If you’re an artist and things are working out well, there will come a time when you need a manager…you need someone to take care of the business end of things while you focus on the music…that’s when you need a manager…

A manager does everything from booking gigs to devising career strategies… which includes promotion and marketing, networking, and conducting any negotiations on your behalf…and the manager is in charge of financial management…hold that thought…

A manager is incentivized by your success…the usual fee is 15% of whatever you make…obviously, the more you make, the more the manager makes and everyone is happy, right?...

The entire relationship is based on trust…you, as the artist, must believe that your manager always has your best interests in mind…and you must believe that your manager will never take advantage of you or rip you off…again, you trust your manager with your money…

In the vast majority of artist-manager relationships, things are professional and legal…the best managers will take a bullet for their clients…some are even legendary for their skills, dedication, and loyalty to their artists…

That includes Peter Grant, who did whatever he needed to do to protect Led Zeppelin and to extract maximum profit from record deals and concert tours…

It includes Paul McGuinness, a veteran who took a very young U2 under his wing in 1978 and built them into the biggest band in the world…

And then there’s Peter Mensch and Cliff Bernstein who have looked after Metallica, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, the Chili Peppers, Muse, Def Leppard, Snow Patrol, and Cage the Elephant, among others…

But it’s not always sunshine, chocolate, and unicorns…there are bad managers, too…and I’m not talking about general incompetence…I’m talking about people who steal, embezzle, and extort from the very people they’re supposed to protect and nurture…

This is “Uncharted: Crime and Mayhem in the Music Industry,” episode 18…these are three of the worst, most unscrupulous, and most dishonest managers in rock…have I got some stories for you.

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