Crypto assets and blockchain technology are about to transform every trust-based interaction of our
Alex Gladstein, chief strategy officer at the Human Rights Foundation, reads his essay, A World With
Linda Xie, cofounder at Scalar Capital, reads her essay on how the crypto community can successfully
Jonathan Levin, co-founder and CSO of Chainalysis, and Kim Grauer, head of research, discuss the com
Brendan Eich, CEO and president of Brave, discusses his history in tech prior to crypto, including w
Catherine Coley, the CEO of Binance US, talks about her background as a foreign exchange trader, how
Alex Pack, founding partner of Dragonfly Capital, and Haseeb Qureshi, Dragonfly managing partner, ta
In this Best of 2019 episode, I selected the clips that seemed most representative of what crypto wa
This fall, I had an idea to do a crypto show for my normie friends, and figured I’d release it over
Priscilla Moriuchi, director of strategic threat development at Recorded Future and non-resident fel
In light of the questions around whether or not Virgil Griffith's talk at a blockchain conference in
Kain Warwick, founder of Synthetix, talks about synthetic asset issuance platform, which enables peo
Carylyne Chan, chief strategy officer at CoinMarketCap, and Gerald Chee, head of research, discuss t
Martin Chorzempa, research fellow the Peterson Institute, and Dovey Wan, founding partner at Primiti
Former CFTC chairman Christopher Giancarlo talks about how his experience of the financial crisis pi
Christian Catalini, co-creator of Libra and chief economist at Calibra, explains why Facebook made t
Hunter Horsley, cofounder and CEO of Bitwise Asset Management, and Matt Hougan, global head of resea
Congressman Patrick McHenry, or 'Mr. Fintech' to his peers in the House, is announcing the reintrodu
Mariano Conti, the head of smart contracts for MakerDAO and creator of SelloutDAO, and Peter Pan, th
David Andolfatto, senior vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, gives his thoughts
Emily Parker, cofounder of Longhash, describes what the company, which has an Asia-focused incubator