cover of episode Ep 986 | Kamala’s Ugly Response to Jesus, Phil Stops By & Does Jesus Care How We Vote?

Ep 986 | Kamala’s Ugly Response to Jesus, Phil Stops By & Does Jesus Care How We Vote?

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Unashamed with the Robertson Family

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Jersey Joe Conjimi
Jase: 本期节目围绕耶稣基督信仰与生活、政治参与和社会责任展开讨论,分享了个人在信仰道路上的经历和感悟,并探讨了基督教信仰在面对社会现实问题时的态度和行动。节目中穿插了对政治人物言行的评论,以及对投票和参与政治的看法。 Jase 结合自身宝藏狩猎的经历,阐述了属灵成长过程的艰辛和喜乐,以及属灵财富的分享和运用。他认为,属灵的财富不是用来囤积的,而是用来分享和祝福他人的。同时,他也分享了在自然界中感受到的神的创造和荣耀,以及对受造物本身并非邪恶,邪恶是神的缺失的理解。 Jase 还谈到了对政治人物言行的看法,以及对投票和参与政治的看法。他认为,基督徒应该在全球范围内服侍神,无论政治局势如何变化,都要坚持自己的信仰和价值观。 Jase 认为,神知道我们真正需要什么,即使我们想要的结果没有发生,也要相信神的计划。他鼓励大家在投票时要以神的国度为念,并根据神的引导做出选择。 Jase 还谈到了基督徒既要顺服政府,也要抵制不符合基督教原则的行为。他认为,基督徒应该在政治生活中扮演积极的角色,但不能盲目跟随任何政党。 Jersey Joe Conjimi: 分享了个人在信仰道路上的经历和感悟,强调亲身经历的重要性,并表达了对信仰的坚定和喜乐。 Zach: Zach 在节目中分享了关于属灵财富和社会责任的观点。他认为属灵的财富不是用来囤积的,而是用来分享的,并以自身经历为例,说明了在灾难中人们的帮助体现了属灵的财富。他还强调,只有被圣灵改变的心灵才能辨别属灵的财富。 Phil: Phil 在节目中做了简短的客串,分享了自身经历,并鼓励大家去投票,以神的国度为念。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jesus grow in wisdom and stature?

Jesus grew in wisdom and stature to experience the human growth process, allowing him to connect with humanity and understand their struggles.

What is the significance of Jesus being the image of the invisible God?

Jesus being the image of the invisible God means he is the visible representation of God, making God's nature and character accessible to humanity.

How does the creation reveal God?

The creation reveals God by showcasing His divine qualities and glory, as it is made by Him and reflects His nature.

Why is it important to share spiritual treasures with others?

Sharing spiritual treasures is important because they were never meant to be hoarded but to be distributed and shared, reflecting the nature of God's gifts.

What is the relationship between the kingdom of God and politics?

The kingdom of God influences politics by guiding believers to vote and support policies that align with Christian values and the Imago Dei, ensuring justice and care for all.

How does Jesus' incarnation affect His ability to sympathize with human struggles?

Jesus' incarnation allows Him to sympathize with human struggles as He experienced the same human growth process, temptations, and limitations, making Him relatable and empathetic.

What is the significance of Jesus being the firstborn over all creation?

Jesus being the firstborn over all creation signifies His preeminence and authority, as all things were created by Him and for Him, highlighting His divine role in the universe.

How does the Holy Spirit transform believers?

The Holy Spirit transforms believers by gradually changing them into the image of Christ, moving them from one degree of glory to another, enabling them to see and experience God more fully.

Why is it important to view political leaders through a kingdom lens?

Viewing political leaders through a kingdom lens helps believers evaluate their policies and actions based on Christian values, ensuring alignment with the kingdom of God's principles.

What is the role of suffering in the life of a believer?

Suffering allows believers to humbly sacrifice and resist un-Christlike behaviors, aligning with Jesus' example of enduring hardship without resorting to violence or revolt.

The discussion explores Jesus' perspective on economic policy and bipartisanship, emphasizing the importance of caring for the poor and the role of government in society.
  • Jesus' teachings on caring for the poor and the role of government.
  • The difference between spiritual and physical treasures.
  • The impact of natural disasters on communities and the response from fellow believers.

Shownotes Transcript

Jase responds to Kamala’s despicable reaction to Jesus’ name and is proud of JD Vance’s openly faithful statement that Christ is king. Phil drops by for a few minutes, and the guys encourage everyone to get out and vote for their own values. Plus, what would Jesus say about economic policy, bipartisanship, and the Republican Party?

In this episode: Colossians 1; Exodus 33, verse 20; 2 Corinthians 3, verses 13-18

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