cover of episode Ep 979 | Lisa Undergoes a Second Breast Cancer Surgery & Jase Would Get a Pedicure for One Reason

Ep 979 | Lisa Undergoes a Second Breast Cancer Surgery & Jase Would Get a Pedicure for One Reason

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Unashamed with the Robertson Family

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Jason: 本期节目探讨了基督教信仰的核心内容,包括属灵成长、福音的意义、以及如何在日常生活中实践信仰。通过对歌罗西书的解读,Jason阐述了基督徒在罗马帝国统治下的处境,以及如何将信仰融入日常生活。他还强调了真假神灵的对比,以及在信仰中分辨真伪的重要性。此外,Jason还分享了在灾难面前,基督徒如何通过行动体现天国的爱和希望。 Lisa: Lisa分享了她个人信仰的转变历程,从最初将丈夫作为生命的主宰,到最终转向基督,并经历了救赎和属灵的成长。她强调了在破碎和失败中寻求上帝的帮助,以及上帝对我们的接纳和爱。 Zach: Zach在节目中也表达了他对堕胎问题的看法,认为这不仅仅是一个政治问题,更是一个关乎生命的问题。他呼吁人们关注并帮助那些面临意外怀孕的女性。 Lisa: 我分享了我个人信仰的转变历程。最初,我的信仰是建立在对罗伯逊家族的认同之上,而不是对基督的真正信靠。我将丈夫艾伦视为我生命的主宰,但这种以人为中心的信仰最终导致了失败和破碎。在经历了婚姻和生活的危机后,我转向了基督,寻求祂的拯救和帮助。在彻底的破碎和失败中,我向上帝呼求,即使我当时对上帝的存在还有疑问,但我渴望被拯救。上帝回应了我的呼求,祂没有要求我先洁净自己,而是用祂的爱和恩典洗净了我。这是一种基于极小信心的救赎,如同芥菜种般微小,但上帝接纳了我,并开始了我的属灵成长之路。 Zach: 我认为堕胎问题不仅仅是一个政治问题,更是一个关乎生命的问题。我们应该关注并帮助那些面临意外怀孕的女性,让她们能够选择生命。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Lisa undergo a second breast cancer surgery?

For follow-up reconstruction after initial surgery.

Why did Jase agree to get a pedicure with Lisa?

To support Lisa and join her in the experience.

Why did Lisa turn to Christ during a moment of desperation?

She felt rejected and sought rescue from God.

Why is the kingdom of God important in Colossians?

It emphasizes an immediate, transformative reality in Christ.

Why did Jesus choose to come during the time of the Roman Empire?

To contrast with earthly powers and establish spiritual supremacy.

Why is knowledge of God crucial in the Christian walk?

It ensures wisdom and understanding begin and end with God, not humanism.

Why is Jesus referred to as the 'prototype' in Colossians?

He showed God living in humans and humans living with God eternally.

Lisa provides an update on her recent reconstructive surgery and the recovery process, highlighting the challenges and blessings of the experience.
  • Lisa underwent reconstructive surgery and liposuction.
  • The recovery process involved dealing with scar tissue and adjusting to new body parts.
  • The experience was a testament to modern medical advancements and the power of prayer.

Shownotes Transcript

Jase refuses to believe in the merits of pedicures, even though Al sings their praises, and Lisa returns for an update on her second reconstructive surgery post-breast cancer. Jase compares the fake news of man-made gods to the good news of the gospel, and Jesus was the prototype for God becoming man as well as God living among men. Lisa relates her tale of desperation that led her to Christ and how she realized she’d made her husband the lord of her life instead of Jesus. 

In this episode: Colossians 1; Colossians 2; 1 Corinthians 8, verses 1-6

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