"UFO WARNING" explores the latest UFO sightings, disclosures, and breaking news in the world of uni
Missing people or abducted people? You decide. Is this is a paranormal cover up by the National Park
In March 1966 multiple mass sightings of UFOs gained national attention and an investigation by J. A
Lassen Cryptid UFO Abduction 1988
Join us as we examine this UFO incident from Evansville IN, in 1978.
When was China's first recorded alien abduction 1994 or 1528 you decide?
Will China contact ET First or will the noise of too many Chinese tourist block out the alien call s
While some are claiming a UFO spotted during a Charlotte, North Carolina thunderstorm is a wayward b
The Pope calls aliens space brothers. What are we dealing with? Aliens, interdimensional beings, non
August 20, 1976 the Allagash alien abduction reportedly occurred. One man has recanted while four st
The Zimbabwe September 16, 1994 mass UFO sighting at Arial School is still talked about today. 62 sc
On November 7, 2006 there was a mass UFO sighting at the Chicago O'Hare International airport. Twelv
Listen in as we detail the first modern animal mutilation case which took place on the King Ranch. J
Dulce N.M and the unexplained paranormal. Is it alien or something else? Listen in and decide for yo
Aliens, Bigfoot, or Crazy Bears. Listen in and decide for yourself.
The Kinross Airforce Base UFO incident took place on the evening of November 23, 1953 over the Soo L
The Phoenix Lights or what some call the Lights over Phoenix was a mass UFO sighting over the city o
Are alien implants real? Many alleged alien abductees believe they have had foreign devices placed w
The Melbourne, Australia mass sighting in 1966 at the Westall school involved over 350 students. The
Square clouds what are they? Listen in to learn more.
Patient 17 : the documentary about alien implants reviewed. Listen in to learn more as we examine wh