Secret Space, Black Ops, Milab, Targeted Individuals, Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional, Alien Abdu
Kosta Makreas is the founder of, the ETLetsTalk Community, ‘The People’s Disclosure
Dan Willis was one of Dr. Steven Greers top secret military witnesses at the Disclosure Event at t
ABOUT CRAIG: Multiple award-winning filmmaker and Emmy-nominated casting director Craig Campobasso
Sasha Lessin has a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Anthropology (U.C.L.A.) and a Master’s in Counseling Psychol
David S. Brody is an 8-time Amazon bestselling fiction writer and author of 17 novels. His children
Mona Sobhani, Ph.D., is a cognitive neuroscientist who holds a doctorate from the University of Sou
Ivan Teller has been channeling aliens and angels since March 2015. His psychic awakening was aroun
A longtime researcher of shamanism and spirituality, Sol Luckman is an iconoclastic psychonaut devot
The Voices of Orion Project is a community-based grassroots extraterrestrial disclosure project foc
Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote vie
MR Gorga is a former copywriter and journalist with film & TV credentials. In the latter half, h
Ryushin is an independent researcher and founder of the website where he studies
Dr. Simeon Hein is the director of the non-profit Institute for Resonance in Boulder, Colorado. The
Peter Robbins is an investigative writer, author and lecturer whose writing and research are focused
Ron Rademacher is a researcher of mysteries that prove that our ancient civilizations were much mor
Tony had his initial awakening 10 years ago mainly through boredom and being run into the ground th
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower. Her biography describes her as a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Me
Erik The Mind Control Guy claims to be a Project Mind Altering Research Study (MARS) survivor, and s
Robert Earl White is a Disclosure Advocate who at the age of 4 had a UFO Crash behind his house. His
Katie Paige is Colorado MUFON’s State Director. She is a STAR Investigator for MUFON and is the team