My name is Rainetta Jones, I was born in Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago. I came to theUnited States at the age of 14 with my family. I attended Martin Luther King Jr. HS in ManhattanNYC. I would like to note that I do not have any memories of High School Lunch Break for threeyears. I graduated at 17 years of age and attended University of Buffalo. My tenure at UB wasshort lived due to serious neurological anomalies which I later learned was “Brain ScramblingTechnologies. While at UB I wanted to pursue a degree in Micro and Molecular Biology;however, that didn’t pan out. After Buffalo, I attended Sheffield University in England as a studyabroad student. Upon returning to the US, I took time off to Invent, Model, and Dance. In 2000 Ihad a meeting with a “friend” about my two inventions, the iPod and Kindle and also a novelconceptual hosiery design. All of which were stolen. Later on I learned he had connections toSteve Jobs and was invited by him to the launch of iTunes in Cupertino California. After thatmeeting I was followed by a Russian Jew who befriended me. He invited me to go to England acouple of days after September 11th, 2001. It wasn’t until 2016, I was told that both David andYuri were Mossad agents and that they had to get me out of the US for the launch of the iPod. Ilater became a Certified Administrative Professional and worked at the United Nations andseveral other Government agencies in NYC. In 2019 I graduated from Empire State College inBusiness Administration. I have no memories of a Secret Space Program however, I do knowthat my life has been filled with extraterrestrial experiences. After graduation I created the Micro-Business Model using business concepts on a micro-scale for those who would like to start abusiness with very little money. Today I do spiritual consultations and teach online classes oncea month. 👽✔Rainetta's website is🛸👻🤷♂️Typical skeptic Podcast Tip Jar:✅👽✔ Cashapp $Kalil1121😎✔ Venmo @Robert-Kalil✅✅Follow typical skeptic podcast /@typicalskeptic✅Im on typical skeptic telegram as well✅join our discord group for free and stay in touch with what im up to✅Like, Comment, Share and subscribe, and leave a tip if you feel obliged✅Or maybe Join the Patreon for bonus content New Unreleased shows every week for less than a cup of coffee: Help me keep making videos! Hippo Kratom Use code skeptic for 15 percent off -- Living- and use code skeptic free gift for a free gift-Book a reading with Debra Moffit Intuitive readings:Use Code TSP2023 Shilajit and Monoatomic Gold from Healthy Nutrition LLC.use code: ROBAnd my affiliate link to share: Activators - my affiliate code for Gerald Clarks site and artisticvegan.comIs Typical Skeptic-Amanita Mushrooms are legal and they are said to enhance creativity, widen the color spectrum, and give who takes them a euphoric feeling, so i partnered up with Minnesota Nice Botanicals. They are a new affilate, use this Link: Not only do they have amanita mushrooms but they also have reishi and healing mushrooms as well. Use Code TYPICALSKEPTICP for 10% off every time and also i make a commission off each sale so it supports the podcast. So check out Mn Nice Botanicals Amanita Muscaria today and enchance your creative abilites!Become a supporter of this podcast: