Conversations on the cognitive functions hosted by Joyce Meng, a certified MBTI® Master Practitioner
ESFPs react to memes. STARTS 5 MINUTES IN. Here are the timestamps for each meme: 5:10 7
8 ENTPs talk type.
4 ESFJs discuss type.
4 ISTJs talk type.
A recording of the type of chats we have after the panels.
ENFPs react to INTJs thoughts on ENFPs. We have a discussion on the two types and their dynamics tog
Jeffrey and I give a deep dive into the ENTP personality type.
5 ISFPs talk about life as their type.
Michelle and I discuss the 4 most common mistypes (synotypes) of each type and why people test as IN
Curious about the types of conversations we have after recording panels? Here's an unfiltered post-g
ENTJ, ESFP, INTJ and ISFP discuss type together.
4 ISTPs have a conversation about their type together.
We discuss the differences and similarities between the ENFP and INFP personality type.
Flow State (Taylor) and I deep dive into the ESTP personality.
Spacey (INTP) and Cristian (INFP) compare and contrast their types. We also discuss the differences
4 ESFPs talk about type.
Sheila and I dive into the depths of the ISFP personality.
We compare and contrast the 5w4 INTJs with 5w4 ENFPs.
Heidi Priebe and I deep dive into the ENFP personality type.
6 INTP males discuss typology together.