Alpha Lo caught my attention when I heard him say, "All we have to do is…" and then lay out a sweeping plan for how California can effectively restore rain, prevent both wildfires and floods, and regenerate the water cycle. He explained how we could reverse the negative effects on the water cycle caused by how we've built our cities, treated our forests, and run our agriculture.
This plan clearly would take many years, and plenty of political will and resources, but he said, "All we have to do…"
I loved that, because he helped me see that it's all possible. As he described it, I could see it happening.
With a background in physics, and experience working in different permaculture farms and eco-restoration projects, Alpha is now in the water restoration field. He's been researching the connection of climate, water and ecology, and publishes the Climate Water Project newsletter and podcast. He co-founded a network of water land managers, watershed restorers, and people interested in understanding the connection of water, climate and ecology. He is the co-author and editor of the "Open Collaboration Encyclopedia," and has utilized those collaborative skillsets in emerging a water network.
Alpha has opened my eyes to how crucial the way we handle water is to addressing our ecological and climate emergencies. It's at least as important as carbon - but, as he explains in this conversation, water is getting less attention because the science on water hasn't been made as clear to the public as the science on carbon. So, I hope that after you listen you'll join us in spreading the word, and bringing water into your conversations about climate.
In this conversation, you'll hear about:
This episode is rich with information and I'm excited to hear what sparks your curiosity, your hands-on actions, your conversations.
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Thanks for being here, and for all the ways you play your part in the Great Turning.
Show notes:
Music by East Forest