cover of episode True Spies: Debriefs - Jack Barsky on a career after the KGB

True Spies: Debriefs - Jack Barsky on a career after the KGB

logo of podcast True Spies: Espionage | Investigation | Crime | Murder | Detective | Politics

True Spies: Espionage | Investigation | Crime | Murder | Detective | Politics

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jack Barsky
Jack Barsky: 我是公开领域内记录最长的‘非法’间谍,这归功于能力和运气。我经历了多个职业,从大学助理教授到自行车信使,再到程序员、经理、高管、公众演说家和作家。我认为人生需要勇于尝试新的事物,并在合适的时候做出改变。我没有哪个身份最能代表自己,我享受思考和创造的过程。我最初是德国共产主义者,但随着对美国资本主义的了解和柏林墙的倒塌,我逐渐抛弃了共产主义思想,并逐步成为美国人。911事件让我在情感上成为了美国人,而学习美国宪法则让我在智力上成为了美国人。如今,我已经完全融入了美国社会,并对自己的身份感到舒适和自信。 Morgan Childs: Barsky先生的经历非常独特,他从间谍生涯过渡到多个不同的职业,并最终从事‘应用间谍心理学’的教学和培训。他分享了自己在间谍生涯中获得的技能,例如快速决策、读懂人心以及处理复杂局面,并将其应用于日常生活中。他希望通过教学和培训,留下自己的社会遗产,并帮助他人。他认为自己人生中最重要的教训是‘爱能征服一切’。

Deep Dive

Jack Barsky discusses his experiences as a KGB agent and how he became the most senior surviving illegal, emphasizing the role of luck and his discovery by the FBI.

Shownotes Transcript

In this True Spies: Debrief, ex-KGB agent Jack Barsky reveals the lessons his espionage career taught him, which have proved fundamental to his later life. Plus, hear details of life beyond the Iron Curtain, in East Germany, and how Jack came to love being an American

From SPYSCAPE, the HQ of secrets. A Cup And Nuzzle production. Series producer: Joe Foley. Produced by Morgan Childs.

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